- Austin Twp. Sec. 34 SW 1/4, T14N, R9W 6 Mi rd at 50th Ave, about 300 feet north, east side at drainage culvert.1
- Bank of Platte River, just above Indian Hill bridge.1
- Beaver Island, east shore between Pt. La Par and Martin Point.1
- Benzie1
- Bermuda1
- Bois Blanc Island1
- Brighton1
- Briley Twp. T30N, R2E, Sec.12, SW1/41
- British Columbia1
- Charlevoix1
- City of Menominee1
- City of Menominee, Sugar Beet Island1
- Crawford1
- Douglas Lake, at Sedge Point.1
- Edwin S. George Reserve; 3 mi. west Pinckney. Grid Q-6.1
- Genesee1
- Green Twp. Sec. 10 SW 1/4, T16N, R10W Paris Park, boat launch area south of hatchery outlet1
- Hayes State Park, SE shore of Wamplers Lake.1
- Henderson Twp. T21N, R11W, Sec. 28 SW1/4; in Ravine Campground ca. 3 mi. south of M-55 8 miles E. of Manistee Co. Line.1
- Hespeler.1