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- "ARC" cabin, Igloo Creek1
- (Pinaleno) Mountains near Swift Trail, Coronado National Forest, 10 miles south-southwest of Safford, Heliograph Lookout1
- Adirondack Region, Canada Lake1
- Airport Rd. near Ophir Creek bridge, Yakutat1
- Airport Rd., west of Ophir Creek, Yakutat1
- Aleutian Islands, at Massacre Bay, Attu Island1
- Aleutians West6
- Alger1
- Allegan2
- Along the Sikanni River (near mile 116) above Fort St. John, on cliffs and bluffs on south side of River1
- Alpena1
- Altona Flatrock1
- Amnicon Falls State Park, 4.5 miles east-northeast of South Range, 6.5 miles southeast of Superior1
- Amnicon Falls State Park, adjacent to Amnicon River, 4.5 miles east-northeast of South Range, 6.5 miles southeast of Superior1
- Ann Arbor, near1
- Arizona3
- At the Boy Scout Camp in Gallinas Canyon about 12 mi. NW Las Vegas1
- Attu Island, Aleutian Islands1
- Avery1
- Baffin Island, Pangnirtung1