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- Near Sutherlin.1
- Open bog; between Amnicon Lake and Co. Hwy. A., 4 miles SE. of Pattison Park.1
- Perry's Park1
- Red Ponds ACEC/RNA (Area of Critical Environmental Concern/Research Natural Area) in the Umpqua River; Bureau of Land Management property.1
- Reedsport, 20 miles eastward under rock shelf1
- Siuslaw National Forst, East Carter Lake boat ramp area, about 7.5 airline miles south of Florence, off U.S. Hwy. 1011
- South Umpqua River watershed, near Roseburg.1
- St. Croix Lake at Salon Springs1
- Superior1
- Umpqua National Forest, Toolbox Meadow, 4 km SSW of Lemolo Lake1
- W side of Clinton Reservoir, Woodridge Public Use Area.1
- Wayside circa 1 mile north junction Hwy. 35 and Co. M. T44N R14W sec 181
- Wayside south of Pettison Park on Wisconsin 35 (south of Duluth)1
- Wisconsin Point, a sand spit forming the Superior Harbor, Superior1
- along Fox Creek near Mo. 141
- along highway 2 mi. E. of Villa Rica.; Piedmont1