- Cow Creek Reservoir1
- Cream Puff1
- Devil's Tower National Monument, 21 miles northwest of Sundance, on north side of base of tower1
- Eagge's Run near Belle Fourche River.1
- Evanston1
- Firehole Canyon.1
- Five Fingers Valley, Big Horn Mts.1
- French Creek1
- Friend Creek, NW base of Laramie Peak, 19 miles SSW. Esterbrook1
- Genesee Falls [Coordinates are for Town Hall.]1
- Goshen1
- Grand Teton National Forest across from Snake River campground; 12 miles north of Colter Bay; level topography1
- Grand Teton National Park, Summit Divide, Indian Paintbrush Trail1
- Gros Ventre Slide1
- Guyandotte River.1
- Hoback Forest Camp, Hoback Canyon1
- Hobock Canyon, Red River1
- Hot Springs1
- In Horse Creek drainage, Laramie Mountains, 10 miles ENE. of Laramie.1
- In an east-facing side draw off Spottedtail Gulch, about 1.00 miles north of where Forest Service road 802.2A reaches the top of Washington Gulch. A 4WD road goes down Spottedtail Gulch. Collected 0.40 mile up side draw, in the northern-most branch, which1