- Medicine Bow Mountains, Snowy Range, 12 miles east of Centennial1
- Medicine Bow Mountains, south bank of Little Brooklyn Lake1
- Medicine Bow Nat. Forest, near Brooklyn Lodge1
- Medicine Bow National Forest, Sucker Lake Reservoir. At SW end of reservoir.1
- Medicine Bow National Forest, Sucker Lakes Reservoir.1
- Merle Creek on Sheep Mountain Road, North Fork of Crazy Woman Creek, along creek.1
- N slope of Casper Mt, S. Casper.1
- N. Fork Clear Creek, Big Horn Mts.1
- NE of Fiddlers Lake, Wind River Range, 24 miles NW Landers.1
- NE. shore of Fiddlers Lake, Wind River Range, 24 miles SW.1
- Near Aladdin.1
- Near Camp Davis1
- Near Centennial; Medicine Bow National Forest.1
- Near State Route 28, 18.4 miles SW of Lander1
- Nelson's Ranch, Medicine Bow National Forest1
- North Fork Powder River.1
- North side of Warren Peak (6 miles northwest of Sundance). Below fire lookout tower1
- Northern Absarokas, Hoodoo Basin Trail, 5-6 air mi NW of Stinkingwater Peak.1
- Northern Absarokas, Windy Mountain, ca 5.5 air mi NW of Sunlight Ranger Station, ca 32 air mi NW of Cody.1
- Northern Absarokas, across from canyon creek on rim of Clarks Fork Canyon off Wyo Hwy 296, ca 32.5 air mi NW of Cody.1