- Hillsdale1
- Hubbardston1
- Ionia1
- Isle Royale National Park, Mott IslandSW end of island, front park headquarters NE.1
- Isle Royale National Park, along trail to Feldtman Tower, two miles from CCC camp1
- Isle Royale National Park, vicinity of Washington Creek trail.1
- Isle Royale. Mt. Franklin Trail, Tobin Harbor.1
- Lapeer1
- Mackinac1
- Marquette1
- Monroe1
- N. Branch Twp.1
- Near Sturgeon River, ca. 4 mi. SE of Vanderbilt1
- Near fork of Boardman River1
- Ontonagon1
- Otsego1
- Pte. Mouillee State Game Area1
- Southeast end Goose lake1
- St. Helena Island.1
- St. Joseph1