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- Ellice Township, Ellice Swamp, 12.9 km ENE of Stratford Post Office.1
- Ellice Township, Ellice Swamp, 4.8 km NW of Gads Hill.1
- Huron1
- Lake Superior Twp., Les Petits Ecrits islands, near the north shore of Lake Superior, 7 km SSE of Schreiber1
- Long Point, middle of Little Creek Ridges, 15 mile from base of point.1
- Muskoka1
- NW side of Expressway in Northwood area, Intercity, Thunder Bay City.1
- Nipissing1
- Norfolk1
- Open Land, ca. 14 km inland (S) from Hudson Bay coast, ca. 30 km SW of Cape Henrietta Maria, Polar Bear Prov.1
- Peterborough1
- Polar Bear Prov. Park1
- Polar Bear Prov. Park, Wabuk Point on Hudson Bay to mouth of Winisk River1
- Rainy River1
- Tehkummah Twp, Manitoulin Isl, Michael Bay, between Manitou and Blue Jay Creeks, 9 km SW of Tehkummah.1
- Temagami Twp Munic, White Bear Fen, 4 km ENE of Temagami.1
- W side of expressway in Northwood Park area, Thunder Bay City.1
- York1