- "Gleason's Prairie"2
- "Green Pond" beyond Ansley's property, on road going north from US 90 just east of L. & N. railroad1
- "Growing in my fern bed, Kutztown, Pa.; originally from South Mountain beyond Lyons, Pa"1
- "Hibiscus field" sw of greenhouses, old UM Botanical Gardens, Iroquois Dr., Ann Arbor.1
- "Hope Lake Bog", 2 miles east of Cambridge1
- "Key Ins". Papua1
- "Kyelang, alt. 10,000 ft. Topographic Sheet No. 52 D/14 and H/2, D-3 Lahul, Kangra, Punjab"1
- "Laukohi" South Ridge, Kipapa gulch, Waipio1
- "Magnolia-Beech Trail," Florida Caverns State Park, north of Marianna1
- "Meadow Beauty Bog" near Ely Lake.1
- "Mine Mountain," above Tasu townsite, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands2
- "Mine Mountain," above Tasu townslte, Tasu Sound, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands1
- "Monte" at Experiment Station1
- "Mud Lake" marsh.1
- "No-Bottom Lake" Tombigbee River1
- "No-Bottom Lake", near Tombigbee River1
- "Norveg. Austr. Occ. Christiana"1
- "Paletará"1
- "Ramshead Bog" on M-33.1
- "Sacha Aceituna", Malpaso de Balsa Probana, 1 km abajo de la desembocadura del Río Mishollo (margen derecha del Río Huallaga)1