- Albany1
- Alberni, Vancouver Island1
- Albert County. Dickson Falls, Fundy National Park1
- Albert County. Kinnie Brook Trail, Fundy National Park1
- Aleutian Islands, Attu Island, Vincinity of Massacre Bay, Peaceful Valley1
- Aleutian Islands, Attu Island, east shore of Massacre Bay1
- Aleutian Islands, north of Massacre Bay, Attu Island1
- Algonquin Park1
- Algonquin Peak, Adirondack Region1
- Allegan1
- Along Hoh River, West Olympics1
- Along river near coast1
- Along road near Tacoma Water Supply Station, on road to Lester1
- Along road to Roan Mt. above Roan Mt. Station.1
- Along route 15B above Skykomish River, 2 miles SE of Monroe1
- Alpine Brook Trail, NE slope of Longs Peak Ranger Station, Rocky Mountain National Park1
- Aman Park, Sand Creek1
- Amesbury1
- Ammonoosuc Trail, Mt. Washington1
- Amonoosuc Ravine, Mt. Washington1