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- "Ca. 2 mi or so NW of White Cloud."1
- "Daisy Farm", Rock Harbor, Isle Royale.1
- "Desert" 1 mi. west of Big Prairie1
- "Dixie", Punta Gorda, in swampy places1
- "El Cuarenta", al NE de Acatlán1
- "Father's garden" [Bethuel Samples?]1
- "Gleason's Prairie"2
- "Hibiscus field" sw of greenhouses, old UM Botanical Gardens, Iroquois Dr., Ann Arbor.1
- "Key Ins". Papua1
- "Meadow Beauty Bog" near Ely Lake.1
- "Monte" at Experiment Station1
- "Mud Lake" marsh.1
- "Norveg. Austr. Occ. Christiana"1
- "Ramshead Bog" on M-33.1
- "Sacha Aceituna", Malpaso de Balsa Probana, 1 km abajo de la desembocadura del Río Mishollo (margen derecha del Río Huallaga)1
- "Simmons" marsh.1
- "The Gorge" near Douglas Lake2
- "The Island," along the Huron River, Ann Arbor.1
- "The narrows". Chikopi, Ontario, Canada1
- "The type says Prof. C.F. Wheeler., Webster's Lake, Grand Rapids Township, Common"1