- Lake of the Woods3
- Palisades Park, south of South Haven3
- Along Rogers Creek from Lake Michigan to ca. 100 yds inland, 5 miles NW of Coloma.2
- Bangor Twp., ca. 2.5 mi. SW of Bangor.2
- Ca. 5 mi. S. of South Haven; btwn Blue Star Memorial Hwy & Rt 196; T1S, R17W, sect. 28.2
- Contact UM Herbarium2
- Covert Twp., Just north of 28th Avenue and 0.013 mile west of 77th Street. SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 Sec 4.2
- Decatur Twp. Along rail road right of way ca. 1 mi. NE of Decatur.2
- Keeler Lake.2
- Lake of the Woods.2
- Lawton2
- Lawton, Bankson Lake.2
- Porter Twp. East shore of Bankson Lake.2
- SW1/4 sec. 14, Bangor Tp., ca. 2.5 mi. SW of Bangor.2
- South Haven; Black River, along2
- Trowbridge's Woods2
- W end of Johnson Lake, Hamilton Twp., ca. 6 mi. NW of Decatur.2
- [South Haven]2
- near Lawton2
- (Little Bear Lake,) South Haven,1