- Blackman Township, section 5, 5 miles northwest of Jackson. intersection of highway M50 (Clinton Road) and Rives Junction Road1
- Bloomfield1
- Borujerd1
- Brady Cove, McCargoe Cove. Isle Royale1
- Branch1
- Burujird, Province of Luristan1
- Caledonia1
- Cass1
- Cedar Bend Ann Arbor1
- Cerro Santa Maria, 8-10 km. SE of Jiquilpan and ca. 5 km. NE of Quitupan, Jal.1
- Champaign1
- Chase S. Osborn Preserve, near the southern end of Sugar Island1
- Colfax Twp. Sec. 6 NW 1/4, T15N, R9W Townline Lake1
- Daisy Farm Trail bog. [Isle Royale]1
- Deep Lake,1
- Drummond Island, s.e. corner, R 7 E, T 41 N, Sections 26-27,1
- E.S. George Reserve. Grid P-211
- East Khasi Hills1
- East of Ann Arbor1
- East side of Pequaming Peninsula1