- Brockway Mountain Drive.1
- Ca. 3½ miles SW of Eagle Harbor.1
- Cliff MICH1
- Cliff Mine. Keweenaw Point.1
- Clifton MICH. Cliff Mine BLH.1
- Clifton.1
- Copper Harbor, along Garden Brook west of Lake Fanny Hoe.1
- Eagle Harbor Rd. at Delaware1
- Head of Grace Harbor, Isle Royale.1
- Head of Tobin Harbor, Isle Royale.1
- Hidden Lake, Tobin Harbor. Isle Royale.1
- In one of the bays of NE Siskowit Lake, Isle Royale.1
- Isle Royale Lake Superior.1
- Isle Royale National Park Mouth of Big Siskiwit River.1
- Isle Royale National Park small island in Belle Harbor.1
- Isle Royale National Park ½mi. W. 3 mile camp old R.H. trail.1
- Isle Royale National Park, near Hidden Lake.1
- Isle Royale National Park.1
- Isle Royale National Park. 1 mi NE of trail junct. With Windigo mine tr.1
- Isle Royale National Park. Horner Island, N. Shore Island.1