- Griffith's Mine, Charleston Mountains1
- Harris Springs Road1
- Head of Ophir Creek, e. slope of Toiyabe Range1
- Hope; from Interstate Highway 30, 2 miles north on Arkansas Highway 19.1
- Humboldt National Forest, North Snake Range, Smith Creek drainage.1
- Humboldt River Valley at Winnemucca1
- Kyle Canyon1
- Kyle Canyon Fan.1
- Lake Mead1
- Lander1
- Lapon Meadows, Wassuk Range1
- Lee Canyon, Charleston Mts.1
- Mount Rose Highway, 4 miles northeast of Incline, Lake Tahoe1
- NNW edge of Verdi, along Truckee River, near mouth of Dog Creek.1
- Near Nevada City.1
- Near Trail Canyon, White Mts.1
- Nelson1
- Northern Snake Range, Humboldt National Forest, Mt. Moriah Division, Miller Basin area, along road to about 2 miles below basin, ca 7 miles north of Hwy 50 (Sacramento Pass 7.5')1
- Ormsby1
- Ridge near peak of Charleston Mts.1