Beauty and Health

Volume 8, Number 5 of Beauty and Health, published August 1904, by Physical Culture Publishing Company, a magazine concerned with women's physical fitness. Contains the articles, "The Value of Deep Abdominal Breathing," "Joy and Health of an Early Morning Walk," "Physical Culture Menus," "At the Shrine of Love," "The Romance of Kit Dunlop," "Health and Strength for Girls," and "Will Natural Living Assure Painless Childbeading?," as well as the "Question Department," "Our Dress Department," and an editorial entitled, "The Ambitious Girl and the Home." The cover depicts "A Physical Culture Baby," who at seven months "can stand alone and nearly walk." Advertisements for instructional books, beauty products, and art and photography portfolios are featured within. The articles are peppered with photos and illustrations of exercises, and gym wear.
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Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Beauty and Health, Magazines, Fitness, and Women
No Copyright - United States