- Drehem; Inscriptions on clay; Iraq64
- Antioch of Pisidia; Architectural elements; Turkey57
- Carthage; Pottery; Tunisia54
- Karanis; Furniture inlay; Egypt52
- Pompeii; Photographs and prints; Italy51
- Scarabs; Egypt50
- Karanis; Dolls; Toys; Egypt49
- Karanis; Toys; Egypt45
- Ostia; Inorganic specimens; Italy44
- Pozzuoli; Pottery; Italy43
- Jerusalem; Pottery; Israel42
- Veii; Votive figurines; Italy42
- Jerusalem; Lamps; Israel41
- Cairo; Architectural elements; Egypt39
- Stone Vessels; Sarcophagi and funerary urns; Egypt39
- Coins; Syria38
- Capri; Lamps; Italy37
- Fayoum; Pottery; Egypt37
- Figurines36
- Cologne; Glass vessels; Germany35