- City of Truckee-Sagehen Rsch Area, Tahoe Nat'l Forest, Truckee Ranger District. Along gated road leading through research area.1
- Clear Creek Ca̱on.1
- Deer Creek, rim above limestone cliff1
- Excelsior Canyon.1
- Flume below Emigrant Gap1
- From Nevada Co. to Mt. Shasta - notably in Butterfly Valley near Quincy.1
- Grass Valley.1
- Griffith's Mine, Charleston Mountains1
- Harris Springs Road1
- Head of Ophir Creek, e. slope of Toiyabe Range1
- Hope; from Interstate Highway 30, 2 miles north on Arkansas Highway 19.1
- Humboldt National Forest, North Snake Range, Smith Creek drainage.1
- Humboldt River Valley at Winnemucca1
- HumboldtNational Forest,east Humboldt Range, on cliffs just above Angel Lake, 13 miles southwest of Wells on Hwy 5821
- Kyle Canyon1
- Kyle Canyon Fan.1
- Kyle Canyon, Charleston Mts1
- Lake Mead1
- Lamance Creek, Santa Rosa Mts., 5 mi. W. of Paradise1
- Lander1