- Along Hwy. 391, in Grass River Provincial Park, campground area on Reed Lake1
- At north end of Moose Lake, Riding Mountain National Park1
- Cape Merry, near Village of Churchill1
- Division No. 11
- Division No. 161
- East side of Epinette Creek, beside Canadian National Railway, east of Onah1
- Elma1
- Fort Churchill1
- Fort Hall Lake1
- Fort Hall Lake, across the lake east of the camp1
- Gillam, near Kettle River1
- Goose Creek, south of Fort Churchill1
- Head of Cold Creek, near Assiniboine River, 2 miles NW of Treesbank Ferry1
- Highway 1, near Ontario boundary.1
- Horseshoe Lake1
- Interlake Region, Lake Winnipeg (N.W. Shore), sandspit on south shore of Long Point, Loc. No. 141
- Knife Lake1
- Knife Lake, 120 miles southwest of Churchill1
- Lac Borchet1
- Lake Winipeg.1