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- Jennings Environ Ed Center, Jennings Prairie, woods bordering southwestern edge of Jennings Prairie, Brady Township.1
- Jennings Environ. Ed Center, Jenning's Prairie. 175 degrees & 1 mile from intersection of PA Rt 8 with Slippery Rock-Brady township line, Brady Township.1
- Moraine State Park, Jennings Environ Ed Center. Just east of trail & southeast of bridge over spring brook. Brady Township.1
- Moraine State Park, Jennings Environ Ed Center. Southeasternmost edge of Jennings Prairie, 167 degrees & 1.05 miles from intersection of Pa Rt 8 with Slippery Rock-Brady township line. Brady Township.1
- Near state line near Indian Creek1
- Nebraska1
- Neelyville1
- Overlooking Roundabout Swamp, at end of Biggerstaff Road, off hwy. 1153, southwestern corner of county.1
- Roadside, edge of Hueston's Woods near Oxford1
- Slippery Rock1
- near Potwin1