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- 0.5 km West of Hwy. 93 between Kalispell and Somers, 5.8 km North of junction with Hwy. 208.1
- 0.5 mile east of Jack Creek Campground, Madison Range, Beaverhead National Forest, 12 miles east of Ennis1
- Absaroka Mtns. North-facing slope on the east side of Mission Creek.1
- Absaroka Mtns. North-facing slopes of Monito Peak.1
- Aeneas Lake, Echo Lake, Flathead National Forest, Rocky Mountains1
- Along Baring Creek; Glacier National Park1
- Along Cut Bank Creek at campground, Glacier NP1
- Along Flathead Lake, 2 miles SSE of Somers1
- Along Grinnell Creek, Glacier National Park1
- Along Piegan Pass Trail above St. Mary Lake, Glacier National Park1
- Along Rescue Creek, 12 miles SE of West Glacier Flathead National Forest1
- Along Route US 12, Lolo National Forest, 18 miles W. Lolo1
- Along U.S. Hwy. 12 ca 12.9 miles west of Harlowton1
- Along US 93, 34 miles NW Olney1
- Along highway Mont 1, east of Pony, 4.6 to 6.4 miles west of Harrison.1
- Along one fork of Rock Creek, about 2 miles east of Glacier Lake, about 22 miles southwest of Red Lodge.1
- Along the streams below Wolf Creek Hot Spring south of Cameron.1
- Along trail to Avalanche Lake, Glacier National Park1
- Alta1
- Appekunny Basin, Glacier National Park1