- Near Albuquerque1
- Near Santa Fe1
- New York1
- Niles1
- Niles,1
- Oakfield Twp., Flat Iron Lake, ca. 9 miles east of Rockford. Northeast margin of lake at Calvin College dock.1
- Ohio1
- Oktibbeha1
- Oscoda1
- Otter Lake1
- Plainfield Twp. at Junction of M114 & M1311
- Proud Lake1
- Pte. Mouillee State Game Area1
- R1E, T5S, S5, ne1/4 of se1/4 Woodstock Twp.; thicket on n. shore of Little Goose L.1
- R1W, T5S, section 7, North slope of pit. About 80 km SW of Ann Arbor.1
- RR, near Chicago1
- Rochester1
- Roscommon1
- Ross Township, R9W, T1S, Section 8. Specimen was collected on the perimeter of Wintergreen Lake.1
- S. of Bronson,1