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- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and -~._------- --~·-/.r-~. -_·_·_·.7.).~ /1' ...,rz 26th Year---No. 20 ~... - ARCH/Z 5J906~~:;-/ / ' f/ " v For Beauty and· Service Top 24 by 24 inches, Made in Mahogany; Qyartered Oak (large Sake) Golden; Circassian Walnut and Bird', Eye Maple. Polished. Cross-band Veneered, Shipped knocked down. No. 1661 PRICE: QyarteredOak and Mahogany, $4.50 Walnut and Maple,' 5.00 WE MAKE PROMPT SHIPMENT AND CRITlCALLY INSPECT EVERY PIECE BEFORE IT LEAVES THE FACTORY. WOLVERINE MFG. CO. DETROIT, MICHIGAN '') f' ....\ ~i~ ".u ........ ~~ - - -- -.----------- 1 The McDougall Idea McDougall fiitch en Cabi~nets are advertised more extensively than any other article of furniture on the market to-day. Beginning this month and continuing throughout the entire season McDougall advertisements will appear in practically all of the national magazines and will be read by at least 25,000,000 people. Are you one of the dealers who will enjoy increased business and enlarged profits by this McDougall National Advertising expenditure? If not, you should write to-day for the new handsomely illustrated McDougall Catalog showing twenty-one new and original designs at prices suited to every class of your trade. SEND POSTAL FOR CATALOG TO-DAY---NOW---BEFORE YOU FORGET IT G. P. McDougall & Son _Indianapolis. U. S. A. MANUFACTURERS OF VALLEY CITY DESK COMPANY· GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. No. 541~ One of our new styles. OFFICE TYPEWRITER AND STANDING DESKS Write at once for new Spring Ctlta~ logue. Mailed to duden only. LUCE No. 721 BUFFETS possess the Individuality of design and the careful construction which is characteristic of the Grand Rapids product. CATALOGUE UPON REiZUEST. LUCE FURNITURE CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. No . 112 GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBRARY 26th Year-No. 20 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., MARCH 25, 1906. BUYERS COMPLAIN OF LATE RUG DELIVERIES Shipments Very Much Behindhand on All Goods. Retail buyers, as well as jobbers, are complaining bitterly against the late deliveries of carpets and rugs. They claim that in many instances orders \'"hich wefe placed at the be-ginning of the season have not been touched as yet by the mills, and that practically no attempt has been made to de-liver e"en samples of the goods. On rugs the situation is said to be even worse than it is on carpets. The demand for rugs have been of very large sizes, and the milts throughollt the country have been practically swamped wilh orders. Re-tailers claim that in spite of urgent letters to the mills asking for immediate delivcry on goods now long uverdue, no atten-tion has been paid to these requests, and where any answer has been vouchsafed by the mill it has consisted of a paltry excuse over the shortage of raw material. It now looks as if many of the orders placed during the early months of the season would not be delivered, and the buyer will find stocks decidedly short before the season is over. The unusually late deliveries of both rug·s and carpets is due to the unusual heavy demand which manufacturers had not counted UpOll, and also to the fact that manufacturers have very little carpet wool on hand with which to turn out the goods. Manufacturers have for the past eight or nine months confidently looked forward to lower prices for car-pets ·wools and have purchased supplies in a hand-to-mouth manner. Now they are face to face with a situation that is anything but p1eClsant. The announcemeut into the effect that supplies of Russian wools have been withdrawn from this market, and that very little, if any, Russian wools will be offered before the summer months, has further added to an already stringent market. Representatives of Russian owners in the ca·-pet wool market here state that they have been unable to make the manufacturer of carpets realize that they could not g·et wools <It the prices he was willing to pay. The Russian OWnCl" through his agents in this market has endeavored to secure prices ,"v"hich would leave a small p:'ofit on the \',1001 after it ,"v"aslanded here. From the statements made by agents, the manufacturer is not \villing to pay prices which would cover the cost of the \'1'"001 when landed in this market. Under these conditions owners have determined to withdraw £rOnl the American market until later on in the year. The ingrain situation has not improved since last reports. and rumors are still clIrrent that other mills manufacturing," ingrains will close down within a few days. Manufacturers of 3-4 goods are rushcd with orders, and all 1001115 are now employed to their utmost capacity, as in many cases the orders rceived are considerahy in excess of the entire production of the mills. Prices are very firm, and there seems every pros-pect of higher figures being named at the opening of the new season, which will take place in ?vlay.-K. Y. Commercial. $1.00 per Year. Rats Raise Havoc. An expenSe no merchant can for forsee is the destruc-tion of furniture by rats. The rich upholstered pieces seem to bc preferred by the marauders, although the contents of the dry goods department seem to be regarded as some-thing as}' and just as good. 'Traps, cats, dogs and ferrets seem unequal to the task of exterminating the pests. The use of rat biscuits, while causing the death or rodents, resul'ts in the creation of odeTs neither the employes or customers can withstand. A pack of fox terriers was turned loose in a big department store rcently and the damage done by the dogs was greater than the destruction caused by the rats. One imagined that a rat had hidden himself in the upholstery of fine gold sofa. The coverings were torn away and the stuff ing pulled out, but there were no evidences that the rat had heen caught. Other efforts of the canines to "clean out the store" failed of results. Upon another occasion a cat deposit-ed a litter of kittens upon an $80.00 davenport, which re~ suited in her dismissal. In the dry goods department in a single night, a dress suit sold for $45.00, and another for $60.00 which were to be delivered on the following day, and a large quantity of laces, including window curtains, were rendered valueless. Of the animal tribe the ferret seems to give the best service, but he is hard to manage and often disappears when needed. THE CORRECT Stains and fillers. THE MOST SATISFACTORY first Coaters and Varnishes MANur,/ttTUHCD B"LY 8 Y CHICAGO WOOD FINISHING CO. 259-63 ELSTONAVE.... Z·16 SLOAN ST. CH I CAe; o. Koenig &. Gamer furniture CO. M.ANUFACTURERS OF VICTORIA. COMBINATION. IJPRIGU:r and MANTfL folding Beds Odd Dressers. Princess Dressers. Napoleon Beds in Quartered Oak. Mahogany and Bird's Eye Maple. Our full line shown on 3d floor. 1319 Michigan Ave. Office and Warehouse 266 to 272 N. Green St., Chicago, III. Factorv No. 22 to 48 Pratt Street Catalogue nady March ISt. Sendfor it and mention the Artisan. Our Oak and Mahogany DINING EXTENSION TABLES Ate Best Made, Best Fimmed. Best Valum, All Made £tom TborouahIY Seuoned SloI;:k No. 465 Dining Table T"l' 'oh'.. Mode in 0....-.1 Oat and Maho&anY. fuU Pol. Uhod. Niok.! e-n :. :. LENTZ TABLE CO. NASHVILLE. MICHIGAN No. 526. "This Trade Mark Guaranteesthe best." No. 525. HIGH GRADE FACTORY FURNISHINGS WE MAKE A COMPLETE LINE. I GET OUR NEW CATALOG and PRICES I WE MAKE BENCHES WITH IRON VISES WE CATALOG TWELVE STYLES OF WORK BENCHES OUR REGULAR BENCH We makeHAND SCREWS, CLAMPS, FACTORY TRUCKS, Ete. GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW COMPANY 130 S. Ionia St., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ATLAS fURNITURE COMPANY JAMESTOWN, N. Y DRESSERS CHIFFONIERS ALL WOODS 6 THIS PUSH BUTTON distinguishesthe ROY AL Morris Chairs from the other kind MORRIS CHAIRS --FROM--- $6.00 to $30.00 CATALOGUE UPON APPUCA nON. Permanent Salesroom: Fourth Floor, 1411 Michigah Avenue. CHICAGO, ILL. The Royal Chair Co:, STURGIS, MICH. Tl"ade Notes. Dr. \V. L. vVhite will open a furniture store in Pullman, Wash. Sailors Brothers have opened a new store III South Bend, Ind. ]. P. Schumm has sold out his furniture store in Bellin-ham, ldintl. Mittendorf & Kile"f'.are fe-modelling their furniture store in Champaign, Ill. The H. VV. SWC(~t Furnitut:"e company was recently organ-jzed in Sheffield, Ala. The Arthur A. Franke company succeed the Sl'ater-Price- Leidig company in Milwaukee. The D. W. Hunt company of New York will deal in furniture on a capital of $25,000, The Shannon Furniture company's store in Columbus, 0., was damaged $100 by fire recently. Warne's Furniture store in Parkersburg, \TV. Va" was damaged by fire and loss amounts to $2,000. The plant of the Belmont Casket and Furniture company ""'heeling, \V, Va .., will begin operations in April. The House furnishing Goods Exhibition company of New York has been organized with $20,000 capital. The Kelley Furniture and Carpet company succeed the household Furniture and Carpet company in St. Louis, Mo. 1'11e Eastern Outfitting Furniture company's store jn Los Angeles will occupy a new six story building now in course of erection. J. :)1. Todd, formerly of Oklahoma, will open a furniture store at Independence, Ore., in the building formerly occupi-ed by the Douty dry goods store. The Fetting Furniture company of Jacksonville, Fla., have sold out to the Knight Crockery company who will continue the business and occupy the Fetting store. Six Years of Test Have Established Its Supremacy. THE" ROYAL PUSHBUTTON MORRIS CHAIR L. E. Austin & Co., Laredo, Tex., are successors, to L. E. Austin. \Vm. Shrum has sold his furniture store in Iroquois, n1., to Mrs. Mary Cross. A site has been selected for a furniture factory in Selma, Ala.; $25,000 will be invested in the plant. Edwards, Allen, Waldrop & Johnson will open a furnitnrc store at Blue Ridge, Ga" with $20,000 capital. The Shepard~Cox Furniture company, Denton Tex., has changed its name to the Denton Furniture company, The Bishop Furniture company of Grand Rapids, Mich., have inereased their capital stock from $10,000 to $20,000. The Levy Furniture company, Navasota, has bought the stock of furniture of the Jackson Furniture company, Hous-ton. Tex. Fuller S~int & company, Mount Pleasant, Tex., will do a furniture business with $10,000 capital, succeeding H. W. Cheney & Co. F. D. Goddard a furniture dealer of Rockford, Ill.. will retire from business, which he has successfully conducted for seven years. James H. Carver has sold his furniture business in Scranton, Pa., and will devote his attention in future to his furniture store in Binghamton, N. Y, Miller & Bell, undertakers and furniture dealers, Mur-free. sboro, Tenn., have dissolved. R. T, Bell retiring. The business will be continued by P. R. MiHer & Co, Tull & Gibbs of Spokane, Wash., have increased their captia1 stock. from $50,000 to $100,000. The company will occupy a new five story building which they are erecting, The Grote-Rankin company of Spokane, Wash., have purchased the business of the Teale-HlIls Furniture com-pally of Seattle, ¥/ash, The former name will be maintain-ed. Capital stock will be increased from $125,000 to $350,000, \ ~, -_._~ -------~----~---~-- 7 SAVE LINE will satisfy the bulk of the trade demands of the average dealer, without necessitating delays in shipping. ChalDber Suits. Sideboard •• Chiffoniers, Dresser. and Toilets. ·Wrlte for Catalodue. BURT BROS., 2000 S. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. FREIGHT· [] Why go west for .CASE GOODS when the B U RT The Ford a1 Johnso.n Co. MANUFACTURERS OF uFiber Rush" and uMalacca" Furniture No. 3579% ALSO Chairs, Rockers, Settees, Complete Dining Room Suites, Mission Furniture, Children's Go-Carts and Carriages, Reed Comfort Rockers. Our Dining Room Suites include Buffets, China Cabinets, Extension Tables, Side Tables and Chairs, all to match, made in Oak, all finishes; also in Solid Mahogany. SALESROOMS: Chit4go~ New 'lork, Boston, MaJJ., Cjncinnati~ fl., Frdnifl)rt~ Ky.~~.A~/a11fa,Ga. GENERAL OFFICES' Sixteenth St., and Indiana Ave .. CHICAGO. KARGES WARDROBES ARE GOOD WARDROBES noonSTYLES CONS1RUCTION FINIS" WIl.ITK FOR CATALOGUE ftAROrS runnnunr co. EVAMSVlllE IMDIANA In writing mention Michigan Artillan GLOBE SIDEBOARDS are the BEST ON THE GLOBE FOR THE MONEY GET OUR CA1AL.OGUE. Mention tbe Michigan Artisan when writing. GLOBE FURNTURE COMPANY EVANSVILLE, INDIANA BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. EVANSVILLE, IND. NO. 10. DRESSING TABLE. TOP 2OX.40. FRENCH PLATE 22x28. SELECT QUARTERED OAK, RUBBED AND POLISHED. Maurs of the "SUPERIOR" Extension, Parlor anf,library Tables NEW CATALOGUE lUST ISSUED-GET ONE 1858 1906 Q. SMIT" C"AIR ===COMPANY=== E. MANUFACTURERS OF WOOD, DOUBLE CAlliE, CANE, COBBLER TUfTED LEATHER AND VENEER SEAT CHAIRS AND ROCKERS No.145 Reception Rocker Veneered Rolled Seat Quartered Oak Finished Golden Office and Warerooms, Cor. Third and Division 5t5. Factory and Supply Mill, Foot of Oak St. ------IEVANSV1LLE,IND.------ MAKE MONEY MR· DEALER BY SELLING THE Dossr KITCHEN CABINETS CUPBOARDS SAFES and WARDROBES Besl Soods Lowest Prices BOSSE FURNITURE CO., Evansville, Ind. The "ELI" fOLDING BEDS APRREOfITBREWADINNEANRDS No Stock complete without the Eli Beds in Mantl::! and Upright ELI D• MILLER & Co• W"'rvitae nf.ovrlclulets.lRnnddtaprnicaes hansville Furniture Co" EViWsville. Ind. Manufacturers of the "Celebrated Flowered White Oak Goods." BEDROOM SUITES CHIFFONIERS ODD DRESSERS .rul WASH STANDS "The Line with the Finish" Something Entireh New Goods ShOWll at Chi ca· go. Ill., at No. 1319 Michigan Ave" ~d floor and also at our factory sal es-room at Evans, ville, Ind. New Catalogue just issued. 10 The Refrigerator S~ason will be here very soon. If you have not yet received a set of our CATALOGUES and PRICE." for 1906 a po>tai card will bring them tn you by return mail. We make a full line 01 line-Lined, White [namel, and Opalite lined. and Porcelain lined Refrigerators of any she desirable. THE ALASKA REFRIGERATOR CO. Exclusive Refrigeratof Manufaclurers. New York Office, 35 Warren St. MUSKEGON, MICH. Muskegon, Mich. At one time the mills around Muskegon Lake manufac-tured more pine lumber than those of any other city in the Uliited States. As the timber became exhausted and the mills began to close down, the hustling business men of Mus-kegon began to induce other manufacturers to locate there, and today there is a great variety of flourishing institutions there, employing thousands of hands, who are filling up the city woth comfortable homes, and giving the city an enviable reputation. In the matter of furniture Muskegon stands third in the l'ist of Michigan cities, having (including refrig-erators) nine large and prosperous houses. \Vhen the great factory of the Brunswick-Balke-Callender company of Chi-cago is completed it will -add many hundreds of hands and many thousands of dollars to the manufacturing industries of the. city. Among the manufacturers of furniture in the United States, few have attaIned a reputation for fine goods equal to that of the Muskegon Valley Furniture company. This com-pany will take an entire half of the top floor of the new Man-ufacturers building at Grand Rapids, making it a permanent exhibit of great strength and drawing power. The remain-der of the floor (the seventh) win be divided between the Moon Desk company of Muskegon and the Union Furniture com-pany of Rockford Ill. The new building will have on its floors the lines of a great many of the leading manufacturers of the country and the July season will find it ready for the buyers. The Moon Desk company will SOOl1 issue a remarkably fine catalogue of oHice desks. Their trade is very active, ,md the prospects were never hrighte:-. This company has removed its line from the first floor of the Pythian Temple. Grand Rapids, and in July will be permanently locat-ed on the seventh floor of the new rvIannfactu-:ers' building on Tonia street. The Alaska Refrigerator company is on the very c-:est of the wave, so far as business is concerned. With hetween four and five million feet of the best kind of lumber in their yards; with \"vT'ehouses filled with thousands of refrigc:-- atars, from which car loads are shipped daily; with the im-mense factory wo:-king up to full capacity; with sales that promise to come near to the half-million dollar mark this year it is no wonder that Manager J. H. Ford feels that hls many years of faithful, intelligent and energetic service have been rewarded with deserved success. The Sargent Manufacturing company is one of the most important furniture manufacturing industries in the city. They manufacture a large tine of bachelors' cabinets, ladies' desks. extra large chiffoniers and other pieces that make up a line every dealer is interested in. Manager Cunningham is one of the busiest of men, and gives close personal attention to every department of the business. Bought a Farm in Cuba. John D. Case, secretary of the Sligh Furniture company, retu ned to Grand Rapids late in March after spending sev-eral weeks in Cuba. He was so well pleased with the island that he purchased a farm and has commenced the study of the Spanish language. Grand Rapids in Literature. George Ade, writing from England, and discussing the happy condition of the multi-millionaire, introduces Grand Rapids furniture as follows: ""Vhen he sails into the new office building the elevator captain gives him a cheery but deferential 'good morning.' In his private office he sits at a $;;00 roll top desk from Grand Rapids surrounded by push buttons, and when he gives the word someone is expected to hop. At noon he goes to his club for luncheon. The head waiter jumps over two chairs to get at him to relieve him of his hat, and then leads him to the most desirable table' and hove:·s over him even as a mother hen broods over her first born." Muskegon Valley Furniture CO. ------MUSKEGON, MICH--.~--- l" II t. • Odd Dressers ,,I ,I , fi '0 I f; , Chiffoniers I ~ Wardrobes Ladies' Toilets Dressing Tables Mahogany Inlaid Goods No. 553 Note the special arrangement of pigeon hole case: private compart-ment with flat keyed sub treasury spring lock, card index drawer with follow block attachment, letter file drawer with index, 9 pigeon hole boxes with quartered oak fronts. Typewriter shelf 26 inches high when in position for use, standard height. Center drawer with flat keyed lock $1 00 extra. Raised Panels. Quarter Sawed White Oak. 60 ir1Chc:slong; 32 inches wide; 50 irtclH's higl.; weight, 345Ib.s. Moon Desk. Co., MUSKEGON, MIC". 11 The Franking Privilege No Longer Allowed-Mails Closed To Furniture. Hereafter government otlicials will not be allowed to send furniture through the mails under their franking'privi-lege. A bill has been introduced in congress which provides that no government department or official can frank any-thing through the mail's which an individual cannot mail at the regular postal rates. Committees, organizations, or cor~ porations are also denied the franking privilege. Members of the committee believe a great -saving will re~ suit to the government in freeing the mails from supplies of a , :i'; I .. The Sargent Mfg. Co. MUSKEGON, MICH, Bachelors' Cabinets Ladies' Desks, Extra Large Chiffoniers Also ManufactureR and ExPOrteR of ------ ROLLING CHAIRS Chairs adapted to all kinds ot,:i~validiam. both for hottse and st:reet'L~e. OVER FORTY DESIGNS TO SELECT FROM nature which departments have been permitted to frank, but which individuals could not send by mail These provisions will materially reduce the weight of mail at weighing periods and consequently the weights upon which the remuneration of railroads is estimated will be les-sened. The of Knox county, Ill., have formed an association, with "V. C. Hale of Abingdon as president, E. F. "Vest of Knoxville, vice president; Frank Hurd of Macon treasurer, and H. E. Kimber of Galesburg, secretary. Made' by the Sargenl Manufacturin~ Co., Mu.;keion. Mich. The A. C. NORQUIST CO. JAMESTOWN, N. Y. MANUFACTURERS ·OF DRESSERS AND CHIFFONIERS In Plain and p<!!t1rtered Oak, Mak#gony IInJ Birduye Maple. PERMANENT EXHIBITS -----AT'----- Chicago and New York Century Fumiture Co. Factory and Salesroom 153-159 Canal st, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. DESIGNERS AND MAKERS OF FINE Parlor and Library Furniture ANEWUNEoF Odd Chairs and Rockers and Reception Chairs Esduli.Ye and Pure in Deei,n. INCREASED FACILITIES LARGER LINE WOODARD FURNITURE COMPANY OWOSSO, MICH. Have you received our 1906 catalogue~ If not, you should send for it by first mail. It shows the besl values in medium priced bedroom fnrnitnre, in alllhe fancy woods and finishes. WOODARD FURNITURE CO. Dressers and Chiffoniers TO MATCH In QUARTERED OAK, MAHOGANY, BIRDSEYE MAPLE and CURLY BIRCH SEND FOR CATALOGUE CENTURY FURNITURE CO. JAMESTOWN NEW YORK This is one of our Famous Non~Dividing Pillar Tables THESE ARE THE ONLY TABLES THAT ARE PERFECT IN CONSTRUCTION ANY DEALER THAT HAS NOT TRIED ONE OF THESE SHOULD NOT FAIL TO ORDER ONE Price . . $21.50 Choate-Hollister Furniture Company JANESVILLE, WIS. RIGHT NOW is the time to stock up with CEDAR LINED BOX COUCHES for Spring and Summer sale. For real Couch comfort, durable service and all a,ound utility, ou, Wa,drobe' Couches beat the world. Dealers williind that a special advertised, will sell Box Couches. sale, judiciously Try it. Largest Line, best designs, Solid Dust Proof Bottoms, Climate T op·Lift. Made Moth-pIDof with odoIDusRed Cedar lining. We a'e advertisingour Box Couches in leading magazines. All sales through dealers. This will create a demand. Get ready. SEND FOR CATALOG 17 B. Jamestown Lounge Co., Jamestown, N. Y. Importance of Discounting Bills. OUf modern commercial houses spend a great deal of time and: energy in looking up claims and errors in dealing with customers. They will spend days and even weeks in adjust-i. ng accounts to correct an error of only a few ccnts, and COl1~ sider' it good business judgment. In almost every firm of ally magnitude at all there is maintained a depa'.tmcnt of g eater or less size, depending, of course, upon the volume of business done, which l'ooks after nothing but the claims of customers. Many of the claims which are investigated entail a cost a hundred times more than the amount in~ valved, yet they are gone into with careful scrutiny, and are not allowed to rest until a satisfactory adjustment has been made. It is not alone the amount involved which the company ca;'es about, but the business principle. If customers know that a firm is lax in looking into the details of its outside dealings, some of them, presumably those whose financial standing is not of the highest order, are surej sooner or later, to try to take advantage. I have known customers having bills to pay to a large firm to take off some peculiar discount, giving no explanation whatever for so doing. Of course, in such instances, the matter is .always re-ferred to the proper department for adjustment and usually is comparatively easy to settle. But the incident goes to ,,, ..... 11111 Pro8fIr_, IIdIlH .. lotN Us1n I POIIIIIII Whll'l WI Fill" eln Afton! thl~L.n..,, DlnaIlsf\lll GllSftm.r. lIS.t..lo.r.till ""..".."." PlGIElIID'S $I"" Is n,t .. CUr)' In Ihlll, II ftrnll •• ill Fr"ail'·"•• Le...t..fa.-IIII EIII.... IN. show how ready some people are to do a little crooked work and how important it is to keep an eye open to the little deals. A most important thing that many firms do not follow up closely enough is the discounting of bills, says A. G. duu-ter of Chicago. This is particularly true of me smaller can· cerns. The larger firms usually have their offices so ar· ranged that one department is held responsible for this one litle of work. ln the smaller companies, however, many times it is not thought worth the while to do so. This is usually left as a side issue for the bookkeeper. If he has time'to get the bill vouchered inside the dis·count limit, all. is well and good; if he fails, nothing is thought of it, amj the account is allowed to run the thirty or sixty day limit, afi the case may be. But just think what such carelessness means to the firm at the end of the year! Most bills are received nowadays subject to 2 per cent discount if paid within ten days. Suppose that the firm's purchases on hills of that nature do not amount to more than $25,000 or $30,000 for the year, yet if the bills are not dis-counted a practical loss of $500 or $600 must be sustained-enough to maintain a clerk to lo'ok after the maturity of ac-counts. If the purchases for the year run into the hundreds of thousands the 2 per cent is a. big item and means thous-ands of dollars annually to the firm which properly rook~ after it. I ROBBINS TABLE COMPANY owosso, MICHIGAN No. 402. Leaves stored in top. 1906 CATALOG MAILED ON REQUEST No. 301. Center column does not divide. ROCKFORD FRAME AND FIXTURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE PARLOR CABINETS MUSIC CABINETS DINING CABINETs HALL SEATS HAT RACKS HALL TREES SHAVING STANDS CHEVAL MIRRORS LADIES' DRESSING TABLE LADIES' DRESSING CHAIR With Patent Adjustable Fixtures LADIES' WRITING DESK GRILL CABINETS LAMP STANDS FRAMED MIRRORS 16 ·~~MI9j"1IG7!N I .7If-TI~.fLN..,.... WE HAVE GROWN TO THE LEADING POSITION AS MANUFACTURERS OF CHAMBER FURNITURE BY MAKING THE BEST SELLING LINE -a line good enough for the most exacting and not too good fof' the average trade requirement. We issue no catalogue. Our salesmen show photos. SLIGH FURNITURE COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, CABINET MAI1ERS In these days of close competition, need the best posaible equipment, and this they can have in . . . . BARNES' Hand and Foot Power Machnery Our New "and and foot Power Circular Saw No.4 The stroogest, most powerful, and in eveTyway the bl:St machine of its kind ever made, for ripping, cross.cuttillg, boring and grooving. Send.for our New Oatalogue. w. F. ®.. JOHN BARNES CO. 654 R.uby Street, R.ochford, Ill. The Rex (Inner Tufted) Mattress. (PATENTED. TRADE MARK REGISTERED.) The ·'Cl " NOW DEMONSTRATED bevond all doubt tha: the sale ul ONE REX In;lcr Tutted Mattress "vil) C:l.use ill(juiry sutEcient to sel' TV'/O and so it goes OIl gnHving and enlarging ;;our husiness as OUTS has enlarged- - Ut:R BEST TRADE. \Vrite lor OUT !lev\' booklet "The King at 'l'I1!~s," alll~ k~iHn all ;tbou~ this Sp:cndi~ Mattress. V/e fllrnis!J rn('se beiw:ilti: :i7tJe 20 page booklets to CdStUIJ1c:fS and ;icenscc! agenes. Gel OUT terms, :"Jr!ces, etc. VVrite Tighe now. J)on't .,va:t. A card '.\':11 do. AIl.vthing to show .your interest. CHARLES A. FISHl':R & CO. 1302 Michigan Ave .• CHICAGO. ILL. PEORIA, ILL. ST. LO[./13, ,'VIO. LINCOLN, ILL. MlllfNEAPOLiS, AtIATN. Solr Iv[at11{[i1(1urerj undtT LiarlJt Amrri{{UI JY1illtrOJ iltJd C!JJbiofJ Company. 17 18 VIRTUE OF STICKING TO IT. A Salesman Tells How He Got Two Customers Worth Having, "Stick to it," said the salesman, "is my motto. It's a good one in any business. This is how it works out: "I represent a wholesale provision firm, dealing only in the finest grades of goods, with high class buyers. Among my best customers in and about New York are the railroads. "One of the first important sales I made was to the buyer for the dining service of one of the biggest roads funning into the city. I went straight to the big man's office, told him what 1 had and did my best to make a sal<t. "Nothing doing. My eloquence didn't impress the big man a bit. Finally he ordered me out of the office. By that time he was mad and I was mad, but he had the bulge on me, and, escorted by an attendant, I went. "But I was bound to land that fish. It was in the mid-forenoon that we had our stormy interview, but I waited at the main door of the office until I saw my man go out to dinner then I followed him. "He went to an exceedingly swell' dining place, but I walked in at his heels and took a seat at the table with him. He appeared not to recognize me when I spoke to him, but as soon as I opened up on the provision question he spotted me. "'Oh!' he exclaimed, and I trembled; then suddenly his frown melted into a smile and a twinkle in his eye told me I'd won. "'You've got me,' he owned up, and befo;-e we left the table he'd given mea big order. "Ever since be's been one of my best and pleasantest cus-tomers. I simply tired him out, wore him down. "There's another big railroad with which I do a big busi-ness that was still harder to fand. Every Saturday I called on the manager of 'the dining system, only to be told that I was wasting time. "\Vell, I kept on wasting it every Saturday regularly for two years. Finally, the manager gave me an order, just to get rid of me. The goods did the rest, ~ndthat railroad ac-counts for a big chunk of my commissions today. "Stick to it does the business-nerve, and a little tact in \lslng it." The Hawks Furniture Company's New Catalogue. The HaWKS Furniture company of Goshen, hd., have issued their 1906 catalogue, consisting of 56 pages and cover. Illustrations of bed room furniture in suites show many at-tractive styles. The company have, during the past year, added a large department to be used exclusively for veneer-ing and glueing. Sample orders of goods manufactured are solicited from the trade. The Northern Furniture Company's New Catalogue. The Northern Furniture company of Sheboygan, \Vis., have issued a new 216 page catalogue. This is the third catalogue issue.d since a year ago last January and a great improvement in the line is noted. Illustrations comprise chamber suites, chiffoniers, sidcboards, buffcts, dining room furniture and kitchen cabinets. Rags for Mattresses. While passing through a large cotton mill in one of the cities of the south recently a party noticed a large collec-tion of cotton rags and raw cotton of the l'owcst grade. When questioned the attendant explained' that the stuff was sent in to he prepared for use in the manufacture of cotton felt mattresses. He explained, however, tha~ a considerable number of manufacturers of mattresses used better material. QUARTER·SAWED INDIANA WHITE OAK VENEERS CHOICE FIGURE EXTRA WIDTHS When writing for prices, mention widths required and kind of figure preferred. HOFFMAN BROTHERS CO. Fort Wayne ; ; Indiana Mechanics F umiture Co., ---ROCKFORD. ILL.-- Makers of fine and medium Buffets. China Closcls and Serving Tables in Oak. Parlor Cabinetsin Mahogany. Mwic Cabineb. in Mahog~ any, Walnul. Oak and Birch. New Catalogue just out. Send for it. No, 102, BUFFET-QuarIerMwed WhiteOak. 5 feet. six iflches:hit!h; 5 feet. 4 inc~ wide, 2Ox>4 Fl'eIlch Bevel Mirror. • fOUR TRAINS CtllCAGO TO AND fROM Lv Gd. Rapids 7 10p,m At Chicago 1:15 pm Lv Gd. Rapids 1~:05 nn At Chicago 4:50pm Lv Gd. Rapids 4:25 pm Ar Ch1c:ae:o 10:55 pttI Lv Gd. Rapids 11:30 pm dally At Cllieago 6,:55am Pullman Sleepcr, open 9:00 pm on 11:30 pm train every daY',Cafe setvice on all day trains, Service 11la carte. .., Pere Marqucttc Parl~r cars on all day trains· Rat. redncl!!dto 50 cents. T"Rff TRAINS D E T R 0 I T· TO AND fROM Leave Grand Rapids 7:10 am Arrive Detroit 11:55 am Leave Grand Rapids 11:25 am daily Arrive Detroit 3:25 pm Leave: Grand Rapids 5:20 pm Arrive Detroit10:05 pm M_l& IlCrv¢d. a. 1&~rte on trains Gaud Rapids at \\;15 ",m and 5:20 pm. pere Marquette Parlor Cars on all trains; scat rate, a.cents. "ALL OVER MICHIGAN·' H. J. GRAY, DISTRICT PASSENGBR. AG.NT, PHONE 1168 Grand Rapid_,Mich. Why Salesmen Fail. It sometimes happen,:; that even an experienced and suc-cessful salesman finds himself falling behind in results withollt any apparent cause. He asks himself why his orders are not so la.rge or so numerous as they used to be, .and fails to ac-count for it by any fault with t'he line he carries or by any market. conditions. Often he is at a loss for any feasible explanation. In nearly all such cases the reason for this condition lies in the fact that the salesman is not concentrating his mind on his work. Perhaps he has become so accustomed to succeed-ing that he has fallen into a mechanical habit of work, or perhaps he is thinking too much about the promotion he desires, or some fancied grievance against the house, or of "enry Schmit &, Co. Uopkln. a"d Harriet St.. CJnelnnatl, O. ),I.U::EIlS 0 .. UPHOLSTEREO FURNITURE LODGf AND PULPIT, PARLOR L18RARl. HOTEL AND CLUB ROOM personal trials. \\Thatever it is that is bothering him you may be sure that it is quite irrelevant to the business in hand. It is probably true that the salesman himsclf is unaware of the havoc it is playing with his work. If it were once brought to hi,~ attention that be is failing to concentrate his mind, he, would rouse out of this condition, collect his thoughts and apply himself to as good purpose as formerly. My advice to you salesmen, is to think exclusively of the lmsiness in hand when you are engaged jn the performance of it. Don't allow yourself to be distractcd by any olttsi~le considerations. If you have financial or other worries do not a11o\\' yourself to think of them while you are trying to get business. Your prospective custOl11,erwill read in your [ace that something is wrong, and even if he wcre to guess the nature of the trouble and extend his cordial sympathy, you \'\;ould still be the loser, inasmuch as his mind is diverted fro111the consideration of your selling talk and the merits of the goods of which you wish to convice him. Don't busy yourself with thoughts about what you will do when you arc promoted to that higher position which seems just within your reach-because you will never attain it, or at least you will never make yourseH wOl-thy of it, ex-cept by doing the very best you can in your present position. You cannot do your very best unless you give your undivided attention and interest to cacl]. detail. Concentrate your ef-forts to "make good" wherever you are, and by so doing you wilt prepare yourself to 'assume greater responsibilities. And such responsibilities, with the advantages that go with them, usually fall to the share of the 111enwho are best pre~ pared. The salesman whose thoughts are far afield makes a dis-astrous impression on hi,.; customer. Tlle latter fecrs jll-stinctivel¥ that he is Hot gelting the services from the sales-man to which he is entitled. If it were merely a question of the customer selecting certain goods with which he is already familiar, and expccting nothing of the salesman ex-cept to record his order, it vwuld make very little difference whether or not the salesman were wide awake, interested and capable. But in the majority of sales the purchaser ha's need of information which the salesman can give him on 19 all sorts of points about the quality of the goods, their price, and the means of displaying and advertising them. He feels that the money he expects to pay for the goods is ex-pected to cover not only the cost of manufacture' and a fair profit to the makers, but also includes the 'cost of good sales-manship. He feels that he has the right to be well sold just as he has the right to demand goods of a high class quality. 1£ a salesman is not making concentrated efforts-if he is-not doing his best-the customer is aware that something is lacking, and resents the fact. The good salesman is, of course, ambitious--has hopes and plans for succceding to some responsible and lucrative position-but it is important that he should do his best, not for the sake of somc immediate reward, but for the sake of building his own character substantially. r knew a man who once held a very high position capably, and was well known for what he had been able to accomplish in it. Several years of illness and various other misfortunes reduced him in later years to the level of the common work-er. He obtained empl"oyment on trial at a small salary as a canvasser for a new concern. He felt, however, that the work was beneath him. He did not concentrate his mind upon it, but dragged on regretting his lost affluence and spending a great deal of his timc in scheming to get his con-cern to promote him to a managership. One day he brought up this subject with the head of the departm,mt for about the sixth time, urging it more persist-ently than before: ;;\Vhy should the president of this business aupoint young and inexperienced fellows to high positions-the man hwsent to Alihvaukee as a manager of the force there doesn't know anyt.hing about the business. He is hardly out of school. I ought to have had that position. \~rith my experience of the world and business 'ways I could get forty times the re-sults that that chap can. vVhy shouldmy services be wasted hy keeping me in this small, insignificant place where I haven't allY chance to show what I am capable of doing? \Iv' on't you use your influence to g·ct me a bettcr job?" The head of the department was sympathetic, but sensible. "The president cannot make you a department manager on the strength of what yOU used to be," he said, "but he will be very glad to promote you as rapidly as yonr work will justify it. If you have such a wide expcrience and consider yourself so able a man, go to work and prove it. Prove it by showing yourself as responsible and loyal·in a small place as you were when you were at the head of, affairs. Such a proof is thc highest claim you can have tp a high office-but mere egotism isn't any sort of a claim a( al1." The sale.sman saw the point and reformed his methods of \'\;ork. He lived at a cbeap hotel', wore his threadbare but wel1~kept c1otheswithout any f~lrther complaint, and concen- THE HAWKEY~ KITCHEN CABINET Original features. De!,ien. finish and cabinet work the best on earth. Prices range from$3.00 to $52.50•. Exclusive sale given. Sold to dealers only. Price is a good saleslllan. Quality is a heHer one. We have them both, tataloKue nil application. Union Furniture Co •• BURLINGTON, low ... trBtcd all his efforts on getting results. He went at it in de,Hl earnest, and no prospect was too insignificant or too difficult to be made the 'ul)ject of his most thorough and most intelligent canvass. At the end of a few weeks he had gotten more results than in an the-'two months previous. Very soon he was making money, and ~Tas so weU satisfied with his re- 111lHleration and so deeply interested in his work that whcn the president voluntarily offered him a place as manager in the Rochcster office hc smij'jngly declined it. He is a man who can testify that it is worth while to con <::cntrateone's mind on one's work, and try to work as well in a small way and unimportant position as if he were holding a high office or place of tms;t, A. H. REVELL. 20 Morton House American ......Plan Rates $2.50 and Up Hotel Fantlind European ......Plan WE manufacture the larg· est line of FOLDING CHAIRS in the United States, Buitable for Sunday Schools, Halls, Steamers and all Public Resorts. • • . • We also manufacture Brass Trimmed Iron Beds. Spring Beds. Cots and Cribs in a lar~e varie:ty. . . . Sif.nd foJ' Catalogl1e and Prices 10 Kauffman Mfg. CO. AS"LAI'ID, 0"10 Rates $1.00 and Up The Noon Dinner Served at the Pantlind for 500 is the fiNEST IN THE WORLD J. BOYD PANTLIND. Prop. BEDS Smith & Davis Mfg. Co. ST. LOUIS, MO. MAKERS OF WITH STANDARD Tbe New "PERFECT" FOLDING CHAIR PATKNTltD OCT_ 20, 1903. Comfortable Durable Simple Neat The Acme Qi Perfection in the line 01 Folding Chairs. PRRFHCT COMPACTNESS when folded. Hard maple natural 6nish. WRITE FOR PlUCKS. METAL REVERSIBLE RAILS No. 51 15'h, PEABODY SCHOOL FURNITURE CO. North Manchester, Indiana ~ri:"~$~3.75 net Pillars, 1 1-16 inches. Filling, 3-8 and 5-16 inch. Head, S6 inches. Foot, 40 inches. Sizes: 3 feet 6 inches and .. feet 6 inches. Weight, 67 Ibs. Standard Reversible Ran SOLID " .. RIGID REVERSIBLE Patented } uly 1:5, 1902, No. 7(14'702. This rail is reversible in the true sense of the word-can be used either side up and enables the dealer to make one set of rails answer instead of having· two stocks! one of regular, the other inverted. BEDS THAT DO NOT WIGGLE are our specialty THE NEW BANQUET TABLE TOP 8$ well as Office, Dining and Directors' Tables Stow & Davis Fumiture Co. Grand Rapids, Mich WriteforC.~e. Get8lllDplesoi BANQUET TABLE TOP Refrigerators Yukon EGonomiG AND Ghilkoot ZINC LINED AND WHITE ENAMELED There are excell~llt reasons why yOIl should buy the above. The catalog tells yon what they are. Send for one. The Michigan Barrel' Co. 670 CANAL ST. GRAND RAPIDS, '\\ICH. GoodsBearing This Trade Mark are Profit Getters for You. SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, BUffETS, BOOKCASES, "All RACKS. Blue Prints for the asking. 5 Complete Lines of Refrigerators Opalite Lined Enameled Lined Charcoal Filld and Zinc Lined Zinc Lined with Removable lee Tank Galvanized Iron Lined Stationary Ice Tank Send tor new CATALOGUE and let us name you price Challenge Refrigerator Co. GRAND HAVEN, MICH., U. S. .d. 22 Lines For New Carpet Season. \Vith carpet manufacturers plans are now well under way for the new season which will open about May 5. The de-signing departments are busy with new ideas, while the man-agers of the sales departments and the manufacturers arc studying over the difficulties surrounding the price problem. "'lith the cost of wool and the cost of turning out the goods before him, the selling agent is now figuring out· what prices can be named on the new lines, whether advances will be im-perative, or whether old prices can still be adhered to. The stock of wool which manufacturers had on hand, and had been drawing 011 during the current season is now re-ported to be practically exhausted, and the question of paying full prices for fresh supplies is now one which cannot be lightly put aside. In fact, many of the factories have been forced into the market for supplies of either carpet yams or carpet wools, in order to turn out goods which they now have on their books. In behalf of the manufacturer, it can be said that he is in a better frame of mind to pay full prices for raw material than was the case at the orening of the cur-rent season. He has behind him an excellent business and still has many orders on his books which have been obtained at full pricc,s. At the opening of the present season manu-facturers were not in this position, and were forced to look back on a pOnT season. Naturally, under these conditions, he was not indined to pay the prices which wool merchants demanded for the raw material, and the fight to secure wool below the open' market prices has been a keen and bitter one throughout the season which is just closing. Now, however, he faces the question of purchasing sufficient supplies of raw material for the coming season with the knowledge that his mills have been running full all season; and still have many orders on hand which will keep them busy for several months to come. Prominent selling agents in this market state that the season ·which is just closing has b-cen one of the best in the history-of the trade ... With the exception of ingrains, almost every floor covering turned out by the mills in this country has sold well. In addition to this, the outlook for the new~ season is said to be a very bright one, and the only question' which is worrying the manufacturer at the present time seems to be whether sufficient supplies of the raw material will be available to meet the requirements of the mills during the balance of the year, During the week just passed few orders have been booked, and the retail business throughout the country for the spring and summer months is reported to have,opened up in a very satisfactory nature, and indicates that merchants will require a l'arge < q:uantity of goods to meet the requirements of the consumer. Rugs of all qualities, both domestic and import-ed, are selling frcely, and as one agent remarked, "there seems to be no end to the demand for this class of goods."U sually when the demand 1S heavy for rugs the carpet end of the mar-ket suffers. Such, however, has not been the case this season and in spite of the heavy demand for rugs, carpets have sold unusually well. The demand for ;14 goods has been most gratifying to the manufacturers, as it was expected that quite a falling off would be shown this spring, owing to the excep-tionally hea.vy demand for rugs. In spite of this, the sales for the past season sh~w a dedded increase in the amount of % goods oyer those of the previous seasons, and sellers state that 1£ the demand keeps up at its present rate, the total sales for the current season will show an increase of itom 30 to 35 per cent over those of last season, Not only has the demand ·in this city been an excellent one, but reports from all sections of the country show that merchants have increased their orders over those of the pre-vious seasons, and are still anxious to secure further supplies. The only comp]'aints coming forward relate to the deliveries. 'These are very much behind hand, and there seems little chance of an improvement in ;H1y direction. As already stated, many of the mills have refused to accept any further orders for rugs for the present season, and retailers who failed to get deliveries on the goods which they had ordered, are now anxiously searching through the market for what-ever supplies they can lay their hands on. Stocks in jobbing hands, however, are very short, and the retailer is finding much difficulty in obtainging anything with which to fill in depleted lines.-N. Y. Commercial. I F' YOU H A V ENE V E R T R I ErD 0 U R RUBBING AND :POlISHING VARNISHES DETROIT fACTORY CANADIAN FACTORY YOU HAVE YET TO LEARN THE FULL POSSIBLITIES OF THIS CLASS OF COOPS WHY NOT PUT IT TO THE TEST BY GIVING US A TRIAL ORDER? BERRY BROTHERS, LIMITED, VARNISH MANUFACTURERS NllW YORK PHILADELPHIA BALl1MORE FACTORY AND MAIN OFFICE. DETROIT CANADIAN FACTOI'IY v.lALKE"VILLE. aNT CHICAGO .T. LOUIS CINCINNATI SAN FRANCISCO COTTAGE FURNITURE. Willow Piece.~in Pink, Blue, Green or Gray the Latest Fad- Indian Rugs Fascinating and Cheap. \\lil1ow furniture enameled in stunning colors ,,,,ill be used extensively in summer cottages this spring. The pieces~ chairs and rockers as welt as benches and scttecs~are made on the same lines as those that have been in vogue for sever-al years, but enameling in bright shades gives them such an entirely rljfferent appearance that they look as if they ,,,"ere some new pattern. Those done in a soft light gray are delicate enough in that tillt to be used in a reception room. Upholstered in a striped jute that corresponds to the enamel. they arc decided-ly effective and almost too delicate and handsome for the rough oHtdoor use th<tt is given most willow pieces. 1'11c upholstery is of the simplest kind-nothing but two cushions, one at the back, the other [or the seat plainly tufted. If de-sirable, a two tone red jute used fo1' cushions with the gray pieces make a handsome combination, ~speci.aHy if a rcd summer rug is laid on the floor. Green enamelled pieces appropriate for library, living room, or for a porch, and upholstered in a small figured jute, are very neat, decidedly restful for us'?: in a room ,vhere a family spends most of the day. Sets i;1' deep maroon, with cushions in a material that matches. are stunning for a lihrary, for, despite the warmth of the coloring, the \villow prevents the pieces from looking either, heavy or hot. Vi\'id orange enamelled chairs, settes, etc., are unusual and wilt be most effec,tive for use au large, shady p-orches such, as are often seen .in summer cottages, or they will be appropriate in a flat where the ,valls are done in -gold, for they will give the apartment a bright, £:heerful <wd light apPC<lrance that is most desirable for spring and summer. III harmony \-"ith these attractive colored lyjllow sets are the new style rugs, made in all the lig'bt shades. They arc the outgrowth of rag rugs that have long been popular for spring use. A decided improvement on the old fashioned rugs made from all sorts of rags, are woven of pic{:es 5pe~ial1y prepared for use. They are remarkably cheap, too, for a small Kobe rug l1Jade in Japan can be bought for $2.25, and it is three by six feet, pl,enty long enough for USe 1ll a bedroom or to lay in front of a couch on a porch or in a living room. These Kobe rugs <ire made in strong· colors, dark reds. greens, hltles, witl) curious, pointed geometric J-ignres through the body, and have a series of about [lve borders g-radllated from a wi(lc Ollt' at the outer edge to the last one that is about balf its size. Tllese can be used but on one sick, for the desig-n and colors are stamped on. A more expensive rug and one that is reversible is called Shaki, becauce it is patterned after an Indian weave which it closely resembles. These are in subdued and light colors and are of hn) shades, white with green, or tan, light blue or pink, and have a border about eight inches wide acOss both ends of a variety of ditIerent tones, including reds, blues pinks. greens, yellows, all light. They are finished with white fringe at the t,,,,o cnds. A tl~ifle more expensive than the others, a rug three by six for $3.25; larger sizes cost more of course. In the large rugs to be llsed in the cenLre of a room on a hardwood Hoor or on a porch where a room is fitted out on it, the !;lrgc Shakis rtrc most serviceable and CiTe p<lrtieularly effective, for they con~e in such prQtty browns, g"·eens, tans, with jusL a suggestion of color in the body made by the in~ traduction of convenionalized Indian arrows, a combina-tion of delicate reds, pinks, greens, oranges, etc. /\cross either end they are finished 'with a border in tones to match the colors in the arrows and in a white fringe. These rugs are reversible and the colors are all fast, and for that reason -----_._.- 23 they will be found particularly satisfactory for use on a porch or where they are constantly exposed to the rain and sun. In sleeping apartments the mission ~ugs will be effective, for they :otre in solid colors and in tones of green, blue ,and tan that are very restful and soothing. ,The greens, are parti-t:' ularly effective. They have an indefinite border ~nd short white fringe at either end. They can be bought" fur $3.75, that is, tJJe small ones, those three by six-Ex. Valuable Chairs. The ~·alHe of chairs is strictly relative. Enormous prjees have been paid for chairs in recent years, notably $100,000 for a set of half a dozen Louis XIV chairs, upholstered in Gobc1in tapestry, which ,,,,ere originally, made for Marie Antoinette. Even this price, by,:the way, was exceeded by the sums paid for three of the Hf~inilto;l ,l'<l.lace tables, one of which brought $3,UOO. A most valuable and historica1Jy int{~'r'e5ting suite of furniture is that which, more than a century ago was p~e- ~ented by \Vanen Hastings to Tippoo Sahib, and which was purchased aL the Londesborough salt for $5,000. The suite consists of a card table, a sofa, two small cabinets and .l'bur ann chairs, all of solid i\'ory, most exquisitely carved. But probably Lhe most costly chair in the world is one of the Ulany treasures of the shah of Persia. It is of solid gold-tbicld'y incrusted with djamonds, rubies, pearls and sapphires, and its valnc is estimated at haJf ~ million pounds. In the house of commons at' \Vestminister are two arm chairs which onee belonged to Gladstone, and one of _which was his favorite seat when at DOH'ning street. A short time ago a romantic story V'las told in the French papet'S of two dilapi(lated arm chairs which were sold among the effects of a Mme. Boring, a widow, who died at Dellys, an Algerian scaport town. The widow was reputed to be rich, but a thorough search of her rooms failed to disclose ;~lIy of her hoardings, and it was assumed by her relatives thlt fihe had died p:·actically penniless. Xot long after the sale oJ her fwniture, however, it was obse~'Vl~dthat the pu--chafier of the chairs. a Spanish :steve-don~ named Perez) ceased to work, begal; to waf1.:: about in line clothes, to purchase land and houses and generally gave eyjd{~nce of having come into a fortune. Suspicion bein-g arou:;ed, Perez was arrested, and no\\' stands accused of having appropriated to his own use the old lady's fortune, of at jc.ast$20,OOO, which had been concealed in the dilapi-dated arm chairs.-New York Herald. A Dinn,er and the Theatel· Instead of I'paint." "The old habit of taking a customer out to paint the town after he's given yOll a big order is on the wane," said a salesman. "1 find that nowadays it dosen't pay to do that. For one thing, a man who has dined and wined ,,,,ell' ,,,,ith yon is bound to be in pretty bad shape the next day, unless he can stand a good load of booze. 1f he's on the blink next day you may be sure he's likely to blame you fo;' it. Ten chances to one he gets a good le"cturc from his ".·.i.fe, 3ndthat added to his general down and out condition, isn't g-oing to do you any good in a business way. The man may conclude you're too swift for him and that the best thing is to cut you out altogether. "For some time now I've been operating on a better line than the old style. Instead of treating a customer to a glorious stag racket I take him and his wife and daughters, if he has any at home, to dinner and thcn to the theater afterward. The women are tickled to death. Besides, we have a nice time and are clearheaded and ready for business the next day. Then at Christmas or Ea.ster I .send a ljttle present to my customers and I take good care. to pick out something useful at home, so that the VI'omen will appreciate jt too. It's a good play to get solid w1t11 the women in this way." 24 "CYCO" BEARING "I Prize my Bissell Sweeper" ~·TYPI FJES the highest standard of excellence in Carpet Sweeper mel;hilfiism, and this claim is abundantly justified by its superior saleability, It is very easy (0 make claims, but (0 h,ave tbem supported by facts, is quite another thing. One thing is ~ertain. you CJO't det:C'ivethe public by ltckless, unsupported claims, and we therefore realize that unless the Bi~sellwere all we represented it to be, we would soon hear from this in the way of dimis.hed bmin~Sli\. The facts are,' the Bissell has achieved more than we have ever daiined tor it in an adverlise~ rnent, and its exte[)sive and constantly growing sale throughout the world, wherever carpe~ or rugs are used, is a vltible and positive proof of its recognized superiority. The Bissell has maintained the leadership for thirty years, and is the one only tarpet ~weeper that has ever been advertised extensively to the consumer. or that has ever been sold under a sound, $incere price maintenance system. Write js,. (JlJrIptcia/ Easter '!!fir. "Beyond any labor saving device In my home. II BISSELL CARPE'T SWEEPER CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. (Largest Sweeper Makers in the World. ) One of Many Patterns in Quartered Oak, Polished Buffet No.2 Price, $14.00 Ask for OUf Catalogue· CHARLES BENNETT FURNITURE COMPANY CHARLOTIE. MICH. ODD DRESSERS and BUFFETS. HORN :BROS.MFG. CO. 281 to 291 W. Superior St.. CHICAGO. ILL. MANUFACTURERS OF Chamber Suites. Odd Dressers. Chiffoniers Lll.DIES' DRESSINGTI\8LES to match Made- ill r.oMen Oak, GetluiJle Mab0K3!lY Veneered, Birdseye Maple, White Enamel Highly Pohsbed or Dull Finish. We also make it line of PRINCI:SS DRESSERS from $13.00 UP. In QUQcier-Sawed Oak, Mahogany and Birdseye Maple. Veneered If you have not received aur Spring Supplement, ask for it. SAMPLES SHOWN BY PECK & HILLS 1319 Michigan Avenue, and HALL & KNAPP; 18'1 Michigan Avenue, Cliicago. G. R. ~ I. fLYERS BETWEEN Grand Rapids and Chicago To Chicago Lv. GRAND RAPIDS, Ex. Sun 7.10 A. M. Ar. CHICAGO , " .. 12.35 Noon Sldf.t Parlor Car Lv. GRAND RAPIDS, Ex. Sun .. " ., .... 12.01 Noon Ar. CHICAGO " ., ...• 4.50 P. M. Parlor and Dining Car Lv. GRAND RAPIDS, Daily , " 11.50 Night Ar. CHICAGO " .' 7.15 A. M. Electric Lighted Sleeping CItoI' ~======-=== Phone Union Slation for Reservations To Grand Rapids ---------,-------- Lv. CHICAGO · .8:45 A. M. At. GRAND RAPIDS 1:50 P. M. Lv. CHICAGO, ~~lSt~8~~1~ Ex. Sun 1.15 P. M. Ar. GRAND RAPIDS.. . . . . . • . . . . . • . .. • 5.50 P. M. Buffet Parlor Ca.r Lv. CHICAGO, ~ihC8t~~1~tl~~ Ex. Sun 5.30 P. M. Ar. GRAND RAPIDS 10.25 P. M. Parlor aDd Dia.lnS Car L C 1\1. C. ',1Im,. D '} 11 55 N' ht V. HICAGO, 12th St. StatIon at y . .' 19 Ar. GRAND RAPIDS .........•....•.... 6.45 A. M. Electric Lhlhted Sleepfng Ca.r Phone Mlchfda.n Central City Tlc;:ket Office for ReservatioDs, t19 Adam.s Street RICliMOND Chair Co. RICHMOND, IND. The Standard line of ~uble Cane Ilii.. ..,iili" CHAIRS and ROCKERS Write for Catalogue. Mention MICHIGAN ARTISAN ,.....--------------------------~---- 26 THE UP-TO-DATE UNDERTAKER behind the glass doors oi a tall vertical showcase along one :-:ideof his showroom. You might still find such a display as this, but not often. "As a rule, now, the burial receptacles that the under taker keeps in his show room are mostly, if not altogether, caskets. They migbt be contained in cabinets, or they might be secured in vcrt,ieal positions, to the backs of panels run- 'li'hg continuously along the side of the rooin, and forming, to the eye, a cotitinuotls high paneling. Each of .th~,s~ panel's, with a casket attached to it, .is so pivoted ,and lXttal1'tW(f>that vithout effort it can be pulled forward and down ihto allod zontal position for the display of the casket at a convenient height from the -Aoor. "\Vhen a member of the family or the friend commission-ed for this service comes to select a casket, the undertaker 'can show caskets in various styles, and if he has not, even ill his varied stock, a casket precisely such as may be required he may sell one from the il1ustrated catalogue of the manu-facturer, or be m;lY take the purchaser to the warerooms of the manufacturer to select from the all but endless variety of caskets there to be found. "All this is very different from the old time ways." "To come back for a moment to the undertaker's window displays of vlrhich we were speaking. \Tlfe may now see occasionally in them a newer aud later feature in displays of burial robes, and the robes thus shown may be both costly and beautiful. Such robes and garments have Jargely sup-planted the old time shroud. "\Ve have as yet no automobile hearses, but they are sure to come. Sooner or later we shall find automobile carriages n funer~tl processions, and the automobile hearses will comt in due time."-N. Y. Sun. Great Changes Latter Days Hav,e Brought In an Ancient Industry. "There was a time," said the undertaker, "when every-thing about the undertaking business was pretty solemn and sombre. In those days we had no Stich things as burial caskets, but everybody was buried in a coffin, and there wasn't much variety in coffins. "We did make them of mahogany and of oak, to be su,e, as well as of pine, but a coffin was a coffin, whatever you made it of, and it was a universal symbol of death. "It had the accumulated terror of ages about it. "Now it's different. Fully three-quarters of the peopk that die no\v in cities are hUl-ied not in coffins, but in burial caskets, which are as different from the ancient coffin as it is possihle for them to be. Seriously, I regard the inventor of the modern burial casket as a benefactor to his race. He has at teast rohhed the grave of i:iOl"'I1oef its terrors. "In the old days the cabinet maker very likely combined un-de: ·takillg with his cabinet busim:ss, and made coffins in h15 back shop. Kow in cities few undertakers make their own coffins, and all the caskets are made in great factories, eq1.lip-ped with modern machinery. "There arc carved caskets of line wood, caskets of aIUll1.- iHum, caskets plush covered, OJ- covercd with embossed vel-vet. "In old times coffins were somet'imes made to order for individual requirements, but commonly a stock of coffins was kept on hand, and these the undertaker might keep stored 011 shelves or displayed standing on end in a row THE UNION DAVENPORT BED .1 OUR LATEST AND BEST PRODUCTION Its operation is simplicity itself. Is strong and serviceable. Makes an excellent appearance ·with its handsome cushions. Has high grade spiral springs throughout, and spring edge all around. A PERFECT PARLOR BED Without being moved from the wall opens into a perfect bed. Send for descriptive matter and prices. We want you to handle this excellent article. UNION WIRE MATTRESS 00. 187·188 Michigan Ave., CHICAGO M.etal Beds, Woven Wire Mattresses, All Steel Sprinl!.s and M.etallic Ccnche..". COMFORT IN THE .GUEST ROOM. Little Things That Make the Best Kind of W~kome, How seldom nowadays do we nnd people who still c1il1g tf) the old fashioned idea that nothing is too good for the guest. \\ihac jg no.v that best room reserved for tbe sole use of company, generally better situated and better furnished than any room occupied by the t)1C family; Because of the cramped conditions under which most apartment house dwellers are forced to live the guest room ·with them is a joy they are compelled to forego, but there aTe few houses in which a spare carner cannot be found to keep in readiness for the chance visitOL It is the duty, and should be the pleflsure of every home keeper to have a room devoted to that purpose only. The tendency toward selfish living ·which is markcd in large cities has its root probably in the difficulties which beset the modern housekeeper. The problem that the servant presents, the increased cost of living, the restricted size of houses, all tend toward a nClrrowing of the housekeeper's horizon to the needs of her immediate family. The open handed hospitality of a generation ago is no longer possible in many cases. Yet if oue is to cHtertain guests at all three are some thillgs as essential to their cOlu[ort as the food they eat and the bed they sleep on, and omittillg these is as much a breaeh of hospitality as if oIle turned one's hack upon a gUCS( vdJCI1 he arrived. The properly equipped guest room need not have special c1cg;-mce, in fact that is to be avoided, but it .should 'contain enough of the common comforts of life to insure the enjoyment of its occupant during his stay in it. Of course, first and foremost comcs the necessity of a per-fectly comfortable bed. A strange bed is enough to cause sleeplessness in many people for at least a night or two, under tJJe most favorable circumstances, and it is the hostess's first duty to know that the bed her guest is to occupy is as corn-fo: ·table as care and intelligence can make it. No matter how simply furnished a guest room may be, there should be in it some sort of desk, amply supplied with writing paper, ink, pens of all sorts, stamps and blotters. The next thing is the dresser or bureau. \\Tho has not started to open a bureau drawer in a guest room only to Gnd it lock-ed, or what is worse, filled with dotlles belonging to some one of the family, or else household linen: No matter hm\' short a time a guest is to remain there should be space provided for the keeping of his c:lothes and small things during the time he stays in the house, and the failure to do this simple act of hospitality frequently causes g:-cat discomfort to a visitor. A d,'esser with two small drawe"s to hold minor articles, and one or two large drawers beneath for tlllderwear, etc., will be sufficient for the guest who is making a short stay, ".·.h. ile a closet should be ready for the reception of his other clothes. For the visitor of two \veeks 01· more a c11iffonier should be added to the bureau. In the closet there should be hangers for coats, shoe bags for shoes and a laundry bag for soiled linen. Oil the bureau there should be a well stocked pin cushion, a receptacle for combings, H. box of hail' pins, a hand glass a.nd a nail file. Some of these things seem unnecessary, as most people are supplied "vith them, or should be, but it frequently happens that in packing small things are forgotten, ';lnd it is ahvays unpleasant to h;lV{'. to ask one's hostess for them, A couch should be in every guest room, with a quilt of some sort on it to throw over one when lying down. and this will serve as an additional covering for the bed in very cold weather. The question of bed covering is always an indi-vidual one; no one can assume safely how much or how little will be \\'anted, and for that reason it is wel1 to be on the safe side and provide enough. It is the S?'me with pillows. :Many people require more than one, and many people are 27 ill tbe habit of ~ilceping on hair pillows; therefore it is a goo{] plan to bave both kinds, The dressing of the guest room bed often puzzles the housekeeper. A bed that is more or less formal is to be preferred to one that is simply made witlJ. the usual bed spread. etc., for a guest always spends more or less time in his r00111 and it is in better taste to have the bed coverings of cretonne,. or whatever material has been used for the drap-eries in the room. \Vith such bed covering a round hard bolster is used, cov-ered with the same material, and many of them are provided with spaceS for the keeping of the pillows during the day time. This is all very well provided the pillows arc not kept in it dming the time the room is unocC11ped. Always after a guest has left the pillows should have a good airing, and kCj)t in an airy place when not in use. A table with a candle stick and candle 011 it, a box: of matches in plain view; a "vork basket with black and white cotton and silk, some hooks and yes, needles and a thimble, a pair of scissors-all these things are great helps to the thor-ough enjoyment of a visit. The attractiveness of a guest Made by HaWk! Furniture Co" Goshen, Ind. 1'00111 is made up of triBes, some of them hardly worth men-tioning, but they are the trifles that go to make perfection not alone of comfort but vJso of the enjoyment of the guest \vhile within our gates. Some people feel the lack of these trifling things to such an extent that without them the whole visit is spoiled. The 'velc01l1c that is expressed in the thought that supplies for the guest every little comfort goes further toward making hjm feel <'It home than any expression of it in words. Pmbably those who fail in the matter of making their guests. comfortable are those who seldom visit. Noone who is accustomed 'to visiting can fail to appreciate the marked difference between the guest rOOm that is well sup-plied with the small comforts of life and the one where they arc entirely forg-oUen. Even a few flowers can breathe a welcome that no spoken word can give and a remembrance of the idiosyncrasies of one's guest makes him at once a member of the family, which is what he should be while tlt1dcr its rooftree. 28 POOL CARS FOR PACIFIC COAST OVERLAND FREIGHT SAN FRANOSCO,. CAUFORNIA, TRANSFER COMPANY; make a specialty of distributing pool cars of all kinds and PARTICULARLY, furniture, carpets, linoleum and interior finish. References, Bradstreet's or Dun's and any bank in San Francisco, and the trade. Carloader in Chicago . Carloader in Grand Rapids ]. W. Welling, 633 So. Jel/erson Street Gelock Transler Company, 108 So. Ionia Street. TEAMING FORWARDING STORAGE All the kids are in love with Spratt's Chair GEO. SPRATT & CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. CHAIRS AND ROCKERS FOR EVERYBODY Send :Eor Cataloine No. sa-ChHd's High Chair with Unger- Safety Guard. ROCKfORD UNION FURNITURE CO, ROCKFORD, ILL. Buffets, Bookcases, China Closets \Ve lead in Style, Construction and Finish. SEE OUR CATALOGUE. HOW MANY CALLS FOR INVALIDS' CHAIRS DID YOU HAVE LAST YEAR? Do You Know Where 10 Get Them? We Manufacture the Largest and best line of these goo~s on the market. We furnish you catalogues free. Write us today. THE INVALID APPLIANCE CO. 629-631 N. Halsted St., CHICAGO. THE ONLY CASTER CUP THAT Will HOT MAR OR SWEAT A New Caster Cup, • Furniture Protector Bnd a Rest W.. gURnnlee perfect satis-faction. We know we have the only perfeet ca<rtercnp ever made. This cup is in two si.zes as follows: 2~ inch and 3 inch' and Will: use the cork bottom: You know the rest Small sue, $3.150 per 100 Large size, 4.50 oer 100 Try it and be convinced. F. O. B. Grand Ra.pids. Onr Concave Bottom Card mock does not touch the sur- . face, but upon tbe rim. permit. tlng a dreu1atlotl of air under the block; thereby f!reventing moisture or marks of any kind. This is the only card block of Its kind on the market. Price S3.00per 100 Grand Rapids Casler CUPCo" 2 Par'wood ..... Grand Rapids, Mich, AI$Gcan behad at LUSSKY. WHITE 81COOLIDGE, 111·113Lake Sl., Chicago ,------- "Rotary Style" for Drop Carvings, EmboasedMouldinliS. Panels, Etc. EMBOSSING and DROP CARVING MACUINES Machj~3 for all J»1rpoJle$, and al prices within the reach of aU. Every Machine lw.e our guarantee ll.llaln&t breakalle for one ,;ea[. "Lateral Style" for LaTlleCapacity Heavy Carvrnlls and DeeP EroboSlliDgs. We hlll'e the Machine you want at a $8.tiefaclory price. Write for descriptivedrcular.l. Also dies for all makes of Machines, UNION EMBOSSING MACHINE CO" Indianapolis, Ind, Factory Locations There is in the various offices of the Land and Industrial Department of the Southern Railway and Mobile & Ohio Railroad late information regardlng a number of first class locations for Furniture, Chair and other 'Woodworking Fac tories, which will be furnished Manufacturers upon appljca. tion. An invitation is extended to all who use wood in their plants to write about the timber supply, good sites and mar-kets available in our territory. Address your nearest agent. M. \/. RICHARDS. Land and Industrial AGent, WASHINGTON, D. C. CHAS. S. CHASE, AGent, M. A. HAYS. Agant. 622 Chamical Building, St. Louis. Mo. 226 Dearbom Sf., ellieag., III 29 Patents that "old THE Posselius Bros. Furniture Manufacturing Company, of Detroit, Mich., would have everyone iu the furniture trade to understand that their patents on their famous Victor Extension Tables are valid, and that they are determined to protect their rights against all infringements. The order of the United States given herewith is self explanatory. At a sII8s10n of' the C1l"Cu1t Court of' the United Stlltel! tor the Eestorn P1l3t1'1ct (If' M1chigan GOntlnued 1m" helel, pursu~L ~o adjournment, at the District Court Room, !n the city of Detroit, on Monday, the E!(Shth day of' January, 1~ the ytt1U' one thousand nlne hundred and slx. Present the Honorable Henry H. Swan. D~l!ltrict Judge. CHARLF:$ 'If. lmNZ Imd POSSELIUS B~OTHERS FURNITURE MAKUFA~TURING CO~PAKY, Compla1nants In ttqul ty • No.3ij73 v. LINDOW BROTHERS _ BF.~RS COMPANY, nef'endanl. This cause coming on ror hearin~ on this day, on plead1nf;s and proofs. it ~s ordered. adjudged and doerEted. that United ~tates Letters Patent No. 548.447, cranted October 22, _lSgS to t":h8,!"le8W. Funz. ~od and valld pat.ent. 8JJ.dthe axcll,aive r"ie,ht:!ll th!l::-f1in are vested in the complainants. That lhe extans~on tables made and sold by the defendant, 11k" the s.II.l!lpleoffered in eVidence, infringe claim one of said patent. It is further ordeJ'ed, adjUUC;E1dand decY'eod that the !lllid defendants. thair cOllnsellors, attD.l'"n&ys, Dollc1to-rs, llr:;el'ta, se!'V~nta snd wor!':.mon,he, and they are el'lcn and ever.y cne of t.hen pAJ"retually anjoineu fJ:"or.!t.he alIa (}):"\J;se of tfl01 ea, _bodying 1n their st:rJ.lcture UlQ 1nvsnt.1on ot \.ha hereinbefore I'!entloneu patent. lt i8 further ord!l!"ad, adjudc;ed and deereod that the eonplalnellts !"e.covef' agel. nst the sll!.d defendant the coats to bo ts.xod, and that the sald eOJ'lplainants have execution th"lI'efC!re. 30 ~MI9'pIG?J-N A Valuable New Book On "Historic Styles in Furniture." The following arc extracts from a new book on "Historic Styles in Furniture", by Virginia Robie. Miss Robie's record begins with the mediaeval period, when machinery was not and the handicrafter was in his prime and put his heart into his work. Of this early day there remains a few royal chests and coffers of enduring oak and cypress, richly carved, with hinges and locks of metal work intricately chased in trefoils, and quatrefoils, with heraldic devices and sornctimcs illiaid with ivory Clnd mosaics. "As a record of mantlers and customs the illuminated missal is to the middle ages what the sculptured freize is to furniture Polish We offer a polish guaranteed to produce a BRILLIANT ati\d PERMANENT lustre on any finished wood. A dealer's trade builder. Send for sample Xi gross, $3.75. Our SUPERIOR REPAIR fiNIS" never fails to remove burlap marks and mars; and, used with crystal shellac and a set of our colors, (aniline, to match any finish) will repair deep scratches and jams, and reproduce the original finish! at once. A boon to factory or store. Rep~ir outfit,. comp):te, with colors, one quart til::325 fimsh, and IUslructlons for use. . . . . . . . . .. ,. 'P' • SEND fOR SAMPLES. Grand Rapids furniture Polish Co. Greece and Rome. It represents the earliest history of domestic life of mediaeval times," writes Miss Robie, in-troducing her chronicle to household goods, wnIch she fol-lows through picture and existing examples from the ninth century to A.merican colonial times. The missals of the British l'vluseulU picture household life when the Saxon thane ruled in England. It was a rude age all over Europe and religions and dval wars wars from Con-stantinople to Britain on the west kept the country in a state of turmoil. In times when no castle was safe. from enemies furniture was 110t valued and the only flrtic1e of importance was the. chest which serve.d to hold the famlly treasure and could be moved at a moment's notice. Thus the chest or coffer, frequently used as a bed and as table, stored with gold and silver and family wealth, was the most important article of furniture, for many centuries, and in Anglo-Saxon days, before the Kot:maps came to England, was the on1'y carefully constructed article, perhaps with the exception of rude chairs and footstools, that were carved. To follow the history of coffers and chests alone would be of absorbing interest, as from them developed the cupboard, the dresser, the credence, the cabinet and no doubt our latter-day box couch and trunk. After the conquest wooden beds replaced those of straw, and settles and arm chairs and folding seats found their way into English homes. Decorative infiuencef horn Constant-inople permeated Enrope, and the era of cathedral building and the rise of the guilds had a stimulating influence on furniture craft. The story followed by Miss Robie is faseinat-ing-, the craving for beauty of the time bearing fruits in carv-ed cupboards, tables and. the still treasured chests of which pictures illustrate the best type. This fifteenth century developed an exaggeration of furniture as well as dress; it was the flcl\'v'ingof extravagant Gothic. The Italian renaissance gave a fresh impulse to art. Quoting from Symonds, Miss Rohie wri.tes: "Durlng that period the entire nation seemed to be endowed with an in- ~tinct for the beautiful and with the capacity for producing it in every form. The same care-expended on the facade of a cathedral or the i.nterior of a palace was bestowed on the simplest piece of work-with results unparalleled to-day. The list of articles had increased considr ~ably, as may be seen in the pictures Qf state dining halls, of bed chambers and of single bits of antique furniture. Treasure chests now had become marriage coffers, miracles of inl"ay and carving and clocks had arrived. Beds, chairs and conveniences we know to-day were abundant~ The furniture maker was extending his art to paneling and beautiful ceilings, many of which have been rescued from the-ir ancient quarters and brought to America by apprecia-tive eoll'ectors, a fine example of horizontal beaming of this period lnt,,:ing been transplanted to the music-room of Frederic C. Bartlett of Chicago. The eras of Louis XIV., Louis XV. and Louis XVI were important chapters in furniture l1istory, the characteristic:.; of which are plainly set forth in this admirable review. The eighteenth century ushered in the familiar name of Thomas Chippendale, who was the first Englishman to give a title to a style, although Miss Robie recognizes him as i<more a translator than a creator." This chapter of the work has been writte.n for the modern collector of old furniture, who may turn from page to page and find lucld descriptions of Hepplewhite, Adam and Shera-ton. Briefly commencing on the time of the French Empire, the Colonal period of our own country rounds out the revie IV of historic styles of furniture. House furnishing in these days has becotne an art and con·· venient books are a help to thread the mazes of fashions :ll1d to teach distinctions between the good and the b~td. This handy litHe volumne with its numerous prints and <.i.1!al1tity of information arranged in an interestng at'd logical manner comes to fill a present need.-Ex. A scheme to fleece the unwary was. nipped in Witmingtoll, DeL, recently when the chief-of-police closed the store of the Delaware Furniture, company. The place was run as a club, each subscriber paying a weekly installment for the privilege of partici.upating ~n a drawing. It worked wen for the schemers. A quarter of a century ago the sale of goods by a gift distribution plan was quite common. An attractive main prize, usually ;1 high grade piano, was placed in a NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, Via GRAND TRUNK-LEHIGH VALLEY ROUTE. Two Fast Trains Daily Except Sunday. Dally. Leave Gd Rapids , 2:45 p. m. 7:05 p. m. Ar Philadelphia 3:40 p. m. 7:25 p. m. Ar New york .4:30 p. m. 8:40 p. rn. Service unsurpassed. For further information'-"'"applyat City Office, Morton House Block. c. A. JUSTIN, C. P. 8. T. A. window and envelopes containing numbers corresponding to numbers placed upon articles offered as prizes were placed in a box. Patrons paid a stated sum for the privilege of dl"aw-ing the envelopes from the box and receiving the articles the numbers in the envelopes called for. The principal prizes were never drawn. The envelope containing the numbers of the piano and other principal prizes Were laid flat in the bottom of the box, which the hand of the patron never reached. It was a very profitable scheme to the merchants employing it, but was put under the ban when the bill to'lotteries was enacted as a law by the congress of the United States. ---------------------------------- ---- Partners in Lif,e-U nited in Death. George B. Lewis, vice president, and Hero M. Amsden, until recently manager of the New England .furniture com-pany, died on 1\.la1'ch 21 and were buried on l\{arch 24, in Grand Rapids. Deceased bad been ofj-iciats of the :-Jew Eng-land Furniture company since 1880 and ,,,"ere \videly known and generally respected. The funerals were largely attended by members of the loc<ll Furniture IVTanufacturers' Associa-tion, also by members of the Pythian fratertlity and friends. Both were fifty-seven years of age. The local association of manufacturers adopted the following resolutions at a meet-ing called fol' that purpose: "That the sad news of the passing a.vay of Hero M. Ams-den and George B. Lewis ha>i come with a >iense of personal >iorrow and loss to their friends and business associates. "That by reason of integrity and honesty in business deal-ings, and high character, loyalty and devotion in their person- ,Ill relations, they have justly won the respect, estc,cm and re-gard of those \vho carne into contact with them. "That we desire in honor of their memory and so far as words can avail. to express and be"r \'litness to our respect and regard for them and our sincere sorrow in their passing; away. "And that we do hereby extend to the families of the late Hero M. Am~dell and George B. Lewis our deep and sincere 31 Israel Goodman, Jacob Tobias and Casper Gol'dberg re-cently organized the Puritan Furniture company, in Chelsea, _Uasi'., 'with $3,000 capita1. John Euwer and H. B. Fisher will engage in the retail furniture business in Youngstown, O. E. A. Turnbull of the Grand Ledge (.:\Ilich.) Chair CiOm-pany, \"iho was seriously injured by a fall in January, is sJowly reeove.rjng. Ulpt, Gahagan of Chattanooga, Tenn., reports that the factories of that city are well E'upplied with orders. Over in Boston fire escapes arc found to be so da.ngerous that they are trying to escape fire escapes. J. H. Parkham has been engaged by the Chattanoga Fu~'- nitLtre \'famtfactllrl;rs' Associatic..Jn as sales manager. R. J. Sbattuek and company lost their stock of furniture by fire in Litchfield, )1jch., recently. l\{ay, Stern and company have opened a store in Pitts-burg, Pa. Leo Lehman is the manager. S. D. Johnson has purchased the two furniture stores of the Campbell Furniture company, in Marysville, Cal. Prospectors visited Johnson City, Tenn., recently .• pre-paring to invest $100,000 in the erection of a factory to make furniture. H. E. Schumacher wi1t manage the \Vashingtoll 'Street sto:·c an<l Julia Mor;·ow the furniture department of the north I'",,,,,, "" "."," ,.•" ~,~, 'Pr'''I'';'''';' r"",,,"~1 in. ".,'t.,,,I,, ";'1, "r ('h","."""""'"j.l,,.,," """,',.,"'i,",..,,",",,(,'",,'.("''0"',''''''''''nI",,",i,.i.,i,,,..,.,,,,.T,h. ","I,",.,",".,"1'"'''''''''1'''"'''"~,'1' 1,·,',n,u.1 I~;I~:"~.:~,,:';,: ,~:i ;,1,':'i;';i:,;";::;, ",':.;; t:~~~~::~, ";':~I~'I"',~';:.:~; ';'..:i( •,:~~";'ud~j .~:i (~'.,"""."1h••,,',",,,,"",<o,·,,·d """h .,"" ""h ~'''''''"''''''''"' ," "'r,,'"' ,",I >,co.. i:dd '",'r,'''''''''.''' ,,( ",,' OlIO;;"" .I,,,,,,. "".,,, 101m,'"," 1l§::2:~~:~::':::~~:~.~jj~El.:~.~~~;:':~~;'~::,:'~:·~"~:':;;":'{;,:.~~:f~;':~:~ SAMPLE OF GOOD ADVERTISING, sympatby in their herC'<lvement, and direct that a copy of these resolutions be sui.tab1y cng-rossed and presented to each of sair! families." Trade Notes. R. D. ""VarreD has leased .F. C. Roser's furniture store in Canajoharie, N. Y.. for a te;·m of :years and will' conduct the bnsiness. LOllS L. Valentinc, Andrew E. Brake of Chicago have o~g<l\1ized company with $6,OCO capital. The sale of Oliver Rothert's toona, Pa., to Gimhel Brothers 000, is reportcd. A warehouse v.rill be e:'ected by Miller, Stewart & Beaton retailers, of Omaha. The ,~rillan Manufacturing company, reccntly incorpor-ated in Marion, Ind., ,vill erect a factory. F. M. Finnell of \Vinolla, Minn, and George B.DoyJe of rvIil1neapolis have entered the employ of the John Brcssmer company of Springfield, Ill. The ),'lacey company succeeds the ]\l'1acey-\.V. ernicke com-pany in Grand Rapids. l\lr. 'Vernickc continues as presi-dent and devotes lljS entire attention to lhe. bnsiness: James R. \VyEe is vice president, E. K. Pritchett secretary and Frederick K. Tobey treasurer, Seaver and Joseph F. the Century Furniture building· and stock of Philadelphia, for in Al- $200,- L side store of the Lefebere Furniture cOlllpany in Green Bay, 'Vis., hereC\[ter. T1~e errors of future excellence. costly teacher. The \Vinston (N. C.) Furnitnre company plant was sold at auction, recently, J. S. Clarkson has opened a furtliture store at Fort ~~Vnrth. 'V. TI. Hodges succeeds J. \V. Booker in Burlington, la. Tuttle & Kimball succecd Harvey bTeene in Rochester, Mich. C. E. J orgen""on's fUl'11iturc plant in Chicago, ,",,-as entered by safe blowers and ,\fter overpowexing the watchman, the snfe was 1:Ilo,.vnopen and $25 and $1.500 in notes was obtain-ed. One of the men is said to be a former employe. The Kindd Somersaultic Davellport company of St. Louis, wil! manufacture Davenport bcds in New York. Capita.l stock is $6,000. Thc American Furniture company, :rvlartinsville, Va., have purchased four acres of ground and will establish a furniture factory. The I\,{inot, N. D., Furniture company has been incorpo-rated. Capital invested i,s $25,000. The Jamestown FUf11iture company has been incorporated with an 3\.1thorized capital stock of $5.000, at Newport News, the past sh(ltlld serve as warning guides to' Experience is iHl excellent though a.t t!mes ,...----------- ---- ---- ---- - - No. 2030. DRESSER. Full Swell, Glass Knobs. Qoartered Oak, Mahogany ~ Bird' ,-eye Maple. Polished. Plate, 16x:18 Top. 20][36. The Northern Line HAS DISTINCTIVE MERIT that must not be overlooked. Its WONDERFUL GROWTH IN POPULARITY, which is shown by our record of results is evidence of the fact that it sells along the LINES OF LEAST RESISTANCE KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THIS LINE Get the Catalogue. Northern Furniture Company SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN Manufacturers of BED ROOM, DINING ROOM and KITCHEN FURNITURE. No. 3531. CHIFFONIER. Full Swell, Glass Knobs. Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Bird·s Eye Maple. Polished. Plate, 14lt.2.4. Top; Iling. PERSONALITY IN SALESMEN. Salesmanship is as much a science as Seamanship. The clever seaman has given him. the ship, with her various sails, her steering gear, her compass, and the vary-ing winds, with which he maneuvers and gets speed out of her. The more clever the seaman, the mote will be turn the opposition of the elements into· useful channels, the very gales into horsepower. Did you ever read Doan's "Two Years Before the !\Iast?" It illustrates to the full the difference between the captain who commands the ship, and the captain who is cornmandcd by the ship. The former knows to a nicety bovv tar safety lies in the list to port, and how many yards of canvass the gale \vill per-mit, how much the mast can safely bend. TIle captain of the latter, less fearful of the storm, £u: Is his sails, and with bare poles is dictated to by that which he should tUrJ1to his use. Just ,~(}'\lith the fu'nitul'e salesrnaJl. The~·e are as many kinds are the:'e are varieties of captains, 33 stores. The medicare salesman, however, as a r,uIe, has evolved from mediocre ranks as it result 0{ cultivating per-sonality by 110ticing things. I hold that any fairly intelligent salesman at, or even a trifle under par as to results may, either teach himself by ohservation or be taught, the selling habit that runs into t1gu,es. That fact is even being recogn,i,zed a." wo:thy of higher cduc:ltion and suggestion has been made that the study of salcsmanship be added to the col1ege course. How many times has the unsllceessful seller watched the retreating back of his lost customer, with a full knowledge that his 5hort- COIning'lost a sale, yet witbo1lt the remedy? I canont tell the one, who needs a remedy, just what that remedy i~, hut I can tell him how to discover it himself. ! First of all, absolutely know your stock. That means know veneer as veneer, and birch as birch. Know what' is a dowel. a dovetail, a splasher, a mortise joint, a standard :'llld all such things that pertain technically to the goods. Tf ,you don·r know these things, gO down stairs and ask qucstions of the repair man, who generally has factory exper- Made by lhe L-nt~ Table Co .• Narbville, Mich. hut there is only one variety ,~.-hjchlasts and gets the salJry, and that is the one who puts personality into his selling, to whom the cLlstomer is the wind, which, blow hot or blow cold, enTries him to a sale. The salcsman, whom the clIst01ner steers, will ulake salE"~ but not ill quantities such as the salesman \\'110 steer~ the customcr. The mediocre seHer shows his customer a num-ber of the articles asked for, notes the one admired, and im-mediately fans allover himself in his recol11mendati'onoi that particular one. The customer is quite likely to change her milld, on closer inspection. The salesman is then brought to the pass of letting his praised article down easy, or ignor-ing it for the new choice. The customer, not knowing the line is bound to be fickle, and seldoll], except in the case of strong mind cd people, flxes (ll1;illy on an cady choice. If the salesman shifts with the choice of his custome,', he simply makes of himself an automaton clJilrgcd 'with the ans\vers tn certain questions ill thc \'vay of lLicc, wood, 01" size. Any well informed sa1esmal1 can answer sl,ch questions and price is not paid for that knowledge. Sall:s by such are made only to cllstomen who know tlH~ hOllse. ;111(1 come to huy. any way, and who would buy from whomever waited upon them. These are the twelve and fifteen dollar men in the average 1ence. Use these technical names in selling. It begets con-ildence. Get so accustomcJ to measurements that you do not need a tape measure to ascertain the size of mirrors or the width oi bases. DOll't attempt to open locked d:.-awers of which :the key is lost, or similar attention divertcrs. If the detail management of the store is such that keys are lost that should not be, 01· if casters are out which should be in, or mirrors dirty which should be clean, leave the casters and the key and the mirror talk alone, and make the mental reservation that when you get to be man.'lgcr, such things will not be. All this knowledge and the more you look into it the more more you will see to pick up, becomes in time your person-alit),. You don·t neul to be agg:'essive anJ bluster to have thi:" quality. The man who knows, and knows he know:;, impresses oth-ers \vith his knowledge, and the reverse is just as true, He who is ignorant and Lies to hide it is apt to advertise it. Havi ng. then. a fuB knowledge of your st,ock, 110 custo,wer call ent:l11g1e yOll, and your story. \vil[ systcmaticaliy;Jlang to- !!,"cthel"; Tben is the time, not before, like the captain of the ship, tn use tllC gale to add speed to the sJlip. 34 l[ the customer knows i.t an, as they often do, stick firm-ly to what you know to be right. If its solid mahogany and you know it, and he says it isn't, make it stick that it is. if you have (0 whittle it to show him. He may be provoked on being mistaken, hut you've got his confir'ence. Tell the truth. If you have a job where they don't want the truth told, get out as quickly as you can. You arc sim1l1y make a chump of yourself for so much per, and if you ever get a job in a white store, your misrepresenting hahit will get you into trouble. You don't need to be good looking, or curly headed, or deep voiced to be a salesman with personality. Tt's all a question of being well grounded and sticking to your ground, withOltl being nasty abOtlt i.t. Let your customer hove':'"ove.· everthing she likes, giving her the good points of each. Let her indicate her preference, not yours, and don't commit yOU - .self to a 48-inch dresser as being the only thing, to discover that her space limit is 45 inches. That would be setting and trimming your sails before you know the direction of the wind. One great <lest-roye,! of sales i.s the preconceived ide<l-of the salesman that the cllstomer don't want to buy, but is only looking, You might as well guess the number of beans in the quart jar. Anyone with curiosity and time enough to go into a fur-niture store, however indifferent appea:-ing, can be turned into a customer, or influenced to become one later. You are, hired to spend so many hours a day t:ying to sell goods, and the scheme that gets you the big total should be your labeled scheme. \Vhat odds then, if you spend time on an unresponsive looker, whom you think you cannot sell in preference to waiting for a customer whom you m"y or may not sell"? It is a common habit among salesmen to "shake'· the looker who don't "look good" and often such lookers go to the next store down the street ~',ndb\1y. You might as well give up that habit. It i5 bad, and wrong, and foolish. A splendid thing to go along ",,·ith personality is to look after your customers after you do sell tht:.m. Very many salesmen book the orde··, particularly in the large c:tics, and then the incident dies. \Vhether 0: not the shipper shillS well, or the deaner dea'ns well, -is in their estimation a matte;- that concerns the house rather than them. Get in touch with your post 1110:·temsales. If anything goes wrong, you will come in for your share of the curses. Call up your customers by phone, or if they ha\"e ::Lbig bill. go and see them. That is the way to l2nd them and their friends for second orders. Even if everything is all right and the customers sati.sJied, it shows an interest and t:hat all comes under personality or influence. Set down some evening and figure these things out. If you have brains you will easily see the chances and can appl~: them to yourself. If you can't or don't care, you haven't bothered to read this article, anyway, and the don't care sales-men are generally brainless. The bulk of all furniture buyers now holding good posi-tions, were promoted from the ranks of salesmen, not of ne-cessity being the top notchers in sales, but having a furniture pers0nality, and knowing what they knew. 1£ there is a man in your store wbo, under the same condi-tions as you, and with tl~ hetter leverage, sells more than you, watch him, and see how he docs it. Don't be one of those salesmen, of which every large store has several, 'who are more fitted by lack of enterprise to measue cold molasses, and the colder the better. The fur-niture business calls for a larger share of selling intelligellcc than many others; the competition among salesmen is kecn-e~, and the chance for comparison better. If you tack ambi-tion to better yourself in the business, yOu arc simply play-ing second base, with a hetter man on the bench, and he is bound to exchange with you. W. J. CALDER. Rockford, 111. I t is a pleasure to visit Rockford and call on the many busy furniture manufactures there. They are all' gentlemen, and, though busy, "fail not to cnte the strange:'." If Grand Rapids is the Furniture City, when the fU:'niture output does not represent more than 40 per cent of the total V<lluatioll of goods mauufactu:ed in that city, what shall be said of Rockford, whose furniture output l~nearly or quite two-thirds of the total valuation of the city's manuiactures? There is not a city in the union, and hardly a 1i.-st class furniture store in the land where Rockfo;-d furniture may not be found. \Vhen these facts a:·e taken intn consideration, it is apparent that something is doing in Rockford, The Forest City Furnitu. c company is having a fine busi-ness. Manager Clmk saill they wO'llld be on hand in their regular space on the second floor of the big Waters building, Grand Rapids, in July with a bunch of new patterns, and the same old bunch of salesmen; don't need an~' new patterns in that line, as the old ones are "onto the curves" of every-thing and everybody in the fwniture business. . Charley Lundberg of the Co-Operative Furnitme company is an expansionist-believes, like Teddy the First, in being a world power; so after huildill,g up the business of the Co- Operative Furniture company to a higher pl,.ce than it ever occupied before, he og,lllized another company named the Made by Mechanic6 Furnil~ Co • Rockford. Ill. Rockford Cabinet company, bought the big factory of the Rockford Burial Case company, turned it into a furniture fac-tory, and is turning out a line of buffets, chinas, bookcases and clinil}gextensiol1 tables that sell at sight. The Rockford Chair & Furniture company is never idle, never 5ho: t of orders, and will soon mail a'r ·tnusually attrac-tive picture book of good things to the furniture trade. The 11·echanics Furniture company has a new catalogue of buffets, china closets and serving taMes in oak; parlor cahinets in mahogany and music cabinets in mahogany ,wal-nut, oak and birch. It is a beautiful catalogue and every dealer should have a copy. Since my last visit to Rock-ford this company has erected a large addition to the factory, adding more than one-third to the floo: space, which enables them to largely increase their ontput. They will have a fine exhibit in Chicago in July. The Cent:a1 Furniture company is one of the busy ones. Their line of china closets llne] bookcllses is onc of the hest ill the \",llOle }{ockford bUllch. The Union Furniture company will' 1110ve their exhibition in July in G and Rapids from the scco11(l fl.oor of the IVlasonic Temple to the seventh floor of the new Manufacturers' build-ing on Ionia st:·ee1. 'where they will have for neighbors the l\fuskcgOll Val1ey Furniture cornpany and .I\100n Desk com-pany of "\l uskegon. The T{ockfo,d Frame & Fixture cornpany are the largest manufacturers of fancy cabinet ware in Illinois. The line of pa,lor cabinets is a st (Jng one, and they have built up a trade that spreads all over tbe country. The Rockford Standard Furniture cmllpany are rnailing a new catalogue. Its full of pictures of sellers. The Royal 1,'1ante1 & Furniture company are enjoying a flne t:·ade. and the Rockford Desk company makes a similar report. Rockford IS soon to have another fu nihue factory. The ll1inols Cabinct company is the !lame. Capital stock $100,000. Thc factory will he located in Ellst Rockford, on the Eighteenth avenue car lill('. not fa" from the Royal Man-tel & FurniW'-e company. The olhcers llre: John P. Lundell, president and K. E. KliUbsOll secretary The main building \vil1 be 224 x 128 feel. three stories. The intention of the C011lplllly is to bring out a line of mission fu"niture, and later if the trade demands it. a scneral li11e of furniture 1'01' which Rockfv'c1 has become famons. C. :"J. Vi. A. R. Peebles, Manager. Since the withdrawal of the late II. 1\-'1. Amsden from the manag-e11lcnt of the Xew England .Furniture company, the 35 duties of that official have been performed by A. R. Peebles, the secretary uf the company. Hc is a vigorous, energetic young man and it is the purpose of the company to continue his employment in a managerial position. FURNITURE MEN IN ASSOCIATION. "Aggressive and Protective" Union Formed. A permanent state organization caBed the Home Furn-i~ hers' Association of ~Iassachusetts has been organized by Boston and state urniturc dealers in the retail trade, with about 100 members. The object is aggressive and protec-tive." Tts officers are: p:-esident, C. E. Osgood, the C. E. Osgood company, Bost011; first vice~president, C. N. Pea-body. Eldridge & Peabody, Boston; second vice-president, John L. Robertson, Robertson & Co., Lowell; third vice-president, Jackson Caldwell, J. Caldwell & Co., Somerville; fowth vice-president, Lou Adams, People's House Fumish-ing company, Haverhill: secretary, 1\-1. A. \;Yood, the C. E. Osgood company, A. McArthur compa'ny, Boston. Executive Council-Richard E. "Vv'arner, House~old Furnishing com-pany, Xew Bedford; Henry L. Ki!icaide, Henry & Co., Quincy; Geo!'ge L. Hersey, J. VV. Hersey & Son, Springfield: llugh .McLean, McLean Brothers, Holyoke; J. J. Sullivan, Huckley & Sullivan, Lawrence; Stephen Harrington, Ste~ phen Harringtoll, Cambridge; Charles~ Flint, Flint & Barker, \Vorceste,; B. A. Atkinson, Frank Ferdinand, Boston. Audi-tors- Geo. J. Bicknell, Atkinson company, Boston; James Ellis, James Ellis company, South Boston; LeBaron Ather-lon, ;\therton Furniture company, Brockt011. THOS. MADDEN, SON & CO. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE Be,t In America Parlor Suils Our New Line in of Two, Three Davenport .nd Beds Five Pieces are the very best made in that can be made Stationary Styles and Prices .nd to suit Loose Cushions EV"'Ybody ONE OF OUR BIC SELLERS. OUf new line will be shown only at our Show Rooms, 35 to 39 North Capit:aI Ave., lndianapo~. Ind, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE OF DAVENPORT BEDS. 36 THE LEXINGTON Mic~ Blvd.& 22d 51 CHICAGO. ILL. Refurnished and re-fitted throughout. Neu" Mana/{ernent. Tbe furniture dealers' head-quarters. Most con-veniently sitllated to the furnilure display houses. Inler·Slale Hotel CO. OWNBR & PROPRIETOR E. K. CrUey, Pres.; T. M. eritey, V. Pres.; L.H. Firey, Sec-T1eas. Chicago, March 25.-The furniture manufacturers of Chi-cago are all busy at this writing, reports from those inter-viewed going to show that the volume of trade has continued most satisfactoril"y through February and "the current month. President A. P. Johnson of the Johnson Chair company has been seriously ill for some time at his home, but is re-ported to be imlvovillg at tbis writing. 1V1r.Johnson has been atTIictcd for several years with a complication of troubles. President Joseph Meyer of the Manufacturers' Exhibition Building company spent a week during the middle of the current month in the States of Indiana and :Michigan. Presi 'dent Meye" found ,all of the mallufactl1~e:'s busy and in addi-tion to rcncwals of old contracts for space, received appli-cations for a goodly number of new leases in the Big Build-ing. John Horn, Horn B:'others: "The condit;ol1s with tiS arc vcry satisfactory. There has been no letting up in the volume of our trade. but on tbe conL-a'y there has been a marked increase. Jaquary of this year was $1,200 ahead of January a year ago, and Feb:uary has 1--.;::en$2,400 better than February",1905." Manage:-,.CbarJes Elmendo:-f of the Manistee Manufactur-ing company, was in Chicago the 21st inst., and wii's' on his way to the P~icific coast for a business trip of sever:il weeks. Mr. Elmendorf will visit Portland and Baker City, Ore., also Tacoma, Seattle and other coast,t'~i~i~&~ "On his ;'eturn he will stop off a'{~ansas City and' Omaha. J. Y. Ellwer;~and n. H. Fisher of J. Y_ Ellwer Sons, Youngstown, Qc"visited this market on the 24th illst., to pur-chase furniture for a new store to be opened at Youugstown, E. C. Allen of the Carrom-Archarena company, Luding- -ton, Mich., was in Chicago on the 22d inst. The Carrom- Archarena company, in addition to manufacturing a strong line of· boards; arc making a strong line of tables_ 1\'1r. ;'AJlen was in Chicago for the purpOSe of placing the table pine agency with some of the local commission houses. Mr. ,Allen was for a tc:-m of years a salesman for the ).lanistee ·lI.Janufacturing company i~\'t~c 'carly days of that company. F. T. Plimpton and company have been having a sec-tional' bookcase exhibit at the Business Show which has been /'IR'T' e ?,.. running the past hvo weeks at the Coliseum. The exhibit was a display of the goods made by the Humphrey Book Case company of Detroit. H. C. Plimpton of La Farge, "Vis., who operates a furui-ture and gcncral store in that town, was in the Chicago ma.- ket the past "leek. l\1rs_ Plimpton, who is at the head of the millinery and fancy goods department, accompanied her 11llsbalJd. Mr. Plimpton is a brother of F. T. Plimpton, the well known Chicago commission man. \\Fork on the Kew Southern Hotel addition will begin April 10. The present five story building fronting on Michi-gan avenue will be torn down and a new ten story fireproof "trttcture will be eeeted in its prace. Secretary Charles G. White has just returned from a two weeks' trip during which he visited the furniture centers be-tween Jamestown, N. Y., and Evansville, Ind. Mr. '\'hite s;~ys he found all of the munufacture"s J:.'lsy, the advance made in prices before the first of the year appa:-ently cutting no figu:-e in the volume of business. The National Business Show, which has been running dw past t\-vo weeks at the Coliseum, has had among other exhib-itors stich well known concerns to the furniture trade as Cen-tral :VTanufacturing company, Sto:-ey Furnitu:-e company, Am~ berg File & Index company, and the Macey-Wern:c-kf: com-pany. Al'so the McCollum :Manufacturiltg company of TT ammond, Ind_ The Lathrop company, wholesalers of furniture, 1319 l\lichigan avenue, are sending out five thousand catalogues to their furniture trade. The catalOgUe is .arranged in very convenient form for the inspection of the dealer, Cuts and prices are shown of their big line of oak suites, dressers, com-modes and sideboards. which the Lathrop company carry in their Chicago warehouse for immediate shipment. Charl'es A. Fisher and company's plant at Lincoln, Ill., was visited by a small fire the second week of this month, result-ing in putting temporarily out of commission several carding machines. The Lincoln plant has been running their card-ing machines day and night on three shifts, This plan will be continued as the company now has orders in for one thousand of the famom; Rex Inner Tufted mattresses. On account of tbe interruption by fire the Chicago wa:-ehouse FOUNDED 1888 Reduce Your StockII at a good profit or sell en-tire stock at cost. "TNE NEW.IDEA MEN" 460 Monon BI'd'g CHICAGO SALES MANAGERS WRITE FOR TERMS. through the enst. Mr. Schneider says the trip was a very satisfactory one, as he has never had a more successful period for doing business. Rumo:'s have been current of late that the Peck & Hills company arc planning to secure a lease on the p:-operty at 1234 l\lichigan avenue with the view of erecting a building of their'6wn in which they can display the big list of lines they-carry. J. C. Hills, when qucst:oned, said that the matter will be drawn npon to fill urgent orde-s_, , J osepb 'J, Schncider of Schneider & Allman, commission merchants, has ju,st returned ham an eight weeks' trip of having a building of their own has been more or less under consideration the past ten years and that the question is as indefinite at this time as' ever. Hanke Brothers, 129-137 N. Ada street, Chicago, have just gotten out their twenty-eighth annual catalogue and are mail-ing the same to the furniture trade. The catalogue is a com- ..rrnnrDWr\Qnr IMPROVED OPEN BOLSTER ROLL Shipped one dozen in a case, K. D. flat. Covered in white muslin, $11.00. Covered in colored satine, $12 00. The Best Open Bolster Roll on the market. TRY A BOX. The Sanitary Feather Co. 249·255 S, Canal St cHICACO. plete one in every feature pertaining to the IT;-I11keline and shows that this company's goods arc stronger and better than ever. The death of Edward J. Dwyer, member of the widely known furllitl1 e n'"111 of 3.1cAllSh, Dwyer and cumpany, oc-curred Tuesday night, ).larch 2Cth, from jlncumorlia, at his home, 4940 Fllis avenue. III ~he passin:.{ of .:\h. Dwyer Chi-cago lrv.;es one of the hest kllO\Vn and ahlest business men ill the furniture trade. Possessed of a most gcnial and \vinning persoml1ity, he W(lS one of the most JloJJular of men among all those who came with;!", the circle of his acquaintance. :.rot only ,vas 1\1r. Ihvycr successful in the business ,',..orld, but he also achieved ma:'kcd SLLccessill the Ileld of politics p"cvious to the time of his entering the furniture business. ~tr. Dv,ryer was a mcmber of the sUlte senate from 1894 to 1898 that being- the \;' Jlolitical office be held. He was born in 37 ceased ,"vas a mernhcT" being present 111 a hody and prominent men, including Congressman vVilliam T "orimer of the Sixth district, a close friend of J'vlr. D\vye', and Judge Hanecy. John 1\1. Smyth alld Fred Blount. The pall bearers were CongreSS1l1an Lorimer, Scnato:" Teml11eton, John Dade, John Cook, James :Ylonaghan and And ew G:-8ham. Effective music was rendered by the St. Amb"ose cho)' The interment was in Calvary ceme!~ry. General SHies Manager alH1 Purchasing Agent R. A. Forcl of the [·'()rc1& Johnson company, has been spending the win-ter in Texas. At the p 'esent writing "fr. Ford and Mrs. Fo·d are ill Denning, where they will remain fo:" some time IOllger. "V\rh;,t Others Think" is the title of a booklet which is being mailed by the George D. \,Villiams company to the manlfacturers in the furniture trade-letters in the form of testimonials from J au nary exhibitors, the special features of desirability in exhibiting in the V\,'holesa1e Furniture Ex-hibition Building a"e stated as follows: "Direct entrance on ~lichigan a\'cnue. No cossing of bridgcs or al1ey~. Goods on exhibition eve,y day of the year. Salesmen in charge every day 01 the year. All flows face Michigan ave-nue. Located midway bel ween the two large exhibition buildings. \Vell lighted and ventilated." Fire on the 6th inst. destroyed three furniture warehouses and contents at Sheboygan, \Vis., two belonging to :McAnsh, Dwye:- and company and the other to Andrew McAnsh. The origin of the fire is believed to have been fromcossed wires. The buildings 'were valued at $90,000 and the contents at $32,- 000 and were covered by insurance. The Royal ]'dctal Ylanufacturing company, 1817-1819 Dear., born street, Chicago, have been displaying their line of goods at the )Jationa1 Business Show in the Coliseum. The Clemetsen company, manufacturers of Clemeo desks, have been having" a Clemen exhibit ~\t the National Business Show in the Coliseum building. The display included a WILL YOU PURCHASE YOUR SPRING FURNITURE AND CARPETS CD DOWNTOWN: BIG RENTS, BIG·EXPENSES. 81G PRICES t UPTOWN: LITTLE RENT. UTTl[ [XPfNSES. LITTlE PRICES! SAMPL£ OF GOOD ADVERTISING. Chicago at Ohio ;l11d :North Halstead street"" on Kov. 21. 1861. After graduating frorn the public ~chools he entered the ein-ploy of a publjs]-)]Jlg JlO11SC. This he left after a few ye:lrs, taking a clerical position in the city clerk's office, which marked his introduction into politics. In 1890 he was chmeu clerk of the \\'est town. Later he was west town assessor, assistant superintendcnt and superintendent of the city water system. The funeral took place Friday morning, :\la'ch 23. 8t 10:30 from the housc and later from St. Ambrose church. whe'te req-uiem high mas:; 'was ceJebnlted and appropriate reinarks made by JTather Foley. The fl1nenl! was very largely at-tended, memhers of the Illinois legisaltt11"( at the time dc-new typewriter desk which putting on the market. charge of the exhibit. the Clcmetsen company is just l\Ianager Reggio has been in }Tuel1(:'r Brothers we~e damaged to the amount of $8,000 by a fire in their facto"y in Chicago, recently. The capital stock of the J obn D. Raab Chair company of Grand Rapids has been inceased from $20,000 to $50,000. The business section of White Pigeon, Mich., was recently burned and loss amounted to $20,000, At. V,.rickett's furniture store was in one of the buildings which were destroyed. 38 Large il!uJtrated Catalogue Jhow] whole linc • .AiRfor Catologue uA. " Go-Carts and Baby Carriages To show our line is to show the best This Folding Reclining Go-Cart is representative of the most popular kiud this season. Wheels are 12 inches in diameter; rubber tired. Springs front and rear, uutless axles. Dash and Back adjustable. We manufacture four other sizes of Go·Carts in many designs, also a large line of handsome Baby Carriages. \Vith the opening of navigation business always becomes 1110re brisk in Detroit. This does 110t apply so much to the m"anufacturing business, especially the mal1ufacture of furni-ture, as the furniture makers of this city <1"e busy all the year round, but to the retail t "ade and general business of the city_ Thousands of men find remunerative employment dur-ing the season of navigation along the docks. in the great warehouses, and in the shipping roems of H:cwholesalc dis-trict. 111 dry goods, hardware, groceries, boots and shoes, clothing, drugs and chemicals, Detroit is one of the leading jobbing cente_rs of the west, and trade with the jobbers al-ways becomes more active when the boats begin thciT" sea-son operations. All this bas a material effect on the retail furniture business, and when the tremendous amount of building that is going on in this city is taken into considera-tion, the lot of the retail furnittl'c merchant does not seem to be a hard one, to say the least. Detroit is rapidly becoming a g-reat -financial cente", with. more than a SCOT"eof banks, trust companies and other fi-nancial institutions. The latest of these is the Security T ust company. M. 1- :Ylurphy, president of the ~Iurphy Chair Murphy Chair Co. A COMPLETE LINE American Go-Cart Company Detroit, Mich. No.89H company, is one of the organizers. of this latest eute-prise. ~Ir. Murphy is 011eof the most active and valuable members of the Detroit Boa,d of Commerce, which- is doing so much to advance tl,c mate: ial prosperity of Detroit. Having built up from the smallest kind of a beginning the largest chair factory in the state, and one of the very largest in the country, Mr. Murphy has found time to interest himself in many other enterprises in this city, and is looked up to as one who speaks with authority-the outgrowth of knowledge. Among the other great enterp:-ises of Detroit are the Wolverine Manufacturing company and the Cadillac Cabinet company, at the head of wh:ch is Frederick B. Smith. He is another illustration of what b:·ains, industry and enterprise may accomplish. and the two great factories under his per-sonal care and watchfulness are a monument which any man might well be proud of. To be a successful merchant and manufacturer at the same time, building up both branches of the furnitu:-e trade at the same time, is what vVilram ]. Streng has shown h-m-self capable of doing. The Grand Upholstering company con-ducts one of the leading retail stores on Gratiot avenue, while the Palmer rV1anufacturing company is one of the lead- MANUFACTURERS DETROIT, MICH Pioneer MfS. Co ... DETROIT, MIen. R66tI furnitUrll BabU GarriaOlls Go-Gans ROOKWOOD and a general lille of FI\NGY TI\BLfS Write for Cuts and Prict:ll palMER Manufacturing Co. 1015 to 1035 Palmer Ave. DETROIT, MICH. iug- table m:lmlfactnring conce us in Detroit. Doth of these enterprises arc due to the push and good judgment of }'[f. Streng. The Pionce:' ]\[anllfncturing company, adjoining the Pal-mer 1Iatlufactllring company, 11Ial1ufacll1:"CfS of reed and rat-tan chairs. rockers. children's ca. riages and go-carts. IS under the personal supervision of George Streng, b "other of \V. ]., and i:-i highly prosperous. The la:-gest factory in the United St;lks operated exclus-ively ill the manufacture of dining extension tables is that of the Posselius Brothc:"s Furniture r-,''!<llll1factllring company. Their famous Victor extension table has prohably the larges:- sale of filly p;\tent extension table ever put on the market \V. F. Barke-- and compZlny "v:11 S()Ol1 o::cn up their Hew :\Iicbigan 'Wellt.le retail store. Tt ,,,ill he o.n(' of the Il1le",t fu:-niture stores in the city. Victor V. Ceulebrock will be in ch<t:'g-e of the new store. while V·l. E. Barker \vil1 have general supervision of it as well as the \Voodward avenue _~tore, J, C V'/idman and company are having" a booming trade in ha11"furniture and china closets. The ;-\111eric;\n Go-Cart comp:I11Y is also en:oying- a tine trade in rccd and rattan chairs, children's carriages and gO-carts. The Humphrey Bookcase company have added a line of regular library bookeasc.s :ltld lihrary :\11(1 office tables. Evansville, Ind. The factories of b:vallsville are well provided with onle:-s. The staple goods. embracing "everything for the household and the allice," made in this city are ever in demanr!' V'lith an abundance of moderate priced materials, skilled lahor aud superior facilities for shipping goods, Evansville is in position to rnailltZlill her supremacy in the trade. \\-'0: k upon the new factory of the Specialty vurniture company is progressing satisfactorily and ,:v-ill he ready f01" operatiol1 befOl-C the opening of the fall season of trade. Thc nockstege Fu:-niture company reports a very satis-factory demand for tables for the dining room, the parlor and the charnhe-- Secretary Jourdan is welt pleased with the conditions existing in the trade_ "The Hanner Line" of metal beds continues to please the trade. [t is strong in every featnre. The Karges Fu:'niture COtnp8ny a'-c mailing a catalog"ue of chamher furnittl1-c and ..v..anirobes just from the press. Seeing Mexico. A, YV. Hampe of th~ R0yal Furniture eompany. Gr:-l.nd Rapids, is spending a few weeks in old ".\'1cxico. He has ill\'cstmcnts there. 39 WILL DISCHARGE UNION MEN. Southern Furniture Men Tell' Employes to Leave Unions or Shops on April 5. Five thousand workmen in thirty-odd manufacturing plants of f1igh Point, one of the greatest furniture manufacturing tmvns of the south, have been informcd that on April 5 no union men would he employed in thcse plants_ Careful es-timates put the number of mcn involved at 2,000_ The manufacturers, most of whom are furniture makers, say that many of the employes -were opposed to being o:gan-izcd, seeing only useless friction as a result of suell action. Since the nrg;ll1izatiol1 of the workmen ill iec1ing sprung up. Employers declare the new order merely a matter of business with no ill ,viII. The orgallization of I11gh Point labo:" has exceeded on a basis anything yet worked up in a southe~ 11 manuiacturing town of its size, aod the outcome will be watched with inte:"- est. Furniture makers are well organized and prepared to pull together should a J1ght be lllflde, but it is believed ther;; will be no light. Why It Holds. There are some pecple ,so lwsy that they can hardly find time to investigate the merits of all article like the Tower pat~"t fastener for holding drawer puHs and knobs sec.1l.-dy in place. Yet a mere glance at the cut will show that they a:e the little bradded washers that fasten themselves into both sides of the drawer when the knob or pull is fitted on; which ean never, by ally possibility get !oose, while the furniture lasts. This is very importallt, as it really adds to the vnlue of the furniture much mo~e than the cost of the trimmings, while the litlle fa."tcncrs eost absolutely nothing. But the husy man may ask how it is that these fasteners add to the \';ilue of the furniture more than the cost of the tritnmillg~? In reply, we ask, is not an insured house wo:·th more than it v,'ould be if not insured? v\Tell, these little fasteners in-sure the drawer fronts against marring by the pulls getting loose and dropping down. Then it is not an infrequent thing to fi.nd a knob or pull missing altogether, when they are not fastened with the Tower patent fastener, and as i.t is almost impossible to match the others with the same style of knob or pull. fin entire l1CWset of trimmings becomes necessary. So the importance of having all furniture ftted with the Towe: patent fastener, made only by the Grand Rapids Bras" com-pany, beC01l1eSapparent. --- The Sanitary Feather Company nf Chicago is one of the leading feather houses in that city. They arc putting in an 130 horse power Corliss engine to take the place of the present engine which is much too small for their rapidly growing business. Among th,eir specialties is the "Featherweight" improved holster roll, il1ust~'ated on an-other pagc_ It is shipped in cases of one <:!ozen each, k. d. flat, covered -in '\vl,ite rnns\-ill, $11.00 a dozen; in c.olored satine $12.CO a dozen. Their ;~ddr('ss is 249 to 255 South Canal street, Chicago. 40 ESTABLISH EO 1sea I"UI'L.Ii5Hl!:D ay MiCHIGAN ARTISAN co. ON THE 10TH AND 25TH OF EACH MONTH OFFICEw-2-20 LYON ST., GRANO RAPIOS. MICH. EtlTE:REO AS MATTER Of THE 8ECOND CLASS By the (kath cf H. M. Amsden and George B. Lewis, Wil-liam S. Emery and O. A. ,Va d remain as the sole survivors of the original New England Furniture company. Elias Skinner and E. F. "'lard passed away a number of years ago. I-I. C. Brooks and Charles E. :"leech and others sold Qut their stock several years ago, and when the annual dinners of the company shall be held in the future there will be many va-cant chairs. Messrs. Emery and Ward have steadily support-ed the cO:'po'ration through many vicissitudes of its past history, and their minds are filled with kindly thoughts of those who have gone to the great unknown. The incorpor-ators were natives of New England and in honor of t!1;:Hsec-tion the company was named. The stories that have reached the ears of the manufac·· turers of the east in regard to the p~osperity of the Los An-geles district are almost beyond belief. Here is one by Ed Caldwell: ;'During the past six months 75,000 people from the east entered the Los Angeles district. It is estimated that their expenditures averaged $6.CO per day per head." The furniture dealers had a wonderful volume of trade, but to the reflecting mind a commodious hash foundry would not be a bad proposition for Los Angeles during the winter sea-son. \\'hile the January selling season was disappointing to many exhibitors in the volume of o:ders taken, the manufac-turers have had very satisfactory returns from the buyers Wl10 took memo:-anda, The value of. the exposition plan for sell-ing goods has been asce~tained, and its practicability estab-lished. The national house of representatives will probably pass a bill to put alcohol used in the a ts on the free list.fhe senate may be depended upon to pigeon-hole the bJl, however, and nothing more will be heard of the measure during the life of the present congress. If the floor spaces of the furniture exposition huildings 01 New York, Chicago and St. Louis were combined under one roof there would not be sufficient room to exhibit samples of the lines of furniture produced by the manufacturers of Grand Rapids. 1\ow the table makers (extension) are at it. Quite a num-ber have signed an agreement to withdraw their lines from the expositions and a number quite as large have signed leases for space in the exposition towns in \.,.hich to show their lines. In the olden time the world possessed but seven wonders. Now its wonders are countless in number. The twenty-five {urnitureexposition buildings in Grand Rapids rank among the most wonderful. The manufacturers of Grand Rap:ds a-e fully employed upon orders. This condition will not interfere with the work of preparing for a magnificent exhibition of eaSe goods in Juty next. The railroads of Ge manl'give rapid transit of ex-porf" at favored rates; a diffe ent plan from' that followed by certain American rail wads ill giving rebates to ta~o_ ed i.ndustries. Buying goods from pictures calls for the employment of the imagination. Buying from sampleS. CIemands judgment. Be a market buyer and leave imagination a't home, Only in Gqnd Rapids is it possible to show the largest collection 'of furniture on the earth. The city has twenty-five buildings devoted to exposition ,Purposes. The legislature of Massachtts'etts has refused to pass a bill purposed to prohibit the eUlployment of women and min~ ors overtime in factories. The agreement of the congressional" sub-commitee on a free alcohol bill is about the most tonic thing in the air at Vlashington. Customers demand new things-something different. The!'le can be bought advantageously hythe market buyer. All space in the exhibition buildings has been taken and the Grand Rapids show in July will be the g:eatest on earth. The rilore a salesman knows about some things and less about others, the better salesman he is. "Out·of-Town" Checks. The legal right of hanks to charge for the collection of out-of-town checks is about to be tested in the courts, upon the initiative of the directos of the I1Lnois Mal1ufactu:"'e s' Association. This association hIS been greatly dissatisfied with the ~ew rule of the banks impos:ng this check-collection fee and has been advised by counsel" that the rule is illegal. The proceeding to test its legality is held by agreement with the Chicago clearing house committee. Prior to January the banks made no charge for collecting out-of-town cbecks. The jump from this condition tC-Jone of arbitrary fixed fees in no wise conforming to the 'absolute or relative expense of collections, so exasperated the association that the banks wc:-e forced to concede a reduction of one-third from the announced charge. The association is willing to concede charges based on the cost of collection, but not the adopted schedule, which, it is estimated, would increase the banks' revenues by fully $7,000,000 a year. Hence this suit is directly inte':csting to the commercial' world generally. Death of Gilman W. Avery. At Biloxi, Miss., on March 24, Gilman Vl.r.Avery, pres~dent of the Comstock & Avery company, Peoria, Ill., passed from earth, the result of a stroke of paralysis sustained a month previously. Deceased was a native of New Hampshire, hav-ing been born at Greenville in that state on Ma;·ch 14, 1835. He settled in Peoria in 1864 and engaged in the furniture business. He was a high mil1ded, honorable gentleman, qualities that commanded the respect and esteem of the com-munity in which he lived. His business attainments we;e many, and his judgment sound <Inri reliar'e. A wife and two sons, Frank E. and Frederick 11. Avery, are the im-mediate mourners of his loss. Capital Stock Doubled. The Hard 11al1ufacturing company, bedstead manufactur~ ers. of Buffalo, have doubled their capital stock, now making it $150,000. This new stock will be issued in full this week. They employ abont 200 hands. 41 ~!SE~ARS, ROEBUCK & CO. ~ CERTIFICATES HAVE 'ii~r@' DOUBLED IN VALUE CHAIRS FREE .... U ....- .....JAmOUlltiDI" ~ ,110 00 • A FEW OF THE MANY OTHER VALUABLE ARTICLES WE NOW DIVE FREE IN [lCMANIE FORS50.00 IN naFIT SHARINO CERTIFICAT£S. ARTICLES THAT H£RETOFORE REQUIRED SlOO.DO IN CERTIFICATU. THE PLAN OF SEARS, ROEBUCK &: CO. THE GREAT MAll ORDER HOUSE IS REVEALED IN THE MATTER ABOVE. 42 -of'"J'Vf.1:2!pRIG 7}N FOR 50 CENTS. \iVe will mail the Retail Edition of the Michigan Artisan to any address in the United States for the remainder of the year lQ06. Remit with order. MICHICAN ARTISAN CO" GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS Amerl('-Jl,ll Go-Cart Co .. Alaska Refrigerator Co. Atlas Furniture Co. Barnell CO'J W. F. & J .. Bennett, Chas., Furniture Co. Berry Bros. Bisilell Carpet Sweeper Co. BlI
- Date Created:
- 1906-03-25T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 26:18
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1942-07-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 10, Number 7
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBRARY GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• JULY 17. 1909 ~ ... . ~a_a.... . I ----- _ __ ~ --THE BETTER M A K E" WE HAVE OVER 400 PIECES IN OUR LINE BEDROOM and DINING ROOM FURNITURE SUITES TO MATCH FACTORY AND SALESROOM 37 CANAL STREET CATALOGUES TO DEALERS ON HEAVY PLATE PAPER NELSON-MATTER FURNITURE COMPANY, GRAND RAPIDS. MICH • .. ... ...-_....... . __ . , . , l A BIT OF INDUSTRIAL HISTORY Are You Running an 1860 or a 1910 Plant? In 1860 cottonseed removed from the bOll by gmnmg was garbage-thrown away. By 1870 gmners managed to conVInce some people that cottonseed was good fertJltzer. By 1880 It was con~ldered good cattle food and m 1890 It \\ as bemg used as a table food By not utlhzmg all the cottonseed m 1900 (one )ear) twenty-sIx mllllOn dollars that someone could have had, was thrown away [he CItyof Gla'igo\\ Scotland, gets 9 000 horse-po\\er elery dav-free b) catchmg and u tIl ILlt1gfurnace gases lormcrly \\a'it,d. The steel corporatIon \\111 hght the to\\ n at G'lr) T rd , at d run all street cars \\ Ith energy that would otherwIse be \\ asted and belched out o' UrIl"ce -t c, ~ If you use steam lor heatIng a d dr\ lIIg ll1d yOll ,11101\ aliI (' ndensatlOll to go to \\aste-you are losing money. Put all your condensatlOn back mto the holler wIthout pumpmg-and 1 kr II ill I I lIlII,) II I h I tl II 1h "Detroit" Return Trap PATENTED "DETROIT" Automatic- Return Steam Traps Manufactured and Guaranteed by ~itk~c~~ III 111:1 (lil l il I" I III II ,1111 II --ENGINEERS AND MANUFACTURERS-- "ABC" Moist Air Dry Kilns. "American Sirocco" Slow Speed Exhaust Fans. General Offices: Works' ------..,II I I! IIIIII IIII IIIII II III IIII II IIII I II III II ....I DETROIT, MICH. DetrOit, Mlch and Troy, N. Y. ,,- ._--~---------- ._--------------_._---- SLIDING SHOE FOR USE ON DESK LEGS This shoe does the work of a caster yet allows the desk legs to set close to floor. Fastened wIth flat head wood screw and furni'lhed in three sizes SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES I I III II" No 1493 PULL A very fine handle for desks in the square effect. Something different from the regular bar pulls. GRAND RAPIDS BRASS CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN WEEKLY ARTISAN NEW YORK~S NEW FURNITURE EXCHANGE BUILDINGS Covering the entire blocks frOIllLexington Avenue to Depew Place, 46th to 48th Streets Each building 200 x 275 feet in size and 12 stories high 1,,300,,000 Square Feet or Nearly 28 Acres Floor Space THE LARGEST AREA WHOLLY DEVOTED TO WHOLESALE SALESROOMS IN THE WORLD WILL BE READY FOR OCCIJPANCY DECEMBER 1st., 1910 Applications for space should be Illade to CHAS. E. SPRATT., Secretary NEW YORK FURNITURE EXCHANGE ARTHUR S WHITE. PreSIdent ALVAH BROWN. VleePreSldent HARRY C WHITE. See y Treas .••••...•. - .--~ I Get Next to Mechanics Art in Plain Dress II IIIf II I !I IIII II WEEKLY ARTISAN .,.. IIIII•I•I IIIt II It I IIt I I II•I I• I• •t I II• I II VISIT OUR SHOW ROOMS: CHICAGO, 1319 Michigan Avenue, 3rd floor. NEW YORK fURNITURE EXC"ANGE, Space 10, 6th floor. Complete Suites for the Dining Room, ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS 3 Penod and Colomal DeSIgns at Popular Puces Full Ime 01 MUSIC Cabmets wIth our Patent AutomatIc Shelves also for all kmds of Records. co., . . .I. ~'lAJIiJ~' ~ i You don't have to" talk" your No wonder people want Royal Chairs-no wonder they head off to sell Royal ChaIrs. won't take any other Read what C. F Jackson, Norwalk, You don't have to •• waste" tIme on "rubber-necks." OhIO,wrote us We send custo'ners to your store convinced-ready to buy. ••Wecanno/Jell any other chairJ here. Good ad"'ertiJing and We sell Royal Chairs for you, OUf 'REAL merIt ha"'e made 'Royall crac1(er-jack JellerJ.·· ';;,;,t:; National Ad"ertisingu:€::~L is a tremendous selllllg force. 25 MIllion THE PUSH BUTTON A. E. MIllett, Amada, l\heh , says people are readlllg our advertIsements every XINP ",your ChairJ are rapid.,fire Jell e rJ. month they appear We use such papers Send last order quick. ... as Saturday Evenlllg Post, Ladles' Home Wehelp you IIIothe~,waysas well. DraB Journal, Woman's Home Compamon, Cos- us a lme today;-get our buslllessboomI~g mopolltan Literary DIgest Munsey's Sue- proposItIon-It s a lIve WIrethat gets .he cess, Rev'iew of Revlew~, Everyb~dy's, trade-makes your store popular , McClure's and many others. CO., • Sturais, MIch. MECHANICS FURNITURE ~ ----------_.-._._._.--------------------------------------. 4 ~\VEEKLY ARTISAN ~, --... -------- -------------~- I- f I• I• IIII• I• I •••• I, •,I•••••• II I•I III ___________________ • • 1 _I II Many New Patterns m Dmmg Room and Bedroom Furniture for the Fall Season Show Rooms at Factory, Grand RapIds luce rurniture (0. of Excellent WorkmanshIp and Fmlsh, conSIsting or Parlor Callinets, Music Callinets, Hall Trees, Hat Racks, Sbaving Stands, Buffets, Cbina Closets, Gilt Mirrors, Dressing Tables, Cbairs, and Adju.rtaMe Fixtures THE LUCE LINE DISPLAYS GRAND RAPIDS-Second Floor, Furn Iture Exhlbltlon BUlldmg CHICAGO-All the year round, Ch,ca go FurnIture Exchange, 14th and Wabash Ave, and 10 the New York FurnIture Exchange _______~_ ~ . .---- -..-.-.-....-------_. . -----1 The CelelJrated EFFand EFF Line I ROCKfORD fRAME AND fiXTURE co., Rockford, III . ~ .. .---------- --------_. ..-.--_. . .------- ... - . _. ---- ---- ... - .-- .... GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBRA~Y 30th Year-No.3 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• JULY 17. 1909 Issued Weekly PROGRESSIVE PEDDLERS. "\\e ha\e the bonu" ,,_\,tem for the mo\ement of hwbh grade goods, but only to a paltlal extent, . saId IT \\ Hub-bard of the.M RIch & Bra" Company, Atlanta, at the Pant-lmd, where he I" makmg ll1S home dunno hI" "tay m the b - market "1 have heard of Its bemg 111 use m othel e"tab1lsh-ments, but cannot say how It works out m general In fact It,> tnal by u'> on such pecuhar lme'> that there IS no <bYen-eral "olutlon III It It h employed wIth a couple of men from our carpet department, who help out when neededlll the fur11l-ture depal tment These men talk nothmg but hIgh grade goods when called upon to a"sl"t, and they make sale" by theIr method", and of COUIse secure the bonuses "As a general proposItIOn we pal our men straIght salanes, and the p01lC} of the house has been qUIck recog11ltlon and re-ward fOI good work vI, e endeavor to get the best help and m my department our men make from $125 to $200 a month, accordlllg to ablht} Mr RIch, the head of the house, ha" frequently remarked that he owes the bUlldmg up of the es-tabhshment to the faIthful men he grouped about hIm; that III no other way could he have made the progress "You may not know It, but the firm members have no fo01lsh pnde, but rather take pleasure m the good fortune VI hlch has come to them, and so ha\ e no heSItancy when talkmg of theIr busllless growth III lettmg It be kno\\n they arrl\ed m Atlanta wIth packs upon their backs, ha\mg walked all the way from NashvIlle The) vvere peddlers, and started In a small way m Atlanta As they grew they drew about them men who helped them de\ elop \Ve ha\ e a great de-partment "tore, and It IS due to the co-operative splnt whIch has prey alled betVl een the film and ItS men "The amount a good a\ erage salesman should sell IS de-pendent largely upon local and house condItions, and wIth our e:,tabhshment I should say off hand, $40,000 annually The answer whIch an) one man may gIve to thIS query wlll only apply to hIS 0\\ n hou"e, or at best to hIS own CIty, and III but few mstances to the lattel, for each house has an entirely dIf-ferent settmg, Influence and trade posslblllties "\\ Ith our ad\ ertls111g there IS but one mednlm employed, and that I'>the dally ple..,s :\o~ I am talkmg about our own house and as the pubhclty posslblllties apply to It Cuts al e u"ed hberall), and the) al e never of the stock order, but made for the particular tIme and article for vvhlch they are used They do not cost much at the best, and the senSIble economy IS the proper cut f01 each al tide, and ItS use for nothlllg else An Enormous Output of Seconds. The man who was domg the talkmg runs a comparatively small table factory He has been In the bus111ess a good many years, and thu'> ha'" qUIte an extensIve acquamtance among some of the older dealers of the country Dunng the past spnng order" fell off, '>0that he thought he would make a call on some of hIS old acquallltances III the trade, and pIck up a few orders The first town he went mto he found out that a large table factory not \ ery many mlles away had been dls-poslllg of VI hat were deSIgnated as "seconds," and that the dealer upon vvham the httle fellow had counted for an order \\ as "loaded to the guards," so that he dIdn't dare "look a table In the face" The small table manuiacturer found that the same condItIOns prey alled In almost eve Iy store he went mto 111three or four cIties \Vhen he got through he figured up that the large manufacturer had dIsposed of no less than 7.200 tables as seconds The httle fellow now beheves that sellmg goods as seconds IS SImply another way to cut the pnce, as the goods were all sold at 2S per cent off Why the Line Did Not Sell. The '>elhng agent of a company manufactunng a very strong Ime oi case work, becom1l1g chssatlsfied wLth the "low movement of hI" goods OIl a cel tam floor of a certam gl eat hou"e fur11lshmg merchant, called On the buyer and beg-ged permIssIOn to 1l1terVlew the sale"men employed WIth the purpose of learnmg the cau..,e of the mactlon PermISSIOn VI a.., granted and the sellmg agent qUIckly granted and the selhng agent qUlckl) learned that the "alesmen had not stud- Ied the lme, that ot the speCIal ieatures contamed therem they knew nothmg J n a good natured, Jollymg the agent took the sale::,men through the ll11e and explal11ed to each I11dlvldual the "e1l111gquahtle" the pIece" possessed The salesmen took a hvel) 111terest 111the remarks of the agent and the goods have moved Iapldl} and ea"lly Sl11ce pealed to the Intelstate Commerce Commission and that body has ruled that the junsdlctlon of the State Railroad Commis-sIOn does not extend over demunage aCCrll1ng on mterstate traffic In Chlcago the carners aIlow, on gram, one day for inspec-tIOn, two days for disposItion or sWltchmg orders and three da} S for unloadmg, on coal the roads aIlow two to four days free time at storage or sWltchmg yards for disposItion; in Mm-neapolts and St Paul a Slmllar alIowance lS made In Xe", York, New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvama and :-Ian land the carners have had m operatIOn for several years a t\\ enty-four hour average plan, which the shlpper may ad-opt by contract wlth the carner On cars released withm 24 hOUls a credit IS alIowed of one day that may offset any de-tentIOn of other cars handled wlthm the same month to the same e'Ctent In Mlchlgan and New England states the aver-age plan IS m operation on the basls of 48 hours free time. t;nder the 24 hour average plan only the larger shlppers or those handltng commodltles that may be loaded or unloaded \\ lth the greatest faClltty may operate to advantage as the a\ erage ft ee time on each car lS only 36 hours and to ga111any advantage the recel\ er or shipper must release more than 50 per cent of hlS cars wlthm 24 hours. The 48-hour average plan lS more fay orable and offers a most practlcal solutIOn of the entne demunage problem Some of the demurrage bureaus all ow the free time from 7 am, foIlowlng the actual or constructive dehvery of the cal s \\ hlle in other distncts the free tlme commences at noon lt the cars are tendered Or placed before that hour The Ohio Rat/road CommlsslOn provlded for the latter method but the carnero, 19nored -,ame and have aIlowed free time from the 7 a m folIowmg In larg e termllldls lt lS practIcaIly unposslble to obtain a checl of the "torage yards and deltvery tracks at noon or tVvlLe each cla}, 'iO that a double or overIappmg period is dif-ficult to enforce and the bureaus have, m mO'it 111'itances aban-doned thls plan The vanou'i '3tate ralltoad commlSSlons havL, m many in- '3tances, 1efused to recogmze or assume any j unsdlctlOn over demurrage because of lack of speClfic authonty, the carriers, have opposed such leglslation and little progress ha'i been made III thls dlrectlOn In sevel al states, however, the CommlsslOns have as-sumed jUllsdlctlOn over demun age, even to the extent of pre- -,cllblllg demurrage rule'3 '" Ith ",hlch the carners have refused to comply Vanous orgamzatlOns of shippers have expended much tune and money m the endeavor to establish demurrage rules upon a fair and eqUltable basis and while ready to ad-mIt the justlce and necessity of a reasonable charge for the undue detention of cars have combatted many of the prescnt rules and pI actlces as bemg arbItrary and unjust. At the present time demurrage IS a subject that IS of VItal Importance to every receIver and shIpper and should receive undIvIded attention At the last annual meeting of the Na-tlOnal AssoClatlOn of Rallroad Commlssoners, 1ll October, 1908, a commIttee compo'ied of one representatIve from each rat/- road commIssIon and one representative of the Interstate Com-merce Comm1sslOn, to be known as the NatlOnal Demurrage CommIttee, was appomted and mstructed to draft a set of de-murrage rules that may be applted on all traffic, state or mter-state supersechng all present rules THE DEMURRAGE QUESTION Mr. Ewing Te-lls Why Uniform Rules Can Not Be- Fairly Applied to All Shi}Jpl"rs. Unlike other items of freight transportatlOn chargcs, de-murrage was not entIrely expenmental m ItS first appltcatlon to shIpments transported by rail but had ItS ongm m the old mantIme practlce of chargmg for the detentlOn of a ve"sel be-yond the tIme for whIch ongmalIy chartered. It was 11l 1887 that the first demurrage bureaus, termed car servIce assocIa-tions until recently, were orgamzed and smce that time the history of demurrage IS one succeSSlOn of expenments There are, at present, forty demurrage bureaus m the Umted States, each operating under an md1v1dual set of rules These bur-eaus are mamtamed j omtly by the raIlroads operatmg \\ 1thm the tern tory of each, are 111charge of a manager and hIS corp" of assIstants m each instance and are supreme m the handhng of all matters pertaullng to the detentlOn of cars 01 the storage of freIght In the warehouses of the earners No other Item of transportatIOn charge has resulted In as much contra\ ers}, lttlgatlOn and legIslatIOn as has demurrage and thiS IS largely due to the fact that, pnor to the year 1906, the rules \\ ere not ng1dly enforced The Interstate Commerce CommiSSion, under a stnct 111- terpretatlOn of Sec 6, of the Act to Regulate Commerce, as amended June 29, 1906, ruled that the demurrage rates, 1ules and regulatlOns of each carner must be embodIed 111thelf publtshed tanffs or reference to separate tanft contammg same must be shown and that hay mg published theIr demurrage rates, fat/ure to assess and coIlect same would constitute a vlOlatlOn of the act That rulmg IS absolutely fall and Just and should meet WIth the approval of every receIver and shIpper of freIght m carload 10t'3 The true pnnc1ple of demurrage IS absolutely benefiClal to 1eCe1Ver'i and sh1pper'3 masmuch as It llnposes a penalty for the undue cletentlOn of a ca1 heyond a 1easonable time for loading or unloadmg Tt has been estnllated tIut the apphcatIon of demUll age has 111creased ca1 efficlenc\ ;0 per cent and eve 1y receIver or shIpper who has 'iuftereel lo"s because of car shortage can appreClate any mcrease 111 car effiCiency. As previously state,l the1 e are approximately forty de-murrage bureaus 111the United States The 1egular free time aIlowed for the 10ad111gor unloadlllg of cars IS 48 hour'3 There are, however, some notdhle cxcept10n'i to thIS alIo\Vance In New England states four days free tIme IS aIlowed for load 111g, unload111g or 1econs1gnment State la\vs 111 ConnectI-cut and Vermont aIlow thIS penod of free time and 111the other New England o,tateb the carllers have \oluntanly made the same aIlowance m antIClpatlOn of the adoptlOn of Slmllal laws by the other states In MIchIgan, \Tug1l1Ja, 1e),a'i, Cah-fornia and in New Orleans, ::\Ioblle and some othe1 sect10n'i 72 hours free time IS alloY\!ed on coal and coke and In St Lows on b1tum1l10us coal Vanous local and "tate rules and la\\ s allow 72 hours on lumher and cotton seeel and It" products The "limIt" IS 111 Texas \vhere the Rail lOad C01111111sslOn authonzed an aIlowance of tcn day s On nee and cotton seed products, on local bllhng at gulf porb In -\laba111a and Ten-nessee addItional free time IS allowecl 011 eel ta1l1 C01111110dlt1e<., whe1 e more than three cars are recen eel in one clav m el one load The State RaIlroad Conll111sslOn of OhiO dcloptecl 1ules allowlllg 72 hours for the unloadlllg ot cars contallllng more than 60,000 pounds of any commodity hut WIth this and othe1 rules So adopted the carners have refused to comply, hay e ap- WEEKLY ARTISAN 7 The NatIOnal Demurrage CommIttee appomted a sub- LOnU11Itteeof bve and the most drastIC' set of rule~ ever Imposed upon the ft eIght payers of the countI y has been compIled and subl11ltted 1he calnelS, always opposed to an average plan of handlmg demurrage 01 any s11mlal concessIOns that have been gained by the recelvel sand shlppel s, are entIrely favOl-able to the adoptIOn of the new rules but the committee recog-l11Z111gthe nghts of the shIppers to be consulted 111regard to same, granted a public heanng at Washmgton, June 4 and 3, whIch was lal gely attended. The 0pposltlOn to the new rules was so strong that actIon on same was deferred until July 13, pnor to which date the recelVers and shippers of the country were invited and requested to file with Franklin K. Lane, Chair-man of the NatIOnal Demurrage Committee, Washington, D c., briefs settmg forth theIr vIews and objections. As the new and ul11form rules will entirely supercede all present rules and WIll mcrease the amount of demurrage now collected by the carners, estimated at $25,000 per day, to probably tWIce that amount, the receIvers and shippers should arid must take action at once and make very effort to obtain a more reasonable set of rules. In view of the fact that demurrage is not a transportation charge but IS a charge made for a service that either precedes or follows the actual transportatIon service, is absolutely sep-arate and dIstinct from the transportatIOn service and is en-tIrely subJ ect to local condItIOns at pomt of 10ad111g or unload-mg, It deles lot alpear reasonable or pOSSIble to devise or Im-pose d u111fOlm set of rule~ that may be apphed to every com-modIty m every localIty WIth JustIce to all Local conchtlOns ~urround111g the loadmg and unloadmg of vanou" commodltle" 111vanou" localItIes dIffer to an extent that ~hould not be IgnOl ed m the applIcatlon of demurrage rule~ 111 the new rule~ no allowance I~ made for varY111g con-dItIons In any complamt, deal111g WIth the reasonableness of the trelght I ate upon any com!n1ochty or where the freIght payel attacks the I ea~onablene~s of the I ate, the usual defense of the Cdrnel I" an exhau~tlve I eCltatlOn of the condItIOns sur-loul1d111g the 11ampOl tdtlOn of that partIculdr commodIty, en-tn ely ))eLuhal to tlIat commodIty or the locahty 111whIch same l~ tramported and absolutely JmtlfY111g the ImpOSItIOn of the I,lte m force I" It Lonsl~tent, then, to IgnOl e such facts and conditIOns 111the applIcatIOn of clemun ag e) Is there any conSIstenCy 111 demurrage I ule~ that, hke a postage stamp, cover the entIre country and 1ecog1117e no vanance 111commodItIes or the con-dltlom undel whIch same al e handled? \nother important factor IS the varY111g size, capacIty and style of the eqmpment fur111shed by the carners and the condI-tIOns of same when supphed The law requires the carriers to provide cars suitable for the safe transportation of the com-modItIes whIch they engage to transport. The cars furnished may be of smtable style and not be m a suitable conditIOn Certain commodIties require the preparation of cars before they may be safely or profitably loaded or transported therein and the can lers do not so prepare the cars nor would they pay claIms for loss or damage arising from the refusal or the fail-ure of the shippers to so pI epal e the cars Refngerator cars supphed by the carriers for the loading of perishable fnnt 111the season of frost must be warmed be-fore loadmg or the freIght would be damaged before the load-ing of the car was completed. In the season of heat refrig-erator cars must be cooled Cars in which salt, lime, brick or coal have been previously transported must be thoroughly cleaned before other freight may be loaded therein, and other cars require lining and blocking, stock cars must be cleaned and all box cars must be prepared for the 10ad111g of any bulk freight. The carriers do not ma111tam certain descriptIOns of cars for the transportatIOn of each of the above mentIOned com-modIties, to any great extent, and the time consumed in pre-panng same f01 loadmg WIll correspondmgly reduce the free tIme allowed the shlppel to load hIS freight uncler the new I ules. The solutIOn of the demurrage problem does not lie 111the apphcatlOn of any new or u111form set of rules Every point that has been gamed by the shIppers WIll be lost if the proposed rules become effectIVe It cannot be del11ed that the present methods and rules are not satisfactory; the controversy result- 111g from the apphcation of same is suffiCIent evidence of their 111effiClency and best demonstrates the urgent need of reVIsion. In the final solutIOn of the problem one important factor will be the deten111natlOn of what IS a reasonable time in which to load or unload vanous commodItIes and cars of varying style and size under condltwns pecuhar to the tune and place in Richard Mahnke. Wcsteln Reptesentatlve of Jamestown Lounge Company whIch the load1l1g or unload1l1g IS to be accomplished. In deten111n1l1g all freIght rates the necessIty of classifi-cation has always been recogmzed by the carners and classifi-cation now forms the basis of the majority of the rates in effect. The same necessIty must be recogmzed 111 connectIOn with de-murrage and until it IS so recogl1lzed the proper adjustment will not be accomphshed Shippers and orgamzations of shIppers 111 every sectIOn of the country are filing with the committee briefs setting forth theIr vIews on the subject and It IS not probable that the com-mittee will not take final action on the matter until due inves-tigatIOn of condItions and conSIderation of the brIefs filed has been allowed. In the meantime every receiver and shipper should keep in close touch with the situation and be ready to combat the adoption of any I ules that are not absolutely reason-able and Just ERNEST LEWING. Grand Rapids, July 14, 1909 Buck Brothers are fitt111g up a factory preparatory to en-gaglllg 111 the manufacture of chairs, 111Sterling, Mass 8 y•o - - -- •I ,I III \\ E EK L y --------~~,I I,, I,,,,,,,I , II,I,,III ,I, II I,,I,t I,III ,, ,,• ,, II•It It II ,I ._---------_. ---- , ... 35% OFF LIST $16 I, I,I•I ,I I,• ,II 1._. • _ No. 10-F. Ouartered Oak. ORDER A SAMPLE STACK YOU'LL NEVER REGRET IT The Humphre}-Wld-man SectIonal Construe tlOn has dust proof partlttons, Iron shelf support,> and a two Inch deeper case than othel s DEALERS' PROFIT .5.5% Lme on sale ,n FurD/lure Ex-chanlle. Grand RapIds; Manufact-urers' Exh,lntlOn BUildlUll. Ch,- calla and Furniture Exchange. New York. HUMPHREY -WIDMAN BOOKCASE CO. WRITE FOR CATALOCUE DETROIT, M,CHIGAN T1'adeNotes and News. W A Ketcham wl1l open a stock of furniture m ~larsh-field, Ore. The May-Stern syndIcate purchases furmture for tvventy-three stores. The NatIOnal Cotton Felt Company have commenced the manufacture of mattresses in Memphis, Tenn. The Robertson Furmture Company wl1l open a stock of furnIture m Lawrence Kan, on the first of August A modern hotel to contain sIxty rooms WIll be erected at St Maries, Ida The sum of $35,000 will be mvested in the bUlldmg. The Alta Club WIll erect an addItion to their club house in Salt Lake CIty at an erpense of $60,000. ConsIderable new furnIture WIll be bought ProvIded subscnptIons can be obtamed to the capItal stock of the company to the amount of $100,000, a furnIture factory will be located m Newport News, Va GRAnderson has moved hIS stock of furlllture, at Lltt'" Falls, Minn., mto a larger and more convenient bUlldmg The old store WIll be used for hIS undertakmg busmess A. Lamb and others have orgamzed the L"mted States Barber Manufactunng Company, to manutacture and sell bar-ber furniture and fixtures m ChIcago The capItal stock IS $2,400, W. L Morgan has under constructIOn a large bUlldmg m Portland, Ore, whIch when completed, early m December, wl1l be occupied by a wholesale and retaIl furmture estab- Ishment Harold McCormIck, a mllhonalre of Lake Forest, III , re-ceIved two full car~ of furmture made m Europe for hIS home on July 9. The furniture was Imported especIally for Mr. Mc- Conmck by the FrancIs-Bacon Company of Boston, Mass. ARTISAN ~--- II, ,I ,I II• I It I I,I I,II! ,, I,I,,I ,, , I,II IIIII I,, I I HERE'S THAT IS -----. .,.. _. _--.---.., I,I A BARGAIN I, I,IfI , I II ,II II II No 537. 28x42 top. II II I._----_._---- ..-.~I Quarter Sawed Oak, Cross Band Rim, Polished, $7.50 Y"u can't make money faster than by buymg thIS line hbrary Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of thiS and other good thmgs we have to show you. PALMER MANUFACTURING CO. 1015 to 1043 Palmer Ave., DETROIT MICH. A representative of a Colomal furmture collecting com-pan), of Boston, IS vISltlng the farm houses and VIllage hoP]( s 111 and near Readmg, Pa, searchmg for old furmture and crockery. He secured a number of very valu8 ole pipct,:> at Joanna The Rhodes Furmture Company have taken possessIOn or a new bUlldmg contamlllg 30,000 square feet of floor space, In ~lemphls, Tenn The first floor IS arranged for the ad-vantageous dIsplay of furmture, WIth two mezzamne apart-ments, The second floor IS used for exhlbltmg bed room fur-mture and the thIrd for parlor and dmmg room furlllture. Lammert Furniture Company's New Store. Martin Lammert, J r, and Mr Hoevel of the Lammert Furniture Company, St. Louis, are spending a few days in Grand RapIds placlllg orders for furmture. The company have leased two large buildings on the southeast corner of Tenth street and Vvashington avenue and taken possessIOn of one of the same The other WIll be occupied by the company on January 1 next The gross rental for fifteen years amounts to $600,000, based on a shding scale which increases after each five year period The property embodIes two buildings each six stories high, containing one hundred and thirty thousand square feet floor space, or one third more than the company had in theIr old location on Fourth and St Charles streets The owners wl1l expend one hundred thousand dol-lar", m Iemodehng the bUlldlllg'" Plate gla~" front~ and 1111- pOSlllg entl ances on Washlllgton avenue and Tenth streets WIll be lllstalled and four hIgh speed electnc elevators will be added The Lammert FurnIture Company commenced busi-ness 111 the year 1861, and IS probably the oldest furlllture house In the middle west. WEEKLY ARTISAN 9 TilE AUDITORIUM HOTEL~ DENVER. Oscar \\ Smith, of the Sl111th-Henson Hotel Company, of Denver Colo. owner" of the Hotel \\' est and the :VIadl:,on both m Den\ er, lS m the Clt) buymg furmture for the new \uditDrIUm hotel of Delwer, now bUlldmg The ~udltonum will have 250 room" >andWill be ready for busllless about Sept-ember 15 It ~Ill be noted from the arc1utects draV\mg re-produced here,,,, Ith that the bmldlng I" fi, e stone" 1ll h('lght floor, WIll be furmshed exactly ahke The same plan will be carned throughout The furniture, to be selected Will embrace reproductions from the French. Engh"h. Colomal and MIssion schools and the mahogany sUite" Will be purchased both 111light and dark fimshe:, ~Ir Smith ha" a hobby for harmonlUs furmshings, consequently wall hnts, the rug" and everythmg which goes Into the room" Will he 111colors to corre"pond with the pecu-har t) pe and color of the furniture purchased for that partt- It mea"ure:, 100x125 and I:' blult of bnck. "teel and terra cotta, 111the form of a capital H The first floor Will be devoted to the hotel office and dmmg rooms, of whclh there are to be two The upper floors Will be from one floor plan and correspond- 111groom" on each floor Will be furmshed exactly ahke In other word" the four "leep111g rooms 111the southea"t corner of the butldlllg, one each on the second, third, fourth and fifth I~1 -------------- .. _-_ ..._._----.., I IF IT'S THE BEST REFRIGERATOR I i IT'S AN ALASKA I Over 850,000 Alaska refrigerators sold sin c e I 878. Desirable features of an Alaska Refrigerator: III ! I I ••IItIi The Small consumption of Ice. Maximum amount of cold, dry air. Absolutely sanitary pro-vision chamber. Simplicity 01 operation. Perfect preservation of food. I fIII \\ e sell to dealers only. WRITE FOR CATALOG. Alaska Refrigerator Co. Exclusive R-"frigerator Manufacturers. MUSKEGON, MICH. L. E. Moon, New York Manager. 35 Warren St•• New York City. ~._-. - ..._------------------- .. _-------- ...~ \ ~I , cular room Two out of every three of the rooms Will have a bath and totlet conventences It Will be possible to give large partles as many rooms as they may require up to the ca-pacity of the floor Groups of pohticlans or others attending com entIOn" who deSire to have their rooms adjoining and afforcltng 111tercommumcatlon are by thlS means afforded ac-comodatlOn and pnvac) The hotel Will be conducted on the European plan The Denver Dry Good:, Company secured the orders for the furmture for the Smith-Henson Hotel Company's other houses, the ~Iadlson and Hotel West as well as for the new Auclttonum H E Karns, the company's buyer, IS 111 the city asslstlllg Mr Smlth III the selectlOn of the furmture whlch wll1 be furmshed largely by the Shgh Furmture Company. Unexpected. ,.Does my whistle annoy you~" asked the Joker SOltCltoUS-ly The pleasant man put down hlb pen Not a bIt I" he protest-ed "\Vell, ,111 that case," remarked the Joker, "I'll try some-t1ung else" Look pleasant even though you may not be gomg to have ,our picture taken • - _•• ::_.\~~ I) ~:s~~~?,,~-~s~~~,:~o~~& Steenman furl11ture factory at Howard City, Mlch, each I bid to be accompdmed by certified clleck ot $100 as guaran-tee 01 good faith Bld~ to be opened by me on Thursday, July 22, 1909 Right re'i~rved to reject dny and all bids Thl~ I~ the gre,lte"t manufacturing plant bargam ever offereJ 111 1IIchigan TVI0 story frdme bUlld1l1gs, I-shaped, 168x153 dnd 262x153 111 good conditIOn, amply protected from fire by modern. prl\ ate and publIc water plants, heated by surplus ,tedm Inoluded IS 415 feet "hdftmg, 26 pulleys, 14 foot umnter~h.tft belt tightener, 3 blowers and 4,000 feet plpmg. elly kiln of 3 compartments all piped, 1.425 feet heatmg pipe, 200 h p eng111e,1l1dtwo Lan'i1l1g bOilers, a con,el11ent money makmg shop, 111 a good town. labor plentiful Two Side track.., from G R & I and P M Rys run to plant Wllte for further partlcular'i or send bid to BERT CRITTENDEN, Trustee, Howard City, Mlch II i I~.--.-._-.-.-.-..----..-.-..-------- _.. .....-..... ........ I 10 WEEKL\ ARTISA1\ HAFNER FURNITURE COMPANY Couches, Box Couches, Adjustable Lounges, Davenports, Bed Davenports, Leather Chairs, and Rockers CATALoe UPON REQUEST Samples shown at Manufacturers' Furn- Iture Exchange, Wabash Ave. and 14th St., Chicago. ESTABLISHED 1873 2620 Dearborn St., CHICAGO No. 3064 No. 3065 Davenport -Size, 78 Inches long This IS a substantIa! and beautllu! desIgn and umque pattern The thoroughly constrtlcted frame IS of selected northern bIrch and beautIfully fin1~hed III mahogany, rubbed and pohshed. The tlpholstenng ISplaID, seat, back, and arms With a ruffled border on front of seat The filling IS of tow, moss and elastic cotton lelt top The ~pnngs used In thIs Davenport are of highly tempered steel of the double cone ~hape [here are )6 spnng~ m ItS con~trtlctlOn, each spnng bemg secmely tied eIght times by hand Thl~ Davenport welgh~, ready for shIpment, about 250 Ibs Price No.1 Leather $42.00 Furnihll"e Not('~ and N'pws. '\ hotel to co..,t $25,000 v\ 111he erected 111 rerrd Uell'l Cal W L Hall will open a stoLk ot fur11lture III Kno,,- \ dIe, Tenn James B Trotter, a dealel In furl1ltl1l e In Ro,;c\\ ell \ II died recently Curtls & Curtls will engage In the sale of tl1lllltme at Greenville, 0 The Fond du Lac MIl rOl Compdny may 1110\e Ito; plant to Sheboygan W1'; F G Hurt has opened a stock of turllltul e ;tll(! cal pets In Lancaster, K} The Leather Furllltm e Company has en~al:;er1 In huslness 111 New Albany, Ind A fur11lture store h,l" been opened III l\,10rnc,town Tenn by Harrell & McCord " , A fur11lture and Cdlpet ,;tOJelM" opellcd In c.,1.cra111ento Cal , bv Clement & Dunn The "Vdlingham Ft1l111ture Compan} of .:\Llcon (Ga) IS conducting a rellloctellng- ,;ale \iV etherell & Reid, succeed \Vethe1 ell, ReId & Co 111 the furnIture busl11es,; at Tollet III Maxwell Brothers, of Augusta, Ga , were ctamal:;ect bv fire to the amOl1l1t of $5000 lecentlv - The Globe Furl11ture Company have engaged 111 the re tall furl11tllle hU';111e,;'i111 \i\Tynne Ark Frank l' \iV ood 'i, a dealer 111 fur111ttll e and decO! at1n" matenals In Kew YOI k IS a bank! upt '"' The Peck Dry Goods Company of Kan'ia,; Cltv has dl'i contllll1ed their fl1rmture department - The Stow & Davls Fur11lture Company WIll erect a large additlOn to their plant 111 Grand Rapid,; \lbert J\Ia) IS a';5lst111g T 'vV Flesh In sell111g the llne of the Clon-K11ls Company 111 Grand Rap1ds J L Met7's furniture factory 111ChIcago, was destroyed b) fire on [l1h 4 Loss amounts to $5,000 The Newman FurnIture Company is the name of a corpor-ation engag111g 111bn5lnes,; 111 Newman, Ga R Holman & Co , of Chelsea, Mass, have filed article,; of lllcorporatlOn The capital stock IS $20,000 c\ large thl ee story bnck bullcltng WIll 1Je erected 111Troy, \ C bv the Montgomery FUrl11tUl e Compan y The samples shown by the Shelbyvllle exhIbitors in ChI-cago n um ber t\\ 0 thousand five hundred pieces The Shank Furniture and Storage Company of Indiana-pOlS, have Illcreased their capital stock to $60000 Procced111l:;'; 1n bankruptcy 11dve been commenced ag:ll 1"t the Coppa~e I nlllltl1re Company, of lVI111neapolls 1 R Rd)11l0ncl bu}el fo. the InnIS Fur111ttllC Comjlllly of \A,i lClllta Kan, 1S plaCing orders 1n Gl and Rap1ds The ~lorn,;on-Phllllps Mercantile Company succeed Tohn A Fleeman 111the furmture hl1S111eSSat Atoka, Okla Joseph l'{ J erue has pm chased the furntture and under-tak111g' bl1S111eS';of A "V SIegel 111Cheney, vVash L N \\ 11ltman 1'i succeeded 111 tIlE. fnrl1ltl1rc and nndel-tak1l1g bUS111C%at F1 edenck,;burg, Iowa, hv A B Bnf The Nebra,;ka lUlmture and Cal pet Company, recently 111COplorated at S Juth Omaha, N eh , IS capltahzed for $100.000 S "\lV Klddcl of Kidder & DaVIS, Fitchburg, Mass, is ,;pendlng' the \\ eek 111Grand RapId", placlllg orders for furni-ture The Turp1l1 & Ingram Fur11lture Company, recently 111- corporated to do busllless in Nevada, OhlO, is capitalized for 8>20000 The M1chlgan Church Pew Company of Charlotte, Mich. WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 has been sold out by the receiver The liabIlities amount to $16,000 Carson Bradford, manager of the Bradford & McKee Fur-niture Company, NashvIlle, Tenn , will spend the current week In Grand RapIds The Schwartz ManufacturIng Company of Plymouth, WIS, are bUlld1l1g an addItIOn to their factory, whIch will be used for shipp1l1g purposes The Salmon RIver Table Companv, of Pulaski, NY, have purchased the Pula'ikl Box \Norks from George \N Douglas" They have taken posesslOn The Havel ty f'url11tnre Company wtll erect an addition to theIr bUllclinl:; at the intersectIon of Pryor stl eet and Au-bUln avenue In Atlanta, Ga Very lmp01 tant "'Ifa).. Gutknowsky, the furniture dealer in ENOl walk, OhIO, has sold hIS sorrel horse to Georg-e Ever-ett, the East avenue butcher The Holland (Mlch) Cal v111g and Mould111g Company have increased their capItal stock frOm ten thousand dollars to twenty thousand dollars M T GlaVin, buyer for the Abraham & Strauss FurnitUl e Company, Brooklyn, NY, is spending his vacation at Sara-toga SpIl11g'i, accol1lpamed by hIS family Anthony LUClk, long engaged in the manufacture of fur-mture in C111cinnatl, 1S the lessee of the John Schrader FurnI-ture Company's plant 111New Albany, Ind Henry Haltzel, of Allentown, 1'a, manager of a cha111 of stores located 111 Pennsylvania, is spending the week in Grand RapIds, ChIcago and St LOUIS, plaCIng orders Walter Johnson, 111anager of the Atherton Furmture Com-pany of Boston, Mass, is spend111g the week in Grand Rapids placing orders for the company's several stores J. H Scott and others have 01gan17ed the Scott-Haggin Company, 111 \iVinston-Salem, N C, preparatory to engaging 111 the manufacture of the Scott collapsIble bookcase The factones at Rockford Il1., are going into operatlOn WIth a full quota of workmen on full tIme, necessitated by the volume of sale'3 made dUrIng the midsummer season An 111voluntary petition in bankruptcy has been filed ag-a111st Abraham Cameron, a dealer 111fur11lture 111 Crystal Falls, Mlch HIS liabl1Jties amount to $4,600; assests $1,200 A H Hotchloss. recently WIth R H \iVhite & Company. Boston, has been engag-ed a'i manager of the furnIture sec-tion of the Edward Malley department store in New Haven, Ct The Horn IUrl1lttl1e Company of vVaukegan, 111 re-cently dIsplayed a umque exhlb1t 111its show w111dow A mlnla ture park was lighted With two large horns, indicating the name of the company Leon Levy of Stern & Company, PhiladelphIa, wtll spend the current month in Grand RapIds, ChIcago, Rockford and St 1 OUIS placl11g 01 ders for fur111ture He \\ tll return to Phil-adelphIa on August 15 Mr Pozonanski, who recently purchased the plant of the ChIppewa Falls, (\VIS) FurnIture Company, will manufacture kitchen cab111ets and tables and gIve employment to from fifty to seventy-five hands. He w1ll change the name of the com-pany to the ImperIal or the Northwe"tern Furmture Company N VV Calk111s, who has been in charge of the furmture department of Crews & Beggs Company, 111 Pueblo, Cola, and, dUrIng the past ten years vIce preSIdent of the company, has reSIgned hIs posItIon and wIll spend several months on the PacJf1c coast E H Dav, advertising manager for the com-pany succeeds Mr Calkins as vice president. A semi-annual dIVIdend of ten per cent was paId July 1 The furnIture de partment of the company WIll be dlsronil11ued ~---_ __ . II , i•I I ---~IIIII I •I •I•I II III I• I I II THE FORD & JOHNSON CO. CHICAGO This IS one of our popular Hotel chairs Our chairs are found 111 all the leadmg Hotels in the country. The line includes a very complete assort-ment of chaIrs, rock-ers and settees of all grades, D111mg Room fHl 11Iture, Reed and Rat tan furniture, Special Order furni-ture, etc. I• I• II• I• I• I,,II ,III l II• II• I I• I I•It j~! I~---------------------- A complete hne of sam-ple. are d.splayed 10 The Ford & Johnson BmldlDl!, 1433-37 Wabash Ave., 10- c1udlDlI a speCIal d,splay of Hotel FurnIture. All fUl/lZtUl e deale! s are cordtally tnvzted to uzszt Ollr butldzl1g. II -_ ~ ~------------------------------------------~ III IIII I• IIt• Il•t II ••II I •!I I THE "ELI" FOLDING BEDS ~~~frl~I~N~~~ I No Stock complete WIthout the Elt Beds 10 Mantd and Upnght • 1 ELI D. MILLER &, CO. I I EVANSVILLE. INDIANA I I Wnte for cuts and pnces I I ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCE, CHICACO. 0 t l ~. ..---- ..------------~---------~---------~ ~----------------------------_ ..-..-..__ .._ .. -~ I I I I •I • II III 12 WEEKLY ARTISAN 1------::~~~~=:R~:---------l II II•• I• ,I ,• ,,• ,• I,• ,I II II ~--------..-- ---------------- ..... HARDWOOD LUMBER & VENEERS SPECIALTIES ~t\~?fErgQUAR. OAK VENEERS MAHOGANY VENEERS HOFFMAN BROTHERS COMPANY 804 W, Main SI" FORT WAYNE, INDIANA UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases We lead In Slyle, ConSlrucbon and FInish. See our Catalogue. Our line on permanent exhlbl-lion 7th Floor, New Manufact-urers' BUIlding, Grand RapIds. ~----._--_._-------._I.---------_---..~_...·-_-·---- ...-•I. THAT NEW ALLIANCE List of the Members and Officers and Copy of the Contract with Manufacturers. Somethmg was saId III the columns of the DatIy -\rtban- Record recently about a new orgamzatJon of retaIlers to be known as the l~ur1l1ture Alltance The ltst of houces 1l1ter-ested, together wlth officers and the contract the) al e \\ ork1l1g wIth manufacturers al e herewIth appended R L Reynolds, -\lbany. '\ Y R \\ Soule Emponum, \ugusta, :'Ie Hanson & DIckson, Amsterdam, i\ Y "-\tkinson Furmtnre Co, Boston, "1Iass. Drake & Hersey Co, Boston. :'Iass Eldredge & Peabod) Boston, J\I as" C E Osgood Co Boston, :'Iass Shawmut Furmture Co, Boston. :'Iass Llagg & ,VIllls. Brockton :'Iass lIo'" al d Clark Co. Brockton, :'Iass Geo '\ othnagle & Son Blldgeport, Conn Rosenthal & Ruben, Dl11ghamton, "r\ Y -\ D Stetson & Son, Bath, -:\Ie C 13 ~'l1011er,Inc, Cambndge, :'Iass Phllltps Brm & Co, Cambndge, :'Iass John II Spence & Co. Easton, Pa R S Reed Co, Fall RIver, :'Iass J' D. Smlth, Menden, Conn C H Avery Co, Nashua, \' H Chambetla1l1 Fur11lture & l\Iantel Co, Xew Haven, Ct P. J. Kelle) I urmtnre Co, ;..Jew Haven, Conn Household Ft1111lture Co, )Jew Bedford, :\fass Herbert S. PIerce, New Bedford, ~Iass n C Porter s Sons, New Bnta1l1, Conn Sydnor & Hundley Co RIChmond, \ a \Veis & FIsher Co, Rochester, )J Y rImt & Bnckett Co, Spnngfield, ~I ass J IV. Hersey Co, Spnngfield, Mass KIdder & DaVIS, FItchburg, Mass De ,vandelalr & Gray, Fort Plam, N Y. J as Sunderland & Son, .f< all River, l\Iass. R E Berger, Glenn Falls, ~. Y. P II. Jones & Co, Gloversville, N. Y. Burns & Co, Harrisburg, Pa. r E Tucker & Son, Haverhill, :'lass C. C. ruller Co , Hartford, Conn. Flint & Bruce Co, Hartford, Conn. John TIlley & Co, Holyoke, Mass. \dams & Co, Lowell, 11ass Hobel tson Co, Lowell, .:\lass 13radfOld, Conant & Co, LeWIston, Me Plel ce Fur11lture Co, Leommster, ~Ia:.s. Dodge } urmtnre Co, Worcester, ]\![ass. rImt & Barker, \\ orcester, Mass rllley & Crane Co, Waterbury, Conn Home & Herrmann, Washmgtoll, D C Reddington & Co., WatervIlle, ~Ie. Lambson Furmture Co, vVestfield, .:\1ass \\ esterly Furmture Co, \IV esterly, R I Isaac .:\lason, Brooklyn, N. Y D B. H Power, Lynn, .:\las:. Rogers & Carleton, Sandy HIll, X. Y. Stover & Spence, Schenectady, ~ Y. R C Reynolds, Troy, 1\. Y. G :\1 Bntton Co, Readmg, Pa Ronan Bros , Oneonta, N. Y T. F. Foss & SOliS, Portland, ~le. Petersburg Furmture Co, Petersburg, \ a. J Samuels & Bros, Inc, Providence, R I Ceo Schlude & Sons. PoughkeepsIe, N. Y. ~tover, See:. & Spencer, PIttsfield, Mass Henry L Kmcaide, & Co, QU1l1cy, Mass. COpy of Blank Contract. The contract that manufacturers, Jobbers and other whole sale dealers are asked to sign, reads as follows: WEEKLY ARTISAN J. W. Chesebro, Pres. M S Davves, Vice Pres. THE FURNITURE ALLIANCE, (Incorporated.) E. E. Dodge, Secy. & Treas., C. J. O'Hara, Counsel. AGREEMENT. . ... 190 GIG Main St , Worcester, Ma~s. BLI WEE'- TnL r ~R!',11URL ALLIANCL and . . .. the undel sIgned have tIns day agreed to allow on all goods purchased of us dunng the penod starting from the rollcrtl'Zle sales reach the following amounts: Sales up to $ 5,000, a commission of % Sales up to $35,000, a commission of. . . . .. % Sales up to 10,000, a commission of % Sales up to 40,000, a commIssion of % Sdles up to 15,000, a commIssion of % Sales up to 43,000, a commIssIon of.. .. .. % S,tlcs up to 20,000, a commlSSlOn of % S,tles np to 50,000, a commis<;lOn of... % Sale~ up to 25,000, a commission of % S,tleb up to 7.3,000, a commis"ion of. ., .. 70 Sdles up to 30,000, a commission of % Sales up to 100,000, a commlSSlOn of. . % It is further understood and agreed, that a hst of the subsCl ibel s to The Furmture Alliance 'WIll be furnished . lrv the secretm y of the Furniture AllJance. All purchases 111ade by the sltbscnbers to be bliled dIrect to each subscribel It is further understood and agreed, that wtll turnzsh on the sales fOJ111 of The FU1111tUIe Allwnce, on the first day of each 1110nth. wlnle this contract is in force, a lIst of all sales made to each SubSC11ber of The Fur111tltJe Allwnce, and wIll wIth the lzst, forward to the treasurer of The FurmtuJ e Allwnce a cJtCcl<for 1% of all sales so Je- POIted, same 1% to be deducted from commIssions allowed by us as per schedules of this contract. It is further understood and agreed, zf the mlntmum q tan tIt\! as per schedule of thIS contract IS not reached, that no further dIscounts exceptmg the 1% paid to the treasurer of The Furniture Allwnce WIll be allowed, but in all cases where mi1l1mu1n quantity 11as been reached m anyone of the se'Zeral schedules, that the balance of dIscount after deduct-ing the 1%, shall on July 10, 1910, be mailed to each subscriber, the amount of commwon due said subsCliber on all purchases made by him and to whom shipments have been made. It is further understood and agreed, that The Furmture Alltance assumes no responslbiltty of any debts contracted by the subscriber. to the SUbscllbels at The Furmture Alltance, a discount date of tlus conti act, and endmg July 10, 19] 0, whose ACCEPTEDFOR THE FLRNITURL ALLIANCE. Signed .. .. ............................ .. . SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ $2~ Each Net Each Net No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. 13 r-----------------------------------~------------~--------.---------.---------------------------------~ I I : I III II ,III II II I II I II III III I II II I I,IIII I I 14 \\11],1\ \RI]S,\\ SLIGH'S SELECT STYLES SELL AND SATISFY Everything for the Bedroom Many New Features Added for the Fall Season II I I I It! II II I II IIIII II IIII I IIt I III II I III II _____.~._._. _l [ MedIUm and Fme QualIty 1 WRITE rOR CATALOGUE SLIGH FURNITURE CO. Grand Rapids, Mich. Office and Salesroom corner Prescott and Buchanan Streets, Grand Rapids, Mlch I~----------------------------------------------- A Startling ExpericIl{'e. The remarkable eApenences at dlnmmet:o 111 thc11 '\'\dd chase after ttade <ound 111man'\ case'i stranO"el thall fiction o b A s they are fine em belli 'Shers ot e'\ en the actudl tlllng, II hlch COme up before them, It 1S not at all strange that the1r "tones hnd ~uch repetttlOn Here IS d. thlllIlllg st01 y as told b} a Georgla commercial drummer He was tt avelIng th i ongh a hack\'\ ood s cou ntry . shovlllg the bU'S111ess of hl~ hon~e 111tOe'\ el '\ UOS')1odd and vIllage and store, and late one 111ght eIJm e I11tO.1 --mall '\ 111age and put up at the ani} pldce of publIc entel ta111mcnt 111the town He asked f01 a 100m, beJ11g tIred and broken down, and dnAI0U'i to get to iec,t, and the hOll! bell1g 101te, after "np-jJtT, he Wd" told b'\ the old man II ho pld\ ed the pdrt at PIO-pnetor, to go up one flight 01 steps tmn to IllS 11ght, and he ,voule! fine! ll1'S100m He staItecl, bnt belllg ,el} t11ed he for got hIS dllectlOns, dnd tmned to the left afte1 i:S0lllg np the first flight of 'itall" \ lon~ chnnk of '\\ ood 111 d bl t plolLe fur11l'ihed the anI} lIght 111the 100111 and h, It he fonnd hIS way to a chaIr, glanced around and took 1n h1s surroundings He no±Jced that he would have a bed-fellow, and he laId on hIS back and kept hIS face covered wIth a sheet I t was no un-usual thJ11g for drummers to have strang e bed-fellows in places of the sort, and the traveler gave th1s mattel no concern As for the man 1n the bed hav111g ll1S face coveled with the sheet, that lTI1ght have been done to keep off the 111osqmtoes, 01 It mIght SImply have been a fancy to do this III the part of the sleeper The traveler d1srobed hImself and got 111tObed by the , de at hIS ~t1ent cOmpa111011 He had hardly done so before the cloor opened and a man and woman entered They drew theIr chairs close to the fire and commenced to talk 111 soft dnd 101\ tones ] he} hItched then chairs closer together, and thetla\ eler found h1mself forgett111g sleep Be was WIde awake and J11tensel} mterested m what was bemg sa1d The tones becdme 'Softer, 'SuggestIve of courtsh1p In fact so much so, that the GeorgIan nudged hIS s1lent bed-fellow, who made no response Presently the man's arm stole around the woman's waIst and the GeorgIan nudged hIS partner agam. By and by the man s head bent forward, and there was a sound of some-one sobbmg The Georgldn couldn't stand thIS He gave the sheet a flll t, uncovered the face of hIS bed-fellow, and broke out 111to a horse laugh The woman screamed and fled from the room , followed by the man who had sat beSIde her The GeorgIan looked around at hIS bed-fellow to see how he had enjoyed the fun He was a dead man that the man and woman had come m to Sit up w1th The ellummel' had happened 1n the wlOng room The I X L Furl11ture Company, of Salt Lake C1ty, wdl erect an aclehtlOn to the large store bUlldl11g which It now oc-cupIes, at an expense of $35,000 ] he bUllehng will have a frontage of ()8 feet and a depth of 272 feet \n m ertramed man IS a good deal llke an overtramed dory b' SometImes the best hunt111g dog won t work for a scent WEEKLY ARTISAN f------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I VISIT OUR SHOW ROOMS AND SEE THE I BEST LINE OF DAVENPORT BEDS II II III IIII I I I 15 IN THE MARKET vVe will have the nght styles at the nght pnces and made to gIve satIsfaction. Don't miSSccmIng to see the hne, It \\ III pay you I Show Rooms 35 to 41 N. Capital Ave. Ask for catalogues. I THOS. MADDEN, SON & CO.,Indianapolis,Ind. I .--------------------------------_~ ~ J Parlor Furniture l<"ixingRetail Price~. c\ manufactullng corpO! atIOll located all the PLlufic COd't IS testmg the prdctlcabIhty of a plan to fiA p11ces upon then pIoLlucts to be charlSed bv letatlels ]hc lollO\vl11g letLer wa::, recently matlcd to the trade J t expla111, the ") 'item to be followed fully "Please note that all future sales to you of belO\v-named products of thiS company wIll be subject to the followl11g condItIons "You sha 11 not scll, 01 ca u sc or pc 1111t1 to bc sold, eI thcI cIJrectly O! 111chrectly, by means at gldtUltIes 01 othel Wise, any of saId products f01 le'iS than the current retail pnces estdb hshed by thIS company (Here follow p11ces ) 'The condtnons here111 named are for the express benefit of thIS company, and 111case of the breach ot saId conclttIon:::. by you 111 connectIOn of any pUlchase of such j1loducts from the undersigned, you shall pay thIS company for each c\11(1evel y such bleach the sum of $SO as the damages which It IS j1lesum-ed and agreed would be suffered by this company for every such breach, said sum to be construed as hquldated damages, and not as a penalty, It being recognized that any such breach would result 111 matenal damages to thIS company, the actudl amount of whIch It would be extremcly chfficult or llTIpractI-cable to fix ThiS company may prosecute any actIOn for such breach 111ItS own name. "The foregolllg cOllchtlOns shall apply to all of the saId products of thIS company that yOU may hel eafter purchase from the undersigned, or may now have on hand, and every future sale to you of such products by the undersIgned shall Couches Leather Rockers t 1 c '-ub]ect to the abCJ\e cOll(htlons, \vh,ch shaH form and be cl pal t of thc consIderatIOn fO! every such sale, whether sO stated at tJw tnne of the ~ale, 01 \\ hen thc goods al e ordel cd or llot All orders ft om ) au lor all) of the afore:::.ald goods shall be consIdercd a<, Call)lnlS \\Ith thcm an acceplance of the abovc condltlons " ThIs IS belIeved to be d legal and vahd contract· b111d111g ,lIl) dealel \\ho buys dIrect, at lCdst \\ e nnagll1e that be fore a gl eat vvhIle some opportunity WIll arise whereby the effect may be te:::.ted fullv, and the po\'\ er of the fixed pnce plan known Millions ill Sale&. c\ gcntlemdll well 1l1formed 111 legare! to the volume of bU~ll1ess transacted h) fhomds Smyth & Company, ChIcago, dealers In hou:::.e fuu11 shll1g good s, 'lays the fil111employs thirty salesmen anel that the sales of each averages over $60,000 per annun' The firm also sells goods valued at more than $1,OOO,OQO annually thlOUgh the maIls On the Trail of False Billel"s. \gents of the 111terstate commISSIOn are makll1g an 1I1vestI- -:;dtlOl1of allclSee! false bIllIng 111 ChIcago, whIch has depnvecl the I aI1lOdds, It IS stated of much legitImate revenue ProsecutIOn of the offenders IS expected as ::'0011 a<, eVIdence IS 111shape for actIOn. 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~UBLISHI!D EVERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRI~T10N $1 eo PER YEAR IN AL.L.COUNTRIES OF THE POSTAL.UNION $1 50 PER YEAR TO OTHER COUNTRIES. SINGL.E COPIES 5 CENTS. PUBLICATION OFFICE. 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST, GRANO RAP OS, MICH A S WHITE, MANAGING EDITOR Mr. Ewing's article on the demurrage controvelsy. which appears m this edltton of the vVeekly Arttsan, \\ 111 surely be of much interest to furmture men, for the profits of manufacturers, sellers and buyers are all more Or less affect-ed by demurrage rules and charges and they have not, as a whole, been treated fairly by the raIlroad" \\ hl1e It may be de-sirable to have more uniformity in the rules and regulatton'3, it is clear, as pointed out by ::\1r Ewing, that It IS ImpossIble to make rules that WIll prove fair and sattsfactor) to shIppers in all sections of the country. CondItions val y so much that what may be satisfactory and advantageous to shippers from some points would be almost ruinous to those III other sec-tions and the same difficulities arise in trying to apply Ul11form rules to all commodibes. As Mr. EWlllg states the matter IS to be settled soon and if the furnIture men WIsh to do an}- thing to protect their interests in this matter they should take action immediately And that action should be unanimous Neither the railroad managers nor the Interstate Commerce Commissioners are disposed to pay much attentIOn to demands or protests from indiVIdual shIppers, but If the furl11ture Ill-terests would unite in an expressIOn of theIr vIews on the subject their action would probably be effective. The efforts put forth by an orga11lzatlOn ot expOSItIOn bmldmg owners in ChIcago to mduce a larger number of dealer~ m furl11ture to become market buyers brought forth excellent re~ulb In no year of the past ha\ e so man} dealers appeared m the cIties of the furl11ture expo"ltlOn" The I e">ults attamed ">uggest that a great deal more than ha" been accom-phshed In the past mllsht be done b} the exhJl)ltmg manu tact-urers to mduce buyer'3 to \ ISlt the market" The J ame"to\", n Lounge Company used ItS monthly pubhcatlOn 'Profitable Furl11ture" very effectl'Tely for the purpo~e stated, and the mean"> at the command of all manufacturers" ho would aId m boommg the markets are many and \ aned FIrst m Import-ance I" the trade papers The large attendance of buyer'3 and the hberal orders placed assures the operatIOn of the furniture factones to full capacIty during the remainder of the current year The orders placed were generally for early shIpment and the ral1road corpOl atlon" \\ 111 ">oonfeel the Impul"e of nupro\ ement In the hOlhe fur11l~hm'S trade~ The country waIted long and patlent-h for the tmkenng ot the re\ enue laws, but finally becommg "atlsfied that no ~ood and not much evJ1 would re'3ult from leghlatI(l!1 In cong-re"s. ha" started m upon a fresh career of bu"me"" that proml:oe" to continue a long bme Heavy crops, eas) mone) and actl\ It) m the Indu"tne" wl1l make the people forget the late pal11Cm "IX month~ Courtesy ,,111 make more fnends than gIving away pre-miums, scanng horses WIth cnmson advertisements or seating sleight-of-hand artists in show windows These things attract attentIOn and draw people, but courtesy makes friends who will come back "ith their trade Courtesy includes knowledge, in thIS case at least A. salesman may sml1e and show attention and do everyth111g m hIS power to make a customer feel at home, but if he cannot answer questIOns regarding the goods, he falls 111hIS courtesy, for store courtesy imphes the supply-mg of everything that IS needful The grumpy merchant has only himself to blame if he loses custom He IS an extremist He fads to realize that there IS a mIddle course whIch is be~t to follow The man who IS over-effusl\ e, who talks when he has nothing to say, is a nuisance, but the man who says nothing and looks mad about It has erred, as well Say someth111g, make it bnsk and brief and to the pomt. and you \\ III get your heanng Se1ll11g a customer something which he does not want is considered good salesmanshIp in some stores. There is a fine distinction between selling a customer what he does not want and selling hIm something he does want but had not thought of before you expla111ed it to him. The moment a customer enters a store, some employe should start toward him, If possible. Nothing offends a cus-tomer so much as to enter a store and wait and wait for somebody to come to him and take his order Right or wrong, It makes h1111sore \\ hen all the furmture exp0:OltlOn bUlldmgs contemplated and under constructIOn ~hall be completed It wl1l be necessary to start two or three hundred furmture factone"> to manufact-ure '3amples to fill them The ClrcUlt Court of ~ ew Albany, Ind, has dechned to appo111t a receIver for the firm of Vetter Brothers & Lewis, dealers 111furmture The PromotIOn Club, of BraZIl. Ind., expects to establish a large factory In that city to be used III the manufacture of furniture John W. Kelley, a dealer in furmture, has been nom mated for the office of mayor of Marion, Ind , by the sociahst party WEEKLY ARTISAN SUITE NO. 1207 BY SUGH FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. 17 , r, PLANNING ~\HEAD. If you're the head of a bus mess don't try to do ~ 01 k that belongs to the hands and feet, that IS, not too much of It, or the bU"ll1es" won t have any head, says Old YardstICk. Your employes need the stImulus you can gIve them every now and then by "Jumpmg m" and dOlng somethmg y oL1r'3elfto 'ihow them holY you're not above It, but the more you ldn get employes d01l1g the work so you can do a lIttle thll1klllg, the bettel £01 you The m:1n \\ ho wants to ll1crea'ie hiS busll1ess must do some th1l1kIng, and he can't do that and everythll1g else at once ror Instance, get outsIde once m awhIle and see If ) our IIindows arc arranged a" 'A ell as they should be Call around A Lll TLE BLOWER \VI fH THF AMERICAN BLOWER COMPANY on your competitors and see what they ale dOlng-a good general has his eye on the enemy as well as hiS own soldiers You can do a httle scheme about speCIal sales, get new Ideas mto your advertIsmg, examll1e the latest and best fix-tures and methods of handIng accounts When you get outside of your busmess a little in this way you'll see lots of thmgs you can't see from the inside. Ther"'s no profit m running the k1l1d of a store that fol-lows, h:rve a St01e that leads I have seen men who for-got all tbout holding seasonable sales at Chnstmas, Lent, house cIeaJ1lng time, etc, until Hie other fellow had his sale well started. Of course, nearly every store makes some feeble effort in these dIrectIOns, but what I mean IS a well thought out plan. And plans are needed to msure success Just to show you that thIS sort of plannlllg and thinkmg IS part of a big busmess that makes it big, let me call your at-tentIOn to the bIg department store WIth ItS sales at all sea-sons Some people actually thmk that such sales are made up of a lot of stale, shop-worn, "shelf stuck" goods that are pushed on to the people at a lIttle more th,an they are worth by USIng the season as an excuse I want to tell you this IS all wrong because I have seen the mSlde of the machme and know how e\ ery wheel 1ll It works and there's nothing of that to It at all The sale hunted for two weeks was planned and thought and bought for months ahead, S0l11etmes a \v hole year ahead, and thCl e l'in t d 'iln!;le element of accldeIL 01 hlt-and-m1'i'i about It It take'3 place a 1 a regular sche lulc The speCIal .Je!vert,smg and CIrculars and other announcements are alread\ lllannecl ahead The whole "ale ploceee!s systematIcaIly to It" end Often an amount of merchandIse IS pushed out mane at these sales that ten ordmary stores would not be able to sell m a year If yOU thmk thIS IS written just because it's easy to stnng ~ lot of words together ltke beads take the trouble to look mto the matter ane! find out as I dId You'll be ltke the people who \\ ent to church to f1chcule the new parson, who "came to scoff and rel11allled to pray" Runnlllg a successsful store has more to it than getting a bunch of goods together and sIttmg dov\ n to Ivalt for the peo- (lIe \ \ hen) au know how the big department store's furniture gnnds merchanclise mto money you'll feel faint at first and then you'Il chlrk up and get some ideas that will mean money to you Trv the thll1kIng stunt as they do Till He's Willing to Stay. You Lan take a\vay credIt and ca'3h and all that, You can make a man's chances '3eem utterly flat \Vlth your gOSSIp and malice his character flay, But a man I,;n't down tIll he's wil1mg to stay There are thousand'3 of feet always ready to kick, And more thousand'i of tongue'3 fairly ltchmg to pnck All the faces once fnendly turn coldly away, Bu t a man Isn't do\\ n tJ!l he"s wJ!llllg to stay If hIS spmt IS strong he's still good for the fight Let him vow to get up and put himself right, He can WIggle, tWiSt, wrestle and work up his way; For a man's never down tlll he's willing to stay. It IS human to whmc and complain of bad luck. Deep to S1l1k III the mire 1!l WhlCh you are stuck But It'S VI, l'3er and better to rise up and say, "Here I A man Isn't clown tIll he's willmg to stay" WEEKLY ARrJ TSAN r---- --------- ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I I Quarter Sawed III III We cut to size, wh~n desired, I Yellow Poplar ~ Birch Crossbanding 1 and have log run widths and lengths always in stock. II II IIIf fI Poplar and Gunl Drawer Bottoms ,I• II I I We offer you 500,000 feet of Oak Veneer to select from, personally if you wish. Did you ask for We have them, machine dried. And the Old Reliable Irish rClL and ~ Glue Imported and always in i stock. WALTER CLARK VF~NEER CO, I 535 Michigan Trust Building, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, II ~--------- .... ...... .. .... .... .. ..... .... .... ---- ... -- ..... .. - .... ... ..... ... - ........ 19 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- . -----.., \\ E E K L Y ART I SAN ........ I MICHIGAN III IIIIIII FURNITURE COMPANY ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN PRICES FOR PRICES Manufacturers of CHAMBER FURNITURE In Mahogany, Qyartered and Plain Oak. Odd Dressers In Birch and Imitation Mahogany. THE Best Goods '---------------- EVANSVILLE. INDIANA_ ---- - - - - -------- -- -- -- -- _. --- ----~-~------ The bIg event of the week among furlllture men \\ as the formal opelllng yesterday and today, (Fnday and Saturda, Jul) 16 and 17) of the new Furlllture Exchange btlllchng- Thl,., For the Price On the Market Made by Luce-Redmond FUlllltUle l.o 1~ g R tPlO<" l\IJch opelllng \\;a,., for the cltl7en.., ot f\ an..,\ llle and ..,nnol111C1111g towns, as the bIg btllld1l1g \\;a,., formally opened to thc buy el ~ some weeks ago A receptlOn wa,., tcndered the pllbhc Fnday afternoon from 2 30 to 5 30 and from 7 30 to 10 30 111 the e, en-mg 1he larg e btlllchng was filled by the manufacturers of the cIty and then fnends and an orchestra was on hand. Each VISltOl was gn en a I11ce souvelllr post card show111g the pKture of the new htllld1l1g The openmg marks a new era m the ftlll11turc 111dust! l' of E, ans, Ille ThIrty-one of the lead1l1g turl11ture and stm e manufacturers of the Clty have theIr eAhlhlts arranged m the bUlld1l1g and they have attract-cd a g I edt deal of a ttentlOn among the buyers ~t the annual elcctlOn of thc dn ector" of the EvanSVIlle Ralh\ a,'" Compan, opel atlng h dctJon 11l1es from thl,., cIty to '\ e\\ btll g. Ind, and Rockport, Ind, held a few davs ago ~ F Kalge.., of the Karge" }url11ture Company was unal11m-on" h elected chaIrman of the hoard of dlrectol s John fT Roh,.,enhel ger of the Bnehner ChaIr Company "av" trade IS not a.., actn e at thl.., time as It onght to be. hut he th1l1ks thmg" look, el 'r enconrag1l1g for thIS fall and W1l1- ter 1he ne\\ catalog that the company sent out a few weeks dC,O ha.., bronght ..,ome lllce return.., \LlllufactUler.., report bn"llless fauly actne thl" week and "a, good ClOpS Inchcate that pro"'pellt} IS gOing to come to ..,ta, \ good man} of the local mannfdcturer.., are m Chicago attendlllg the exp0..,lbon among them he1l1g Elt D ::\fll1er, the \\ ell kno" n folchng bed man nfacturer, George Ford, of the £, an,." Ille Book Case and Table Company, Henry J Rusche, of the 'speClaht} } ur11lture Company, Oscar Klamer of the ~chelosk} Table Company and Gu" '\onwetler of the E, ans- 'Ille I, unllttll e Compan} John Hey ns of the Heyns Furl11ture Company left l\I on-day nIght for Chicago and Grand Rapid.., The follmiV1l1g well known furniture manufacturel" of thIS LIt} \'Vele on the btuldmg committee for the Furllltnre Ex-change, and It h due to theIr l)Usme",., Judgement and husthng qndhlJes that the btllldlng wa,., erected H 1I Schu, of the WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 ~---_ ... -_ .... _. - _________________ • T 'lit ... , , __ .-.. II II It I II II II I ----- ...... ....-'1' OUR LINE OF CHINA CLOSETS, BUFFETS AND BOOKCASES MORE COMPLETE I ROCKFORD STj~l~!2~~£FURNITURE CO. 1 6-__ .a • • T_a •••• ._ • •• • __ • a_ ••••• -_ ••••••• -.. .-~ IS AND UP.TO·DATE THAN EVER BEFORE. SAMPLES SHOWN IN CHICAGO ONLY, 1319 MICHIGAN AVENUE, MANUFACT. URERS' EXHIBITION BUILDING, IN CHARGE OF F. P. FISHER, N. P. NELSON, AND FRED LUGER. Crescent and 1!mted ~tates Funutnre company, A F Karge'i of the Karges Furmture Company; Benjamin Bosse of the (,lohe 1 Ull11ture company, Hem) J Ru~che of the '-,peclalt, Furmture Company, 'WIlham A Koch of the Evansville Metal Bed Company and Edward Ploeger of the Bosse Furmture Company Charb, Sallee of the Sallee Advertlsmg Company of this .....---_ ..- ---------... ... --_ ...--------..., i MUSKEGON VAllEY FURNITURE COMPANY Ii MUSKEGON I MICH .... COIOmol 8UlleS 1011POSI Beos 000 Dressers cnillOniers wnrorooes lames' 10lleis DreSSing ToOle8 MOnogony I 10101« GOO«s iI Line on .ale m Manufacturers' Buildmg, Grand RapId.. I '"'--------- -- ----------------_ ..... uty got Up a pretty cleslgn that 11111 be used by the Crescent City Mixed Carloadmg ASSOCiation of thiS city The design represents a tram of twelve cars leaving a large bunch of fur-mture factones and gomg to all parts of the world. In the Lorner IS a huge crescent and each car IS marked with the name of one of the tweh e fir111brepresented 111the associatIon. o :'Ionday, July 12, conracts for the new factory of the Never SplIt ~eat company were let and work on the plant Will "tart In a 'ihort tIme It wIll be JGO by GO feet In c!JmenslOn, and besIdes the big maw bmldl11g there wlll be detached stnK-hires contammg the dl y kIln" and power plant The bmldmg- Will be made of bnck "\ eneer manufact Irer, I epOl t busmess very good thiS II eek. Charles \'\ Talge say" the plant of the Evanwllie Yeneer Worb IS bel11g opel ated on full time and that a 111eelot of orders <tre bel11g I eeeived The blICk work for the new factory of the Schelosky T <lble company IS fi11lshecl <ts well a'i for the ma1l1 factOl v bl1llchng-of the 1= Q SmIth Ch<tlr coIPpam Retail fur11lt'11e tI <tele has been cnppled 11101 e or le"s dur- Ing the pest SIX \\ eeks b~came of the 'it! eet cal "tllke whICh '-tal ted the last Saturday 111 :'lay The dealer~ look however fOl th111gs to lIVen up some after harvest TI'e h<tnc!con'e l1e" reqdence of Vhlham \ Koch of the C, alW\ Ille ::\Ietal Deel company on UPP~I Second street IS neM-Ing LOmplctlOl1 It ,,111 be one of the finbt heme:">In that part of the CIty " W B CARLETON. The man who accompa11les hiS "lfe on her 'ilIoppmg tour IS almost as uncomfortable as the woman who accompan- Ies her husband to the ball game. 22 \\ Lr~kL\ \RTIS\~ Upon the receipt of a request from any responsible dealer, cata-logues illustrating, pricing and describIng the Quick Selling Lines of the Big Six Car Loading Association will be forwarded. THE KARGES FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Chamber SUItes,Wardrobes, ChJffomers, Odd Dressers, ChIfforobes. THE BOSSE FURNITURE CO. Made b~ The Karges Furniture Co The Big Six Manufacturers of Evansville possess unequalled facil- , ities for shipping goods promptly. All have sidings in or adjoining their factories and cars can be dispatched direct over the great rail-road systems of the East, South and West. Manufacturers of KItchen Cabinets, K D Wardrobes, Cupboards and Safes, m ImitatIon golden oak, plam oak and quartered oak. THE WORLD FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Mantel and Upnght FoldIng Beds, Buffets, Hall Trees, ChIna Closets, CombInation Book and LIbrary Cases THE GLOBE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of SIdeboards m plam oak, ImItatIonquartered oak, and solId quartered oak, Chamber Suites, Odd Dressers, Beds and Chlffomers In ImItatIon quartered oak, ImItatIon mahogany, and ImItatIon golden oak ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-~ THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. I Manufacturers of the "Superior" LIne of Parlor, LIbrary, DInIng and DreSSIngTables. I THE METAL FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of "HygIene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds, CrIbs, WIre Spnngs and Cots. WEEKLY ARTISAN 23 , I I IIII I IIII I III I I IIIII IIII ,III II III II II IIII II IIIIII III III•• I• IIII• I I I IIII I l\Iade h) Bockstege Furmture Co Made by Globe Furmture Co Made by Bockstege FurnIture Co Made b) World FurnIture Co I...------ ..... ---------"_. _. _. - •.....•.._--------------------------------~ 24 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. WEEKLY ARTISAN MISSION LIBRARY SUITES are one of the attractions contained in line of the new ROCKFORD CHAIR AND FURNITURE CO. THIRD FLOOR, BLODGETT BUILDING Alaska Refrigerator Company American Blower Company Big Six Car Loading AssociatIOn Bockstege Furmture Company, The Bosse Furmture Company, The Eli D. Miller & Co. Ford & Johnson Company Globe Furmture Company, The Grand Rapids Blow Pipe and Dust Arrester Company Grand Rapids Brass Company Grand Rapids Caster Cup Company Hafner Furmture Company Humphrey-Widman Bookcase Company Hoffman Brothers Company Karges Furmture Company. The Luce Furl'lture Company Lentz Table Company Mechamcs Furmture Company Metal Furniture Company, The Michigan Engravmg Company Michigan Furmture Company Miller & Company, Eli D. Miscellaneous Moon Desk Company Muskegon Valley Furmture Company Nelson-Matter Furmture Company New York Furmture Exchange Palmer Manufacturing Company Pioneer Manufacturing Company Richmond Chair Company Royal Chair Comtlany Rockford Standard Furmture Company Rockford Chair & Furniture Company Rockford Frame & Fixture Company Shelbyville Desk Company Sheboygan Chair Company Smith & Davis Manufacturing Company Stow & DavIs Furl'lture Company Sligh Furmture Company The Posselius Brothersg Manufacturm Company Thos. Madden Sons & CO'11pany Umon Furmture Company (Rockford) Walter Clark Veneer Company White Pnntmg Company World Furmture Company, The 9 Cover 22-23 22 22 11 11 22 Cover Cover 25 10 8 12 22 4 25 3 22 2 20 11 24 29 21 Cover 1 8 25 31 3 21 24 4 31 27 13 27 14 32 15 12 19 Cover 22 ,,..- .. .. I• II I •II, II • I• II•• ,,• II IIII .. - ..- ----_._._.--------_._----- -.. Miscellaneous Advertisements. WANTED WANTED COMMISSION MEN. For Indiana and Illinois to sell our Suites, Dressers, Chiffon- Iers, Stands, Beds and Wardrobes. McKim & Cochran Fur-mture Co., Madison, Ind. 7-3-4t WANTED-WOOD SEAT CHAIR FACTORY To locate on our property at Columbus, Mississippi; unlimit-ed supply of red and white oak; red and sap gum and beech at extremely low cost; plenty cheap labor; fine factory site; un-excelled shipping facilities and low freight rates to good mar-ket. Might take some stock in well managed company. Ad-dress Interstate Lumber Company, Downing Building, Erie, Pa. WANTED-TRAVELING SALESMEN. To handle a line of Extension Tables, Pedestal Tables, Ward-robes ard Kitchen Cupboards, on commission. State what other lires ycu hardle and Territory desired. Address Koenig Furmture Co., 2620 N. 15th St., St. Louis, Mo. ....... _ ••• a_a •••• ••••1• !IiI - .... WANTED-MACHINE FOREMAN. An up to date Machme Foreman for a factory making caSlt gocds, reference required. Address box number, care of paper. 6-10-2t. WANTED. A good cabmet maker; one who can detail and make clotbing cabinets. Address B. S., care Michigan Artisan. 6-10-2t. WANTED-PQSITION AS MANAGER. A practical busmess man, familiar with the manufacturing of bed room furmture and who has a few thousand dollars to invest; can assume charge of one of the best furniture plants 10 the South. If interested, address "Business," Box 853, Greensboro, N. C. 6-10-4t \\ EEKLY ARTISAN ----------------- ~,, I•• I •I,II I I I III I,It III• III IIIIII ~ ._------_.----------- ~-~---_._----~---~----_ . TABLES ...--.. .._.... . I,,,I ,• ,III•t II ,I I•t II II I ,I LENTZ TABLE CO. I.I.-------.~---_. _. _.-------- OUR OAK AND MAHOGANY DINING EX TENSION ARE BEST MADE FINISHED VALUES Our Catalogue and Prices prove this statement. Yours for the asking. NASHVILLE, MICH 25 AnotheJ.·Organization of Dealers. Manufacturers of furniture in all sectIOns of the country are being confronted with another propOSlt10n to gIve the re-tail dealers a few extra dollars 111the way of dIscounts. There has been formed an associatlOn among about forty dealers pnnClpally 111New England, to buy together and thus save money. It is called the Furniture Alhance. J. W. Chesebro of Springfield, Mass, long the eastern representative of the SkandIa Furmture Company, IS president of the alliance and E. E. Dodge of the Dodge Furniture Company of Springfield, Mass., is secretary and treasurer As stated, outsIde of House & Hermann of Washington, Burns & Company of Harrisburg, R. C. Reynolds of Albany and Troy, the dealers interested are in New England. The claIm 1'3made that the alliance is in no way a trust or anythlllg of the k111d,but the fact IS quoted that there are a good many syndIcates whIch buy goods cheap-er on acccount of bUY111gmore largely, and then many of the department stores, it is claimed, get extra discounts on ac-count of the quantItIes of merchandIse they buy In brief, the manufacturer who gets into the thing, signs a contract to give the allIance an extra discount of one, two, five or any eJ\.tra d1'3count he pleases Thl'3 1'3paId to the treasurer and at the end of gIven penods IS dIstnbuted to the several mer-chants in proportion to the amount of goods he buys. This of ---. .-------- --_._-----------_. PIONEER MAnur AnURInO (OMPAnl l Full ttne shown only __ _ _ at the raClO: _ DitTROIT, MICH. Reed Furniture Baby Carriages Go-Carts ~ All Made From Thoroughly Seasoned Stock. ---------- ..--------_._-- course IS after the expenses have been paid It is not known to what extent the manufacturers are going into the scheme, but It 15 beheved that on account of the small margins in the furmture manufactunng bus111ess, not many of them will avaIl themselves of the opportunity. Sligh Will Enlarge Factory. The Shgh Furmture Company WIll enlarge theIr factory by the erectIOn of an addItIon 80x100 feet 111SIze and four stories hIgh. The Shgh plant already IS the largest in the world devoted to the manufacture of bedroom 'furnIture The AdaIr FUl11lture Company, of Llttl~ Rocl', 1\1k, arf' defendents in a SUIt f01 damages 111'" hlch H. \JY Beadle" seeks to recover $500 for damages alleging that a milk safe falhng from one of the defendant's wagons caused severe 111- Juries to hImself. The Spencer-Hunter-Stull Company of ChIcago JunctlOn, OhlO, 111corporated on July 9. wIth $10,000 capItal stock, wJ11 deal In fur11lture The 111corporators are C J. Spencer, L E Spencer, L M Hunter, E G Hunter, R. G. Stull and D J Stull • - - -1 , •, II ! I I I I I ---_._- _ . r-Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co. I 2 Parkwood Ave.• Grand Rapids, Mich. .----_.-----.., ,I II• I I II II I ___ • .--.4 We are now puttmg out the best Caster Cups with cork bases ever oflerea to the trade Ihese are finished m Golden Oak and WhIte Maple m a hght finIsh These goods are admIrable for pohshed floors and furn- Iture rests They will not sweat or mar PRICES. SIze 2)( mches •. $4 00 per hundred SIze 2')i m~hes 5 00 per hundred Try a Sample Order FOB Grand Rap,ds ........... ~-------_...-----------_. 26 ----------------------------------------....., WEEKLY ARTISAN CHAS E K"'IGHT Ne\\ York qnd Ne\\ England RepcesentatlVe ot Coats ,Ianutaclunng Co \Vells'llle, N \ A GROUP OF FURNITURE SALESMEN F M. McCOY MR GILLIES PacIfic Coast Representative of C S Pame Co Gcand Rapids Mlch Central Replesentabve of Coats Manutactunng Co WellsvIlle, N Y .------ - - - - - - ----------------- -- - - WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 r-~---------~-· I,, II I,III III ,I I _._._--- ....-.- ..-----------------------------_ ....._---_.-_. __ .~ II,I,, I III , ._._ ....... I Our Large New Line of DINING and OFFICE TABLES The season for banquets will soon be here. Get a stock of our Banquet Table Tops so as to be ready to supply the demand sure to come. are the best on the American market when prices and quality are considered. STOW & Df\VIS fUKNITUKG GO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. City Salesroom. 4th floor, Blodgett Bldg. ----.~~_._----- ture. Texas as a whole is in splendid condition with full crops of everythIng it produces promised from practically every sectIOn The CIty of Dallas IS growmg and every enter-pnse it possesses is apparently upon a very healthy basis. Con-fidence IS a dominatIng force among our people and that is more than half of the trade battle." Advel.·tising is Like a Salesman. "I beheve the placing of weights upon each package would prove helpful to the dealer," "aId H H CraU of Sanger BIOS Dallas, Texas, shortly after reglstenng at the Panthnd. "I apprecIate the fact that the ratlroads InSist upon theIr own weights being used but the shIpper could at least provide a check upon the raIlroad weights whereas at present there IS nothmg to do but accept what the latter claims unless you go to the trouble of weighing yourself Then there would be a fight on anyway. "With all of Our advertising we are hberal of cuts and each of these IS an exact representatIOn of the goods. The tIme has gone by when It IS necessary to use general stock cuts and no enterprismg dealer would think of doing so even were the cost radically reduced It is part of the fixed charges in doing modern business to make your advertising as high grade as the bvsiness you hope to do Your advertising is a salesman for your house and If pootly dressed or Inaccurate would get about as respectful a hearing as the individual <;alesman <;Imtlarly attIred and sllutlarly conveyIng informa-tIOn or rather the lack of It, would receIve. "For bUSIness In geneIal I can truthfully say it has been good In the spnng and we aI e confident we shall have a fine fall trade whIch wIll cont111ue to 111crease unttl after the holi-days Every sign of the times 1<;a Slue IndIcatIve of this fu- Manipulating the Burlap Market. By circulatIng a report of a shortage of six per cent in the new Jute crop, operators in the Calcutta burlap market suc-ceeded in boostmg pnces for a few days and made the New York market q1l1te interesting, during the latter part of last week. The report was not well-founded however and at the opening of the week prices had gone down to about the figures that prevailed before the scare-3.40 for eight ounce goods and 450 for 1O};:;ounce. This is the third time, since January 1, that the market has been excited and upset by false reports of condItions In the far East and some American dealers enter-tain the Idea that the false alarms were manipulated by New York Importers WIth accompltces in Calcutta. The flurry of last week dId not do any great harm, because American buyers dId not take hold at the hIgher prices-they SImply quit bUylllg unttl pnces had returned to what they considered a normal baSIS SEND FOR CATALOGUE. t'Aa of them rented and the Clgar store occup1ed the th1rd and dId a bIgger bus1l1ess than the drug 'ltore d1d 'store" should be on the street level and have a lot of 'A111- do'A "pace There should be no pdlars to ob"truct the space 111 ,tore" and merchand1'le "hould be near the door \ \\ ell dre""ed w1l1do\,; lS the be"t slgn board It 1" the th1l1g that the fore1gner first com111gto the Umted State", most \\ ant" to "ee He can "ee arch1tectUl e and statuary at home In our "tore V\ 111dovv'l he find" revealed the mtlmate hfe of the people as shown m the1r mtlmate needs The que"t1On of mcreases m salary 1San 1mportant and d1f-hcult one l\Ir \\'helan ha" a "ystem muse wh1ch has been \ ery "ucce""tul Each "tore ha" a manager who 1Sthe personal repre"entatlve of the company He hu e" all sale"men, fixe" "alane", mcludmg h1S own, m proport1On to the amount of bu"me"" tran"acted He u"ually takes "IX per cent of the gro"s rece1ph tor hll11"elf HIS report;., to the company are made 1egularh ,,0 tl1dt the firm know" that the 'lale"men are rece1V- 1I1gthe p10pe1 "alanes Th1s plan stlmulate" the "alesmen to ~reater act1\ 1t} Th1" 'lystem of mutual ownersh1p has splen- (hd 1e"ulb \ "ale"man does not ask for a ra1"e m salary, but 1" p10moted to a la1ger 'ltore, where the rece1pt" are larger I-I!" effiClenc) m hh first pos1t1On msures h1" promot1On to a bette1 one m due tlme Last year m New York the company d1d not lo"e a "mgle 'ialesman m two hundred stores Each manager end" h1" busme"s day at three o'clock m the atte1 noon, depos1t'i the rece1pt" f01 the day m the bank and "end" the deposn shp together \';lth the tape of the cash reg- 1"te1 to '\ ew York to the home office All salesmen are paId by Lheck trom )Jew York -\ "chool of "alesmanshlp IS another valuable help There lS no tUItIOn and the motto of the school lS "Thank you" Mr \\ helan behe\ e" the expre"s1On "hould be used after every sale and on one occa"lOn sent telegram" to everyone m h1S employ mqumng 1f he had u"ed the phrase to every customer that day "That mes'lage \'; as an un estment m human nature for J\1r \\ helan recen erl hund1 eds of rephes saymg that the wnter had not on I} sa1d 1t but behe\ ed 1111t as wel1" The messages plea'led the sale'lmen who felt the1r 1mportance m conductmg the bU'Smess of the company E\ ery apphcant for a pos1tlon w1th the company must be In "ound ph} slcal cond1tlon to be accepted Med1cal departments hay e been estabhshed m Ch1cago and New York Every sound man 1" worth blllld111g up m busme"s, but a slck man or one 'A1th a contag1Ous or fatal d1sease 1S not A man who lS dl cannot be cheerful and a good salesman 111UStbe Ch1ropod1StS to exam111ethe "alesmen'" feet are also employed A sale'lman cannot "tand al1 day unles" h1'i teet are 111fit cond1t1On -\s a result of the operat1On of the med1cal department only one-fourth as many extra salesmen are employed as before A manual of m;,truct1On 1" gl\ en e\ ery salesman who must read n and apply lt to h1S retad sel1mg The fact that m-crea" ed bU'l111e%mean'l mcreased earmngs for h1mself lS 1m-pressed upon h1'l mmd Increa"ed busme'l'l comes w1th an mcrea"e m the number of customers The way to mcrease patronage 1" to plea"e every customer so 'Ael1 that he wdl come agam and bnng h1S fnends Th1s h the sum and sub- "tance of "ale:"man"h1p Rule" about mak1ng change are very exphClt "~ale'lmen mU'it on rece1pt of money cal1 out the denoUlmat1On of the bl!1 1~RUSTMETHODS FOR RETAILERS. An mterestlng d1scuss1On of the abO\ e tOp1C appears m the July 10 1ssue of the Saturday E\ enmg Post, 'AnUen h\ Isaac F Marco"son Many practlcal 1deas on matters (Jf speClal moment to retaJlers are glVen The expenence'i of GeOlge J \Vhelal1, pre;,ldent of the Umted llgar StOll" ~ tllll pany, furm'lh food for thought H1" method" 'luppl) a le..,..,on for eyery "ale"man ] n an} retal! bU'lme% the first con"lderat1011 "hould be the C'llLst1On of the best "lte The ayerage retaller often thmb that any street where a crowd 1" b1g 1" a good bu:"me"" neH;h-lo- hood But crowds are deceptlve A smal1 but "teach L. Jwd lS much mOl e profitable for the retader than the grea. lush-hour throng becau"e the latter lS on the \va} to a traltl car or boat The le1"urel y crowd 1" the buy m~ cro'A d The best 10cat1On or next to lt 1" an excel1ent rule to go b) fhe 10catJon "hould be where the large"t numbe1 at people can be reached wlth the be"t quahty of good" A store on a corner 1" a headhght that aUlac±:" bU:"111e"" The value of a corner depends on the den"lty of the traffic passmg 1t Mr \\ helan posted ..,entlle'l to count the people wh1ch he deClded should a\ erage not le,,'l than one hundred all hour Mr \\'helan has "tore" m man} c1t1es He ha" a pel caplta :"y:"tem to find out Jf IllS bmUle"s 1'0 keep111g pace 'A1th the growth of each md1v1dual C1t\ The populat1On \ anes from month to month, "0 that "orne t1me" "ale'l 111crea"e. other tune" fall beh1nd Another cons1deratlO11 111 deCldmg on a locat10n 1" the fact that bank" retard the g1O\\ th at a 1etal! bU"111e".., i\ man "hould not buy a slte befnre kncm 111g\\ hat othe1 p1Op-erty 111the block Ol ne1ghborhood \\ JlI be occupIed b\ bank" On street;., where banks are located traffic 1" turned a"lde to other street" e"peClal1} afte1 bankmg hour" Bank budd111g" have made more one-street towns than an) other cause In Buffalo the b1g bank'l are al1 on "lam "treet It there had been b1g, 11\e retad "tares on the corner" that the banb occupy traffic would not turn at the corners and run to the :"Ide "treets and make them bus} :New retal! channels \\ auld ha \ e been created and these In turn would have dra\\ n upon others Real estate would hay e 1mproved and the \\ hole bU"lne":,, hfe of the commumt) broadened and benefited The "ame thmg ha'l been done mother ut1e" In order to get a COlner "lte ::-11 \Vhelan "ometlmes had to 'Aa1t, 111the meantlme 1ent111l; one or two store" near b} He formed real e"tate Lompame" to buJld "tore'l m de"lrable 10cat1Ons 1he) lea"ed the"e fir"t 'A1th the ob] ect of gettmg a first class locatlOn for themseh e" "econd, to obtam a slte equal1y good for some other bU"111e"s m ca"e they had the p10perty thrown back on the1r hand" for re-rentmg The"e compame" haye had to rent a whole "ky-scraper to get the corner store on the ground floor Th1s \\ a.., done m '\ ew York at Broadway and Cortlandt :"tJ eet where the rent 1S eIghty thousand dol1a1" a year Thus when well managed these budd111g:"proy Ided free rent for the Clgar "tore Too much space 111a stOle lS a bad th111g ::-Ir \\ helan be-heye" 1n "mal1 stores hecause the) bnng good" \\lth111 qUIck reach of the cu"tomer Th1" mean" ,,\\ 1ft "en 1ce and that pleases the cu"tomer l\lan) retaJler" hay e been rumed b\ bIg ~tocks 111stores that \\ ere too larg-e BI~ "tock" 1eqlure a large1 torce of clerks whll 1mpede rather than help bU"111e,,",and they cost money A. b1g drug "tore fa1led, the "tore wa" dl\ 1ded up 111tOthree 29 ...---------_---.-._...__.._-.._.--_._._._. __ .__._----- WEEKLY ARTISAN II II• II II I No 1133% •I II ~ •• _ • ~ w. a.a ._. -~~;;R~~~lPs~D~---------·11 IN EVERY MARKET UNDER THE SUN THERE IS A READY SALE FOR MOON DESKS No 1132%-51 mehes long, 32 mehes wide 43 mehes high Weight, 310 pounds No 1133%-60 mehes long, 32 mehes wide 43 mehes high Weight, 320 pounds. Quarter sawed White Oak Wntmg bed 5 plv, bUilt up SIX pigeon hole boxes Pnvate compartment" lth lock Card Index drawer Center drawer With lock Roll top sweep arms tIp top and wntmg bed 1){ mches thIck Square edge constructIOn See the Line in the Manufacturers' BuddIng, Grand Rapids MOON DESK COMPANY -------------------.--------_ .._._------- ...._----------~ Muskegon, Mich. 01 Lom recen ed from customer and the amount of the purcha'ie ThiS usually obv late'3 mlstake'3 a':oto the amount deducted and the money m hand In makmg change horn bdl':o of lalge denommatlOn'i such a':o five dollal':o and upward~ especIal care ~hould be taken "0 claIms of "short change" can an~e then and there wdl be no SuspiCIOn agam'it the store or the ':oalesman The money mU'it be placed eIther 111the customer's hand or on the mat before him N ever lay change on the 'ihowca'ie The mispronunCIatIOn of foreign name., by customer~ '3hould ne, er be corrected by the salesman unless m'lted to do so They mU':ot be sure they al e nght A 'iale"man 'ihould get the mformatton Imme hately from an a'3soclate or else-whel e He should never '3peak WIthout absolute kno,dedge of foreign Vv orels Knowmg the name':o of Cll':otomel ~ helps A fnendly greet-mg doe'i create a good ImpreSSIOn N ever ask a customer's name Play no fa' onttes ~ e, er dlop one customer to take up another Devote your whole attentIOn to the customer, ad\ Ises Mr \Vhelan N ever try 'iubstttutll1l2; other thll1gs for the artIcles asked for The phra'ie "Ju~t a'i good" should never be used Let the customer deCIde what he wants to buy "Know your stock a'i you know your way home" Remember your customer's wants; he Vv dl appreciate the fact that hiS preferences are kept ll1 mll1d "A sale~man's fnend., should be the store's fnend " 'HI~ht dust, It I.., the microbe of la.llne~':o " The salesman should read the trade journals and keep lxhLe i on the details of the bU':o111es~ The man who reahze'i he doe~ not know It all but take'i ad, antage of every oppor-tUll1ty to acqUIre u'ieful ll1fOrmatlOI1 l'i the one who ~ucceed'i ll1 any lll1e of bU'ill1ess "Step forward to meet your cu~tomer, ne\ er make hIm come to you .. "N ev er ask a cu~tomer to follow you to another part of a 'itore to see anythll1g for which he has ll1qulred or which you have sugge'3ted showll1g to him Bnng the arttcle to him and make him feel perfectly aware that thIS IS what you are there for" "It IS much easIer to sell goods after a customer has hand-led them The de'3lre for posse~slOn become.., much ':otronger then" A pleasant salesman creates a good ImpresslOn-a scowlll1g one never Talk WIth the cu~tomer, not at him or to him Treat him a'i you would Itke to be treated and keep thll1kmg what he Will say when he gets out of the ::>tore Use the word 'we' m talk111g about the busll1e~s because you are we " A salesman''i dlcttonary IS another aid It tell'i all the busll1ess of the company so that no salesman has any excuse for not knowll1g the facts about the goods he handles 1\ model store where practtcal lessons ll1 salesmanship are given 1'3fitted up m a regular store Here new salesmen are ll1structed and become thoroughly com er':oant With the busI-nes~ methods of the store There IS never a green salesman In the company's stores Oral eXamll1atlOn':o on the manual and the dIctIOnary are conducted At the"e exam111atlOn':o the ..,alec,men show how they approach cU'itomers, they are requll ed to say "Thank yOU" and finally are a'3ked to sign a paper stat111g they are ready for real bus111ess A senes of lectures on "Merchandl~e" and "Service" deltvered by the vlce-pre'ildent of the company I.., talked 111tO a phonograph and deltvered to '3alesmen 111 smaller place;, Mr Whelan's retaIl '3alesmen 'iystem doe::> not demand e:hpenenced men at the 'itart, but after g0111g through the prescnbed cour'ie they can be moulded 111tOgood salesmen The advlsablhty of adopt111g thIS or a Similar ~ystem 111all retatl bUS111ess orgalllzatlon-; was (iI~cu':osed by Mr Whelan who gay e It as hIS 0p11110n that wlth111 the next five year.., a complete revolutIOn wtll take place 111 the retatl bus111es':o Large LOmpalllec, operat111g many ~tores wdl be the rule The grocene':o and meat market::> come under thl'i head A Ulllform pnce for food 111~tead of a vanable pnce 111different locahtles wtll be the result A hotel to cost $45.000 Will be erected 111Pomona, Cal, dunng the current year The Rusco Funllture Company of Pomona, Cal . are con-ductmg a pre-mventory sale - -- -----------------------------------------, 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN \\ H HICKERSO,," CornrnlsslOn Salesman III Metlopollt'lll DIstnct A GROUP OF FURNITURE SALESMEN RAY HARRIS Representing YpsIlantI Reed Furniture Co Ionia Mlch In MIchIgan and WlsconslU W A HOULT Representing the Lute Furmture Co. Grand RapIds Mtch In Central TerrItor) v\ EEKLY ARTISAN 31 r SfiG6BYVILLE DESK CO. II , III I II I I IIIIII :I ,:I I~_.. SHELBYVILLE, IND. II•fII• f• •If I .- .. - ... --------------------_._._- ------~ ~----------------------II~ MANUFACTURERS OF OFFIGE-, FURNITURE Write tor latest catalogue. Matching a Broken Suite in Circassian Walnnt. The breaking of a chamber sUIte made in C1rcas'iian wal-nut, by the sellmg of a single p1ece, frequently causes much trouble. An instance occuring in Ch1cago recently, illustrates this point. A lady entered the furn1ture department of a large general store, and, finding a three p1ece chamber suite in circassian walnut that pleased her fancy, offered to buy the dresser but could not use the bed or the commode. The wood used in this suite was beautifully figured, and the dealer hes-itated before breaking the combination. Finally he priced the dresser at $9000, although its cost to h1m as a part of the suite was but $42. The lady bought the dresser and the deal-er ordered another from the manufacturer to match the bed and commode remammg The dresser f01\\I arded the dealer declined to accept, because the color of the wood and the figure was not in keeping with the other pieces Beheving that he could not sell the suite without another dresser the dealer mS1sted that the manufacturer "upph one that would match After overhaulmg nearly one thousand p1eces of C1rCa'i<;Janve-neer, the supellntendcnt wa'i enabled to obtam suffiClent mdtenal to bUIld, drc-,er thdt \\ OllIe! meel thc JCCjl11remen-,of the dealer Cons1derable tnne had passed before the broken suite could be reestabhshed, but a sale for 1t complete was ef-fected in the course of time An Interior Decorator Interested. William A. French, pres1dent of the W 1lliam A. French Company, of St Paul, Mmn, has returned to h1s home after spending a few days in Grand Rapids. Mr French is an in-terior decorator, who operates a factory employing fifty men in the manufacture of interior finishes and art1cles of furniture of special construction used in h1s busmess He was very much interested in the magllltude and character of the Grand Rapids market. While in the city he was entertained by E B Caldwell of the Grand Rapids Desk Company. J 0 \iV ood ward and others wJ!1 erect a large hotel m the near future 1D Fre:ono, Cal. RICHMOND CHAIR CO. RICHMOND, INDIANA DOUBLE CANE LINE "SLIP SEATS" - the latest and best method of double seating. Catalogues to the Trade. ~---_. --.----_ ..--------- '--~_._----_...-._.-.-._. -- -_._- .----------- ...... - ------------'I 32 II EEKLY \RTISA~ r-ThePosselius--iJros-:-Furniture-Mfg~ cu.-I DETROIT, MICHIGAN WE ARE MAKING THE FINEST DISPLAY OF DINING EXTENSION TABLES EVER OFFERED by us at our display rooms, 2d Roar, Manutacturers' Exhibition Building, 13 19 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. All of our pedestal tables are fitted with the famous DUO-STYLE LOCKS Representatives---Frank A. Kuney, J. O. Kemp, H. J. Armstrong. II~----_.. .------------------- . I _ •••••• •• a_a ••• •••••••• iii -- ..... I II III III IIII II II II I II II I III II I II !III
- Date Created:
- 1909-07-17T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:3
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and GRAl'JD RAf-1L (iRAND HAPIDS, MICll., ~OV:EMBEH NELSON-MATTER FUR CO. GRAND RAPIDS. MI H. BED-ROOM and DINING-ROOM COMPLETE SUITES in Mahogany, Circas"ian 'Valnnt and Oak. If you have not one in your liitore, a simple reque ..t 'W'"l.lJ briIl2 you our magniiicent new- Cataloane of 12x16 inch Pdge groups, show-ing suites to JUatch. With it, e, en the Ino ..t Illoderate sIzed fnrn1ture store can shoW'" the best and new-est furniture satisfactorily. - - ----------------, "THE PORTER" Jr. 5 INCH JOINTER IS THE GREATEST LITTLE BIG MACHINE ON THE MARKET. It is built with the same care, accuracy, and feat-ures that are embodied in "The Porter" Hand Join ters which are known the world over. The steel lipped ground tables which can be withdrawn from the cylinder; traversing mclines for guaging the cut; the tilting guage for beveling, mitering, etc.; and the Round Safety Cylinder are all identical features of the larger machines. When furnished upon the iron bed (shown in cut), any style of motor can be attached. The style of current, cycle or phaze is immaterial. The machine is furnished with or with-out the countershaft, or stand, just as is desired. IT IS THE IDEAL MACHINE for the cabinet room, pattern shop, manual training school or any place where small or narrow jointing or buzz planing is done. It requires but little power, small space and runs at high speed; and say-don't you know that 50% OF YOUR WORK is within the range of this machine. You ought to be inter-ested in this machine and our catalog T. will tell you all about them. C. O. PORTER MACHINERY CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. WEEKkY ARTISAN 1 No. 1152 Dresser. Made in Oak, Mahogany and Blrd'.-eye Maple. Beautiful Bird's Eye Maple JUST THE THING TO DELIGHT • THE LADIES AT CHRISTMAS! There is nothing quite so dainty~so feminine-so charm-ing for Christmas, as a Bird's Eye Maple Dressing Table. Light, airy and cheerful, it goes to the hearts of the ladies, and it is the ONLY LIGHT-COLORED FURNI-TURE THAT IS ALSO HIGHLY ARTISTIC. The NORTHERN has made Maple a leading line ever since starting in business. We are in the heart of the Maple country, where the finest Ma-ple in the world grows, and with our standard lines, using Maple as a base, we are able to pick ONLY THE CHOIC-EST PIECES for N at u r a I Map I e finishes. Therefore, when you buy Natural Bird's Eye Maple from the NORTH-ERN, you are sure of the creme de la creme~the finest III the country. But you must have artistic shapes too-the airy beauty of Bird's Eye Maple is completely lost if it is not made up in beautiful designs. We also give you moderate prices. That is what will sell with you-beautiful wood, designs and workmanship, at moderate prices, coupled with PROMPT DELIVER Y ( and that means everything when you get near Christmas-nobody beats us at that part of the game). No. 1197 Dressing Table. Made 1D Oak, Mahogany and Bird'. Eye Maple. Full information given In courteous letters about anything that interests you. Write us frankly, freely. Northern Furniture Company SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 2 WEEKLY ARTISAN ,. - .- - - - . - --- - - -., I LUCE FURNITURE COMPANY II , III I III I •Ij t II•I GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Manufacturers of COMPLETE lines of MEDIUM PRICED DINING and CHAMBER FURNITURE. Catalogues to Dealers Only. ~-.-_. --.-. ----_._. ------------------------~ _. -_.._.-- ._..--- .--- ._. . . -- - -- luce-Redmond Chair Co.,ltd. I BIG RAPIDS, MICH. High Grade Office Chairs Dining Chairs Odd Rockers and Chairs Desk and Dresser Chairs Slipper Rockers Colonial Parlor Suites In Dark and Tuna Mahogany Blrd's Eye Maple Birch ::J<!tartered Oak and ClrCI1SSJI111 WI1t1Jut Our Exhibit you will find on the fourth floor, East Section, MANUfACTURERS' BUILDING, North Ionia Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN "Exhibit in charge of J. C. HAMILTON, C. E. COHOES, J. EDGAR FOSTER. I It t ND RP..rb 10 '-'"PUBLIC LIBRlRY 31st Year-No. 20 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• NOVEMBER 12. 1910 Issued Weekly 'WHY MOST REAL SALESMEN ARE IRISH They Are Required to Serve as Apprentices and Are Thoroughly Trained for Their Occupation. CWlitten for the Dry Goods Economist by Ge01ge Rob111son head of the foreign departments of the \Vanamakel stores) The "obsci vmg pel son" was surprised to notice through the lal ge dcpal tment St01e of New Y01k that seemmgly a maJonty of the salesmen were I11sh; yet the same thmg would be found tl ue m Clllcago, Plllladelpllla, Boston or any of our large American cities. This is especially so in the fabnc depal tments, where an actual knowledge of the con-structlOn of the matenal becomes a substantial asset to the man behmd the counter. These are the men who have learned their business on the other Side of the water and have answered the call for ti amed salesmen from the greatest and most remunerative field m the vvorld Imagme the feelings of an American boy at the age of ±ourteen or fifteen If he were told that he must work fm four years Without pay. 01 the consternatlOn of his father at the Idea of paying a fee of $500 and donatmg his son's sel vices at the same time. This is preClsely what hap-pens to the Insh lad when he decldes-or rather hiS parents deCide for him-that a bUSllless career, and not a professional one, IS to be hiS lot Thus the young man makes hiS start m the busmess world, impressed (and generally subdued) by the fact that his father has paid out a good round sum of money and eApects only one thing in return: that he shall learn that particular business, and le'lrn it thoroughly from the ground up. If an Amcncan lad goes to vvark at thiS age, the thought in hiS mmd IS revenue only, and if he casts in IllS lot with a dry-goods house it is because the im-media te wages al e a little better than he has been offel ed in any other place It is just a "job" to him; nothing more. And the ne"t week he will as carelessly and cheerfully leave it for a place in an office or a canning factory for fifty cents a week more. This boy is much more likely to SALESMAN BY ACCIDENT. change four times m one year than to remain in one place for four years. A man who has been tlllough this course of training in the old country appreciates just what it means, for well he knovvs what hes between the start and the certificate of rec-ommendation at the finish. One youthful aspirant for mercan-tile honors was apprenticed to a Belfast house, and trembling With fear lest he would not be competent to fulfil the duties required and might be returned to his parents in disgrace, he asked an older boy, who had been longer on the job, just V\ hat was expected of him, and was told in return that if he was sufficiently expert in the art of sprinkling damp tea-leaves on a dusty carpet and could handle a broom well enough to sweep them up agam he had nothing to fear for the first three months at least. It may be added that the new apprentice acquires a personal knowledge of the uses of the dust-cloth as well. By the end of the third month the "new boy" has come in and the first boy is advanced one point further up the scale of leal nlllg-which means that he goes to one of the cash desks dotted about the shop, and there he learns how to ac-curately make change These desks are numbered from one up, according to the location and importance in the house and a boy is advanced from the lowest to the highest only as he implO\'es in accuracy and rapidity. In the course of a period in which a boy serves in the various cash-desks he is required to report at the end of the business day to the head cashier-who is usually the treas-urer- with hiS balanced accounts showing the amount of cash taken in for the day in hiS section, and it must be absolutely correct. If the vouchers do not agree he is given opportunity to look over the sales-checks, and if an error has occurred which he cannot account for he must give a proper and satis-factory explanation to the management. By the time the boy has finished with these desks he pretty nearly knows how to make change and balance simple accounts. After thiS he goes to the counting room and credit office of the firm This finishes the first year and the sales-men of the futm e has not yet handled a yard of merchandise. At the beginmng of the second year he is asked if he has a preference for any particular department, and, if he has, It is usually arranged to place him there. But this same boy has a long way to go before he becomes a salesman or gets a FOI the whole foUl years that the Iri'3h hoy is "serving 111..t,une" the only incentive held out to him I~ the plomlse of a position at the end of hi" t11ne, with a PI111ce1y111come of £16 a year-equal m our good, hard-earned Amencan money to $7820. But long before the four years have expired he has heard from some of his old associate" who have gone to ,\merica and are bemg paid as salesmen five and SIX tunes more than he could possibly earn for a gooel many year'3 to come. Hence, his own preparatIOns for fitting al e generally completed by the time his certificate is handed in. Thus Ireland Im,e'3 one more of her trained young men and while these boys may start at the bottom of the ladder in thiS coun-try by no means all of them re-mdin there. You will find them among the best buyers, managers and e\ en proprietors in some of the ~Teater stores 111the United State'3, and the rungs of their lad-ders have been their Old World',> training, their apphcation to the business, their enthusid'3m and last but not least, their good health and regular habits, ac-quired during their apprentice- '3hip-( for the boys are boarded and lodged by the firm and under their supervision generally in charge of one of the managers) and subject to stnctest discipline THE TRAINED SALESMAN after, as well as during, the busi-nes' 3 hours They are required to be in their rooms hy 9 o'clock at night, when the superm-tendent makes a per'3onal investigation of each room and looks for each boy, yet aside from thIS, a hberal time is given for recreatIOn. Many a \\ eak boy, startmg his apprenticeship in these shops, takes out at the fil11~hinto the busmess world strength and health as a result of the outdoor sports in whIch the boy s are encouraged to engage "Mollycoddlelsm" does not flourish under the same 1oof WIth fifty 01 sixty boys, all pure Insh, and mostly flom the farms, and the puniest lad soon finds that he hkes cncket, football and baseball, and in the four years he accumulates blood, and bone, and muscle to aid him in hIS battles with the world. While we believe our methods in this country are far in advance of the old country's stores in general merchandis-mg, yet there 1'3much to be said of a salesman from the Em-erald Isle. He is taught that he should make customers feel that the VISIt to the shop is an honor, and he Impresses you that It is a great pleasure to show the goods and you can Just trust him to fulfill his duty to his firm by selling you all he can, for SELL IS wntten 111capital letters on his very bram \Vell he knows that If he fails to make a sale tho aisleman or the buyer, ever on the watch, will ask the reason why; f01 they m turn, are expected to be sufficiently alert to keep track of pi acticall y every transactIOn between the sales-man and the customer. Thus a salesman IS constantly kept keyed up to his best efforts, and, on the other hand, a buyer IS actually in touch wIth his merchandise and the daIly demand of his depart-ment But, mdependent of this, there is a feeling of loyalty m the hearts of all these men, salesmen, aislemen and buy- (Continued on Page 6.) WEEKLY ARTISAN chance to actually sell good.., In",tead, he I~ gl ac lothly per-mitted to become valet to the 1eal "pald sale~men." lIe is obliged to arrive an hour ear her than the saId "1eal salesman," remove the covel~, dust the countel s and generally prepare the department for the merchandIse display \"hlch 1", made fresh every mornmg aftel the al nval of hiS chIefs During the day he IS now behmd the counter pel ton111ng the duty of stock-boy and I ecel \ mg lesson~ m callng for the stock. Even the correct manner of placmg a pm m a bolt of ribbon is not too small a thmg to be taught thI::' boy Thus is instilled mto hIS young mind a spmt of economy, thnft, and regard-which i::. clo'3ely akin to rev erence-for hiS mer-chandise. I Ie must all the time keep hh eye", dnd ear", open to learn how to addres::. a cu::.tomer, ho\\ to walt on a LUS-tomer and to intelligently pI e"ent and dI"play the merdldn-dise for a customer. The "observmg person" ::.a\\ the other da), m gomg through a large department St01e m ~ evv York, a sale.,mdn, supposed to be servUlg a customer lIe had one hand m his pocket, he leaned agam~t the ~helf fixtm e, dnd b::. legs v\ere crossed. The customer \\dS lookmg at the goods, but he made no effort to assI"t the would-be purchaser. not e\ en taking the trouble to appear mterested-whlCh 1 esulted m the customer actually selhng herself from the ~oods that were on the counter, m plam VIew The lad m the Insh shop could never have learned such salesmanship, f01 such mdIf-ference to customers or merchandise IS unkno\\ n there Some-time::. this slovenly salesmanslllp come", about from the mdol-lence of the buyer himself or hIS assl~tant, for men are otten lIke geese 111 this respect and follow theIr leadel and as the head is so it is down the line This indIfferent salesman who leaned against the shelf-fixture may have lost the chance to make a friend for himself as \\ ell as for hIS house Hel e is indIcated the great opportumty to a good man possessmg tact and expenence. All customers, of course, cannot be treated alike. Some will enter mto conversatIOn freely, \\ 111leothers will resent too much explanatIon. But It IS always permiS-sible, when deahng With senSible people, to pre",ent certain interesting facts. If a ::.alesman IS showmg a garment, or an article, or, 111 fact, any piece of goods, fabnc or othen\ Ise, and can give his customer some mformatIOn regardmg the con-struction of the article or fabnc it goes far m estabhshmg confidence and may pave the way to mtroduce other Items for sale. A knowledge of the merchandise, though, IS necessary in that case. Real Business-Builders. Whether the salesman is a foreigner or born in th1s country, and whether he is behind the counter m ~ ew York or in any other city, if during hiS leIsure hours he WIll make it a point to inquire from the older people behind the counter and to make a careful examination of the merchandIse he Will always have some httle bit of mformatlOn to give whIle he is waiting on the trade that will make him personal fnends and also friends for his house. This IS the kind of people that really build up a business. It is not necessary to agree with a customer any more than it is to agree with a person In any other phase of life. If he has a careiul knowledge of the merchandise and im-par~. I it in a clean-cut, pobte mannel the customer leaves the counter WIth an impreSSIOn of havmg been properly served. Today, in New York, as well as 111 any other city, the young Irishman will be taken on in preference to the Ameri-can applicant for the same pOSItion. Not because the Irish-man is better liked, but because the management usually de-tects the ear-marks of a better groundwork, though probably ignorant of its sources. WEEKLY ARTISAN 5 J B Van SClver and hIs buyer, A F RoellIg, of Camden, N. J , were in Grand RapIds this week, buymg furmture * * * * Z Clark Thwmg of the Grand Rapids Veneer \\T orks. \\ ho has been east on a bus mess trIp for several weeks, re-turned home last Wednesday * '" '" '" W H MIller of Marshall FIeld & Co. ChICago, was in GIand RapIds thIs week, lookmg for some of the good thmgs m furnIture sUItable for holIday gIfts * * * * The managers of the Tanne\\ Itz Machme \Yorks report a good demand for theIr products and a pleasmg mcrease in theil busmess in the past fe\\ months. * * * * \Y ork has been started on the constI uctlOn of the large addItIon to the plant of the ImperIal Furmtme company, whIch is to be completed early m the spring * * * * ),1 A Heyman of the Heyman company, home furn-ishers. has gone east on a bus mess trIp His partIcular ob-ject is to pick up bargains in rugs, carpets and draperies. * * * * Among the furmture buyers who have visited Grand RapIds factories this week are Mr and Mrs E S Crosby elf Topeka, Kan, and John LeslIe of vVmnipeg, Man. * * * * John \Vaddell of the Waddell Manufacturilw company • b ' IS up in the nOIth \\ ooels, deel huntmg. He went away before electIOn belIevmg that the country IS safe no matter who may be elected. * * * * J 01111G. Heberger of the Standard Furniture company, 'Cmcmnatl. \\ as m Grand RapIds thIs \\ eek The Standard's lme, strengthened and enlarged considerably will be exhibited hel'e as usual, in January. * * * * Glaml RapIds' manufacturers are not antlclpatmg any '>hortage of coal thIs fall or wmter Coal dealer'> here have laId m lal ge supplIes and shll)ments are commo- in more reou- b b arly no\\ than they \\ el e a month ago * * * * \VIlllam S Emery. the well-known veteran furniture 'lalesman of Gland RapIds. Mich. has !S0ne to Bo'>ton to re-mam a \\ eek or t\\ 0 after \\ hich he \\ ill visit his son in New York and then go to Flonda to spend the winter. * * * * The Luxury Chair company's orders and shipments in October wel e larger than in any other month since they be~ gan busmess and judgmg from the number of orders booked last \\eek November IS lIkely to be a better month than Oc-tober for their business * * * * This week the Hot Blast Feather company shIpped a full tar of mattresses. pIllows and springs to one house in Xorth-ern MIchigan ThIs IS the thIrd carload ,>hlpped to the '>ame home thIs year TheIr trade m southern ~1ichlgan is grow~ mg rapidly and theIr city trade i~ ah\ a) ~ good * * '" * Robert \V. Irwin was anlOrtg the successful C:1ndldtl,tes for membership m the charter commISSIOn elected in Grand Rapids on ~ ovember 8 MI Irwm has studied municipal government sevel al ) eal s and is well qualIfied for service on the commISSIOn. He wIll be a leader m the \\ ork to be done. * * * * The E. O. Bulman ManufactUrIng company, manufac-turers of wood and metal speClaltIe~ are building a new fac~ tory on Broadway opposite the plant of the Imperial Furni-ture company The building \\ III be made of concrete, 50XI5° feet, one-story, and WIll be completed and occupIed early in the new year. * * * * Hon Edwin F Sweet. who was elected to fill a seat in Congress by the people of the Grand Rapids dIstrIct. has been for many years a stockholder in the Oriel Cabinet company and its vice president He is an able and honorable gentle-man He served a term as mayor of Grand Rapids a few years ago * * * * The \Vaddell ),Ianufacturing company WIll in the near future start m on the enlargement and improvements of their plant. \\ hich \\ hen completed \\ ill about double their capacity for turning out carved moulding. furniture trimmings, rope moulclIngs. etc All of the wood knobs and handles have the "no-kum-Ioose" fastenmgs. the only thing that will absolutely prevent the knobs and pulls from coming off. New Factories. Charles Ruebekam and Charles Holmees are orgamzll1g a company to establIsh a casket factory at Traverse Clty, Mich. The new factory of the Pier & Felch Chair company, Brattleboro, Vt . is expected to be ready to start business about the middle of December. G A Harper, G W Landon. D VV. Berry and H. E. Denme have mcorporated the Central Closet company to es-tablIsh a ne\\ factory at Kokomo. Ind Capital stock, $75,- 000. The Dedell Furniture company of Marion, Ind., are to establIsh a new factory at Muskogee. Okla. in accordance with a contract WIth the Muskogee Industnal Development company. The \VISCOI1S11C1haIr company of Port \Vashington, are erecting a branch factory at Sheboygan The bmldmg will be :;6 x I40 fEet. t\\ 0 stOlles. and \\ III be med mamly in manu-factunng wood novelties. New Furniture Dealers. G D Allyn has opened a ne\\ furniture store at Lyndon- \ Ille, Vt. BradlEY & Flanal;an. have opened a large. new furniutre store at \Vellington, Tex The J K \Val d Fml1ltm e and Hard\\ are company, are new dealers at Richwood, W. Va. The Home Furnltme company have opened a new house-furnishmg store in Spnngfield, Mass. The Cooper-Preston Fm mtme company, incorporated, with capital stock fixed at $2:;.000. are new dealers m Birm-ingham, Ala M F ),ifcCdrty IS president and trea~urer; Robert A Preston, vice-president and general manager and Robert Stnckland, secretary. vV G Buttedy, formerly a member of the furniture fIrm of Baumam1 & Co, of 152c1 street and Second avenue. Nc\\ York a'> taken a ten year lease on the five-story bu Ilcl111g at 445 Tremol1t avenue, the Br01n, \\ hlch he WIll stock \\ Iih a full line of new up-to-date furl1iture, cnl'p~ts, etc, 6 .. -_ ... ----- BEST MADE and LEADING LINE of OFFICE DESKS WEEKLY ARTISAN ---------_._--------- --~ A. PETERSEN &CO., CHICAGO I MANUFACTURERS OF THE I III IIII III - I ... IN THE COUNTRY. Our attention to every detail from carefully selected and matched lumber to the finished product has given the Petersen Desk its Leadership. I SEND FOR CATALOGUE. FULL LINE. RIGHT PRICES. '-- --- . ----_._-------- No. 100 DOUBLE CANE SEAT el s ahke, to their Ellm, to Vvhlch the} came as bo} sand remained as men to teach 111 theu tUIn When a merchant on this side opens a stOle to the pub-lic it is presumably With the obj ect of seilIng his \\ ares, } et the attitude of some of the people behind the counter m some of our New York stores, at tunes, makes It hard to belIe\ e this. Customers frequently complalll of llldd"tel ence-"ome-times amountlllg to positIve rudeness-on the pal t of the salespeople. A timid woman, gOlllg mto a shop to make a p\llcha-,e requinng time and dlscnmination, such as a coat, SUIt 01 hat, is often made to feel so unimportant, If not pO-,ltl\ eh "cheap," that she walks out of the stale feelmg aII the tIme that the very article she I eaIl} \\ an ted \\ a" thel e It someone had only gIVen a lIttle attentIOn and shO\\n a lIttle mtele"t What Department Head Should Do. Buying the goods, placing them on the counter and ~l\- ing a salesman a book al e not ah\ d}" pi oductl\ e ot the (le-sired result. Short talks by the bu}el of the depaItment respectmg the ments of the goods he has to selI-\\ Ith \\ hKh he IS, or ought to be, thoroughly famlha1-mIght result in qUIcker sales and cleaner shelves, hence better profit at the end of the season. A buyer has a moral responslblhty re"tIng upon him m addItion to hiS prescnbed duties of suppl) mg the pi opel merchandise for hiS department, as e\ er} one IS susceptible, ------ ._-------- \\ hethel lon"Uoth1y 01 unconscIOu"ly, to theIr surroundings. 1Tence It de\ oh ee, upon the buye1 to create an atmosphere in IllS depal tment of lo} alty to the busmess and of activity in the busllless Tine, W1II elImmate, very often, the seeming md1ftcl ence on the 1 11 t of the people behmd the counter m meetm£; eustome1 s that ha\ e come actualIy into the store to pUIeha-,e pi 0\ 1ded the') are sho\\ n the nght goods m the l1£;ht \\ a\ How to Train Oneself If the \mcflean-bcl1n salesman \\hu has d11fted tll10ugh \ alloth mOl e 01 less agl eedhle Jobs fiJ1Cb hunself aeCldentalIv hehmd the cuunter, \\ 1thout the eall) tIammlS of the l11"h lad as a toundatIOn, b} makmg good us,' ef hIS tune and hIS \\ It'' there 10, ample oppot tumty fO! hIm hel e m the gl eater ~to! ee, to stuch and knO\\ the lSood" he "elIs DUflnlS leisure hOlUS he can usualI} select some Imee, of meh~hand1"e from the fi" tm e~ 1earrane;e them and exaLlme them, carefulIy 1epldl1112, them on the sheh e::" and m "0 dcmg he IS all the tIme leal nm~ F\ er} customer he walts upon, every time he shcm" hIS 2,cwds-vvhether a "ale IS made or not-If hIS m111d 10, on the hu::,mess he learns somethmg new each time He must not attempt to gIVe a long, dry story about an arti-cle he IS selhng But he n111"t keep one thought 111hIS mmd clearly: that the \ 1"lt01s to hiS department may not ha\ e come to buy, and IS not oblIged to buy m thIS "hop, but that It IS withm RICHMOND TABLET CHAIRS "SLIP SEATS" AND THE MOST SANITARY RICHMOND CHAIR CO. RICHMOND, IND. No. 100 GENUINE LEATHER SEAT WEEKLY ARTISAN 7 his jurisdiction and his responsibilIty to his house to enlist her sympathy and in tel est her. HIs sale may not be made at thIS moment; he may not hay e the exact llght artIcle whIch may SUIt her taste, } et he can establIsh a confidence in her m111d that vv hen "he th111ks aga111 uf th111gs to buy in that IlllC she \\ 111ImmedIately th111k of hIm. Salesman the Great Factor. A film may ad\ ertt"c and a film may spcclahze and may pro\ Ide the best mel chandlsL and the best buyel s in the world, but unle,;s the 111dnIdual man behllld the counter de-votes lnmself to hI'; bus111e,;s conscIentiously, so as to gIve the best that IS m hun at e\ ery tm n, and unless he wIll stand up loyally for hI" depal tment and the goods he has to sell and wIll keep posted as to the demands made upon him as he comes datIy III contact wIth the customers, the depart-ment cannot hope to get the results It IS entItled to Some-one has said: "If you work for a man, in hea\en's name work for him. If he pays you wage,; that supply your blead and butter, work for him; speak well of hIm, stand by him and stand by the instItutIOn he represent,; If put to a p111ch, an ounce of loyalty IS worth a pound of clevelness If you must vllhfy condemn and eternally dIsparage, why, resIgn your position, and when you ale en the outsIde damn to your heart's con-tent But as long as yOU are a part of the instItution do not condemn It. If yOU do you are loosenlllg the tendrils that hold you m the instItutlOn, and 111the first high wind that comes along you wIll be uprooted and blown away and probably you wIll never know why" Advel tis111g m newspaper" I eache,; the e) es and S0111e-t1l11e" the mmds of the buymg publtc. and an ad may be lead, scrutml7ed or cntIused, accordmg to the confidence estab-bercd m the mIDd cf the readel 111the film whose name ap-pedr,; thereon That advel ttsement may bnng a customer to the store, but It WIll not always sell the goods. V/hen a customer enters a store after readlllg the ad and is dIrected to a certam sectlOn, then It depends entirely upon the mer-chandIse and the man beh111d the counter Here he can do mOl e good, 01 more harm, as he deSIres and as he puts hIS m111d and lIfe !ilto hIS wOlk It 1-- novv up to him to do or undo. ,r-------------------------~-- IIII I IIIII I Price $8.75 II• I No. 550 Palmer MaDufaduriD~ ======(ompaDJ·====== 1015 to 1043 Palmer Avenue, DETROIT, MIC". .... - . •••••• • r _ Mr. Salesman. on the interest you take in your sales, on the efforts you put forth, on the methods you employ in your department and on the way you handle yourself largely de-pends your success. Opportunities lIe as thick as blackberries in the mer-cantile field of America. There are more good executIve po- SItions today in the greatel stores of this country than there al e competent men to fill them; sometImes a man may oc-cupy a positIOn and yet not fill it. The lIttle "God of Chance" sits on the stairs and beck-on,;, but the cross-legged salesman below him stares vacant-ly into ,;pace and never looks up. Has More Than His Share. C. Fredenck Eckfelt, presIdent of the Mound CIty Chair company, St. LoUls, Mo , secured a decree of dlvoce recently and a few hours later marned Mrs. May Louise Powell, a plomlllent society lady, who was recently dIvorced from James L. Powell, a wealthy raIlroad contractor. A few day later the caUl t dlSCO\el ed that thel e had been colluslOn in the di- \ orce proceedmgs and set a~lde the decree. Therefore Mr. Ed.felt has a surplus of wives on his hands. ----_. -., II I,II ... • ---- --~~~~~~~~-. WEEKLY ARTISAN Every Dealer Who Sells Folding Collapsible Go=Carts TAKE WARNINO For your own protectIon avoId buvlng any folding collapsIble go carts lot lIcensl d under FERRIS and LEITH PATENTS. By seeing that the tag shown here IS on even folding CollapsIble Go-Cart you handle you will Avoid infringement prosecutions, Handle only goods made by the most reputable makers, Handle Go=Carts for which a demand is created by a big national advertising campaign. licensed Go{art PATENTED Licensed and protected by and under the 748869 771386 789310 800471 Jan 5, 1904 _Oct 4,1904 May 9, 1905 Sept 26,1905 Other Patents Pending None Cenulne Without Tnl. Labe' FERRIS and LEITH PATENTS so completely cover every VItal feature of folding collapsIble go-carts that It IS Im-pOSSIblefor any maker to manufacture them WIthout USIng some of the features covered by these patents. The only persons or concerns lIcensed by us to manufac-ture collapsIble go-carts are the follOWing named companIes: American Metal Wheel & Auto Lloyd Manufacturing Co. Company. Sidway Mercantile Company. Children's Vehicle Corporation. Streator Metal Stamping Co. CoIlier-Keyworth Company. Sturgis Steel Go-Cart Co. Fick~ Ce:rriage & Reed Co. Toledo Metal Wheel Co. Fulton Manufacturing Company. H. N. Thayer Co. Gendron Wheel Company. E. R. Wagner Mfg. Co. All mfnngers WIll be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Through our advertISIng the pubhc WIll be adVIsed that go-carts contaInIng the most deSIrable features are hcensed under FERRIS and LEITH PATENTS, and cautIOned to look for the Label. We wIll protect both the dealer and the publIc, and by ehmmatlng the unscrupulous manufacturer we Insure the dealer a better profit, put the go-cart bUSIness on a legItImate baSIS, create fixed values, and educate the publIc to these values. LOOK FOR THE TAG. 839230 840188 857971 861475 863972 913345 914010 918250 925151 925152 925741 927089 Pec 25 1905 Jan 1, 1907 June 25 1907 July 30 1907 Aug 20 1907 Fcb 23 1909 Mareh 2 1909 Ap,oi 13 1909 June '5 '909 June 15 1909 June 22, 1909 July 6, 1909 PERRIS and LEITH None GenUine Without thiS labcl REDUCED REPRODUCTION Of FRONT AND BACK OF L.ICENSE TAGS. x)o;:. Suite 630 Marquette Building CHICAGO WEEKLY ARTISAN Th(·~··D"l.lmmernand lIis Trunk. Ihe 1111,lCUlstomedtl,1\ eJIel I'; ltkel) io have a llUl1lbel of pleces of hand hlg~age io ]00], ahel dn(] bother about, but the (!l ummel, i1,1\ el1Jn~ all the i1111e,t11e,; to ,;pal e h11n,;el£ all such trouble On the platfoI111 of a 1all road ')tat1On stooe! ,1 trunk not one of the cardboard vallety Vvlth g111gelbl ead cornel') that \\oule! tall apalt If vOU (hopped It off a \\agon but a 1 ugged t1unk that \\ oulc1n't even bounce If you sltd 1t off a loaf \\Then the owner of the trunk came ,dong he placc(l a h,mcl bag he \\a') carr) 111gon the platform for ,1 moment and unlocked the ,;ohel 100k1l1g trunk and ihl ew lb hd hack Then he dloppee! the bag mto a compal t111entwlthll1 which It jmt fitted, and then out of another compartment \\ hich 1t just fitted he IJfted and ')et el()\\n on the pt1tfCllm a sample case Then he dlopped the tlunk hcl and locked the Moon Tune, June TIme, Summer TIme, Spoon TIme, or Any Old TIme DeSIgned by Frank Burton, Student In the Grand Rapids School of DeSIgning trunk, and the next 111111uthee was off with the sample case to see the people he wanted to call on 111that town When he struck a town he dIdn't have to bother over lugging his handbag around WIth hIm or leavmg it somewhere or getting it checked; he Just dropped it 111 hIS t1unk, and that's where he carried hIS sample case except when in actual use. He could get all hIS belong1l1gs into one piece of baggage, his trunk, and the check for that he dropped 111 his..pocket Of course not all drummers can get theIr baggage into this compact form. There are men who take along ten, fif-teen, twenty trunks, a double truck load of baggage. But usually the man on the road has some scheme to save himself all unnecessary trouble; and few men are mOle resourceful than this drummer.-Ex. Desi~ns of Japanese School Furniture. A sketch of the Japanese school furniture as used in the elementary schooh ha,; been forwarded to \tV ashington by Consul-General Thomas Sammons, of Yokohama. This school furnitUle 1Smade of pine. and is painted or stained a reddI')h blown color The desk,; and seats are each intended for the me of two children The price of each seat is nomi-nally $5, but heavy discount') are allowed on large orders. No nails or screws are used in the construction of this school furniture. The design will be loaned to interested firms who address the Bureau of Manufactures. "I For $9.25 we will ship this Dresser in Satin Walnut or Mahog. any finish. Chiffonier to match. Mail your orders promptly to CHAS. BENNETT FURNITURE CO., CHARLOTTE. MICH. I....-. - . , HERE IS A CHAIR THAT'S A SELLER WRITE FOR THE PRICE GEO. SPRATT & CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. ...-.... '", IIIIt III• IIIIII No 83. i.. ·..... ~ 10 WEEKLY ARTISAN FREEDMAN CONVERTIBLE DIVAN BED A Revolution in Parlor Bed Construction. An Immediate Succe... FuJI Size Bed in Divan Space. "ART FOR LIFE'S SAKE" How Business Men May Assist in the Progress of Art. Prof. Charles H. Caffin of N ey York CIty lectured re-cently at the Ladies' Litel ary club house, Grand Rapids, on "Art for Life's Sake." He saId that the word "art" is from the Greek "ar" and means to fit or to shape. The Greeks used copper and bra"s for helmets and shIelds fittmg and shaping them for the purpose of using in warfare. Conse-quently art begun m thIs way, thlOUgh CIaftsmanshlp Flom this beginning It was gradually e>..tended to other thmg" The speaker saId that that is \\ hy \\ e are takmg up techm-cal schools -to leal n craftsmanshIp, leal mng how to fit and shape articles for practical u"e. In al t fitness must be com-bined with unity and harmony thus producing a perfect whole. Art, contrary to the generally accepted idea embraces not only painting and sculpture, but also archItecture, musIc and ltterature. A man may be an artist in any lme to whIch he appltes himself. The business man of today can so fit and shape hIS business as to impro\ e it in every \\ a y. By the addItion of new and up to date machmery and methods and by stnvmg to bettel the condItIOns of hIs workmen, by aId-ing m publtc reforms, the beautIfy mg of a Clt\ \\ ith hand-some structure", publtc playglOunds and palks and by look-ing after the public health. For a contrast to fitness, unity and harmony in al t and • in everything about us Mr. Caffin spoke of the unfitness so often observed in publIc buildmgs whel e lack of umty and harmony are very eVIdent and pamful, to a degree ;\s an illustration he mentIOned an office bmldmg now being erec-ted on Michigan avenue, Chicago, dIrectly OppOSIte the Al t InstItute. It IS cut up mto cubby hole" ltke an office filmg case by the great number of \\ mclo\\ s. "cubby holes fot lawyers, some for doctOl" and others, all plamly labeled," he said. The speaker then pt oceeded to dl5CUSS the faults ot the new Pennsylvania raIlroad statIOn in New York, where the style of a Greek temple has been followed only multiplied about a thousand times, making it unfit m every way for the purpose. Travelel s gomg in OppOSIte dIrectIOns al e bound to col1tde and "say things" as the dIstance bet", een the pIllaI c; of the facades IS small-gO' et ned by the Ideas of pioportIOll'3 used in a Greek temple. Mr. Caffin saId that a raIlroad station was no place to set up a Greek temple, where the anCIents went to worshtp thea' clteties "The architecture of today should be constructed for the needs of today and not hark back to a dead age whose build- ,,- I.. UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILL. II,t I,II IIIII~----------_ _ . China Closets Buffets Bookcases We lead in Style, Conftruc!bon and Fmi.h. See our Catalogue. Our lme on permanent exhibi-tion 3rd Floor, New Manufact-urer. BUlldlllollGl. rand Rapids. I -" mgs did not and do not fit our present day needs," he de-clal ed. 'The modern skyscraper IS the nearest approach to plogless m art, although many mistakes have been made The beauty of the skyscraper lIes in its height and pro-pOl tIOn". The French were the first to acknowledge this -,t\ Ie The speaker "aid that Louis H. Sullivan after he ha-d const! ucted the audItorium in Chicago realized this fact. The Campal1lle m Venice is a perfect specimen of architecture of thIS type The ploportlOns of the shaft, the placing of the bllck at angles, so as to cast shadows, produces a beautiful effect. The appltcation of art to the conditions of life around u" \\e ale no ah\ay-, suffiCIently aware of . The al tIst who can bring home to us a sense of the beautIful and give us inspiration has done a great thing. Thel e are two classes of artists, the natural and realistic. It I" from the latter that inspiration comes. Frans Hals was a natmahst, Rembrandt was famous because he painted what he sa" about hIm-beauty in SImple things. His paintings of old people are famous not because of the sitters but be-cause he pamted old age itself. Mr Caffin said that the best American painters today al e the landscape pamters, because they bring before our mmds condItIOns now eXIsting all about us in our own country and so they are a part of our existence. The import-ance of teachmg chIldren these facts cannot be overestimated ChIldren learn so eaSIly and quickly, that we can easily teach the next genel ation to be better than ours and more progressIve 111 al t, also to feel the need of more art about them. The lecture pleased the audIence greatly, especially as },Ir Caffin, had a humorous way of expressing some of his Ideas on old fogyism in art. .. SIMPLEST IN ACTION. LEAST SPACE. STRONGEST BUILT. Supercedes all other Interchangeable Parlor Beds. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATIONS AND PRICES. FREEDMAN BROTHERS & CO. Manufacturer. of Upholatered Furniture. Factory, 717.731 Mather St., CHICAGO . • ••• ..11 WEEKLY ARTISAN SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ Each Net $2~ Each Net No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cone All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &, DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis A Weekly House Organ. Seaver Brothers, who conduct a big department store in Brooklyn, celebrated the twenty-first anniversary of the foundmg of their business, dm mg the third week in October. The original store was a very small one, but step by step the firm have built up an establishment which is the large::,t of its kind In their section of New York City. An anniversary sale is a regular event WIth thIS concern and this year's sale, we understand, has resulted in a business considerably ahead of that produced by any similar sale in previous years. The sale was advertised in a weekly newspaper entitled "South Brooklyn Home Talk"-a publication started by the firm eight years ago in order to reach the local public. The average edition of this paper runs to 16 or 20 pages. It is pubhshed and dIstributed on Wednesdays, and, when con-sidered necessary (as in the case of this anniversary sale), a four-page special edition is issued and delivered by carrier, just as is the regular edItion. This newspaper plan, by the way, has been found more resultful than ordinary circulars. Seaver Brothers own their building and the site and re-cently purchased and added an adjoining building, giving them a total frontage of eighty feet. The twenty-first anni-versary was also celebrated by the employees, who presented to Daniel B. and C. A. Seaver, the members of the firm, a handsome loving cup, with their congratulations and best wishes. Had a "Congress of Nations." Hahne & Co, house furmshers, Newark, N. ]., recently just concluded a two weeks' "Congress of Nations." This was described in the opening "ad" as a "tribute to the people of all countries, by the state's greatest store." During the two weeks two days were dedicated to the people and pro-ducts of each of six countries, viz., France, Ireland, Italy, Germany, England and the United States. Following the opening "ad," a page "ad," with suitable heading, was de-voted to each of these countries, and in each "ad" there were offered hnes of merchandise for which the country in ques-tion is famous. In addItion to the newspaper "ads," a colored placard, beanng the words "Congress of Nations," was placed in every window and at various points throughout the store. The placards also indicated what nation was being honored on each partIcular day. Flags of the nations, too, were con-spicuously displayed throughout the store, small flags being placed where goods made in foreign countries were being exploited. ,.. ...... -----_ ...... ---._._.-.--.-., ........... - .... --_ ... 11 . .I. 12 WEEKLY ARTISAN FURNITURE IMPORTED IN ARGENTINA fJnltf'd Stlltes Furnish Most of thf' Desk and Office Fixtures. J D \Vhelple\ commelclal agent of the L~nlteel St.1tc, \\ ho recentlv Ietm ned flom a prolonged m\ e~tH;atJC)n at hU~l-ne'Ss affall S 111 At g entma reports that Jlnpol ts ot fml1ltm e Illli that country are e:\.tensn e It I'S estImated that dbout IMlf of the fm nlttu e used IS Il1lpOlted 1he cheapel g I dde'S al e I11dde largely 111 the countl y, plmcipalh flam pme I ecen ed flo!l1 Ihe U111ted ~Iates as the natne \\oods ot \Igenllll<l <lIe 111u~th too hal d fOI \\ 01kmg uJl I11tOf111nltul e e~JleC1a1h \\ hel e 1111111 l11um cost IS <111o1nect I he f111nltul e nM Ie 110m "01 th ~ _ i\ll1etlcall pmes IS 110t \ <tt11l~hed hut II edled h~ hth \\ Ith oIl 01 \\a" so that It has all11o~t the appeal an c ot an ullhl11~hed al tIde Such fmllltul e IS fOI ~<11ee\ el \ \\ hel e m \1 !;e1Hmd and IS the kmd mosth u~ed m the a\ el age home L\ 'Small amount of hlgh-gldde hUl1lt\1le h al'So mallU-factm eel 111the Repubhc fOI \\ hlCh pm pose some of the natl\ e haul woods ale employed ThIS is not fil1lshed \\ Ith a hl!;h- ~lo'Ss varntsh a~col d111g"to the method most 111 \ og ue 111the United States Instead, \\ax onh IS emplmed tubbed m at co'St of much bme and pams bv hanel untIl a ~ott anel \ eh et\ appearance is obta1l1ed, far mOle elegant and altbtlc, \\hele the qualIty of wood and \\01kmanshlp is ~ood, than a hlgh-varnish finish One fUll11tut e house m Buenos All e'S emplo\, some 300 men in ItS facto! \ anel makes fUI nltLtre both of the cheaper anel more expenSI\ e SOlts It al'So eloes a lat ~e amount of the upholstel y \\ ark on ImpO! teel gooels Leathel and othel uphol'Stery matellal IS comparatn ely cheap m Argentma, and by attend111g to tIllS end of the \\ ork Itself, the house 111ques tion 'Saves large sums in customs duties Largest Part of Imp07 t, From E1l1 ope For the fi\e-)ear pelloel 1904 to 1908 fml1ltme \\as Im-pOl ted to the amount of $6,177,175, Argentll1e gold (Sr of \\ hich equals $0965 U mteel States mone)) A.ustlla fl11n Isher the largest mell\ Idual share, \\ Ith the Ll1lted SLlte, second L\ustlla'~ contllbutlOn IS lalgeh 111the \\ a\ ot hel we11-kno\\ n bent\\ ood fml11tm e England ~upples mam al t Ide'S of the MISSIon sty Ie FI ance fml11shed the bulk of the most expensn e and ornate creatIons ItalIan ImpOl ts hay e no espeClal 111dlvlllual note, but 0\\ e then place pl1l1cipall) to the 1,11!;e ItalJan element 111 the populatIOn and the consequent de-mand for al beles £Iom the home countt y, THE WORLD'S BEST SAW BENCH BUIlt WIth double arbors, shdmg tabl. and equIpped complete WIth taper pm guages carefully graduated, Th:s machm e represents the heIght In saw bench con-strudlon It IS desIgned and bUIlt to reduce the cost of sawmg stock. WrIte us for descrIptIve InformstlOn. THE TANNEWITZ WORKS, ~fc~:m:;PIDS. .. Imports from the Ul11ted States are almost entirely in the \\ aj ot office fUll11tUl e, book shelves, and the 1Ike, In that field om manufactUl el 'S have all but a monopoly of the trade -\1 !;entll1e fUll11tUl e dealers SelY that in no other country has the mattel of office eCjUlpment been worked out on such prac-tIcal and comprehensl\ e ll11es Roll-top de:,ks, sectional book ,beh e~ I e\ oh l11~ bookca~e~, fill11g cabl11eb, and the 1Ike from L nlted State'S factol1es al e all exceeell11gly popular Ot LOUlse tIllS IS a bU~1l1ess wlllch does not extend much oUblcle the CIties, and as Al gentll1a IS an agllcultUl al country. \\ Itb a populatIOn of only about 6,000,000 l11habitants, the tl ade h not capable of 111defil11te expansIOn except as the Rockford Chair and Furniture Co. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS Dinin~ Room Furniture BUFFETS, CHINA CLOSETS and TABLES Library Furniture-LIbrary Desks, LIbrary Tables, LIbrary Bookcases, Combination Book-cases, Etc. Our entire lme WIllbe on exhibition in January on the thIrd floor of the Blodgett Building, Grand Rapids, Mich. WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 Your Continued Success Depends on the QUALITY of Your Goods- It's after a bed or chair or table leaves your store that It counts for or against your future trade. Every Stow & Davis table you sell is a constant adveltisement of your rehabllllY. Our tables resist wear-quahty is bUllt m, along with the style and hand rubbed fimsh that make our desIgns so attractive. Our new catalog, showmg some of the handsomest Colonial and Flanders dmers ever bUllt, IS in press. You wIll Just naturally want these top-notchers in your own store, for your best trade. Send in your name for an early copy. STOW & DAVIS FURNITURE COMPANY, PERFECTION TABLE TOPS. DINERS. Grand Rapids, Mich. OFFICE AND BANK TABLES. country grows But new methods are evelY\\ here displacing old ones m the Argentme bus mess world, and with thIs move-ment there is a natural demand for up-to-date office eqUlp-ment \Vlth thc exception of office furniture and book shelves, United State" manufactUl es al e not popLllar and do not prom-ise to obtam much foothold, unless our styles undergo con-siderable mochfication or An;entine taste changes At present French influence is strong upon the country The demand 1" £01 01nate pdttern" and "howy ltpholstery m colored fabrics. Lotm XV tl pe may be said best to leple"ent the prevallmg ta"tes GlIded f1l1l11tme and pIeces \\ ith elabO! ately carved \IOOCIlIOlk ale ~lcatlv ddmired The arts and uafts move-ment. \\hiLh hds lateh made ~Ieat heacl\\ay 111 the Untted State" has not found so much ,1" an echo 111 .\lgf'ntl11a fhe SImpliCIty of such furmture \\ould, at the ple"ent t11ne, at lea~t. find moderate appreciation One feature of the lmpO! ted furmture most seen 111 "\1 g en" tll1C\ IS the attention to mIrrors Vvardrobes and clothes presses are largely used-"\rgentina houses are, for the mo"t part, 1l1ade \\ llhout closets-and the doors of these are invar-iaIl eq111pped \\ Ith full-lem;th m11101" \\ ashstancls, bureaus, and the 11l"e ,lie al"o hbelalh eq111pped \\lth lo)kn) glasses \nothel appdl e'lt tendenc\ IS tcm a1 cl bl~ al tIde" of f n mture Ene 111" ,u e lhudlIl l.ll ~e ancl con"ldel dhl) hi" "el than those m \ o~ue m the LJmted State" \1 hel e tile cont! aLtm~ Sl7e of utI ap,lIt111cnt" ,1I1cl flcCjllent 111()\111~"1],[\c tcncled to popu-la 11/e } ~hi C1 ,11ld Ie"" l umbel "ome models 11 h douhulli If 1.:111ted St,l'e" 1l1dnufd( tUI ('I" \Iould find It pi olIi.lhk to (ompete f()] the \1 ~ent1l1c fm nltul e trade 111 the l111c" \\ hel C I, lUopedn natIon" al e nO\\ "U111e111eand with ,u tICle" of ,1 e,11111 ldl ndtm e 0111al11ental cal \ '110 and inlaid 1\ 01k al e lIttle unclel stood !1l this count 1 v, and th~ attempt to tUl n out !1loclels all nellch 1111es\\ auld plohahh I esult in the p10cluctlOn of al tICles oi e,cess!\ e cost The mattel of fi11lsh ahead) alluded to, IS also a point ,1~,]"1"L .\01th \l11e\Kan tm11ltme as no\\ largely made, The hl~11-\alnlSh fi11l"h, "0 ~enelal 111 the U111ted States, is little u"ed b\ Fm opean manufacturers, and suffers in comparison \\ Ith the soft 011 and \\ <1X fi111shes usually employed for theIr best ploducts 011e Idllet\ of fmnltme 111 whIch om manufactmers are lO1l\pcll11~ \\ Ith "eJ11IepI01l11<,eof "ucce"" 111 \rgentll1d Ie, bras" hed"tead" 'I hc"e ,11 C much less popul.u ,wd much less used Ihele l11<1n111thc l'11Ited ~t.1te" hut ale 21aclu,tllv 0a111ltW 1Il -, -'..., b Lt\Ol, 1\01111 \ll1CIll,l\1111dll\lfactmeJs h,ne pJoc1uch on sale \\Imh ('1l1pI1l [noI,lhl) In JllllC ,mcl <ju,lht) \\11h ,111y othel'> offel ed England at pI esent supphes most of these goods. In the mattel of brass bedsteads, as III other kinds of furniture, the chief objectIOn to U11Ited States goods seems to be what is regarded as theIr extreme plall1ness, In brass bedsteads, as in other household articles, the taste tends toward the very lUXUrIOUS and ornamentation IS strongly in demand. English manufacturers have catered to thIS taste without stint. Several bra"s bedsteads from that country \\ el e "een, for instance, ornamented at the foot and head WIth rIsing suns (the coat of arms of Argentina) and otherWIse 1Jberally provided WIth decoration. "BEAVER," "GINDERELLA," "DOCKASH" STOVE HEADQUARTERS "'THE LINES THAT SELL" NoteIMPERIAL BEAVER-one ofmany. 13est, They Stctnd the 7est," THIS is the IMPERIAL BEAVER.. It is the finest cooking range made anywhere in the world. We think so, and so will you when you see its advantages: Study the- above picture. The glass oven door is guaranteed not to break. No heat lost when you look at your bakmg. This range holds its heat longest, saves 250/0 in fuel, and has unusual hot water capacity. It is the best-looking range built-and wears as well as it looks. I Send for samples and see it-but we warn you that no other kind will ever satisty you again, if you :0' W. D. SAGER, 330-342 No.Water St.,CHICAGO 14 WEEKLY ARTISAN YOU CAN MAIL YOUR CATALOG DECEMBER lOth If you place the order with us by November 15th WHITE PRINTING COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICU. I PRINTERS FOR THE FURNITURE TRADE. I WEEKLY ARTISAN News Items of 1883 Reprinted. From the Michigan Artisan for November, 1883-The Forest City Furniture company of Rockford, Ill., have re-ceived seventy carloads of walnut lumber from their mills in Kentucky, to be manufactured into furniture. The A. S. Herenden Furniture company of Cleveland have secured contracts to furnish three large hotels in New York-the St. Marc, the Wellington and the Hamilton. The cabinet makers of Pans, France, are using yellow pine III the manufacture of furmture The Gland RapIds Furmture company have bUIlt a fac-tory upon the sIte of the one destroyed by fil e last Apnl, and have commenced operatmg the same. Ames & Frost have III COUl "e of erection a large brick factory on Blackhawk and Cherry street, ChIcago. Koenig & Gamer of ChIcago, have added a foldl11g bed to their hne. In the trial of a law suit at Cleveland recently a wit-ness interested in a varnish factory testified that in three MR. COUNTRY . MERCHANT: KEEP THE TRADE -AT HOME! W,th the aId of FISH'S Co operatIve AdvertlSlng Sernce you can keep the trade In your town, and tn your store, and not lose It to matl~ordel;' hOUses, large cIty stores and other a~sslve competItors Ow SerVlce..lSnot an expenrneJ;lt, but ISm actvil and successful use by ~houS<mdsof &alers In the central West Ful out the Coupon bel<\w and m..i1It t<>-<lay It won·t obligate you to anythmg L.FISH F. CO., 1901-11 State Street, Chicago Merchant.' C?-e~ratioe Adverttsing Service BUI'~" FREE BUSINESS INCREASE COUPON £. FISHF co. N-..IN/I~;;-StChkxil. III IonWf"t",',~. -m:::"...~/B:::='h~"':''';:..:~h::-:'';:tl'::.·';'~ ".- -----.r-.-y ----_.) Atltlru. · I A Chicago Propo6ItlOn years the company owning the same had disbursed dividends amounting to twenty-five, thirty and forty per cent. The Phoenix Furniture company have engaged Asa Lyon a designer of Chicago. He will commence work on January 1, 1884. WIlham H. Rouse is securing many good orders on the road for the Wolverine Chair and Furniture company. An expression of luxury has been found by a lounge hung from the ceiling by chains of Indian brass. George L. Withers & Co., have opened an agency for the sale of furniture in St. Louis. H. L. N eidringhaus' furniture store in St. Louis was de-stroyed by fire recently. Loss $90,000; insurance $51,000. Unele John Fuller the veteran explorer for furniture dealers in the northwest, will continue his work in that region next year. H. R. Leonard is preparing to open a stock of furniture in Detroit. While the year 1883 has been a dull one in the furniture trade and none of the factones of Grand Rapids have been operated fully, they produced goods which sold for $4,184,000. 15 f- -------- --- ---- ------- -- -----------.-~ ! Sheboygan Novelty Co. tJl Order your hol-iday goods early, so as not to be dIS-appointed III deliv-ery. Our SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Lady's Desk No. 305. ...-.-----~~------~-_._-_-. ---_. Music Cabinets, Ladies' Desks, Bookcases, etc., are just the things for holiday gIfts. Write for Catalogue. tJl Lady's Des k No. 305 is a goed one. but we have many more to select from. •• •• a ••• ~_. _ • .. • a.a • •••••••• _ ••• POLISHES Quality and Economy Two excellent reasons for using the Excelsior or World's Fair Polish on high grade furniture. We claim to sell the best and most economical polishes, and have proved it by their being the Standard polishes for 25 years of use in the furniture manufacturing trade. Get our prices and send for sample before placing your next order. GEO. W. LIGHT MFG. COMPANY, 2312 W. Van Buren St., CHICAGO. ... . .' 16 -~----------------------------, WEEKLY ARTISAN PUIILISHIEO II!:VII!:RY SATURDAY ay THI! MICHIGAN ARTISAN CeMPANY ---"---~ --- -- --- - SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PER YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHER COUNTRIES 5200 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. PU.LICATION O~~ICE. 10a-112 NO"'TH DIVISION ST, G"'AND RA~IOS, MICH A 5 WHITE MANAGING EDITOR Itnterei .. lecond cia .. matter, July 5, 1909, at the post office at Grand RapId., Mlchll'lln under the act of March 3, 1879 CHICAGO RI!:PRESENTATIVI[ E LEVY The Walter & Beck" 1th Fm nltm e companv of Portldnd Oregon, strongly favor the plan plOposed by certall1 manu-facturers to fix the retaIl seIIll1g pnces of al tlcle~ ~old to dealers. To bring about uniformity ll1 1etall pllce~ It "auld be necessary for all manufactLll el S to co-opel ate ll1 the 1110\e-ment, which would seem at first thought to be ImpOSSIble The manufacturers of furl11tme ale located 111 al111o~t e\ el \ state of the union, and then ll1tel ests al e so cll\ el slfied th'lt It would be difficult to assemble the111 and 0ll:ia1117e them a~ a composite body In the considel atJon of such an 01 ~al1l7atIOJ1 the anti-trust laws of the states and nation vvould naturally he taken into account. Among the evils the ''''alter & Bech 1(11 company would have destroyed ale the ~iving a\\ay practI-cally of leadel s as an mclucement fOl dealel s to hm othl1 goods, and the sale of new goods to second hand amI 1llnk men, who turn theIr new l:;oods on a five pel cent basis as a decoy by the aid of which they unload second hand furl11- ture at a profit of from 100 to 200 pel cent In enU111elatm!; the advantages that would follo\\ the adoptIOn of the plan suggested, the firm says' "A "pecltled mil11111um sellm~ pI Ice placed on an article by the manufactm el "ould l:iual antee Ib quality to the retailer and enable the manufactul el to ~ell hI ~ output to high class trade The numbel of shoppel sand bal gain hunters who bother the merchant and their sale ... people by trying to obtain an article for nothml:; and finalh ].m 11lg second hand goods of a junk deale I at a C0st conslclel abh higher than ne" goods could be b0ught frll IS lal ~e "Ithout doubt. the plan \\ auld be, if put mto use, of g I eat \ ethle tr manufacturers and dealel sand \\ hIle the chfficulties to he en-countered in the creation of an OIgan17ation are manv they are not unsm mountable The attitude of the fil m 111 I e~al d to shoppers and bargain hunters is wlong No up-to-date merchant despises the shoppel sand bal ga1l1 huntel s It IS only through shopping and bargain huntmg that mam people qualify themselves for buymg the things thev need 111 then homes or for their personal use, intellil:;entlY 1\ dub all merchants 0\\ e to themselves IS to teach the shoppel sand bargain hunters that qualitv not price should l:(oyel n m the purchasing of goods A more important dUb of the mel chant is the making of friends for the stOIC If the shoppels and bargain hunters ale made to feel that their \ iSlts to the stOI e of a merchant al e not desil ed, the sl10ppel sand hal ~al11 hnl1- ters will exe1 t an l11AUenle a11l0n~ t11ell fllend~ 1nd ,ll1/1111nt :1l1CC~ that" 111 injme the 111elchant 111 the l~tllll !tHI!1 (I[ 111111\ people "h()~c flicnd"hip ,l1Id "lIJlJl()J( (ltC\ f](ul I hl up (I) date 111erchant' '11e" and ~1 ,mt" mOlC than 01 d111,11\ ll)l1 sidcr:i~:"n to f,p , ppel" ,ll1e! 1),[1 ~all1 ImntpI ~ \ contnbutor to One of the monthly furnitm e maga7ines, IJ1 Ch~UI""lI1~ the art of Y\ Ilham :\;fonls says' "Morns was the l11stlgatol (,,!1\ not the ong1l1ator?-Ed ArtIsan) 'of t11e ellts and CIa it-., "t\ Ie He 10\ ed the beautiful, the tenclel ,me! tlue \nd \et '[aliI" bl11It fur111ture "bload and big" I he "tatement 1" S!anclelOlh If 1\101 ns' fml11tm e was "broad lne! lm~ \\hel em dld he e'Cpl ess the al ts and crafts idea) 1t h e\ 1dent that the contllbut01 IS not famtliar with Morns fm nitme "DI~ and hlOad" ale not essential details in hIS ,11 t On the conti ell\ \\ hI Ie hIS \\ 01k is stl ong, utillt\ and heelut\ p1edo111111atem the expl esslOn of hls lCleas Lon~ hetOle the hollda\s vou'II be moving a lot of heavier ~Clods that ma\ ha\C seemed a bit back'Aard, a"aiting a hint of \\ 1I1tel I\h\ a\ s the expected season seems to linger, but it !;ets the I e \\ Ith both feet to those prepared for It, and the man" ho bul1ds no" fOI business in table linens, kItchen things and h()111epi etb ml:;s \\ 111be ready to trim attractive windows befOl e Thanksgi\ m!; tnTIe and \\ in some lively sales by sug- ~estion 1eadmes" Let this man be vou Give a pri/e to any in \ OUI employ \\ ho can, in time, supply an acceptable thought tOl no\ el \\ 1l1d()\\ display app10priate to the day and effective In ~e1l1l1ggoods The mel chant s of Los Ang eles decided to have opening q of all the stOles associated in their orl:;a111Lation simultaneous~ h The plan" as put to the test on September 26, 27 and 28 PI i7es "el e offel ed fOI the most suitable announcement "f the e\ ent Especial \\ indo\\ displaYs \\ ere planned The \\ hole city and in fact all of Soutllern Caltfornia took an in- (erest in the plan and the stores were crowded with shoppel s The dealers In fm nitm e and aIIled lines participated leu zely in the e\.J1Jbit and all \\ el e pleased and satisfied "ith the out-come 1he plan IS \\ 01tlw of a trial in other cities It's over Conl:;1 ess will he divided politically and radical Iel:iislationls l1TIpos"ihlc Teddv is locked in his kennel at Oyster Da\ and the people \\ ill thlow politics to the clogs and do hU~11le~s fOl the sake of bu ...mess There wiII be more or less discussion over the a\ ailabilib of cel tain men for the nomi-natlODS of the se\ era1 pal ties f01 preSIdent. but it will be con-fined to the P011tlCld11S The people \\ ant to do business and business \\ ill be clone The hI!; stOJ elan not I ema1l1 hig \\ hen the cm nel 01 l11anal:(el "atlsfiecl \\ Ith \\ hat he h~h aClomphshed, lests on hIS lam els H1S conduct affect" his emplo\Cs, \\ ho become care les" 01 nel:ilectful1l1 their tleatment of cu"tomel s, who neglect the "tock 'l11d CIeate ch~uI del 111 the IOlltllle of the bllsllless Tn snch a moment the weIl mandgecl httle StOIe becomes the bIg stOle '\ \ el \ \ alnable ach ertls1l1g stunt \\ as pulled orf I ecently lw the Standald Fmnitme compan), 111 Seattle, 'Vash In one of the lar!;e shO\\ \\ Iw10ws a numbel of \\ 01 kmen con- Stl ucted davenpOl ts and steel couches and in anothel relt mattrc"ses \\ el e made It is needles'> to state that CW\\ ds \\ Itnessed the opnat1on of the window factories. Hondma" le\le~ an export tax of $5 00 per 1,000 feet 1 JO;lld 111ea~11cl on l11,lhogam shipped fl0m that countl v dncI S-t pel T 000 feet on oth<:1 cah111et \\ClOelS Thele\ a (,(,,<, 111 \\111(11 t11e rrJ1el~!1el CULllllh pet\" the t,t' ... Illc t111l1l:;'1th,lt 1 el11ellll J(ltl~C"L III the h,lI1d~ (If 1he clenlel IIH{H,lIc tlw lllCapclclt\ of the make) WEEKLY ARTISAN Germans Fostering Canadian Trade. 110m \VInUlpeg comes the IepOl t that the 1emoval of the Gel man surtax by the Canadian GoveinmeI1t has affected the volume of >\n1e11Can1rnpOlt" Into westel n Canada to a COI1- ':>lderablee'(tent The full effect of the abohtlOn of the SUItax lMs only 1ecenth become appal ent wIth the placmg of orders by Canachan merchants fOl the en:,uing year Dunng the past fell' months \\ estel 11 Canada has been introducecl to many Gelman films thlough aLtne commiss10nels I\ho have Come to ,:>eefOJ them"eh es the needs of the people and the Opp01tun- ItJes f01 GenTIan goocls TIle fil st eVIdences of German trade actIvIty are found In 01namental bI ass and copper ware, such Made by Rockford Frame and FIxture Go , Rockford, IlL as teapots, U1 ns, hot-water kettle':>,tl ays, and va"es of vanous designs, eel tam lmes of mechal11cs' tools, alcohol stoves for burning denatul ed alcohol, and dl ess goods and velvets In these Imes Gel many seems ah eady to possess an advantage 0\ el commelc1al competitors \\ estelll Canada It 1S ':>a1d,offeI'-, at the pI e':>enttnne an e,ceptIonal OppOItU111tyfor Ame1Ican-made goods, but, lIke C\ 1'1Y othel mal ket It must he fostel cd The U mtecl States IS he1hlc to lo':>ethls meltket lal ~ely thlough mattentlOn It WIll do lIttle good to adveltlse 01 seek tll1ou~h catalogue ch'-,~ ...----_._--------,---_._._-- 17 r ~ $2.50 : MARVEl; ::.:':::' ! 0 U S QuarterSawed Veneer .eat. HeIght of back 24 Inches WIdth of seat 20 Inches No 210. FInished Golden Oak Shipped K. D. flat Weight 23 pounds r.JIorwlIfolluloct!JnllR rat Grand Rapjds.l1ich. tnbutlOn to b111ldup the trade Catalogues accomplish httle, 11nless thel al e pl esented by ,:>omeone wIlo can intelligently descnhe tl'e ;11 LLles depIcted, callmg attention to their value and 1rnplessll1!Supon the merchant their salablhty List of Kilns Being Installf'd by the Grand Rapids Veneer Works. Clmsty Bl othel s & Co Amhel st, N S, 2; The Canada \\ ooc!em\ale company, St Johns, ~ B, I; Haley Brothers company, St J O]111S, N B, I, Halev & Son, St Stephen, N B , I , Blmel Spoke and \uto \\ heel company, Portland, Ind , 2, P E KlOehler, XclpelVIlle, III 2. Lincoln Manufacturin15 company, Kell Y01 h (j H allIS, McHel1l y & Baker, Elmira, NY, I, Schumann Plano company, Rockford, Ill, I; Get man & Judd company Muskegon, -:\1Ich. I; Standard Furni~ ture company, Herkimer, N Y, I; R H Coop & Son, Old ham. England, I W1l1cIsor Furniture company, Ltd, \Vind-sor, N S, I; Lal kin company of America, Memphis, Tenn, 4; Yratson ManufactUlmg company. N \Voodstock, N H.,3; National Casket compan}, LOlllsville, Ky, 3; VV. M Ritter Lumber company, Ritter, XC, 3 Verm(mt Spool and Bob-bm compan} Blllllllgton, Vt, 2 Ene BUllal Case company, Erie, Pa, I, and the 1\ B Chase Piano company, Norwalk. Ohio, 2 Tl11s makes f01 t\ 1ulns at pI e"ent helllg lmL1llecl. and there etIe a lalge l1Umhel of nrc1e1s 111 jJlO,:>pelt some of 1\11ich al e be1l1~ bool,ecl almost el ery dcly (,USS\\ 01 d':>a1e almost ,1':>~le,lt ,1 nellsslty to the lclbinet n1clhcI II ho h;),:>1)1m':>edIllS thumh \11th ,1 h,1l11111U 01 I1Mllet. cls ,11 e teal S to a II oman ---------------------- III WE MAKE REFRIGERATORS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES II, I• I III II II l.. Zinc Lined. Porcelain Lined. White Enamel Lined. Opal-Glass Lined. You can increase your Refrigerator Sales by putting III a line of the "Alaskas." Write for our handsome catalogue and price lists. THE ALASKA REFRIGERATOR COMPANY, EXCI~S~~8u~~;~M~U:S;:K~EoGrON, MICH. New York O-ff-ice-, '3_69.B_road~wa_y, .L_E-M-o-on-, M_.a.n._age-r.-_.__......._, Me Ilk "' ............ III It ........ I •• __ .. 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN GREAT INCREASE IN LUMBER CUT Oak Furnishes About Ten Per Cent of the Total. Statlst,c" pl1blJ"hec1 b) the depal tment of commel ce and labor last Tuesda) shrm that the lumbel cut 111the L~11lted States Chll111g the calendal vear 19°9 \\ as 44,585 11111110nfeet boal cl mea "11l e as aga111st 3~ 224 11111lJonfeet 111 1908 and 4.0 2:;f 11111hollfeet 111I C):J7 Th1s ,\ as an 111~1ea ~e ot 3-+2 pel ccent 0\ el 1908 dn 1 of 10 8 pel cent 0\ e1 19°7 The ~u')~ tant lal 111Ce1a"e 0, el tl1f' 1\,0 ])1e~ecl11'1S ) ea 1" \\ a" 0\ no <11 fell of t11e m 11\ ldual .,tates "hem mg a decreased cut The fi'Sl1les fOl 1908 anJ 1907 ,Hle collected b\ maIl dnrl \\ h1le mc1u l111gthe com111e1cTal mIlls 01 the countl, dld 11')t 111 many ca~e" crn er the small nelghbOl hood mIlb \\ ho~e output \\as comumed local!) The lelatl\eh lalge llLlease 111the nU111bel of mll1::, 1epOl t111g fOl 1909. tJg ethel \\ 1th the 111- crea se 111the cut fOl that veal \\ as clue lal 2,eh to the fdCt that the field force of the cen"us bl1l eau. \\ hlch \\ a" engd2, ed 111 gathenng statistics of all bl an0hes of manutactl1l e th10ugh out the Ul1ltecl Scates "eCl1leel 1etl1l ,1S f10m pI actJcalh e\ el)' sa\\ 111111111opel atlOn clullng the \\ hole 01 elll) pal t of 19°9 II 1tl10ut 1egarel t'l lt3 "lze. and 11l thlS II av thel e ha, e been included many small m111s not c)\ el ed b, the mall census 111 the pl ececlJng ) eal s 1he gl eatest pOl tl0n of the 11111ed "e h tound 111the south-el n states and LOnS1QS lellg eh of ,e11O\\ p111e In the 2,'1our of coa"t state,. from Vlrg111la to Te"as, l1lc1thl\ e together \\ lth \1 kansas and Oklahoma. thel e stanels j)lObabh not less than n111e-tenths of the pl esent supply of \ ellow p111e stump-a2,' e The plOpOl tlOn of the total cut of lumbel 111the l-l1lted States contllbuteel b) thIS glOUp. tog ethel \\ Ith KentllCk) and Tennessee, ha" been steadlly 111creasmg ell1l111g 1ecent ) eal " In 1907 then output \\ as 17.834 mIlhon feet, 01 443 pel cent of the total, 1111908, 15,056 ml1110n feet, or -+53 pel cent of the total, awl 1111909 22,057 ml1l1On feet 01 -1-95 pel cent of the total Yello\\ p111e, 111clud1112,the se, el al "peCle" long-leaf, shortleaf, loblolly Cuban. etc, constItuted '-ub"tantJalh the same per cent of the total cut of lumbel 111 the~e ~tate~ 111 each of the th1ee )ears, furl11shmg 72 per cent 111 1909. 728 per cent m 1908, and 724 per cent 111 1907. The large In-crease 111 the number of 1111llsrepOl tmg f10m thl" regIon 111 1909 over 1908, from 12,824 to 23,255, amounted to nearly hv o-thirels of the total mcrease 111the nU111bel of n1111s1epOl t- ---------------.~--- Lentz's Big Six No. 694, 48 in. top. No. 687, 60 in. top, Others 54 in. top. 8 Foot Duostyles ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES Lentz Table Co. NASHVILLE, MICHIGAA --------------------------~--- i"Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co. I 2 Parkwood Ave.• Grand Rapids, Mich. ,III• I I I I• II III I Grand Raptd6 I ..----~----------------~_._--_.----... W" are now putting out the best Caster Cups WIth cork bases ever ofiereu to the trade. These are fimshed 10 Golden Oak and Wh1te Maple In a hght fim'h These goods are admIrable lor polished floors and furn- Iture rests They will not sWlllat or mar. PRICES SIze 2}{ Inches .,. $4 00 per hundred SIze 2~ 1O~hes . 5 00 per hundred Try a <lampl, Ord'r FOB mg for the entIre Umted States betvveen these years The in-crease" 111 th1S g10Up of states, both 111the number of mIlls and 111cut, \\ ere due undoubtedly 111 large part to the many small 111111s111 remote locahtJes WhlCh were reached by the agents 111 1909, but whlch are elJfficult to canvass by mail. The lllmted output of mllls of thlS class and S1ze, however, IS almo"t II lthout exceptlOn consumed in the immediate vicinity of ltS manllfactul e, and hence exerts httle or no ll1fluence on "uppl} and pt Ices in the generallllmber market of the country. The pl0port1On of the total lumber cut of the country contllbllted by N evv yO! k and the New England states did not \ al) matenally clUJ ing the tin ee years, bell1g 9 per cent 111 19°7,96 per cent in 1908, and 7.5 per cent in 1909. The 1elabv e importance of the Lake states-Michigan, ::\1111nesota and \Viscons111-ll1 lumber production continues to deCl ease steadl1y, as the supply of white-pine stumpage gl 0\\ S less These states contnbuted 13 6 per cent of the total lumber cut of the Umted States in 1907, 13.2 per cent 111 1908, and 123 per cent in 1909. The PaClfic coast states, w1th an output 28 3 per cent ld1ger 111 1909 than in 1908, and 22 per cent greater than in 19°7, nevel theless contributed a smaller propol bon of the total cut of the country in 1909 than 111 either of the preceding years, the per cent for 1909 being IS 5 for 1908, 162 and for 19°7, 168 Douglas fir vvas far 111 the lead as lumber material ----------------_._._---_._~--~ ._----- - ----_.------ ._--..4 WEEKLY ARTISAN 19 ..--_ .._ ..--_... -_._-_._-_ ..._.---- - .,. _.,. ---'.._._-_._._------._-------------------- Chicago's Best and Most Effective Line of Can be seen throughout the year at J. J. Hall & Son, 187 Michigan Ave, Peck and Hills Co., Wabash Ave. and 14th St. and in Our Catalogue, sent to any furniture dealer on request. r BEDROOM FURNITURE IIII f III ,If I I f I I .__ .__ ._-_.--._----------------------------------~ in Mahogany, Walnut, BIrd's Eye M.ple and Ouartered Oak HORN BROS. MFG. CO. 1114·1156 W. Superior St., Chicago. ••• a.a ••••••• _. _ m these states dm mg the thl ee years, the productIOn from thIs species constitutmg 68 I per cent in 19°7, 66 I per cent m 1908, and 685 per cent m 1909 It contnbuted 792 per cent of the total productIOn m \¥ashlllgton in 1909, and 832 per cent m Oregon, vvh1le redwood formed 456 per cent of the total output m California. Of the total pioductIOn of lumber III 1909 softwoods supphed 33,875 mlllJOn feet, or 76 per cent, while hardwoods contubuted IO,693 mtlhon feet, or 24 per cent. Softwoods contnbuted I per cent less of the total productlOn m 190q than III 1908 and 1907, m each of whIch years they formed 77 per cent of the total The 1eported cut of yellow pine in 1909, 16,277 milhon feet, constItuted 36 5 per cent of the total lumber output ThiS proportlOn Vvas substantIally larger than m 1908 and 1907, ,.. ..... .. . ..--------------., ~OTTINGI Drying lumber liberates steam and acid in the kiln. That is why your unprotected kiln depreciates faster than other buildings. EBONOID1 Kiln Coating Protects the inside of a wood, brick or concrete building, stops the rot-ting process, is fireproof and cheap. You know you ought to coat your kilns with Ebonoid at once. Sold by Grand Rapids Veneer Works GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Ar ••••• ---~ in which years it formed 33 8 per cent and 32 8 per cent, re- :,pectlve1y, of the total Douglas fir lumber, which 1ankecl next to yellow pine in 19°9, vv1th a reported cut of 4,836 m11110n feet, formed 1°9 per cent of the total oucput 111thai year, a~ aga111st I I I per cent 1111908 and 11 8 per ceat 1111907 \Vh1te pine, WIth an outlut of 3,9°0 m11hon feet, contllbutec1 88 per cent of the total in 19°9, as against IO I per cent 111 1908 and IO 4 per cent in 1007 The 1eported cut of oak lumber 11119°9, namely, 4,446 l1111hol1feet, \vas substantIally larger than the output of thIS species 111either 1908 or 1907 It formed IO per cent of the total 111 1<;09, as aga111:,t83 per cent 1111908 and 92 per cent in 1907 A steady decrease 1') noted in the propOl tion of hemlock lumber 111the total pro-ductIon durmg the last three years It formed 84 per cent of all lumber in 19°7, 76 per cent 1111908, and 68 per cent 111 1909 A slmtlar showl11g \\ as made by spruce, \\ h1ch de-clined from 43 per cent of the total 11119°7, and 42 per cent 111 1908, to 3 9 per cent in 1909 ·Western pllle showed little val iatIon 1n actual or re1atn e productlOn 111 the three year') Its contnbutlOn in both 1907 and 1908 f01med 38 per cent of the total, and in 1909, 3 4 per cent The cut of lumber from no other species reached as much as 3 per cent of the total output 111any of the three years, though a substantIal increase 111 the production of hickory lumber was sho\\n for 19°9, when a cut of 338 million feet was reported. VVashlllgton leads all the sta,tes m production, with 3,- ~63,000,000 feet board measure, closely follo\\ ed by Louisi-ana w1th 3,552,000,000 feet, MlssisS1ppi IS third, North Caro1111a fourth and Arkansas fifth lVI1chigan \\ hich \\ as first a few years ago is now tenth. It's cut last year was only 1,890,000,000 feet Phillipine Wood for Kwang Hsu's Tomb. A mag11lficent mau:,oleum 1Sto be bm1t to mark the 1est-lllg place of the late "Son of Heaven"-the Chlllese Emperor, Kwang Hsu The f01ests of the Onent \'Yere searched for the best and most durable \OV ood, and, after much competition, a Manda lumber company has won \OV hat 1S descl1bed as the nchest commercial pri7e of recent years in Ch111a The prell-mlllary contract for the matena1 ha:, now been signed by tv, 0 of the Chmese impena1 princes, and It p10\ 1des 111the first place for the shipment of 5°,000 feet of Philtppl11e hard \vood On 1tS arnval at Peklllg \\ ork IS to start fm tin' 1th on the mausoleum among the tombs of the M111gdynasty near the capital For the huge pd1ars of the mausoleum glant trees wd1 be taken from the M111dunao forests. Some of them, al-ready cut, a1e 60 feet h1gh and 4 feet III d1ameter, \ve1ghmg over 17 tons. 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN An Important "Fellow Servant" Decision. That the hablhty of the employer for the acts of hb ~er-vants extends beyond the 1esponslblhb t01 acclClent, to the employe lesu1t1l1g flam the neghgence of a fello\\ 1, demon- 'it rated by the deClslOn of the :\ew YOlk COc11t of apj)eal~ 111 the ca'ie of Mary \ Hogle a~a1l1st the FI<lnkll1l Il l11ul le-tunng company of SYl acuse an autom(1)\le U)\lell n I he 'The Man of the Hour," or The Alarm Clock," According to Yom PolItiCS Deslgned by Frank Burton, a I::ltudent In the Grand RapIds School of Deslgmng court holds the company llable fOI an 111JUl\ 1e"ultl11~ 110111 the throw 1I1g by Its emplO\ es of metal spikes and holt, mto the yards of the pla1l1tlff despite the tact tlldl the empll\ e' had been thleatened '11th dlschal!Se 111 la,e the plaetJcc \\<\' not stopped Judge Vann \\ ho \\ 1 ote tIle oj)1111on" 1\ ,11K defendant flll ni~hecl the p1.lee fl0m \\ 111chand the l1lecln~ \\ lth \\ hlch habItual tI espasse'i, cdkulatecl to mfllct pel sona1 1111111 \ \\ el e committed on the aclJom1l1!:; ]JIeml"e" (i 1he pLlI111 I n The defendant kne\\ of the j)lacLlce and Lne\\ th It It hdd e "- l"ted f01 a Ion!?,"tIme, and \\ htle some effllJ t" \\ 11 C mark tl\ P\ e \ cnt It the C\ II Lontl11uec1 and e\ en g 1e\\ \\01 se \11 'el [- 'donal tIespass of tl11Skl11c1commItted bv the defendant', \\olk- -----------1I II IIIII ,• II• II II I: II '" ,• • I IIf I•• I •• I• II• II •I• II I~Ao_...... ~ ~ ~ _ The Good Old Reliable Work Bench THAT NEVER'GETS OUT OFlSTYLE. For l\1aO) YCdrs 1\ldde t.xeJuslvt'lv b\ C. CHRISTIANSEN, 2219 Grand Ave., CHICAGO Also manufacturer of the ChIcago Truck fOl \Voo,h\()[k,ng flLtones Send fOI Latalogue • ., ..... _il!I'lIY ...... ~ ..... '!' ...... 'I' ... •• ---------------1 ,I, III II ..-------------- --------~--_. .-----~I men \\ auld not \\ a1 rant the Jury ll1 findmg 1t gUllty of suf-fel111g 01 mall1ta1l1111~ a llU1'ianCe, but \v hen the practice be-came habItual and the l11J1.HYd11ect, substantial and \vell Lno\\ n 1 thmk the c1ut\ of the defendant became absolute and that It \\ a~ ~11l1t\ of suffell11g a nUlsance to contmue on Its land If It chd not prevent the eVIl" Boycotting Vftrious Trude Schemes. Ihe ketall J\Ielchallts' associatlO11 of 5t fo",eph, Mo, has l,lopted d I uk fOlhlddl11!:; members to give pnzes, premiums or 1(11l1ll11'~1(11lo~t dll\ k1l1d, 01 to ent;'a~e 111 an) contest that will ,111uth ()! mdneetl) hung letlllns, tlade 01 leceipts to arty The Modern Prtscilla for November, 1910' Buy Correct Furniture at Correct Prices MAKE ONE DOLLAR DO EXACTLY THE WORK OF TWO You owe It to yourself - to your famIly-to investigate thIS proposl-tlOn You take no fisk Satisfaction IS guaranteed Send for Catalog, No. Il.Today It explaInS how by puttmg the as-sembled pIeces together-just a lIttle effort on your part, a pleasant form of recreatlOn - you can place high grade, solId oak furmture nght In yOU! home for less than half your local dealer would charge you We 9uarantee to do thiS Three Reasons Why You Should Nol HeSItate FIRST I[we misrepresented one thmg MODeRN PRISCILLAwould THIS BUFFET - $22 50 nol accept tillS advertIsement We have tumJturefor every roorn w thehome chl'boroffice ~rcor..D Our guarantee of sat Only one of the 75 remarkable barb 'llnS offered In our lI;;factlon or your money returned CATALOGNO 11 protects you In every way. You have absolutely nothIng to lose THIRD We have been m bUSInessfor ten years - doublIng our output each year ThIS alone proves our relIablhty BROOKS MANUFACTURING COMPANY 4911 Rust Avenue SAGINAW. MICHIGAN A STRONG ONE B'ROMSAGINAW NotICe how cle" erly they nlake It appear that theIr goodE'and methods are endorsed by the publ1shers of the magazine 1l1Unbel 01 film 01 firm-membel The I ule also I)1ovldes t.hat members must nut gIve lebates, discounts, premiums, tradm "tamps, ~treet (dl tIckets or any ~l!t" whatevel to mdlvldual ell" tom el" ll1aklll!:; pIli cha "e~ A rule has also been adopted, tu the effect that membel s of the aSsoClatlOn shall nut give (1, l1lell \(Jlh ]JIl/l" O! pI Ull1llm~, III la~h ()\ 111elChclll(h-.c. EOI dill l()nte~t, Llll (111lll<'l1llll1ent 01 hel/dl, ell"o th"t Icque-.t-. I )J "uell dOll It1\)ll~ etl mll~t he llM(le dn cd to the ,1"~OLl<ltl011 111 \\lliln~. \\ll11lUPOll the ,l"solldtIOll, If It (llc!Ol"C" the (,ll1c,e. \1111 11dlldk the I UIU( ,,1 <II! (l t b) 1 (,I-.h -.uhsu IpllOn WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 Lower Pric('s on Rugs. All of the hIe, carpet and lUg hotl'ie~ ll1 the east opened lle\\ Illle~ for the ~pl1ne,- tJ ,Ide Ll"t l\Tomla) mUl11me, Buyers \\ele m attendance ,It an unu'mallv calh hoUJ In OIlC 1,\1 1;C house ll1 pal tlculal It VI'as stated that bl1ye1 s began to put 111 an appearance a~ early as 7 30. The p11Ce" named on the new lme" \ el tfied pI edlctIOns made some tll11e ago The p11n-llpal 1111e",of lUg s ha\ e been 1educed flO1112 scent s to $T00 CLlch, \\ l1Jle carpets] ema111 on the same ])llCe level a" that of the "eason just clo"ed In some ([uarte]" It \1 as 1athel chfficult to e,et at just \\J hat had been clone 111the way of namme,- pI ices, and f01 the fi1st h\ 0 weel,,, of the se,l"on at least It IS believed flI~e:OOOSEWINGg.: . J' MAC"'NES .. TO BE SOLO AT ~ Our name engraved on thIS Sewmg IVlachme will be a daily remillder that when you are III need of Furniture, Rugs 01' Stoves you should patronize Gross-man's and save from 2S to 30 per cent un any single piece of Furniture or on a complete Home Outfit. Have You Ever Heard Of a drop head Sewing Machme whIch IS guaranteed 10 years by the manu-facturer, and equalh as good as any $35 machme on the market, to sell at thIS ridICulously low pnce of $2 98 ? Why We Do It It 15 our aim to have you VISlt eUhel of our two new and most beautiful turmture stores. located awa} from the downto\\ 11 hIgh rent dIstrtct, and once you enter (JUT stores you are convll1c~d of the low pnces prevailIng and the stand, TO qualIty ot our merchandlsc That we may 1dd your name dn10ng our lIst of satlsfJed customers we ask }'QU to buy horn us a smgk pIece of Furniture Rug or a Stme Just\a sample order to th .. amount ot $2000 and vou are entitled to thiS high grade $35 on Sewmg Machme for $298 Positively Only One Macnlne to a Customer - Furmture selet.ted for future ddlvery ~lutsh:ea~~:~:;~~t:~lc~l~1~:~h entitles you to a Se\\mg Machine prO\lde<l1 atef;t ropro cd nechant n very ught 1 dep,.)SIt is made runnng 1hecabmet::l hefi~selected Open Evemngs Except Wedne"day and Frrda) =-;-:r'il~e\~a~a~ f$UI1 2\ 0 9att~8I'h Liberal CredIt Extended cbme Regu1ll.r value Newlyweds must not fall to VISIt our com ~:~n~tc~~ lS guarantel"d : do_ he pletdy furnished flat at the MIlwaukee avenue roughes and fin(:~t kmd or ork that may StOfL and learn ho\\ to flJrnIsh your home be !f'qwred A \\'fltten guarantee fqr 10 correctly )ears IS glver! '\'lth each mach nc h6~~ GROSSMAN'S h~~~ 1530-32 MIlwaukee Ave. 3231-3:7Lmcoln Ave Near Robey "'\leat Bo=lmont A Sample Advert1sement that \ alues \~111be rathel 111 egular ~lanufacturel s were very much alSamst nam111g anv reductIOn" as they are well aware of the Ltct that cal pet II ools al e I11gh, as compal ed \\ Jth last yeal, and that 1t doe" not look a" If the law matenal \va" gOll12, to be any lowel £01 some tIme to come At the salesl 00l11~ of the Alexandel Smlth & Sons Car-pet (0l1lpany, the new pllces announced on Monday mornmg shcmecl 1edl1ltlon" of 50 cents each on 12 -1- !\'(mmstel lUgS, SO cents on velvct PalIsades and $1 00 each on Wllton lUg". Carpet" were 1epoJ teel at pllces sImllal to those in force dUlln~ the past "eason rl he new price lIst announces that on orders placed after January I, advances wlll be ask!:'d all along the line. ~ .~~ .~~~8~8~~ __ .~'_'~'_. __ '- '-----------------~ Ii DOETSCH and BAUER CO. I 1534-44 Greenwood Terrace, CHICAGO II I-I I + ••• II •• 1 All previous efforts eclipsed ---- in our new lme of ----=~--=~ PARLOR FRAMES II I• .I. wh1ch 1Slarger and more effective than we have yet offered Now ready for inspection at our factory Take Southport Ave car to Greenwood Terrace, thence west 10 factory. or Clybourn Ave car to Ashland Ave, thence north 10 Greenwood Terrace. .by carryingthe ONE~PIECEPORC£LflIN{INED WONliRD CLERNRBLE WRITE FOR CATALOGUe: GRAND RAPIDS REFR1GERATOR Cg GRAND RAPIDS. !"fICH. ~• --------------------------- ~ II I III IIII II III, I IIII• III• I II IIIIII t I II I THE "ELI" FOLDING BEDS ~~tf'rl~I~N~~~ I ELi «"0:""iVlooi' L L'E'R"'"& u'co. I EVANSVILLE. INDIANA Wnte lor cuts and pnces I ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCE. EVAN.VILLE. • • • - - ---~~~~~~---. 22 WEEKLY ARTISAN --~~__. _.. _. -_._._._.__._~-~---_._-_._._._-_..- -.--~ .....-----------------_... .. . -- I QUALITY MACHINES-ISN'T IT TOO BAD-People wonder where their profits are gOing when the trouble usually hes In poor equip-ment. A httle foresight In the begmnmg would have saved them dollars--a hule more money Ill-vested at the start III "OLIVER" "QUALITY" eqUipment. Some manufacturers of wood workmg tools slight their output by puttmg In poor matenals-employmg poor workmen-simply to be able to make a little more profit. 'Ohver" tools are bUllt along machIne tool hnes -careful-accurate-durable - safe. Some purchasers fall to mvestlgate thoroughly before plaCIng their order Some unscrupulous salesman tells them to purchase somethmg-they go ahead-find out too late they are wrong-lose money, whereas a letter addressed to us would have procured our catalogs - set them thInkmg-saved them money. ISN'T THAT TOO BAD. "OLIVER" No 61 Surfacer OURLINE-SURFACE PLANERS HAND JOINTERS SANDERS WOOD TRIMMERS CHAIN MORTISERS LATHES "OLIVER" No. 60 Saw Bench. SAW BENCHES SWING CUT.OFF SAWS BAND SAWING MACHINES BORING MACHINES SAFETY CYLINDERS VISES, CLAMPS, ETC., ETC. ADDRESS DEPARTMENT "0" OLIVER MACHINERY CO., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., U. S. A. BRANCH OFFICES-lot National Bank Bldg , Chicago, III. No 50 Church St, New York CIty. 1125 Welt Temple St, LOl Angeles, Cal. PacIfIc Bldg., Seattle, Wash. e. _ ---~------._.-._ ..._----_._----- _ .. --- _ .....-. - .... I Buildings That Will Need Furniture. Residences-Grand Rapids, )'llch -S DeGroot, \Vest Leonal d and Da'ls streets, $3,000, C. E Baxter, 86 ~ubU1n avenue, $2,500, H A TOI en, 126 La1kms a, enue, S2 800, L P. Oltman, 454 Fountam street, $2,500, \V E ChamptOn, 137 Reynolds avenue, $2,500 Atlanta, Ga -G M HilliS, 27 11echal11c street, 89,500, R. S. Monis, 194 Stetlmg street, $3,;00. ~Its )'Ial) E Can-non, 18 Bovv ie stt eet, $2,800; ),11-- E S Gllffin. 4-+ South Gorden street, $7,000; G H GllLlm, 47 South GO!den stl eel.. $4,000. Detroit, l\Itch-\Vdham Halt, Forest and Trumbull ave-nues, $10,000; J \V Gill, 711 Hamdton street, $2,500; GeOlge A Erskine, 108 \V estmm ster street, $4,000; Clemens Fbher, 975 Joseph Campau street, $3,800; \Vl1ham Leslle, Burlm-game and Hamilton streets, $3,000; E G. Villerot, 295 ?\ atlOn-al avenue, $4,350; Frank LeWIS, 73 Larchmont street, $3600 ChIcago, Ill-R E. Hollowell, 7604 Emerald avenue, $5,- 000; Patrick Feeney, State and Nmeteenth street, $6,000; Henry T. \Vol£, 6040 \Vood street, $7,200, M Powers, 120 Kensmgton avenue. $4,000; Miss Hattie \Vmchell, 5951 East Circle avenue, $4,000; P. 0 Hulton, 6148 Vernon aiellUe, $6,500; \V. H. Croft, 6757 Bennett avenue, $18,000, H. S. Smith, 7221 Pa1mel avenue, $5,000, Olaf Kl111gen, 4207 Hirsch street, $4,000. Cmcinnati, 0 -1. Y Cooper, Salem and Menlo streets, $4,000; \Vtlham Gerhard, Ernst stteet and State a'enue, $5,- 500,"\ J Scott, 2428 Maplewood avenue, $3,800; E. L Hell1s-heimel, 384 !\laska avenue, $3,800; LOUIse \-onCostello, Dan- Iels and Euchd avenues, $4,000, John 1Iahlenkamp, Can I and Geiger streets, $4,000, Charles Reuter, Fisher street and MIgnon avenue, $4,500. St. Louis, Mo -l\lary E. Duxbury, 5352 Julia street, $4,- 000, \\'lllJam SIegmann, 6527 Mmnesota avenue, $2,500; CalOhne ElChkol n, 3523 Tennes~ee avenue, $2,500; Minnie Schultze, 5444 Ridge a, enue, $3,900; C. P. Hed, 2010 Forest a, enue S3,300; LOl enz Rett1er, 3971 Flora boulevard, $10,- 000 East St Lotus, Ill-Robert Cunningham, 811 Ohio ave-nue, $5,200; Dr Geolge P. Adams, 635 North Thirty-third c;treet, $-+,700 De.., :\Iome,." Ia -Herman \\-llk, 1264 Fourteenth street, S3,6oo, ),1 Thiel, Este,., street and \Ventvvorth avenue, $3,- ;00, Petel Sc..hemenauer, 1606 Thirty-siAth street, $4,000. Denver, Co1 -James 0'Dllscoll, Douglas place and Boulevard F, $3,500; Edward Cook, Yates and Twenty-se, enth streets, $3,800, H. J. Clowd, Ash and Twenty-third sheet _, $5,000, ),IlS M. W. Jones, King and Forty-second "ireets, $3,000 Indlanapohs, Ind.-O. P. Ensley, La Salle and Thir-teenth street, $2,800; Lyman H. Pnce, 3047 Broadway, $3,- 250, G M. \Vedd1e, Bismarck and Washington streets, $3,- 000; Ella Getz, Gray and New York streets, $3,000. Ene, Pa -D. H. Comstock, Tvventy-elghth and Parade Stl eetc;, $2,500, A KnoII, Eighth and Parade streets, $4,000. Trenton, ::.J. J -M M. Martinett, 346 Edgewood avenue- $3,000. Isaac Lenzner, 416 Randall avenue, $8,500. Bll1ghamton, N Y -IV. E Clark, 200 Robinson street, $2,500. B. B Bundy, 28 Judson street, $2,500. Mmneapohs, Mmn -Anthon) Moore, 1406 Eighteenth a, enue, $3,000, Rosa M Selb, 15 Barton avenue, southeast, $6,000, P K Bal bour, 3805 Lyndale avenue, south, $3,500; John Fager, 3902 BlaIsdell avenue, $5,000; Ludwig Welker, 2101 Sixth street, $3,750; Alft ed Boik1und, 3906 Second ave-n ne, south, $3,000. 1Il1waukee, \Y ls.-Oscar Brochman, State and Twenty- WEEKLY ARTISAN 23 r--~A'DDELL MAN~'FAcTuRI~~"~o-~-1 I Grand Rapid •• Michigan I I All Knobs and Pulls have the IIII No-I1um-Loose Fasteners , I I ~ 4 The largest manufacturers of Furniture Trimmings in Wood in the world. Write us for Samples and Prices. Made in Oak, Walnut, Mahogany, Birch and all Furniture Woods. third streets, $7,000; Nicholas Lauer, Buffum and Concordia streets, $7,500; Mrs. Emily Koepke, Locust street and Louise avenue, $4,000; Mrs. Henry Gattman, Summit avenue, near Belleview place, $10,000; J. M. Schneider, Mitchell street and Twentieth avenue, $2,700; Theodore Hauseman, Forty-first and Meineke streets, $2,800. Portland, Ore.-Albert Larson, Minnesota avenue and Shaver street, $3,000; G. B Raymond, East Forty-elgth and Schuyler streets, $3,500; H. V. Carpenter, Montgomery and Upper drives, $4,500; W. O. NIsley, East Forty-eIghth street, and Kelly avenue, $4,000; Mrs. L. E. Hamilton, 149 Seventh street, $3,000. Newark, N. J.-Luigi Perna, 637 North Sixth street, $12,- 000; Alfred Schmidt, 74 Garrison street, $4,800; Peter Trani-son, Third avenue and FIfth street, $25,000; Emma E. Lyon, 869 South Eleventh street, $8,000; William A. Dennis, 19 Randolph street, $7,500; Maria M. Eiselle, 55 Farley avenue, $8,000; Helen Mersfelder, 388 Seymour avenue, $4,000; Abby Eppinger, 784 South Twelfth street, $5,000. Los Angeles, Ca1.- J. A. Patterson, 711 Frostless Belt road, $3,500; Gertrude McCaffery, 1221 West Seventh street, $3,000; R. R. Crabtree, 445 East Twenty-eighth street, $3,- 000; LIla A. Young, 807 Golden street, $3,250; A. A. Burn-and, 806 South Bonnie Brae sstreet, $2,800; J. E. Calhoun, 322 West Forty-first place, $5,000. Syracuse, N. Y.-D. P. Bennett, 259 Midland avenue, $4,- 800; N. H. Young, 111 East Corning avenue, $4,800; Charles Quackenbush, 1226 Cannon street, $5,000; H. S. Slocum, 808 South Salina street, $4,500; Lena Markert, 620 Court street, $5,000. Schenectady, N. Y.-c. L. Hensler, 321 Glenwood ave-nue, $5,800; Conrad Hartung, 728 Stanley street, $3,500; Francis Neverman, 606 Christler avenue, $4,000. Toledo, O.-W. H. Kontz, 1425 Huron streeth, $2,500; Frank J. Welzbacher, 28 Parkwood place, $2,800; E. 1. Bayer, Melrose and Rosalmd avenues, $3,500; George Zimmerman, Princeton drive, $2,500. Omaha, Neb.-Pryor Nelson, 2505 Pinckney street, $2,- 500; George W. Snyder, 1712 South Central boulevard, $4,- 000. Seattle, Wash -F. M. Barnes, 2742 Thirty-eighth avenue, southwest, $2,700; F. R. PIerce, 1160 Eighteenth avenue, $3,- 000. Peoria, Il1.-Harry Spangler, 350 Columbia terrace, $3,- 200; Samuel Gordon, 268 North Garfield street, $5,000. Spokane, Wash.-George Gutschen, El718 Gordon ave-nue, $2,800; T. VV.Mornson, E826 Twenty-sixth avenue, $4,- 000; E. D. Tifft, E3608 FIrst avenue, $2,500. Kansas City, Mo.-Samuel Brenn, 3512 Chestnut street, $2,900; Mary E. Beasley, 3727 Terrace street, $2,500; VV.D. Frae, 3717 Tracy street, $4,000, F. M. Hobbs, 4409 St. John street, $3,000; J. H. Graham, 2920 E. Twenty-eIghth sheet, $5,000. Hammond, Ind.-J. V. Slodda, 1110 Columbia avenue, $4,000; H. J. \Vnght, 360 Plummer avenue, $2,500 Dallas, Tex -Mrs J. S. Terry, 219 South Harwood sh eet, $2,500; Lou Leedom, 532 Reiger street, $3,000; Mrs. VV.T. Moore, Flora and Leonard streets, $3,500; R. S. Geen, San Jacmto and Mahlda streets, $3,500. Jacksonvl1le, Fla.-Capt. A. B. Potter, Osceola and Oak streets, $4,000. St. Joseph, Mo.-Mrs. Rachel Watson, Isador and Elev-enth sheets, $6,000; VV. F. Uhlman, Folsom and Osage streets, $3,650. Lomsville, Ky.-Mrs. A. Holtevert, 2310 \Vest Jefferson street, $3,000; W. C. Reederer, 1124 Hilliard street, $2,700. WIchita, Kan.-M. E. Eshelman, 1015 Litchfield avenue, $3,000; V. E. Appleby, 1020 North Waco avenue, $2,500. Miscellaneous Buildings-St. ::vIalk's EpIscopal church vestrymen are bmldmg a $10,000 chapel at 1218 AddIson street, ChlCago, Ill. The Fnst Umtanan Chuclh society are bul1ding a $25,000 church on East FIrst street, Duluth, Mmn. The German MethodIsts are bmldmg a $30,000 church on Greenwood avenue, Tlenton, N. J. Bartmann & Pretschold are bmldmg a $10,000 theatre on North avenue and Twenty- SIxth street, Ml1waukee, \VIS. The Orpheum Theatre com-pany of Portland, Ore., ale remodelmg and refurnishmg their theatre on Mornson street at a cost of $20,000 R R Thomp-son 15 electmg an eight-story hotel bmldmg on ThIrd, Pme and Ash streets, Portland, Ore., at a cost of $40,000. The Board of EducatIOn of Newark, N. J, are erectmg a FIrst ward school bmldmg in Crane and HIgh streets. The 1. N. Poe estate is bmldmg a three-story brick hotel at 422 St. Clair street, Toledo, 0 The Belmont :Ylethodlsts of Roanoke Va, are bmldmg a $25,000 church. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS ATTENTION! Send for samples of our Celebrated Nickel Steel Sword Tempered BAND SAW BLADES Warranled In every partICular Best proposilion on Ihe markel. FRANK W. SWETT & SON Mfrs of band saw blades and tools 1717 1719 W. Adams SI ,Chicago 24 WEEKLY ARTISAN Cur SurpJu!'> Changed 1n Shor1age. rl he CUllent 11l11letllJ of the AmellCll1 RLllh\ ,1\ ,l"SOCI ation "hows that the numbel of Hlle heIght Ull" d<:ued"td I apidly m the t \\ 0 \\ eek s CO\el ed by the 1epOl ts 1 he de crease dUlmg the last half of Octobel \\as -+ 506 Celt" 11m cuts the numbel of SUIplus cals do\\ n to 29, 131 \\ l11ch IS r ,765 cal s less than last} eal at thIS tIme ShOl ta~ es have mCIeased 1,377 cal s flOm the fi~ UIe of two weeks ag 0, the shol telg es now bemg 2 I ,896 calS '\t the same tlUle last \ eell thc h~Ule \\ a" 3(),o,6 cal s The ledudl0n m the '1\11plus IS lal ~eh III miscellaneous C,ll" \\ hlch shu\\ I deC'lease of 3 68~ rjhe Llt~c"t Ilem ol Illuea"es 111 the "hOll al:;es, IS m ftlt caIson the sO\1theln I acIds PUI chases of lonstluctlOn matel Jal and eqUIpment for lC) T I bv the 1.1111oad S 1 S (()mlll~ closel to I elll/atlOn hut IS lIot \ et ,m al101llpll"hu I fed \ l1umhel at the lOad" al e Made by Sheboygan Novelty Co Sheboygan, WIS considerIng purchases, and several have asked for bids on cars and ralls A few have made small purchases. The steel mIlls have opened books for orders, In the plans for pUl-chase that a number of the roads have made all-steel cal" constitute a bIg Item rj he lOads al e adoptmg- the all-steel cars fOI both passengel and fI eIght tI afflc 1\ext yeal WIll show a big jump m the all-steel tI ams bemg opel ated Plans to Boost St. Louis. At the Octobe! meetmg of St. LoUIS Sales :YIanagers' assocIatIon It was suggested that If all 'st Lams salesmen would concentrate theIr eftorh on a certam state at one time and boost St. Lams and hel industries 1t would aid St. Lams materIally m extendmg tIade relatIOns. FOI example if all the tlavelIng salesmen out of St. Lams making the state of Iowa would get together and set a eel tain week in whIch to swarm down upon the merchants of that state and talk nothing but St. Lams goods to these merchants the effect ~-------------- ---_._---_._------ ,,I III "III ,,,II ,I,, ,,, ,, , ~ LOUIS HAHN 154 Llvmgston St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN l'ltl7ens 1elephone 1702 DESIGNS and Details of Furniture IDEAL STAMPING AND TOOL CO. SOCKETS, DOWELS, TOP fASTENERS and GlIlDES for Extension Tables. Also special stampings In steel and brass. NO KUM.OUT TABLE SOCKET Patent applied for Write for samples and prices 465 N.Ottawa St., Grand Rapids, Mich. U CLl ted IV o1l1d be fal 1 eaChllH:; I t was also su~gested that '-,t I 0111'- <IlllCIlI"elS boost the Clt) III the adveri1slllg mattel \\ hIe h thcv L,tl IJ11t <Illcl III the11 aclvC'1lIsements which ap-pl, l! 111 1 he 11l<I~Ll/1l1e"tll1 ol1ghol1t the countIy. Strength of Sears-Roehuck Stock. On the (h] ca~ a E xchan~ e Seal s- Roebuck stock aftel le,llll1m; lX.zy ha~ leleded to 1790 A financIal writer on a ( lnc,\£;() pape1 declale" thele IS an agreement among the ('hl- Thirty Days' Free Trial to Convince You We don't ask yon to p'ty a cent ~~;~lr~~ Oul Products; exammed the artIcle selected WIth your pur-chase and are con-villced we gIve you about don ble the value that yon could get at a. storo for the Bame money ~~rt1ill~r~ar~~ Pro due ts 0 f your selectIOn and any article m our Cats log glven WIth a $10 purchase, on tlurty days' trIal You then pay $10, If satis-fied If not~ we WIll l emove goods at our expense r efn nd treight charges and charge you nothing for a reasonable amount of Products used m tnal \\ e guarantee satisfaction Get Our Free Catalog af~u~L8~~~lg\>~g~~~iI:~lS~?~~~it::i~~~nOdtI3~:crltl~::H of the 1700artlCles of Wearmg Apparel ann Housefurmsh ing offered you to choose fl om Send today Addles8 No 15 L\l.dy Washlog too BoudOir Desk chOice of Quarter sawed Golden Oak or genuine Mahog4 aoy Veneer Given With a $10 purchase of Larkin House-hold Supphes Depa-nment L.;rrki'n C",. BUFFALO, NY. tf West~of-the MissiSSippi Send to LARKIN CO Dep. 71 PEORIA, ILL SImply FIll In, Cut Out and Mail ThIs Coupon Larfdn C.a. Mail free Catalog No. 72 and explain how I can furnish my home or clothe myself out of present cost ofllVing. (G. P. 157) Name' _ St. and No. or R. D. _ P.o. Stafe :3ome of the Strongest Larkm Ideas cago officers of the company and their immediate entourage that no stock shall be dIsposed of within a certain period; that is, the interests indicated have obligated themselves not to liquidate a shal e' of their holdings for a specified time-a SOlt of vel bal esclow \\ hlch IS as binding as a written escrow because no stock could be 11quidated without the cognizance of the compan} '1 offiCIals The telm of this agreement is not known. It is supposed to extend anywhere from three to five years \Vith thIS lctlge amount of stock VIrtually tied up, it J', not so clIfficult ,IS It \\ auld at first appear to keep the market "trong. Wi"e men \\ III not try to pull a table leg befol e the varn-ish is dry. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS Laukamer Brothers have purchased Thomas DavIson's fUImture store in Mankato, Minn. The Crex Carpet company of Hartford. Conn, hay e m-clea:;, ed theIr annual chvldends, flam 2.0 to 3 per cent Fort SmIth, Ark, papers state that R A Re1t7 has de-cIded to move h1s furl1lture factOly flam EvanSVIlle, Ind. to Fort Smith. \\'J1IId1TI Cald\\ ell has purchased the Osbourne fUlniture store m \Vest Some 1VIlle, Mass, and presented it to hIS son, Fred Caldwell. Thomas H BI 0\\ n, far neady twenty-) ears a fUl11l111e1 dealel and undertaker at ;\1arlboro, Mass, ched on No\ embel 4, aged 48 years. Simon R LaPlace, furniture dealer of Deep River, Conn. has doubled the SIze of IllS store by rentmg and remodelmg an adjommg building Congressman John H Boehne of EvanSVIlle, Ind. who \\ as Ie-elected last Tuesday, is president of the Globe FU111l-ture company of that city. The Panhandle Mattress and FUI11ltUle company of Ama-rillo, Tex. recently mcorporated, have filed proof of full pay-ment of theIr $25.000 capital stock. The furniture dealers of Memphis, Tenn, have orga11lzed an associatlOn mainly for the pUIpose of securing enforcement of the law relative to moving furniture. J H. Kentnor, treasurer of the SmIth & Davis Manufac-turing company, St Loui:;,. Mo , spent the greater part of Oc-tober on a vacation trip in Texas and Louisiana The Courts Furniture company of Cincinnati, 0, has been mcorporated by B A and M L Courts. Harold S Bis-hop and Walter Schmidt Capital stock, $10,000 At the special town meeting last Monday the freeholders of Brattleboro, Vt, voted by a large majority, to exempt the Felch & Pier Chair company from local taxation for a pellod of five years. The Sa11ltary Mattress company of Malshfield, "V/is . has been incorpol ated CapItal stock, $5°,000; of which $40,- 000 is owned by C H Stack, K \V Doege, C. G Engstrand and F VoHmer. The Sterling (Ill ) Hearse and Carriage company. manu-factl11ers, have incorporated their busmess Capital stock, $IO.OOO. owned by A A \Volfersperger, C E BenSll1gel and H C Newell. Contracts for supplyll1g furnIture and office fixtUl cs for the ne\\ customs house in San FI anClSCO.Cal, hay e been awarded to the H S Crocker company and the Ruckel Fullel company of that city. The habllities of the Edwards-Ihrig company. manufac-turer,> of caskets. mattresses, beel springs, etc, of Oskosh. IVis. \\ ho wel e declal ed bankrupt recently. al ereI'm ted at $62,6 r4 \\ ith assets estimated at $78,586 MI s L Cohen of New Yark City, has announced the engagement of her daughter, Miss Anna, to Samuel IV Prus- "Ian. head of the Grand RapIds FurnIture compam and the Hub Furniture company of Boston, Mass. The Foy & Starr company, dealers 111mantals at 902 ~fam '>treet, Cincinnati, 0 . have leased the adjo111m~bwldll1g. occupIed by Joseph \Vuerst as a mattress factory Mr \17uerst 1'3no\\ located at 129 East Twelfth street The Burlington (Vt) Furniture company, who decided to go out of busine'3s because they were unable to lenew then" leasc or SeCllle other suitable quarter'3, have sold their '3tod. in bulk to the McQue ... ton Pm n1hwc and Cat pet company of Manchester, N. H. The Quake1 CIty Metall1c Bed company, PhIlade1ph1a, who chscontmued busll1ess on account of finanCIal ernbarrassment, report the1r hab1lltles at $60,200, assets, $52.967. mcluchng fixtures, machmery, etc Most of the credItors hay e agl eed to accept 25 cents on the dollar. N A \Valcott. \\ ho has been elected by the Pm to RIcans as delegate m the Umted States house of RepI esentatJve", \va" fOlmerly m the fUl11lture bus111essat POltsmouth, N H. He \vas a pal tner of R Clyde MaJgeson 111the POl tsmouth Furmture and Cal pet company. Manager Charles Lugrin of the Atherton FmUlture com-pany' cham of thirteen stores, accompanied by one or more of hIS assistants, has been buying rugs and carpet:;, 111New YOlk this \\ eek and may be expected to appeal in the western fml1lture markets dunng the coming week Gershenowitz & Berg, furnIture dealers of 1378 FIfth avenue, New York, have filed a voluntary petitlOn m bank-ruptcy They schedule their liabJ1ities at $75 I and estimate their assets at $675, including stock worth $350 that was tm ned over to trustees for creditors in October The stockholders of the Siegel-Cooper company and Greenhut & Co, of New York, al e to meet today to consider and vote on a proposition to merge the two big concerns in a smgle corporation to be called to Greenhut-SIegel-Cooper com-pany If the merger is effected the capitalintJon WIll be $6,000.000. The furniture for the new $500,000 court house at Shar-on, Pa, will be made from the special designs made for the court house at Youngstown, Ohio. last year Every piece in the Youngstown courthouse will be duplicated and the cost will be just half of the $28,000 paid by the Youngstown county commissioners. Isabelle Chapman has started suit against the Ne\V Eng-land Chair company to collect damages for the death of her husband. a fireman \vho lost his life in the fire that destroyed the chair factory and jail in New Haven. Conn, la"t April Her claIm is based on the allegation that the fire was clue to the 11legal presence of gasoline and benzine in the chair fac-tory She has attached all the property of the :\ ew England Chair company, which, at the time of the fire was owned hy the Ford & Johnson company. ::Yreekins, Packard & Wheat, leading furnitnre dealers and house furnishers of Springfield, Mass, have recently filled se, eral contracts of unusual importance Amon~ them were ordet s for the entire window shade equipment of the big new office building of the Fore River shipbuilding company of Quincy. secured in competition with the leading Boston houses, and fOJ the solid maho!:;anv fm niture for the ne\\ office butld- 1l1g of the Springfield Gas Light company and fOl the Sprrng-field Fiye Cents savings bank Each of these la'3t two con-t! acts mclucled a massiYe dll ectors' table in solid mahogany \\ hich \\ CIe made in the firm's own workshop The 1eftections cast bv a mlrror do not provc that It IS \\ Jthout a flaw. , '1 ;,'v' THE ~ndttpARLOR NEWA..U BED Need not be moved from tbe waIl Alway. ready wit h bedding in place So .impl., 80 easy, a child can operate it, Hall roomy war-drobe box. CHICAGO. Erie & Sedgwick NEW YORK, Norman & Monitor. 26 WEEKLY ARTISAN Most Atfractive Inducements for Car Load Buyers II• •I THE KARGES FURNITURE CO. I Manufacturers of Cl amber SUites, Wardrobes. Chiffoniers, Odd Dressers, Chifforobes •I THE BOSSE FURNITURE CO. I Manufacturers of Kitchen Cabinets, K D. Wardrobes. Cupboards and Safes, in ImitatIOn I golden oak, plain oak and quartered oak. I THE WORLD FURNITURE CO. I I Are Off€ red by the Manufacturers of Mantel and Upright Folding Beds. Buffets, Hall Trees, China Closets, Combination Book and Library Cases. THE GLOBE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Sideboards in plaIDoak, imltalion quartered oak, and solid quartered oak, Chamber Suites, Odd Dressers, Beds and Chiffoniers In Imltalion quartered oak, lJ"Qltalion mahogany, and Imitalion golden oak. THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of the "Superior" Line of Parlor, Library, DmIng and Dressing Tables THE METAL FURNITURE CO. Made by The Karges Furniture Co Manufacturers of "Hygiene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds, Cnbs. Wire Springs and Cots Evansville is the great mixed car loading center of the United States, made so by the Big Six Association . ... •••••••• a.a ••• WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 Made by Bosse Furmture Compauy. Made by World FurnIture Compauy Made by Bockstege FurnIture Co. ~ ...••....•... .. ..-_ .. _ ...---------------- ..... -~----------------------------- Z8 WEEKLY ARTISAN Minnesota Retail Furniture Dealers' Association OFFICERS-PreSIdent J R Taylor, Lake Benton, Mmn , Vlce.Presldent, D R Thompson, Rockford, Mmn , Treasurer, B A Schoeneberger, Perham, Mmn I Secretary, W L Grapp JanesvIlle Mlnn EXECUTIVE CO\l\lITTEE-Chalrman, Geo KleIn, Mankato Mlon, 0 SImons, Glencoe, Mmn, W, L HarrIs Mtrmeapol1s, Mlnn ,C Danielson Cannon Falls P. A. Peterson for President. Rockord, Ill, N ov 10- P A Peterson, the \\ ell-kno\\ n fur11lture manufactUl er, has been noml11ated tOI PI eSldent of the Illl1101s ManufactUl ers' assoClatlOn, \\ hlch \\ 111 holel Its annual l11eetl11g 111 ChlCago Decel11bel 2 :\1I Petel son \V dS nOl11l11ated by a C0l11111ltteeselected b) the boal d ot elll cct Jl ~ Mr Peterson came to RocktOl d \\ Ith hIS pal ents III 1852 hvecl on a farm for fifteen yedl" anel el11bal keel 111 the l11anu-factunng busmess by orgal11Zl11g a fUll11ttll e factOl \ He IS "Eureka-We Have Found It... FOl the last t\\ 0 ) eal s the hm In!; C01l1111lttech,lI c hcen lookl11g fOl a 1l11eof da\enpolh-one thaI 11<l~\ \(1 1 l.;c)Od~ anel stl11 has the pllce \ \ e ha\ e SCOlUeel the mal keh tlmc and agam \\'1111e \\ e \\ el e able to get plel1t\ of llllcs at a J111ce the values \\ el e not thel e To get both comibllled ha" heen a much hardel PIOposltlon than most of the membel s \\ ould leah7e These people al e an old estdbllshed fil111 ha \ mg a J epu-tdtlOn beh111d them that the\ cannot affOl el to l()~e h\ J1uttl11g out shabby stuff but al e \\ 111l11gto concede the qUd ntltl pllCe If \\e can sho\\ them the bus111ess X0\\ It IS up to the mem-bers to shOll them OUl heal ts al e 111the Ill?,ht place The spnngs ale of the ~ualanteed (Om!1 ULtl011 ] he Chase leather IS gualanteeel fOl a .' eal fhe iJ lmc~ ,II e \\ ell made and full SlLe The fim~h I~ C'-.cellent Jl1 Lilt e\ e1\ thUlg IS first class as to 111atel1al and \\ 01 kmanshlp Evel \ 111embel should place an 01 del tOl at lea~t t\\ 0 01 11101e of these da\ el1p01 ts and \\ hen \ ou sec the qualltl ) all \\ 111duphcate your order The C01111l1lttecIMS put the club 111) Olll hands nO\\ ~o to work FreIght late~ to :\f1l1ne<;ota tran"fcI 8IC pel hundred THE BUYIKG COil1MITTEE. pI eSlc1ent of the Rockford Manufacturers' and Shippers' as- SocIatIon He has taken a deep 1l1terest in good CItizenshIp and sel \ eel on the hazardous machmery commiSSIOn app01l1t-ed by GO\ el nor Deneen \\ hlch dre\\ the factory 1l1SpectlOn hIll passed by the leglslatul e He IS also a member of the em-plO\ els, lJabl11t\ commlSSlOn that has drawn a bIll to submIt to the ne\.t genel al assembly Furniture Fires. fhe Beal :\J attl ess factory at Plymouth, 1'\ H, was hm neel on :\0\ embel 4 II Ith a 10% of $8 000 to $10,000 and (ll1h $-!-000 1l1surance, 1 he mal11 bmlcl1l1g m the plant of the [<'01t SmIth (AI k ) ]. Ul111tUle :\1anufactunng assouatlOn \\ as destroyed by fire on :\ member 3 Loss, $30,000. fully msul ed The chall stock factory owned by John E A Keyes at \Jell 111\ :\1111s :;; H \\as totally destloyed by fire on No- \ em1JeJ 5 Loss about $4.000 111surance, $2,25°, I he stock of \\ Illl1drth & Co , furnIture dealers, of K eyV-P( II t R I \\ as badl) damaged by smoke and water dUrIng a hI c 111 the \bl ams block m:;; ovembel 4 TheIr loss IS fully IT1SUl ed Ecll\ aHl Olson fUl111tUle dealer and uncle! taker of Coon \ .dle\ \\ I~ \\ a" burned out completey on Kovember 4 Loss S3 'j0o pal tlalh 1l1SUled He expects to make arrange-ments to resume business. The BIshop Furniture company, dealers, Grand Rapids. \1lch lost about $1,000 by fire last Monday 111ght The bla7e \\ as 111 dn adJol111ng bu11cl111gthe upper stOlY at whIch IS used bv the BIshop company for storage purposes Fully 111sured Association Jottings. Do you reallze that Chnstmas tl111e 1\ 111ch I" the furl11- tllle dealels' hane"t. IS only SIX week:'. a\\ay" No\\ are you pI epal111g tOl th"t hal \ est, so that you \\ III get your share of Chnstmas bth111e"s) Do not you th111k about It no\\ ? Most of the pI ogres SlYe dealers al e beg1l1l11g to reahze that upon the success ot thell Chllstmas season's bus111es", depends the pl0fit makmg of the yeal, and thel efOl e, plan and can y out ad\ ertls1l1g campaigns \v hlch WIll make the consumer at Chllstmas tIme thmk of ftUl11tUl e msteacl of somethmg else It can and is be111g done each year. and most e\ el) busmess pI esents posslbl!ltJeS that the ftlll11tUl e bus111e"" does along thIS It IS up to each 1l1ChVldual metllbel to make the most of this OppOItumty by commencing now, and don't be aflalc1 to beg111 to talk Chllstmas presents llght aftcI the first of December. The advertJsmg helps the association furnishes you. help vou to accompllsh and carry out advertising stunts whIch you as mcll\ Idudl deale I \\ auld never hope to be If you had to ~et up the oll~lnal So make good use of it. \,"ould a state-wide collectIOn bureau intet est \ ou a" a ll1c111\)el of OUl .1~"OCJatron? J f so, let the officers know. If you dues and subscnptlOl1s are not paId up for the past year, l"n't It tIme that they were? MINNESOTA RETAIL FURNITURE DEALERS' ADVERTISING HELPS ~o 218 ThIS IS a fine automatic davenpOl t in the golden oak or Eng l1sh finIsh It has d. fme \\ ardluLJe fOI bed<hng and by Just uloPPIng thE. bac k you have a most comiol table bed It certaInly IS a fill( pIece of futllitute the frame beIng fIttul \\ itll gual anteeu ~tLel constructIOn Natf the IHd\ ~ cal veLl foot anu the swdl front It IS a davpnpol t that you wIll be pI Dud of when standIng upon your flOOIb '" t'lght 1')0 pounds PI 1(E' to memhe-rs r41 No 218 in VPlona 111C(' to membf'IS I 41 No 218 In Cha,;;;c UK J J ?>II{ .H No. 238 \ stlongly constructed automatIc daY E'nport Its frame IS fitted \\ lih gualan b::((1 stE'E'l coush uctlOD v.lih 011 t0m pel pd <;pllng~ It contaIns a large ward lobe and by USIng the automaiw attaLh ment It Lau be turue-d Into a cmnfOl t able bed Nott.. its swell fI ont and loun(hng top It IS a magnificent pieu of furnIture at a moderate price and one )'OU \\111 be- very ploud of In your hallIe \\ eIght 225 pounds PrH'e to members F43 ~o 238 HI\ e-rona Plll...€'to membeis T'4~ No 23" In Chdsc PIIU to members F43 No 238 In I f'ather l'II 1]\1 l'II.H1 KRPI No. 237 t\ handsome davenport In solId quar tered oak There IS no competItlOn to thIS pIece Its arm and front are 5 lucht's and If )-OU WIsh to make a bed out of same by the automatIc attach ment you can have the most comfort able bed, 47 x 74 WhICh has a large ward-lobe In connection With same for the beddIng the flame IS fitted WIth guar-anteed steel constructIOn It IS a daven-port that :}au can well be proud of and IS surely worth the money you pay for It ·Welght. 225 pounds PriCe to membeIS r43 No 237 in Verona Price to members F43 No 237 III Chasc Price to members F43 No 237 III Leather AA.AK AA.AK KI.IA No. 208 Note hf"avy carved foot ThIS IS not f'mbossed as is usually the ('ase with thIS kind of da\ pnports has a wardrobe for beddIng back drops sO as to make a beJ. 47 "( 72 It 18 a finp pIeCE' of fUIni tUI e at a nloderate PIlC€ Frame made of solid oak and IS fitted WIth gualantef>U steel constIuctlOil sprIngs all tenlpered It can be had In golden oak finIsh only "ught 150 pounds PIlce to IUt mbet~ r-l{) No 208 In Velona 1 lIce to members r4J No 208 In Chase Pucp to men1bers J'iJ 1\0 208 In Leather MPOD UPOE KA.EIH No. 236 \ beautiful automatlC davenpoi t fur nIshed In thf' Early EnglI<;h only Its <) Inch posts .11 e made of .$olId oak Its frarof' IS fitted V\Ith guazanteeJ. steEl lonstl uctlOn ,\ Ith 011 tempered springs It has a largf' wardrobe In connectIOIl fOI beddIng and by Just drOPPIng the b<1ck you ha, e a full sIzed bed. It IS a 10\ EJy pIece of furnIture and WIll add greatl3- to the appealance of any room "eIght 225 pounds Pnce to memberb F43 No 236 In Verona Pllce to Inembers F41 No ...36 In Cha~G PI Ice to merubers F43 No 236 In Leathel A)I.TE AM.TE KOPJ\I No. 202 Another good automatIc davenport for the money made of SJlId qual tered oak and WIth a polIshed finIsh It has :it 6 lnch arm haVIng a nIce wardrobe fOI beddIng- If you are to use It for a bed 1» lettIng the back down you can have a bed 48 x 74 .rhe frame fitted with gua,ranteed steel construction and the 011 tempered sprIngs IS somethIng you can "ell be pIoud of Weight 225 lbs PrIce to memb6ls F43 No 202 in Verona AR ET PrIce to members F43 No 202 1n Chasc R ET PrlCe to members F43 No. 202 in Leather .ER.TR No. 227 1- hIS davenpol t has a quartered oak al m and front ana has a full SIze auto matic bed 48 x 74 It also has a large \\ anlrobe for the beddIng Just notlc€" thE' swell front and back It CPI talnly IS wor th the money you pay for it '1'he irame IS nlade of quarteled oak and is fittpd \\ Ith guaIanb:.-ed steel COhitructlon sprIngs 011 tempered Note the heavy can lngs not beIng embossed as IS. usual ly the case wIth thIS kInd of davenports ,Veight 150 pounds Pnce to mt'mbers F43 No 227 In Verona PncE' to members F43 No 227 In Chase l-'rice to Hlembers F43 No 227 In Leathe1 MR.AT MR.AT KA.FF No. 2%4 ThIS IS a handsome quartered oak dav enport contaInIng a large wardrobe for the beddIng and by USIng the automatIc attachment you have a 48 x 74 bed It IS a well constructed pIece of furnIture, the frame beIng fitted WIth the guaran-teed stef'l constructIOn It IS not f'mbossed as 18 usually the case WIth davenports but 1S a well put up pIece of furniture and one you can depend upon WeIght, 225 pounds PrIce to members F43 No 224 In Verona Price to members F43 No 224 m Chase PrIce to members F43 No. 224 In Leather AT.FK AT.FK KO.P~I No. 220 Another well constructed automatic davenport finished III quartered oak. It has a SIX Inch arID and a large ward-robe In connectIOn with same for the beddmg and by Just droppmg the back down you can have a comfortable full sIzed bed Note the rounded corners and tufted top and front Its frame IS fitted WIth guaranteel steel construction and is somethIng that IS well worth the money and a lInece of furniture that you can be proud M WeIght, 225 pounds. ---_.~--------_--: Pncf>. to members F43 No 220 In Verona .•. M:F.PA Price to members F43 No 220 in Shasc • MF.PA Price to members F43 No. 220 in Leather •. KP.AT 30 ttre1y of men and boys Children often find their way to this en trancing spot. One day a little mother aged about 9 had camped out on the doolstep of the blld store vvlth her charge and her em-broldel y. She sat where in pauses of embroidery she could catch peeps at the monkeys while the baby trotted about on the doorstep and a small boy seated opposite dispensed valu-able mformatlOn a" to the customs of tigers. A charactensttc sIght before the blrd store wmdows IS the \ ery young father and mother who have come to show the cockatoos to baby. Perhaps it is needless to say that baby is usually asleep. The toy shop wmdows are very popular with men and VI' omen of all ages and of course wlth the children who are brought to see them The 'pon your word children, those \\ ho are stIll ) outhful and unconscious, always show their dehght m the same manner. They seem quite overwhelmed at first and pay no attention to the grownups who urge them to look at the mmlature automobiles or flying machines. In absolute sl1ence and wlth open mouth their round eyes travel 11om group to group of toys, when all of a sudden there will sound a shriek of glee and "Oh, the little bed!" or "The httle chail!" or some tnflmg thing that happens to strike thelr fancy. Boys of all ages, flom 8 to 80, are smitten with the gIant kl1lfe dlsplayed m the toy shop window. This knife has a sa\\ and a corkscrew and blades of about seventeen dlfferent SIZes, and some day sume small boy outside is gomg to dlssoh e the thlck plate glass wlth the might of his yearn-mg for that helolc kl1lfe. Gro\\ n folks are mtel ested in the toy shop windows and betray cunous remams of sentiment. One fat, well groomed man \\ hom old fashlOned ladles would have called a man WEEKLY ARTISAN QUEER FACTS ABOUT SHOW WINDOWS Attract Admiring Crowds One Minute. Are Deserted the Next. In the shoppmg dlSh !Cts the ebb and flov\ of the wmdow gazers is a thing to pU7zle 0\ er. At a certam ttme there \\ 111 be a faIr sized crowd befO! e a shop \\ mdO\\ and 1ll fi\ e minutes it wlll have dIssolved, and appal entl} not a creature passmg cares to throw a glance m that dtrectlOn. This phenomenon is common to all shop \\mdows, but there are pecuhanties about the crowds whlch dlfferent wm-dow dlt>plays attract. For mstance. a lead1l1g attractton 111 one appears to be the vacuum cleaner demonstratlOn, but the curious thing about the throng \\ hlch pl es"es ltS composlte nose agamst the glass lS that there lS scarcely e\ el a \\ oman in it. Sometllnes a bnde or a bllde to be, wlth her man m tow, wlll stop to gaze at the du<:;t devourel, ]Jut she looks at i"t with the same ecstattc "\agueness \\ Ith \\ hlch she re~ards in passing a set of old Enghsh slh el or one of Russlan sables. The notdble housekeeper, the woman v\ ho usually buys the machine, rarely looks that way, WIllIe men stand en-tranced for ten or fifteen mmutes, watchmf; the cleaner eat up the powder that IS stlewn on the fioO! to leplesent dU'ot "I suppose it's the mechal1lcal SIde of It that 1l1telests them," a passmg woman was heal d to sa}. "fol \\ e all kno\\ that any man WIll SIt m a room ttll the dust Ilses and bune~ him rather than be bothered ",ith cleanmg" Women are often seen gomg mto the bll d stores and are probably the best customel s of these shops, but the cro\\ d before the bird store w1l1dow is agam made up almost en-to ------------ ----~-_.--_._._._._-_._.._---, FOUR NEW BARONIAL OAK STAIN FLANDERS OAK STAIN S M 0 K ED 0 A K S T A I N EARLY ENGLISH OAK STAIN in acid and oil. in acid and oiL in acid and oil. in acid and oil. TRADE MARK REGISTERED PRODUCTIONS Send for finished samples, free. Ad-el-ite Fillers and Stains have long held first place in the estimation of Furniture Manufacturers and Ma.ster Painters. In addition to the reg-ular colors the above shades offer unusually beautiful and novel effects. The Ad·el·ite People CHICAGO-NEW YORK ••• Everything in Pamt Specialties and Wood Fmishing materials. Fillers that f111. Stains that satisfy . i- ._...._._.---------.-.-.-.--------.------.------.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-----------~ WEEKLY ARTISAN 31 r· tII I III I•I t.-. _. __ ._. • • • __ • -------- ------.-----------------~ Wood Bar Clamp Fixtures, Per Set SOc. PaotentMalleable Clamp Fixtures. E H SHELDON & CO Chlcal(o III Gentlemen -We are pleased to state that the 25 dozen Clamp FIxture, VI hlCh we bOuRhtof you a httle over a year ago are gIvIng excellent se"'Vlce We are well satisfied wIth them and shall be pleased to remember you whenever we want anything additional In thiS line Yours trulv SIOUXCIty. Iowa CURTIS SASH & DOOR CO. --- about town stopped before the window and eyed gloomily a row of so-called natural dolls These dolls have m contra-dIstmctlOn to the old type a natural chIld's face and a homely one at that, with small eyes, large mouth and a sunburned complexion. "Are those the dolls chIldren play with now?" saId the man. "vVell, I swear! I lIke dolls to have bIg blue eyes and flaxen curls." Of course when it comes to shops where hats and gown:" are sold there IS scarcely ever a man seen looking in the wmdow unless he has a profeSSIOnal interest in such matters. By some queer process, though, the! e is almost never a cro",-'d before these '" indows. yet scal cely a woman passes Without looking in if only for a glance The attItude of women toward the exhIbits IS usually a distmctly personal one Would or \\ ould not the garment or hat be becoming to them, they seem to ask. If in their estImation it would it IS desil able If not it IS an abomination. Occasionally a suffering husband is taken along to sym-pathIze. He is lIkely to be elderly, well broken and from out of town. One such husband. \\ om and weary but still on the Job. was heard to answer to an indistinct murmur of "Marked $13, such a bargain !"- "\Vell, go m If you want to. I'll wait right here for you. Right here, mmd I" And he is probably still patIently wait-mg before the hat store wmdow V\ith hIS WIfe's jacket over hIS arm An unbelievably chanmng thing happened before a fash-ionable dressmaker's shop window the other day. There was dIsplayed a gorgeous gown m the very extreme of skimpi-ness. Peenng ealnestly at It stood an elderly couple from the country; he lean and ascetIc looking, she fat and kmdly but with a very grave and absorbed face. Of cour:"e the passe! by thought that they were sadly condemning the shockmg taste of modeln dress and was sur-pnsed and delIghted when the man pointed with a long lean ---------_._-_._._._.--_. a • _ ... -.~ 30 000 Sheldon Steel Rack • Vises IItI I.I. Sold on approval and an un con dltlonal money back guarantee SHELDON'S STEEL BAR CLAMPS. Guaranteed Indestructible. We sohctt prtvllege of sending samples and our complete catalogue E. H. SHELDON e;, CO. RAPID ACTING WOODWOBItEB'S VISE No ~ 328 N. May St., Chicago . hnger at the garment and turnmg an adoring eye on his wife saId: "Mother, I kind of thmk you'd look good in that gownd." There is one fact establIshed beyond doubt. In the best SOCIety show figure ladles do not wear heads. Just as much of them as IS needed to show off a gown IS all that is toler-ated 111the hIghest CIrcles, and their smlrkmg, long eye1ashed rosy faces wIll soon be no more seen in the shop windows. Pel haps it's Just as well, for they have been known to lead to complIcatIOns. Some mce women new m Ne", York were rather doubt-ful anyway as to whether or not it looked countnfied to stop and stare at the store windows. However, they deCIded to take the chances on a good long stare at a handsome gown dIsplayed on a show figure with a seraphIc waxen head and an elaborate COIffure. At that moment the shew man clImbed mto the window and started to remove the gown from the wooden model. As he slIpped the frock from ItS shoulders the three women who had been watching him grabbed each other's hands and fled gasping "Oh, horrors! He's undress- 111gher right before everybody!" It has been obsen ed that the folks who seem to enjoy the pretty dIsplay in the candy shop w111doV\snever go in to buy. It may be that they are not allowed to eat candy and are attendmg a BarmeCIde feast. Those who buy candy walk mto the shop WIthout any hankering inspectIOn of the win-dow and come out WIth pounds of candy whIch they prob-ably eat themselves and digest excellently. As often as not the persons who seem to get the deep-est pleasure out of the w111dow dIsplays of the pIcture and book shops are shabby half grown lads. They hang about these w111dows and gloat over the bargains in fine edItions and the reproductions of old masters WIth the air of con-nOIsseurs. Perhaps they're only killmg tIme while they are supposed to be doing important errands, but maybe they're buddmg gemuses. \Vho knows?- New York Sun. , . . , . . .-----1 ~ . "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are getting. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Companies, Car Builders and others will consult their own interests by using it. AI.o Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams. H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. • • .4I MANUFACTURED BY ... 32 ••• •I •I•• IIIII•• I• I II I• II II IIIIII II•I II • WEEKLY ARTISAN ,~_._._.~._-------------------- I Miscellaneous AdvertiseIllents. SITUATION WANTED Man age 39 wants posItion wIth large concern as factory manager or assIstant to general manager. IntellIgent, edu-cated, honest. HIgh grade executive, good address and cor-respondent. Systematizer, cost accountIng, pIece work Good mechanIc-Iron and wood Many years charge large chaIr and furnIture plant. A "lIve wIre" Best references Box No 2, care Artisan. 11 2-19 WANTED PosItion as travelIng salesman. Salary or commIssIon Thoroughly understand furnIture busIness Best of reference Address Y, care Weekly ArtIsan 11 12-19-26 POSITION WANTED A successful salesman W1th 25 years establIshed trade In Central TerrItory is open for a posItion January 1, 1911, wIth a good case goods or chaIr house. Have the very hIghest recommendations. Will go into any territory. Address W. H. J. care Weekly Artisan. 11 5-12-19. ----------- WANTED SuperIntendent. One who thorougWy understands bank, office and store fixtures, and specIal order work. To the rIght man this is a rare opportunIty. Address, (statIng expenence and where you have worked), "Supenntendent," Care of Weekly Artisan, Grand RapIds, MIch. tf WANTED. Commercial salesman for Indiana and Illinois to sell Parlor and Library Tables. Stat
- Date Created:
- 1910-11-12T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 31:20
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1939-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 7, Number 1
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It began publication in 1936. and V MAGAZINE HENRY HEKMAN His success is noteworthy. (See page 27) COMPLETE DIRECTORY OF EXHIBITORS IN FOUR MAJOR SPRING MARKETS, PAGES 51 TO 57 Two dollars a year 20 cents a copy APRIL • 1937 Grand Rapids, M i c h i g a n QUALITY IS PROFITABLE These men to serve you: Joe N. Ball Fred A. Nelson George F. Collins Joseph Griswold, Jr. Ralph D. Morse Chris Perkins N. H. Bryant TRUE GRAND RAPIDS A-21D48 Character merchandise such as that built by Ralph Morse, establishes prestige, instils confidence in your store. In addition, it affords you an opportunity for making a decent profit on a steady volume. STYLE SUPREMACY is a paramount feature in this truly distinctive line of living room pieces. Long recognized as a leader in the creation of this type of merchandise, the line will again command the earnest attention of buyers visiting the Grand Rapids Spring Market. New — unusual chairs, sofas and love seats will be displayed in our space in the Keeler Building. : N (J RALPH MORSE FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS MICHIGAN // e apputiate \ou) nu ntiomng \ou siw tins in F I M F U R M T I P L NOTICE • • • ALL PRICES QUOTED ON ILLUSTRATIVE AND ADVERTISING PAGES IN FINE FURNITURE ARE "NUMBER"-~(DOUBLE WHOLE-SALE)—- THUS MAKING THE COST TO LEGITIMATE HOME-FURNlSHlNG MERCHANTS ONE-HALF THE QUOTED PRICES, SUBJECT TO REGULAR TERMS. PLEASE REMOVE THIS SLIP % • • UPON OPENING FINE FURNITURE SO THAT THE MAGAZINE MAY BE USED FREELY WITH THE CONSUMING TRADE. DUE TO PRICE INCREASES ANNOUNCED. BY MANUFAC-TURERS, PRICES QUOTED ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE rf OUT NOTICE. •••:••• ::*:-; ±-*:sm .•"•'• ••'^:.'": . ; f-^'i;?1^"i " ' . •'••- " * i - - . ' •'- ; = i . . - - . v ; : » . . • . > . • V / , . . - • • . .. • • • • : - • . . . . ' • • • . • . . . V - . : • . . • • • . . •• .• •. • • . .• • • • ' . : ' - , : * : ^ ' ' r - : - i . . : - • : •.--•• • .• - - • ; - . . - • ' . • . < : • . . . . . - • • * . ••. . \ . - . . \ y - - .. • - • . - . • . •. • . - • • . - . - . • • ' • -•;' ' - . : ; ? ' j • * ' • ( ? • V : " ^ ! ! V = • ' j : ' - ' ' " . ' ! •'- - ••* ' .'• •'.' :- ' " '• • -^ •:•"•' : / - ^ ; i ' - . . ! ' . " ... ".' . '.••., *••''' "';"""• ;" . " . •' • - i d ' . - . . .I:.. '.••' •J±-i£i£.<&-JtfesM FINE FURNITURE Your Assurance . . . of Quality KINDEL Leaders in Traditional 18th Century Mahogany reproductions and adaptations Specialists in Mahogany for the bedroom Kindel Furniture Co. Grand Rapids Michigan FlN€ FURNITUR€ the Homefurnishing Magazine from the Furniture Style Center of America VOLUME 2 1937 NUMBER 4 GEORGE F. MACKENZIE, President PHIL S. JOHNSON, General Manager ROD G. MACKENZIE, Editor VIRGINIA R. ULRICH, Associate •APRIL-Boiling Wake 7 Page Nine 9 Dramatic Simplicity, by Rod Mackenzie 19 Sales Promotion and Advertising, by Ralph Spangler. . 20 Metropolitan Pieces 23 Color, by Phyllis Field Cooper 24 A Good Sale Is Not Forced 27 The Sketch Book, by Carl G. Bjorncrantz 28 Retailing Tips 30 and 31 Furniture Frolics, by Ray Barnes 33 Merchandising Pages 26 and 34 Remarks on a Market, by A. P. Johnson 35 Floor Covering Pages 32 and 36 Chet Shafer 37 Homefurnishing News and Associations. . . . 38, 40, 42, 44 New Stores 46 and 48 Directory of Furniture Manufacturers 51-57 Published monthly by the Furniture Capital Publishing Co., 155 Ottawa Ave., N. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Acceptance under the Act of June 5, 1934, authorized April 30, 1936. FINE FURNI-TURE copyright, 1936. Eastern office: R.K.O. Bid., 1270 Sixth Ave., Room 906, New York City, phone CIRcle 7-4339, S. M. Goldberg, representative. Chicago office: 307 N. Michigan Ave., phone CENtral 0937-8, Bassler & Weed Co., representatives. Subscription rates: $2 per year in the United States and American Colonies; $3 in Canada and foreign countries; single copies, 20 cents. We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FIXE FURNITURE f o r A P R I L , 1 9 3 7 he ictorian 276 Chair Following the dictates of customer de-mand, the Michigan Furniture Shops were among the first to re-create the elegance and dignity of that period in history known as Victorian. In view of the Victorian vogue, the large as well as the small homefurnishing stores in the country are reviving the aristocratic atmosphere of a former generation with complete Victorian ensembles. SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE AT THE SPRING MARKET, APRIL 28 TO MAY 8 These designs are all reproductions from originals in the possession of the Michigan Furniture Shops 283 Chair Representatives: A. L. Brackett G. R. Gamble E. C. Gamble R. D. Thomas W. C. Evans G. D. Evans 358 Settee anner 274 Chair 275 Rocker 273 Chair MICHIGAN FURNITURE SHOPS, INC. GRAND RAPIDS MICHIGAN Displayed at the Factory Show Rooms of Grand Rapids Chair Co. We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE FINE FURNITURE John Widdicomb Presents . . . THE QUALITY GROUP Dealers in quality furniture select John Widdicomb ensembles for the dining room and bedroom, realizing that the long-estab-lished recognition and reputation for distinguished furniture is an assurance of exquisite craftsmanship, artistic beauty and enduring service. We invite your inspection of the QUALITY GROUP at our factory showrooms in Grand Rapids, Michigan. THE BEST in FURNITURE ENDEAVOR JOHN WIDDICOMB COMPANY Grand Rapids Mich. We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE f o r A P R I L . 1 9 3 7 AIR-CONDITIONED: KEELER BUILDING KEELER BUILDING FEATURES Designed exclusively for exhibiting of furniture. Fireproof. AIR-CONDITIONED. For your convenience: free checking, telephone switchboard, and a complete personalized service. As an outstanding furniture merchandising and style headquarters, the KEELER BUILDING contains more individual room settings and complete house and apart-ment groups than any other exhibition building. In keeping up with the times, we have established a com-plete air-conditioning system for the comfort and bene-fit of buyers. We invite you to inspect the latest achieve-ments of the leading manufacturers at Grand Rapids' most modern exhibition center, the KEELER BUILDING. LIST OF EXHIBITORS Baker Furniture, Inc. Barnard & Simonds Co. Bent Co., George B. Bigelow-Sanford Carpet Co. Clore & Hawkins Colonial Mfg. Co. D1 Archangel Uph. Co., Jn. N. Fine Arts Studios Furniture City Uph. Co. Grand Rapids Bookcase & Chair Co. Grand Rapids Upholstery Co. Hexter Co., S. M., The Kamman Furniture, Inc. Kaplan Furniture Co. Kindel Furniture Co. Kittinger Company Miller Clock Co., Herman Miller Furniture Co., Herman Morse Furniture Co., Ralph Nicholson Furniture Co., K. Paalman Furniture Co. Pava & Company Stanley Chair Co. Statton Furniture Mfg. Co. Vander Ley Brothers Wood Products Corp. ALL EXHIBITS AIR-CONDITIONED KEELER RUILDING GRAND RAPIDS MICHIGAN We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE miD-SERSOn mfliRKETS TO FEPTURE A dining group designed by Gilbert Rohde for the Herman 'Miller Furniture Co., exemplify-ing Mr. Rohde's extraordinary ability to male modern furni-ture express the esthetic pos-sibilities of our industrial age. \ f o r APRIL, 1937 THE BOILING WAKE FF Bound to be Filed Thank you very much on behalf of the Board of Library Commissioners, for the file of the FINE FURNITURE MAGAZINE, which you have so kindly sent as a gift to the Library. We congratulate you on the fine workmanship in the magazine and shall be glad to receive the future numbers regular-ly as they are issued and to bind up the complete volumes for our Furniture Collec-tion. S. H. R., Grand Rapids, Mich. A FF Ads Pull I would be among the first to acknow-ledge the advertising value of FINE FURNI-TURE MAGAZINE; and in addition, I have a personal interest in its General Manager and Editor, which would incline me to give every consideration to its use. B. C. J , Chicago, 111. We Try — I was under the impression that it was your policy to run retail prices on all mer-chandise illustrated in FINE FURNITURE. Have noticed that you've neglected to do this lately either through sheer laziness or change in policy. FF would be upholding its informative aim a great deal better if you saw to it that these prices were in-cluded. Several times I have been inter-ested in a particular group of furniture that had no listed price — which, certainly, is an important factor in selection. In your ads you invariably say, "Priced in a moder-ate range" or words to that effect. How about letting us decide for ourselves by giving the actual prices? C. M. P., Chicago, 111. FF Erred I hope I won't seem too impertinent in the question I'm about to ask — but when is the deadline for your magazine? Maybe my March issue of FINE FURNITURE was held up in the mails — I don't know, but I do know that I never got it until March was almost gone — and I'd about decided to start looking for the April issue, thinking I had been missed on the other. A maga-zine of this type would be much more valuable if you could get it out the first of every month. By the time I receive my copy — most of the news is old — and has been read and re-read in other trade maga-zines that come out earlier. When you're off to such a good start — why don't you check up on the ''release" date and give us a chance to see that whale of a good magazine of yours when it will really be informative as well as interesting reading? L. W. B., Oklahoma City, Okla. 0 Beneficial Bubbling I quite often "bubble" over when it comes to the subject of furniture and home-furnishing in general, for though great strides for the better have taken place with-in the past few years (somewhat retarded perhaps by the "depression") we still have a tremendous way to go yet in order to get the industry functioning 100% efficiently from manufacturer to consumer. The retail end of the problem is sadly in need of improve-ment — some sensible and practical method of merchandising with interior decorating principles properly incorporated into the plan is what is sorely needed at the present time in probably more than half of the retail establishments in both Canada and the U. S. There is one satisfaction in know-ing that FINE FURNITURE is doing a worth-while piece of work in the direction of better merchandising. Those "Customer's Viewpoint" articles are so timely and to the point. How true the statements and criticisms are! And — such cases do not particularly exist in small stores — one finds just such incompetence and inefficiency in the large stores in metropolitan centers. Un-fortunately, SALESMANSHIP has been operating much as domestic service, in that the people entering it (that is, a large majority) have not had TRAIXIXG that would properly prepare them for SELLIXG. I was indeed glad to note that you intend to resume publication of photographs of fur-niture from the Metropolitan Museum of Art — the idea is an excellent one and I am sure will continue to meet with much favor. "Page Nine" and "The Boiling Wake" are features which are most interesting and well-diversified in their contents. With best wishes for the continued suc-cess of FINE FURNITURE MAGAZINE. P. F. C, Winnipeg, Can. 2-Market Mutterings I was greatly interested in your March editorial "Anent Spring Market". I'm get-ting darn sick of this bickering and dicker-ing back and forth over how many markets a year we'll have. Any buyer who really gives the question any thought is all for the two markets a year. (Except, possibly, those who use the market as an excuse for a quarterly spree.) Any manufacturer who's in his right mind will want two markets a year — so that he'll really have a chance to offer us something new. So who in the hell is holding it up? This argument has been going on for about four decades now — and I'm getting sick and tired of it! Maybe, as you say, the decision of the Grand Rapids Furniture Exposition Ass'n to length-en the Spring market period is indicative of encouragement toward two markets a year. If so — more power to 'em — and Godspeed! H. S. S., New York City The Battle is On! In your "Boiling Wake" of March, I noticed a letter entitled "Victorian Monstrosities". I think that C. S. C. has the \vrong slant on the Victorian return. He, I believe, is referring to the rusty relics of horsehair and red plush — which make most of us shudder to recall. However, it is my idea that the present vogue for Victorian in its modified form, is here to stay for a while. There is some good from those former days to be resurrected — even as there was a great deal of bad. The new horsehair cover-ing doesn't prick — and the new Victorian has been designed for greater comfort — doing away with that argument of C. S. C's. Some Victorian. I'll admit, was over-ly ornate, but the designers are doing away with that objection — simplifying it for modern day living. Personally, I'm all for it! The present day Modern creations are what strike horror to my heart — give me the dignity and eloquence that was Victor-ian any day! J. D., St. Louis, Mo. This Victorian controversy is beginning to get heated. What are your opinions on this new vogue? — Editor. Up to the Standard As FINE FURNITURE approaches its first anniversary, I would like to compliment you on the job you have done. It seemed to me that when the first issue came out you had set yourself a very difficult stand-ard to live up to. That you have more than done so is a tribute to all of you. Best wishes for increased success and expanding service to the furniture industry. G. N. L , Chicago, 111. Manufacturers Please Note — I have a suggestion to make which, I think, would greatly improve your publica-tion. Why don't you include prices on all merchandise you illustrate — both in ads and in editorial copy? You give them in some cases — but have offered them less and less in recent issues. They shouldn't be too much trouble to get — and they certainly would add to the value of your merchandise pages. G. B., Grand Rapids. Biographies Score WTio writes the several biographical sketches of men and women in the furniture industry which you run in FIXE FURNI-TURE? Let me say that I think that they're darn clever and interesting. This is one of the features, in my opinion, which makes vour magazine outstanding in the field. Your editorial matter seems to have that same sprightly touch that can make the most cut and dried facts arouse inter-est. Keep up the good work — you're cer-tainly a versatile bunch of writers! P. A., Detroit, Mich. Frolics Return Engagement Sure glad to see that Barnes is "Frolick-ing" again. Omission of this feature after you demonstrated enough originality to in-clude such a page in your trade magazine, seemed unaccountable. Bye the bye, what does one have to do to have Barnes oper-ate on his physiognomy? H. R. O., Memphis, Tenn. Space does not -permit inclusion of all the kicks received because Ray Barnes' "Furni-ture Frolics" was omitted from the Febru-ary issue. Nor is it good business policy, due to the fact that Barnes may get the idea he is really an artist, and worth impor-tant money. However, the ''Little Fellow" slipped out of town for three weeks and the first your Editor knew, his staff cartoonist was "somewhere in Florida," and FINE FUR-NITURE was minus a cartoon page.—Editor. s) Editorially "Tops" We told your representative when he was here that we have not been in favor of trade paper advertising for several years. How-ever, we can say that your magazine is superior to anything else that we have seen, from an editorial standpoint. Therefore, should we decide to go into trade paper ad-vertising you may be assured we will not forget FINE FURNITURE. F. C. J , Stevens Point, Wis. Baby, Take a Bow Here's my two bucks for a year's worth of the best and most informative magazine in the field! R. R. B., Chicago, 111. FINE FURNITURE J:^ life: Cordially Invite You We of Mersman Bros. Corporation cor-dially invite you to visit our display at the May Market in Chicago. See our large selection of brand new Table Designs — everyone a sure-fire profit-maker. Smart New Streamlined Moderns . . . Beautiful New 17th and 18th Century Patterns . . . and many outstanding Com-mercials. If it's Tables you need — and what Dealer does not — better put MERSMAN at the top of your call list. You can't afford to miss this opportunity for more profit. There's always a big de-mand for Tables — when they're designed and built and priced right! We look forward to seeing you again at the market. MERSMAN BROS. CORP. Celina, Ohio Mersman Modern End Table No. 5613% in Stripe Walnut and Brazilian Rosewood. Felix T. Havemann, Sales Manager Scores of BRAND NEW TABLE NUMBERS at The MAY MARKET in Chicago SPACE 924 \V 1 • ' ! ! • i AMERICAN FURNITURE MART Wi - The Biggest Name in Tables We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE f o r A P R I L , 1 9 3 7 NINE Though other pages bare the minds Of many men, the credit or The blame I'll bear for what one finds On this, Page Nine.—The Editor. YEAR ONE Immediately the presses started rolling on this, the April, Spring Market, issue of FINE FURNITURE MAGAZINE, the staff slumped back in its chairs, heaved sighs of gratifica-tion. For this marks the twelfth number — our first complete year of publication. We ask your indulgence in a bit of exultation! But first, we offer a salaam to those courageous, credulous persons identified as Advertisers, minus whose loyalty and confidence, the job could not have been accomplished. This month we point pride-fully to several new supporters of FINE FURNITURE'S tenets; and, Ladies and Gentlemen, we ARE grateful! Refusing to take ourselves too seriously, assiduously avoid-ing political controversy, constantly cutting and trying in the search for authoritative, meaty material, we are determined to produce a furniture magazine that will have a different swing. Our increasing number of advertisers, our soaring subscription list, are gratifying, but the sound and fury of our "Boiling Wake" — the pulse of the paper — imparts to us the fact that while some of our ideas are pithy, others are punk. The latter condition will be remedied. "The Sketch Book," replete with artistry and historical lore, Ray Barnes' friendly lampooning in "Furniture Frolics," Ruth Mclnerney's capricious diagnosis of retailing practices in "The Customer's Viewpoint," are features that are eliciting widespread com-ment, induce reader interest. "People make news," and by the same token it takes more than furniture to make a furniture store. So we introduced the personal equation — human interest — in the form of biographical sketches, caricature, photographs of furniture men and women, some of national repute, others less re-nowned but performing quietly, diligently, in their own com-munities. "The Man (or Woman) on the Cover," complete with spirited biography, is further evidence of our belief that good fellowship, laughter, and an appreciation of life, are as precious as money when assayed in the final test. Briefly, authoritatively, we have attempted to interpret trends and news of the industry; realizing YOUR limited time for reading, we've tried to make what WE have to say EASY-TO-READ. We've made bulls, performed no miracles, assumed no adamant attitude "for or agin" anything or anyone; but we have tried to give you a magazine embodying practical ideas, currently illustrated, written in a tempo harmonizing with the spirit of today. We're deeply appreciative of your numerous good wishes and loyal support. ff OCTOPUS Feeling that the efforts of retail furniture dealers' asso-ciations to cope with the "borax racket" are inadequate, the New York State Senate is considering a resolution calling for the appointment of a committee to investigate the machina-tions of this vicious method of merchandising. The mulcting of approximately 30 million dollars annually from New York shoppers (a practice not confined to New York state), by fraudulent merchants, is certainly a condition warranting action packing more of a wallop than is possible through prosecution by dealer associations. Impossible as it is to spot a "borax" store, due to the fact that they don't always operate behind a cheap, garish-look-ing front, but often sport a dignified facade, the practices performed on the inside should never leave any doubt in the customer's mind. Although gyp merchandising of this nature is as insidious as cancer, as difficult to cure, we believe that an educational campaign conducted by NRFA and the various state retail associations, in which the veil was torn away, would go far in alleviating this viperous condition. Such articles published in consumer magazines, as, "Only Saps Pay Retail Prices," American Mercury, December, 1936, and "Raw Deal In Furniture," Today, January 16, 1937, reprinted respectively in January and February, Reader's Digest, have a decided effect. They start the consumer thinking. But, like a well-swung golf club, it's the follow through that counts. You'll require more than frankly written articles to tie this octopus down. Just in case you don't know what kind of competition you are up against, we suggest reading the two articles mentioned. ff OMEN The increased number of new stores and the amount of store remodeling in progress causes us to hurl a warning in the direction of you gentlemen who are planning long term financing to fulfill programs of this nature. Most of the prognosticators who were lucky enough to call the turn back in the dark daze of 1928 and 1929, are now forecasting that the next downward swing in the business cycle will occur in 1940. That's not so far distant, so we'd suggest a bit of sagacity being injected in the extent of your remodeling or building program. ff RETRENCHING Undaunted by strikes and floods, the furniture industry is still marching ahead, reports Seidman & Seidman, account-tants and auditors. Compared to February, 1936, orders booked this February (1937), showed a 49% increase, ship-ments were up 60%, payrolls ahead 45% and more than double were the unfilled orders on the books over the iden-tical period last year. Compared with January, new orders in February dropped off 33%, shipments climbed up 29%, factory payrolls showed only 2% increase, unfilled orders slipped in dollar volume 9%. Shipments in February, including cancellations, were considerably short of the unfilled orders on the books at the start of the month, which left an accumulation of unshipped production averaging about six weeks at the end of February. ff 1937 PROFIT Those merchants who expect the tide of business to carry them through to substantial gains during 1937 are laying themselves open to disappointments. Of course, smart oper-ators, those who keep sharp eyes on expenses, employ intel-ligent supervision, will show profits. Increased wages and salaries, social security taxes, additional advertising expendi-tures, new delivery trucks, will make it increasingly difficult to keep expenses sanely related to sales volume. Prices may be higher without the same percentage of volume increase that occurred in 1936. In other words, we anticipate that it will be increasingly more difficult to show a profit this year than it was in 1936. ff 10 FINE FURNITURE Quality -;- Value vs..* Outstanding in quality value and noted for ready salability, the Rockford Chair and Fur-niture Company's kneehole desks and secre-taries are reproductions of the highest grade of traditional styles. Offering almost unlim-ited selection in a medium price range, we also feature well-styled furniture for the din-ing room and bedroom in a variety of woods and decorative treatments. Displayed in Waters-Klingman Bldg. No. 678y2 ROCKFORD CHAIR and FURNITURE COMPANY ROCKFORD ILLINOIS Dolly Varden Rocker >J True to Period, but Styled for Present'Day Homes Wouldn't you prefer the line which others attempt to imitate, but which leads today in sales volume on retail floors, as always? /\gain you are invited to see these beautiful, se-lected Victorian pieces. Solid HondurasMahogany, hand-carved, hand-rubbed finish. New chairs, also tables, styled to match these groupings, will be shown in May. Displayed in the Keeler Building Vander Ley Brothers G R A N D RAPIDS, MICHIGAN • • • Sofas, Chairs, Love Seats, Rockers, and Tables If you will not be in the Market, write for photos, prices Complete newspaper mats for dealers We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE ^<T^9 f o r A P R I L , 1 9 3 7 11 Here you will find the exhibits of the creative furni-ture houses who are major factors in setting the styles—the lines you have to see to know what is going to sell. • While you are here, shop the per-manent displays of floor coverings, lamps, curtains and draperies, toys, housewares, major and electrical appliances, china and glassware, gifts. Nowhere else in the world can you do as efficient a job of "ensemble buying" because all the representative lines are right here under one roof. THE M E R C H A N D I S E MART THE GREAT CENTRAL MARKET, WELLS STREET AT THE RIVER, CHICAGO 12 FINE FURNITURE Announcing OUR NEW MARKET LOCATION We cordially invite our many friends in the retail furniture business to visit our new exhibition space in the WATERS-KLINGMAN BUILDING, GRAND RAPIDS, during the Spring Market. We are confident that our long established quality, style and price range will prove your visit worth while. WATERS-KLINGMAN BUILDING ROCKFORD NATIONAL FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD ILLINOIS TWO GREflT flDVflriTAGES ACCRUE to DEALERS With Colonial Hall Clocks and Occasional Pieces Two great advantages accrue to dealers who feature Colonial Hall Clocks and Occasional Pieces. First... the inherent quality-appeal of every Colonial creation; second . . . the active promotion put behind the line to bring it to the attention of the people-who-buy. In no respect of style, quality, character and range, has the Colonial line of fine hall clocks and occasional pieces presented for this Market been excelled by previous showings. Beautifully designed, crafted and finished, Colonial reproductions continue to attest to their makers' reputation for finest artistry in mahogany. Nationally Advertised Forceful advertising of Colonial creations in AMERICAN HOME, HOUSE & GARDEN, HOUSE BEAUTIFUL, and BUYING GUIDE FOR THE BRIDE, is automatically direct-ing the attention of more than 1,000,000 people-who-buy to the fact that this dis-tinguished line is available through the better furniture and department stores of the nation. VOU, TOO, Can Profit - - through the advantages that accrue to deal-ers featuring Colonial Hall Clocks and Occasional Pieces. You are cordially invited to view this line at the showrooms of . . . COLOMflL manufacturing Co. 5th FLOOR HEELER BUILDING - Grand Rapids - ffliohigan We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE f o r A P R I L , 1 9 3 7 13 BIRD'S-EYE ^ The Queen of Maples No. 489—retailing four pieces, $266.50; seven pieces, $313.50. As the leader in the manufacture of bird's-eye maple bedroom groups, the MANI-STEE MANUFACTURING COMPANY is ably qualified to supply your store with merchandise that will add zest to your maple department. Long recognized as the Queen of Maples, our strikingly blond Modern and exquisitely finished and styled regular bird's-eye maple suites afford discrim-inating customers the opportunity of injecting a "different" note in their home-furnishing scheme. Visit our space in the Waters-Klingman Building and satisfy yourself that our prices are right. Complete line of all kinds of Maple Furniture, Solid and Straight Grained, and Bird's-eye Veneered Maple in Blond, Colonial Brown and Old Hickory Finishes. Displayed in WATERS-KLINGMAN Building MANISTEE MANUFACTURING CO. MANISTEE MICHIGAN We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE 14 FINE FURNITURE STYLES by SLIGH .w,w.,,.,^.-^am,,t,.^:SSf-^. Smartly designed desks and occasional tables, a variety of styles at the Charles R. Sligh space in the Waters-Klingman Building during the Spring market. Buyers are given the oppor-tunity to select a group of six desks from the line, regardless of price or style, and will have the advantage of a special price of one dollar less per desk on the six-desk order. We invite your inspection. No. 2044 DESCRIPTION AND PRICES OF PIECES SHOWN No. 2067 W a i . or Mah. Desk, 42" x 2 I ( /2" x 3 0 " high . . . . $37.00 No. 2167 Same; but with genuine leather t o p 46.00 No. 12 Mah. or Wai. Coffee or Cocktail Table with remov-able glass tray. 2 6 " x [ 6 " x l 8 " high No. 2061 Solid Maple Desk, 42" x 2 1 l / 2 " x 3 0 " h i g h . . . No. 2044 W a i . or Mah. Desk, 48" x 2 4 " x 3 0 " high No. 2144 Same; but with genuine leather top All of above pieces are finished with our "Bar Top" finish 12.50 31.50 54.00 62.00 No. 12 No. 2067 No. 2061 CHARLES R. SLIGH COMPANY HOLLAND MICHIGAN We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE f o r A P R I L , 1 9 3 7 15 PERMANENT BEAUTY Presenting a complete line of occasionals, office chairs, rockers, diners and chairs for the bedroom and hall that is unequaled in price and quality, the B. R. Smith Co. offers chairs that assure customer satisfaction. No-Sag spring construction, fine, dur-able fabrics, frames of Solid Walnut or Solid Mahog-any, insure beauty as well as comfort and solidity. 1708 Merchandise Mart — Chicago CHAIR COMPANY INCORPORATED KENTUCKY * • ' * I : i Smartly Styled to match your customer's purse If you're looking for new numbers to brighten up your floor, priced so that you can promote them readily and obtain a speedy turnover, visit our space in the Waters-Klingman Build-ing, at Grand Rapids, during the Spring Mar-ket. Write for our new catalog just off the press. DESCRIPTION OF PIECES Top: No. 2001 Sheraton Coffee Table; top open. 14 x 34"; closed. 14 x 19"; height, 20"; genuine walnut or mahog-any. Center: No. 2000 Sheraton Lamp Table; top, 16 x 16"; height 24"; genuine walnut or mahogany. Bottom: No. 1740 American Sheraton Commode End Table; top 14x18"; height, 25"; genuine mahogany. LENTZ TABLE CO. NASHVILLE MICHIGAN We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE FINE FURNITURE QUINTUPLETS tg/ 5JV West Michigan Furniture Company Five powerful new bedroom groups for the May Market. Notable for the vigor of their styling. Keyed to popu-lar trends. As fresh and stimulating furniture as ever came from our benches. Precision-built, factory-engi-neered. Destined to play stellar roles in retail merchan-dising plans. Don't miss them. W A T E R S - K L I N G M A N N G LARGEST EXHIBIT OF BEDROOM FURNITURE EXCLUSIVELY IN THE GRAND RAPIDS MARKET f o r A P R I L , 1 9 3 7 17 Flexible space arrange-ments which are spa-cious, well-lighted, and concentrated. The club room illustrated is com-fortably and tastefully arranged and furnished. « • • rw 50 % H- of Grand Rapids Exhibits Every buyer who comes to Grand Rapids makes at least one visit to the Waters-Klingman Building where buying is easy, selection is great. . . . EXHIBITORS . . . Allen Chair Co., West Concord, Mass Third Floor, East Jamestown Lounge Co., Jamestown, N. Y Third Floor, North Half Arcadia Furniture Co., Arcadia, Mich Fourth Floor, North Half , , , „ , . „ , „ •, •.„• . c . m c *i, v,u Atlas Furniture Co., Jamestown, N. Y Fourth Floor, North Kozak Studios, Grand Rapids Mich. Second Floor, South Half J Kuchms Furn. Mrg. Co., St. Louis, Mo Third I'loor, boutn Hall Bechtold Bros. Upholstering Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. , _, , , „ ,T , .„ „„. , u-j.i, XTI , Q ,,,U H=U First Floor, North Half Lentz Table Company Nashville, Mich Fifth Floor, South Ha Brower Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich Fifth Floor, East Half Loeblem, Inc., Kent, Ohio ....Second Floor, South Half Brown Brothers Co., Gardner, Mass Third Floor, East McKim *• Cochran Furn Co., Madison, Ind Second Floor, East Butler Mfg. Co., Syracuse, N. Y Fourth Floor, North Half Mahoney Chair Co., Gardner, Mass Third Floor, East Cochran Chair Co., Aurora, Ind ..First Floor, North Half Manistee Mfg. Co., Manistee, Mich ... Third Floor, South Half Conant-Ball Company, Gardner, Mass Fifth Floor South Half Mentzer Reed Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.....Fourth Floor North Half _ . „ „ ' , ' ., , ' Murray Furn. Co.. Grand Rapids, Mich Sixth I'loor, boutn Halt Davies Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich Sixth Floor. East Doezema Furn. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., Second Floor, North Half National Chair Co., St. Louis, Mo Fourth Floor, North Half Dutch Woodcraft Shops, Zeeland, Mich Sixth Floor, North Half Nagel-Chase Mfg. Co., Chicago, III ...Fourth Floor, North Half _ , _ _ „. , F. A. Nichols Co., Gardner, Mass Fourth Floor, North Half Eagle-Ottawa Leather Co., Grand Haven, Mich. First Floor, South Half O'Hearn Mfg. Co., Gardner, Mass Third Floor, South Half Estey Mfg. Co., Owosso, Mich First Floor, North Half _. -^ ,, „ ~ j T> -J -HIT- I O J ™ AT -+U tr^if Engender8 Spring Bed Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.. Fifth Floor', South Haif |iaI«p°™r"yncC0NoGraBnenn!nKon' v f " ^ . ^ c o n d ' Root fatt V?^l£l&'?&&tb^-=%$ HZ', louS Half Eand-McNally & Co. Chicago, HI....... Sixth Floor, South Half Pitie- A^-t-c T7,,vr.u^^ r ^ rVflrt^ -Bo-KiAe i\ffir-u Red Lion Furn. Co., Red Lion, Pa Fourth Floor, North Halt fine Arts rurniture LO.> ijrflnci J\apios, lviicn, -r-T i T • n* % * r* T» J T • n T^ 4L -CI XT «.!_ tioif Spcnnd Flnnr Smith Half R e d L l o n Table Co., Red Lion, Pa ...Fourth Floor, North Half Second Floor, South Halt R o c k f o r d C h a i r & F u r n . Co., Rockford, 111., Fifth Floor, North Half Grand Ledge Chair Co., Grand Ledge, Mich. Rockford National Furn. Co., Rockford, 111 Second Floor, South r- r, x, j j - ^ r- J o -j «• r. T?i f t \ FJ?o r ' ? ° r t t Sa!r Shaw Furniture Co., Charlotte, N. C Second Floor, South Half G. R. Bedd<ng Co., Grand Rap.ds Mich.-.Fourth Floor, South Ha f S k a n d i a Furniture Co., Rockford. 111.... Sixth Floor, South Half G. R. Lounge Co., Grand Rapids Mich.. Fourth Floor, North Half g]; h C o m a n y Charles R., Holland, Mich., Fifth Floor, South Half G. R. Fancy Furniture Co., Grand Rapids Mich Henry C Steul & Sons, Inc., Buffalo, N. Y... Fifth Floor, South Fourth Floor, South Half ' Grand Rapids Furn. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich Sixth Floor, North Thanhardt-Burger Corp., LaPorte, Ind Fourth Floor, East Gunn Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., Second Floor, North Half Warsaw Furniture Mfg. Co., Warsaw, Ky., Fourth Floor, North Half Hart Mirror Plate Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. West Michigan Furn Co Holland, Mich., Third Floor, North Half Second Floor, South Half W- F - Wlutney Co., So. Ashburnham, Mass, ekman Furn. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich Third Floor, South Half ,,,.„• «-• T? n #- ^ x? *J *tt;<.u Herrmann Lamps, Inc., Grand Rapids, Mich ' Furniture Co., Grand Rapids^. NQrth ^ Holland Furniture Co., Holland, Mich Sixth Floor, North Half Wolverine Upholstery Co., Grand Rapids,^Mich. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Iredell Sales Co., New York, N. Y .Fourth Floor, North Half Woodard Furniture Co., Owosso, Mich.....Second Floor,' North Half « YOU'LL FIND IT IN^ THE WATERS-KLINGMAN BUILDING" We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE 18 FINE FURNITURE .;•_• I * • • £ * The three rooms illustrated on this page are typical oi the display spaces in the Klingman Furniture Co.. simple, unadorned, force-fully displaying the mer-chandise. The three suites pictured are manufactured by the Kindel Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, whose mar-ket display is in the Keeler Building. At the top is suite No. Ill, mahogany, retailing, four pieces, $394.50; in the cen-ter. No. 128, mahogany, re-tailing, four pieces, $295; at the bottom, No. 138, mahog-any, retailing, four pieces, at $291. f o r A P R I L , 1937 19 DRAMATIC SIMPLICITY MINUS false windows swathed in draperies, gew-gaws and gimcracks noticeable by their absence, lamps restricted to a minimum, walls painted a neutral color, the display rooms in the Klingman Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, are startling, striking in their sim-plicity; particularly in this era of ultra model room displays where everything is included from an ash tray to a palm tree. Says store manager John Van Dyke: "After all, we're trying to sell furniture. The more simple and restrained we keep the background, the easier it is for the customer to study the detail, finish and style, of the groups. It is my belief that accessories distract the attention and make it difficult to get the customer to concentrate on the furniture. This is particularly true in the merchandising of quality goods." The SO-odd display rooms, including bedroom, din-ing room and living room groups, are part of a grading-up program instituted during the depression. Now sell-ing over 60% Grand Rapids merchandise, including some of the highest quality lines in the market, Van Dyke can honestly boast that his method of display insures the sale of distinctive furniture. Where once Southern lines were necessary in securing volume, the present merchandising plan encompasses a complete by ROD MACKENZIE Editor, FINE FURNITURE Northern schedule of buying. Confidence in the char-acter of the merchandise purchased obviates the neces-sity of relying upon the flash of too often overdone backgrounds. Explains Van Dyke: "We find it is easier to sell a complete suite, seven pieces, when displayed m this simple fashion, with less resistance than we received when we filled the floor with merchandise and tried to sell 'three pieces'." In business for nearly 40 years, the Klingman store enjoys the unique distinction of having coast-to-coast distribution. Last year merchandise was shipped to the states of New York, New Jersey, Virginia and Pennsyl-vania, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Texas and New Mexico. One order went to the American Consul in Madrid, Spain. Former customers forward specifica-tions, desired style, approximate price range, rely upon Van Dyke's knowledge of their past purchases in filling their order. Truly an exemplification of their confidence. musical merchandiser... ADVISING those embryonic furniture men ambitiously toiling toward positions as buy-ers and store managers, John Van Dyke, buyer and store man-ager of Klingman's, Grand Rap-ids, suggests a course that he himself traveled; namely, a train-ing period in a furniture factory. Not only does Van recommend this procedure as being helpful in buying, but invaluable in the science of selling. Immigrating to America from Amsterdam, Holland, where his grandfather had devoted a life-time to the furniture business, Van Dyke proudly relates that he started as a lugger in a fac-tory, subsequently passing through every department in the production curriculum. Graduat-ing from the manufacturing side, he then traveled the retail route — collector, assistant credit man-ager, credit manager, buyer, and ultimately store manager — with only two interruptions—a year on the road as a wholesale salesman and a hitch in Uncle Sam's 7th Division, 55th regiment, infantry headquarter's company, A.E.F. Now in life's prime, Van is ambitiously pointing to the day when he can operate his own store, which supports his profes-sional philosophical belief that a IOHN VAN DYKE . . . Inspires confidence successful career is founded on perseverance and ability to avoid the dangers of discouragement and lost confidence. « Genial, energetic John is a lot! of buyer, his six feet and 214 pounds standing him in good stead on his buying peregrina-tions through the various furni-ture market centers. A keen ap-praiser of merchandise and cus-tomer, he is seldom annoyed by having to take back furniture once it leaves the store. That he inspires confidence is evidenced in an interesting contact with a lady who came into the store, inquired whether she could buy on contract. Being advised that this was possible, although the customary practice was to sell for cash, she deposited $100, returned 30 days later to do her buying. After business hours Van Dyke revels in Italian spaghetti, in-dulges in his hobby, which is music, by playing the organ and piano, relaxes athletically at ten-nis, delights in reading Charles Dickens, and hearing composi-tions by his favorite composer, Victor Herbert. Admits Presi-dent Roosevelt is his favorite public personage. Upon retire-ment — which appears remote when one knows John — he plans subscribing to the "sit-down" .idea, only he plans to do it with an automobile and trailer. FINE FURNITURE sALES PROMOTION and ADVERTISING by RALPH SPANGLER It's but a small jump from his subject of last month — "Promoting Fashion and Fine Furniture"—so the sales promotion and advertising manager of Harbour-Longmire's, Oklahoma City, continues his series with IV. Institutional Advertisins WHEN a going concern is asked to quote a selling-out price, they add to their visible assets a size-able amount for GOOD WILL. Good will includes that good reputation and pres-tige which brings shoppers to a store, seeking things which have not been advertised. If any store had to exist only on the sale of adver-tised merchandise, it would have a slim existence. Those customers who come to the store because of favorable impressions gained m the past, are the cus-tomers who make possible a net profit for the big store. There is no end to the different ways to make favor-able impressions on your public. Barker's Stage Spring Show • The theme was birds! From 22 California birds, they named the season's new colors. Mallard green. Gull gray. Quail brown. Their 30 windows were dramatized with these colors . . . and tie-ups with the bird theme. As you entered the store door, you were handed a couple of pieces of special literature . . . printed for the H v\ anamaker's February sale tags can't come off because fhev never were on! ,'• -'-t:(f>!js»l) a jnfjrt" Bxuf<i«'t Service ll l H OFS t 97 ]9j ?™ r:ri.T;r::;:.:::n:,-r ' I • / '* '•' ^ >>! • ti >/ !' s220 Si' 1 i o r A P R I L , 1 9 3 7 21 occasion. One was an impressive folder on outdoor furniture. Everywhere you turned in the store, there were birds in cages! Real live birds. On the first floor were mal-lard ducks, canvas back ducks, quail — game birds. On another floor, song birds of certain color motifs! Bird motifs on fabrics! Bird colors in room schemes! A prominent feature of the show was the Ipswich Maple House, with the furniture all from Robert Irwin . . . and wallpaper with bird motifs! Much expense and trouble, you say? But can you get equal sales volume and profit without expense and effort ? 97,391 Visitors in less than four weeks — go through Wanamaker's Philadelphia store to see the two-story Cape Cod House! Over 12,000 clocked in a single day! Their Budget story is certain to create favorable impression. Good institutional advertising. As is their ad which says "Wanamaker's February sale tags can't come off because they never were on!" The New York store makes an asset out of their no-sale policy. They, too, have a Cape Cod House. If Someone Asked You, suddenly, to name the out-standing store in your city . . . ten to one you would name the institution that is forever doing things unusual! Joseph Home wanted crowds to see their Ipswich Cottage . . . and the other new things they assembled. So they borrowed from the editors of Life, Time, For-tune, March of Time and the Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph . . . 300 published and unpublished photos showing every phase of the world's news! . . . including a can-did camera section . . . and privileged pictures of the recent abdication from the British Throne! Macy's Sell Macy's in this spread that would be hard to miss. Even if you were not ready to buy furniture now, you would be tempted to read it. And before you realize — you are reading, "We have more buyers going places for you than any other store in the world . . . Our furniture specialists show manu-facturers how to build better furniture . . . Should you prefer a decorator, our decorating staff, too, will tell you that IT'S YOUR TASTE THAT COUNTS." Wrhen you are ready to turn the page, you've had an-other favorable impression of a great store. And in the same paper on another page they ask "Why buy your most EXPENSIVE furniture at Macy's?" . . . and proceed to tell you the answer. Another favorable impression, m this second Macy ad, comes from the remarkable reproductions of the photographs. Our prediction is that the camera is soon to replace the handmade pictures, in many alert stores. The Lesson of "Life" Magazine points to the impor-tance of pictures. Try to buy a Life magazine 24 hours after it reaches the news stands. The most amazing circulation in magazine history, built overnight •— WITH PICTURES! Quick to feel the drift of popular fancy, Marshall Field's came out in February with this pictorial institu-tional ad on their sale! Human interest stories about a store that fully realizes the importance of keeping in the limelight. Here's a sale advertisement . . . a full page . . . without a price in it I Famous-Barr, in St. Louis, make a spectacular double-spread with their sale of the Trorlicht-Duncker stock. Not institutional advertising, you say! What better reputation would you want for your store than that of having plenty of good values in high class furnishings ! In Dayton, Rike-Kumler's make an effective tie-up with the tremendous influence of consumer magazines . . . and with the best seller — "Gone With the Wind." Up-to-the-minute institutional selling, we call it! 22 FINE FURNITURE . | i ] • FAM0US-8ARR CO. BUYS ENTIRE TRORLOT-DUNCKER NEW STOCK AND [1 INCLUDES THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS THEIR OWN VAST STOCK IN ONE ., MIGHTY SALE! DISCOUNTS OF 15 TO 65M READY THURSDAY AT NINE'"1 ! • • • - - • " - - - "p » _ I I I * - . l n . J . . r i MU •• » „ , II • z ^ i . Picturing Large Assortments of unusual pieces is cer-tain to create favorable impressions. People will say, "That is where I want to buy my furniture. They have such huge assortments there." Last June, Marshall Field's ran this interesting sum-mer ad. As that season approaches, it may give you an inspiration. By picturing the 18 pieces all in one advertisement, they make an impression of good assort-ments which would be lost by advertising these pieces one at a time in omnibus ads. Lammert's, from whom most of us can take lessons in picturing . . . do a real institutional job (and we imagine a goodly amount of selling) with this spread on Chippendale occasional furniture. Boggs and Buhl (Pittsburg) . . . not only printed an out-of-the-ordinary photograph of their furniture floor, in this sale announcement, but they persuaded the Pittsburgh press to accept it with the copy running up and down the page, instead of across. At Harbour-Longmire's, in Oklahoma City, we are running a series of stories about "Unusual Furnishings" . . . this one on a large open stock dining group. Keeping Customers sold on your store is one of your most important institutional jobs. In the near future, we plan an article on this vital subject. Recently one of our interested readers took exception to Adman Spangler's use of actual advertisements to illustrate that all classes of dealers, from borax store to the most exclusive studio type of store, were employ-ing GROUP SELLING to make the cash register ring more often. Spangler explains that the article in ques-tion began: "You have met the furniture man who condemns every other merchant who does not believe just as he does: but you know there are excellent merchants to be found in each class of store . . . men who make money . . . who are a credit to their com-munity." No claim is made that the advertisements illustrated are perfect. They are used solely to delineate ideas. Ideas that can be used by alert dealers in any class store, in any community. Unfortunately for those of you who favor fine furniture, the merchant featuring borax merchandise is more than often the quickest in adopting the best promotional ideas. —Editor .-/*ii*^ MAHSHfll.L FIELD fc CO. Z " ^^z .s& -^s f o r A P R I L . 1 9 3 7 23 HISTORIC EXAMPLES from the METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART Left, Louis XVI commode, embellished with mar-quetry. Right, American 18th Century block front bureau, by John Townsend, from Newport, R, I. Left, 18th Century English mahogany card table. Cen-ter, American gateleg table, about 1675-1780. Right, American Sheraton mahog-any and satinwood card table, about 1790-1800. . ' • ' • Left, 18th Century English Adam commode, about 1770-80, veneered and in-laid with East Indian satin-wood, harewood, boxwood and pheascmtwood. Right, 19th Century American (Pennsylvania) chest of drawers made of pine and poplar with painted deco-rations. 24 FINE FURNITURE COLOR... PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE IN HOMEFURNISHING by PHYLLIS FIELD COOPER Last month Phyllis Field Cooper began an article on "Color Principles and Practice," which discussion is concluded in this issue. / ^ONTIXUIXG our discussion \_^ on color, we must, before go-ing further, mention its THREE ATTRIBUTES, namely: HUE. VALUE and INTENSITY. Hue merely identifies the particular col-or— just another name for "color." VALUE refers to the tonal grada-tions of any color from "light" to "dark," or in other words, from "tints" to "shades." INTENSITY refers to the "luminosity" or "bril-liance" of a color. Color Value • First of all, we must bear in mind that the twelve pris-matic "normal" colors or hues of the spectrum or "color wheel" are colors of FULL INTENSITY —that is. they are as brilliant as it is possible for pigments or dyes to be. We can make them paler, and lighter, how-ever, by adding white to each of them — they then become what are known as TINTS. Then, again, we can produce SHADES of these same colors by adding black to them. These changes produce what is known as VALUE in colors (see chart). A knowledge of color value is essential in interior decoration. If we wish to make a small, dark room appear large and light, we choose colors for our scheme that are "keyed" high in value. Since' colors of FULL INTEN-SITY are brilliant, they react harsh-ly on the nervous system if used too abundantly. Therefore, in the dec-orating of the home, we use such colors sparingly — merely as "ac-centing color notes" in the form of decorative accessories, for the sake of variety and interest in the color scheme. Reduced Intensity • The INTEN-THE TWELVE NORMAL COLORS OF THE STANDARD COLOR SPECTRUM S.7lct—• NEUTRAL GRAY COLOR, VALUE SCALE AND THE. PSYCHOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF TINTS AND SHADES DELICACY DAINTINESS REFINEMENT LACK OF POWER, SPACIOUSNESS FEMININITY TINTS LOW-LlfiMT / MIDDLE VALUE 15 REPKESENTED m ANY' 1 ONE OF THE TWLVt 5P£CTRUi"! COWKS DI&NITY SOLIDITY POWER. STRENGTH DECREASED 5PACI0U5NES5 MASCULINITY > SHADES < DARK COLORS !F PLACED EUTRAL IED COLORS °f -half intensUt/ GRAY-YELLOW GRAY - ORANGE GRAY - RED GRAY - GREEM GRAY - BLUE GKLAY - VIOLET AGAINST LIGHT COLORS WILL APPEAR BARKER, | LIGHT COLOR"5~) IF PLACED AGAINST DARK COLORS WILL APPEAR, LIGHTER. [ -PHYLLIS • Fl ELD -COOPER- 1937 This chart shows the 12 standard spectrum colors with neutral gray added; neutral-ized colors of one-half intensity and a color value scale giving the psychological significance of tints and shades. SITY of any color can be reduced by NEUTRALIZATION which re-quires that a certain proportion (depending upon the amount of color reduction desired) of its ''com-plement" is necessary, whether one is mixing paints or dyes. Colors which are NEUTRAL-IZED to one-half or less in inten-sity are comparatively easy to use harmoniously m decoration, provid-ed that they are not too radically different in VALUE. The process of NEUTRALIZATION comes through the mixing of primary and secondary colors which produces a color "relationship" that is closer than those of more brilliant quality. Color Charm • Colors of "reduced intensity" (neutralized) may be used in larger areas — especially are such colors m their lighter val-ues (TINTS) desirable for the walls of the average small home. TINTS of "normal" colors (full intensity) are generally too strong in compar-ison and are therefore more diffi-cult to use. The charm of subtle or NEUTRALIZED colors can be more readily appreciated if placed beside those of crude hue (colors of "full intensity"). Colors are also classified as either WARM or COOL. Those classed as WARM are YELLOW, ORANGE and RED (the warmest of all colors), or any derivation of these hues such as rust, copper, brown, gold, etc. GREEN, VIO-LET and BLUTE are classed as COOL colors, blue being the cold-est of all colors. Derivations of these hues such as orchid, mauve, periwinkle blue, royal purple, etc., are included m this classification (see chart). ADVANCING colors are those that contain RED or YELLOW predominantly, while RECEDING colors are those that contain an abundance of BLUE. Contrast and Analogy " There are several kinds of color schemes that may be used in the decoration of in-teriors, but the most common are f o r A P R I L . 1 9 3 7 25 schemes of CONTRAST and of ANALOGY. Fundamentally, a true "harmony of contrast" can only oc-cur when "normal" primary colors are used with their respective "com-plements" (secondary colors) which are in no way related to each other, as red and green; yellow and violet; blue and orange. We have, how-ever, to deal largely in homefurnish-ings with NEUTRALIZED colors (tertiaries and quaternaries) in which case any "harmony of con-trast" color scheme would be one of more or less "related" colors, pos-sessing just enough actual contrast to be classified as a "contrasting analogous" scheme. An ANALOGOUS color scheme would include only those colors that are "related," such as yellow, yel-low- green and green; or, could be of various tones or VALUES of just one color only. For the average home, the "con-trasting analogous" color scheme usually proves the most interesting. Choosing Color Schemes • In planning a color scheme for any room one must consider first, the PURPOSE of the room — then, its EXPOSURE — its SIZE — its gen-eral CHARACTER or PERIOD. For instance, the color scheme of a child's nursery would call for dainty colors of high value — TINTS, in other words, of varying degrees of tonal depth. The scheme for a man's bedroom would call for SHADES of perhaps light or medi-um value, depending upon its par-ticular EXPOSURE. The color scheme for a hall, living room or library in the average home should Ultra-modern and offering unusual merchandising possibilities ate the tables, chairs, even pianos, being fabri-cated of glass or transparent plastic materials. Fine Arts Studio, Inc., Hol-land, Mich., has developed a unique line of tables, employing wood, glass, metal. (1) No. 2021, plate-glass top, center and bottom shelves bird's-eye maple, metal supports, blond finish, retailing for $22; (2) No. 2060, base and back solid mahogany, glass top, revolving center shelf, flesh-colored mirror, chrome support, finished in brown mahogany, retailing at $43; (3) lamp and magazine table, five-ply shelves, chrome supports, blond finish, retails at $11; (4) solid mahogany, five-ply maple veneers, glass top, finished in brown mahogany, ivory shelves, retailing for $28; (5) solid mahogany ends, bird's-eye maple base, plate-glass top, white translucent, elec-trically- lighted glass dome in base, chrome metal parts, retails for $49. be of such VALUE that it is rest-ful to live with and yet colorful enough to be inviting and pleasant. Then, too, every color scheme should possess a dominant color to which the necessary proportions of a con-trasting color or colors are added as a pleasing emphasis, for there must be "balance" in distribution. A sunny EXPOSURE can be modified or subdued by the use of COOL colors in VALUES consistent with the SIZE of the room. The darker the VALUE of a color, espe-cially on the walls, the darker and smaller the room will appear, and vice versa. A cold, dark EXPOS-URE calls for sunny colors of LIGHT VALUES. Schemes employing COOL col-ors call for "accenting" touches of "warm" colors as contrast, while WARM color schemes require "cool" colors. "Grading Up" • The safest rule to follow in planning any color scheme for the average home is to use the lowest value of color for the floor, a consistent and comparatively lighter value of colors for the up-holstery, with draperies either of the same value or lighter. The walls are usually very light, the ceiling being the lightest value of all. . «•••:».. - • { . 1 S5' f o r A P R I L . 1 9 3 7 27 1 — The Viking Twin Studio Couch made by Sleeper, Inc.. Chicago, shows modern Swedish influence in webbed arms. Permanent display at the Amer-ican Furniture Mart. 2 — Chair No. 56, retailing at $44, is manufactured by the Wolverine Uphol-stery Co.. Grand Rapids, Mich., and is shown in the Waters-Klingman Bldg. 3 — Chair No. 4583 is made by E. Weiner Co., Milwaukee, and is dis-played in the American Furniture Mart. 4 — Chair No. 124 with matching otto-man. No. 24. is made by the Grand Rap-ids Bedding Co., and is displayed at the Waters-Klingman Bldg., Grand Rapids. 5 — The Pullman Couch Co., Chicago, have made this studio couch uphol-stered in {lowered mohair as a fore-runner of new advance in styling. Man-ufactured as single or double bed mod-els with removable, innerspring mat-tresses, these studio couches are shown at the American Furniture Mart. 6 — Mahogany chair No. 1451 is manu-factured by the Schoonbeck Cq.. Grand Rapids, and is displayed in their show-rooms at the Imperial Co. 7 — This unusual lounge chair with odd-shaped ottoman is one of the new offerings shown by Romweber in their space at the Merchandise Mart. Uphol-stery is in rough tapestry; hand-carved arms are in Scandinavian vine motif. 8 — The Michigan Seating Co., Jackson, Mich., manufactures chair No. D483, up-holstered in Doepac. Displayed in the Fine Arts Bldg., Grand Rapids. 9 — Chair No. 1284. retailing at $83, is made by the Wolverine Upholstery Co., and is shown in the Waters-Klingman Bldg., Grand Rapids. 10 — No. 1352 sofa is manufactured by Ralph Morse Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., and is exhibited in the Keeler Bldg. A GOOD SALE IS NOT FORCED (The Man on the Cover) OF noteworthy significance in American industrial history is the progress made by boys born under foreign flags. Arriving in a strange country, accosted in un-familiar lingo, confused by curious customs, undaunted, many of them have swept to success. The furni-ture industry is no exception, boast-ing many leaders who have risen from immigrant to executive. Immigrant • At the age of seven, young Henry Hekman arrived from the Netherlands, thirty years later, entered the furniture manufacturing business as president and general manager of the Hekman Furniture Co. in Grand Rapids, where he has operated for the past IS years. Hek-man's success in the furniture in-dustry is noteworthy, considering the fact that his experience (prior to erection of the plant in 1922), had been limited to day labor work in the Phoenix and Luce plants when a young man. As president of the Grand Rap-ids Furniture Exposition Associa-tion, Hekman has been one of the leaders in the move for market reduction. Merchandiser • For six years the plant specialized in the production of spinet desks, in 1927 selling over 20,000 units. Suddendy, the familiar spinet lost favor, and Hekman was forced to change his line. The cur-rent assortment of living room and library furniture, much of it in con-temporary style, is a testimonial to Henry Hekman's sagaciousness as a leader in style trends and merchan-dising. In addition to operating his fur-niture plant, Hekman is associated with his brother, John, in the manu-facture of biscuits, being actively interested in the Hekman Biscuit Co., Grand Rapids, and Dutch Tea Rusk Co., Holland, Mich. Salesman • Advising those inter-ested in following the furniture business, Hekman suggests learning the practical and theoretical angles. Reminisces Hekman, "Confidence is fine for a young saleman, but over-confidence is liable to bring a re-buff. One very helpful experience I had was after being successful for a few subsequent sales, to get a good let-down for being too cocky. It taught me a valuable lesson, that a good sale is not forced, as both buyer and seller should feel like saying 'Thank you' when the deal is made." Likes • Imbued with a deep relig-ious sense, Hekman admits that his career has been built on the philos-ophy of diligently serving his Maker. An active member of the Christian Reformed Church, he designates John Calvin as his favor-ite character in history, the Bible his preferred book, and Handel his choice as leading c omposer. He rates Chief Justic Hughes as num-ber one public personage and in literature favors the writings of Charles Dickens. Not interested in theatres or movies, he appeases his musical inclinations by listening to the Philadelphia Symphony orches-tra. A clever story teller himself, Hekman enjoys nothing better than a well-turned joke. His intention is to remain active as long as health permits, and on the strength of his six feet, 200 pounds of rugged phys-ique, it's a safe bet that Henry will be engaged in the furniture business for some time to come. Novel Ensemble Offer INCLUDING Venetian blinds as 1 part of a bedroom furnishing group sold at a little less than $100, was a novel idea appealing to many customers of Breuner's, Oakland, during a recent anniversary sale. The ensemble featured at $99.80. included, besides a bed, chest and vanity, two Venetian blinds. They were offered only in natural ivory finish with a choice of 29 or 34-inch widths. Each blind was five feet long with two and three-eighths inch slats. Installation charges were extra. Twelve different bedroom groups were available at this price so the ensemble offer met a wide range of preferences and gave Breuner customers a varied selec-tion from which to make a choice. 28 FINE FURNITURE THE SKETCH Beer... IMPORT OF CORRECT SELECTION OF FURNITURE BRASSWARE EXEMPLIFIED IN UNUSUAL SKETCH •"PHE unusual and exquisite rendering on the opposite X page by Carl G. Bjorncrantz, designer and sales manager of the furniture division of the Grand Rapids Brass Co., exemplifiies the importance of correct selec-tion for furniture hardware. Many a suite, otherwise well planned and styled, has missed fire because of erroneous choice of hardware, for brassware, like furni-ture styles, also has a definite historical background. The brass on the Provincial piece illustrated on the opposite page was developed from the brassware on an old French Provincial chest. Maintaining the French peasant feeling of handcraft execution in which the rural cabinetmakers attempted to pattern after the master metalworkers creating for the nobility, the French Provincial brass design pre-sents a simplicity of treatment that enhances rather than detracts from the furniture on which it is used. The touch of crudeness peculiar to French Provincial craftsmanship, coupled with the graceful swing of the design, makes it particularly adaptable to contemporary adaptations of furniture of this character. The clean-cut, somewhat severe, well-tailored designs of the 18th Century English period required decorative brasses to complete their beauty. The English design-ers were constantly experimenting with hardware that would enliven the severity of the furniture. The pointed oval pull, opposite, is a reproduction of a fine old English model. The recent increased demand for 18th Century fur-niture has induced the designers of brassware to new efforts in the development of unusual furniture trim. Authentic, yet unusual in design, the pointed oval pull is an excellent example of modern adaptation of late English hardware. The beauty of its detail, permitting a play of light and shadow, makes this oval pull an ideal finishing touch for 18th Century furniture. brass man G. BJORNCRANTZ, whose exquisitely unusual drawing appears on the opposite page, decided at an early age to become an artist. The fact that he has arrived at the age of 33 with no abundance of hair does not seem to have dampened his enthusiasm. Carl was born in Grand Rapids, his father was a talented artist, so it followed quite naturally that young Bjorn-crantz should eventually land with both feet in the furniture business. In the interim he was art editor for the Colgate Uni-versity Banter, gathered a goodly number of medals for himself and honor for his University as an intercollegiate swimmer. Sum-mer vacations found him devel-oping shoulder and arm muscles in the packing and shipping room of the Stone-Hoult Furniture Co. From the drafting room of the Grand Rapids Store Equipment Corp., Carl ventured into the fur-niture field. Following an apprenticeship in the rod room of the Robert W. Irwin Co., he entered the design- CARL G. BJORNCRANTZ . . . Totes two titles ing department of that concern, where he remained for several years, leaving there in 1935 to design hardware for the Grand Rapids Brass Co. His complete revamping of the furniture line was so successful that one morn-ing he found himself toting an-other title — sales manager of the furniture division. It was in this capacity that we queried him as to his professional aims, and what he thought of wood pulls. Postal regulations will not permit our printing his answer to the latter question, but to the first one he said: "To keep hardware design a vital part of the furni-ture industry." His interpretation of authentic brassware on the opposite page is conclusive evi-dence of his ability. Salesman-artist Bjorncrantz, despite his dual duties at the Brass company, finds time to swim, golf, draw one in the mid-dle or hold a kicker, read Ben Ames Williams and John Gals-worthy. But we warn you, if you own any prints or photo-graphs of fine furniture and brassware that you value, hide them, because Carl's hobby is collecting such material. ^ •?-.• ' A n; - f • - " • • 30 FINE FURNITURE RETAILING TIPS TABLE SETTING TOURNAMENT • SERVICE EXPENSE OUT • SIMULATED HOMES • KITCHEN AMONG DRAPERIES Bring Your Own Silver OALES have been noticeably in-lO creased in the George Cater Furniture Co., Anniston, Ala., by the promotion of various contests among the women's clubs of that city. A recent table-setting tourna-ment was promoted in which the women were asked to bring their own silverware, the dining room tables, chairs and china being fur-nished by the store. This contest resulted in the attendance of 446 women who visited the store in two and one-half hours. Frequently, Cater's sponsors a contest for the most attractively fur-nished rooms in which pieces from their own stock are used. For the winning room as selected by the judges, a prize of $25 is offered to the club which is sponsoring the event, and as a rule, from 200 to 400 women visit the store to see the display, according to George Cater, manager of the store. Explains Cater, "Our tournament rooms, being sheet rock enclosures, are located on the second floor, so that visitors to the exhibits have to pass through our ground floor dis-plays, and, of the host of club mem-bers who attend, some are sure to see items they want whether in-cluded in the actual exhibits or in our showrooms." Manager Cater believes that the displays aid in selling complete ensembles; women being delighted with some of the room exhibits, and consequently desiring to transfer the whole layout to their own homes. This is particularly true of brides, who come to get innumerable ideas which help them to furnish their homes. Comfortable seats are provided just outside the display rooms and the contests are turned into real social occasions by the serving of tea. According to Cater, the argu-ments often grow warm as to the proper dining room etiquette or the arrangement of the lighting in the living room, and many women tarry to add their bit to the discussion. "After each contest, the model rooms are kept on display for sev-eral weeks, and many customers Victorian Dresser No. 705, is manu-factured by the Herman Miller Fur-niture Co., Holland, Mich., and is shown in the Keeler Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. Retails at S589.S0 for four pieces. coming in to view them depart as new customers. The various organ-izations which take part in these events include women's missionary societies, literary clubs and the Axis club, all of which are usually look-ing for some way in which to raise money and are delighted with our proposition, noticeably increasing our sales thereby," concluded Con-testman Cater. Service Expense Out M S. YOUNG & CO., Allen- . town, Pa., developed suc-cessful plans to merchandise electric refrigerators but plans to eliminate service troubles have been unusually effective. Having sold more than 300 electric refrigerators, the store anticipated receiving enough service calls to employ a man for that purpose. After carrying a service man on the payroll for some time it was found that there were not enough service calls to warrant this expense. Instead, the management found it more economical to pass on service calls to a local refrigeration expert handling work on a contract basis. R. A. Marcks, refrigeration man-ager at Young's, explained why it has been possible to avoid large numbers of service calls "When we sell an electric refrig-erator," said Marcks, "we are as anxious to have that refrigerator trouble-free, as we are to earn the profit on its sale. It is an estab-lished fact that when service calls are received from new owners the trouble in most cases is due to improper care or neglect. We have been able to eliminate most of these calls by advising new owners what constitutes proper attention to a mechanical refrigerator. "While we, like other dealers, furnish detailed instruction sheets with every refrigerator (which are usually lost), we do not forget the new owner. A record is kept of each refrigerator sold and on these rec- Fischer Furniture Co., Chicago, made No. 1939V2 Bunkbed, maple finished, hardwood, with detachable twin beds, springs, ladder, for $39 complete. f o r A P R I L , 1937 31 ords we note the date and details regarding every call that has been made, whether for service or in-struction. "For instance, when one of our salesmen is in the vicinity of a home in which one of our refrig-erators has been installed, he will call on the owner. If anything re-quires adjustment he will make a note of it and report to the office. "In the case of new owners, these friendly calls are of real impor-tance. Frequently we discover that after several months of use a re-frigerator has not been defrosted simply because the owner neglected to follow instructions. By explain-ing this matter we avoid a future service call. Simulated Home Stirs Sales T TNIQUE is the model house, U "Bide-A-Wee Cottage," built on the second floor of the Wood- Peavy Furniture Co., Macon, Ga., in that the front wall, the big pil-lars of the front porch, are built solidly of brick, the upper portions stone, the roof wood, to simulate as nearly as possible the average southern home. An unusual feature of this built-in house is that several of the windows open directly upon the street, making "natural" light possible, adding to the home atmos-phere. The complete furniture set-tings are changed every two weeks, often even more frequently. Says manager E. B. Durham, "Our brick cottage is known far and wide, and has sold more furniture for us than any other form of pro-motion we have used. It is adver-tised frequently, always with good results. Last fall, the local news-paper conducted an amateur house planning contest, offering several cash prizes for the best ground plans and sketches of the completed house. The contest ran for a month, attracted wide attention, resulted in the submission of hundreds of plans. We secured space on the same page as the one on which the contest was announced, ran an ad: " 'Your floor plan, plus our furni-ture, will make an ideal combina- Duncan Phyfe sofa. No. 395, is made by the Wol-verine Upholstery Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., shown in Waters-Kling-man Bldg., retails at $150. tion. No matter what style of home you like, we have the correct style of furniture to correspond with it, from Early American to the new-est modern. Visit Bide-A-Wee Cot-tage on our second floor, where you will always find a correctly fur-nished home.' "We kept this space all during the campaign, changing our ad each week, but always bringing out the fact that it is furniture that really makes the home, and calling atten-tion to furnishings of our brick cot-tage." The cottage was promoted again when a number of building material firms of the city sponsored a con-test, offering a series of prizes for photos which best showed before and after house improvements. One stipulation was that all materials used in re-conditioning must be pur-chased from one of the advertisers on the page. The Wood-Peavy Co. entered the contest, the only furni-ture store in the city to do so, ran a different ad each week stressing the vast improvement made in a home by the installing of new fur-niture, window shades, lamps. After final decision had been made, all photos submitted were distributed to the different firms whose materi-als had been used in modernizing. Wood-Peavy made a window dis-play of these photos, in which was centered a large picture of Bide-A-Wee Cottage, intimating that most of the people who bought furniture and entered pictures in the contest, chose these furnishings from the model home. In regard to advertising and pro-motions, Durham explains, "August and December are our two biggest months, the ones in which we do the most advertising. Just to be different, I suppose, we do not put on a February Sale as do the ma-jority of furniture firms. Our real reason for avoiding this is that we Kneehole desk. No. 139, is manu-factured by the Bay View Furni-ture Co., Holland, Mich., and is dis-played in the American Furniture Mart. Retails at $29.90. handle only quality furniture, and do not see the need of cheapening it during a certain month." Kitchen Among Draperies J\ MODEL kitchen in the drapery i l department is decidedly uncon-ventional, yet that is where the American Furniture Co., Denver, recently installed one and with marked success. First, declares O. P. Jones of the housefurnishings department, the setting is more favorable in the up-stairs department. Kitchen appli-ances, properly arranged and care-fully selected as to color harmony, have added eye appeal in a setting of beautiful draperies and floor cov-erings. No large stock of major appliances such as must be carried in a store's regular housefurnish-ings department detracts from the unified impression which should be given by a complete kitchen set-up. Second, use of a separate location gives an added traffic benefit. Peo-ple coming to the store for draperies or floor coverings see the display, and buy. Third, there is a better chance to make a complete kitchen sale, or at least a higher individual unit sale, when the model kitchen is entirely separate from the department. The customer doesn't see lower-priced merchandise the minute she steps out the door of the kitchen. The location is also conducive to increased drapery and floor cover-ings sales. The room is fitted with proper kitchen curtains; the walls, floor and drainboard of the sink are covered with linoleum. Prac-tically every linoleum customer sees the model kitchen first. Every 30 to 60 days the model kitchen is changed. The equipment shown includes: Sink and drainboai'ds, breakfast table with china, glassware, silver and linens, refrigerators, kitchen cabinet, cooking utensils and range. 32 FINE FURNITURE Display Drama IN conjunction with the Educa-tional Fashion Show prepared by the Institute of Carpet Manu-facturers of America, many lead-ing stores throughout the country have been promoting displays of the same type, dramatizing car-pet showings. No. 1, from the Ensemble Style Exhibit, Chicago, demonstrates the versatility of sand shade broadloom, showing it to be equally effective in Early American or Modern setting. No. 2, an Institute display calling at-tention to the fact that wall space is a star salesman. No. 3 is an Abraham & Straus display in which the roll of broadloom is dramatized against an ensemble display. Ensemble Style Exhibit suggested display No. 4 in which five different patterns and shades of broadloom are attractively shown. No. 5, also a feature of the Ensemble Style Exhibit, is a novel and striking idea for won-dow display in which broadloom in harmonizing shades serves as backdrop for cut-outs. BOOKS ON COLOR As a supplement to the article on "Color Principles," page 24, Phyllis Field Cooper suggests this list of books on color use as being helpful to the homefumishing salesman.— Editor. "THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF COLOR": Bonnie E. Snow and Hugo B. Froehlich. Published by Talens School Products, Inc., Chi-cago. Contains nine full-page, hand-painted color charts; simple, informative text splendidly pre-sented for the layman. Price, $4.50. "COLOR VALUE": C. R. Clifford. Pub-lished by Clifford & Lawton. 373 Fourth Ave., New York City. In-valuable to the homefumishing salesman. Price $1.50 "PRACTICAL COLOR SIMPLIFIED": William J. Miskella, M. E. Published by Finishing Research Laborator-ies, Inc., Chicago. Contains an ex-cellent and practical color chart with pivoted arrow and triangle for locating correct color combinations. Price $3.00 "COLOR-SENSE TRAINING AND COLOR USING": E. J. Taylor. Pub-lished by David McKay Co., Wash-ington Square, Philadelphia. Con-tains 17 diagrammatic color plates. Price $1.50 "COLOR AND ITS APPLICATIONS" and "THE LANGUAGE OF COL-OR": M. Luckiesh, physicist of the Nela Research Laboratory, Nation-al Lamp Works of General Electric Co.. Nela Park, Cleveland, O. f o r A P R I L , 1 9 3 7 33 by CB CHATFIELO "CHAT" i s ONE OF THE OEANS OF THE FP-ATPFN G?UlTE A PHILO5OPHEP— - - AND ENJOYS 1SQTBIN6 BETTEP-THAN A RED HOT PI5CU9SION. THP.EE GENERATIONS ARNES F. S+uart FOOTE. ^ IMPEPIAl- FUP-NITUP-ECO, A FOUISDEP--MEMD6P. AND VICE-PP-ES OP O'P-- FUP-NtTUP-E MAKEP-6 Outl^D - HAS SERVED AS PP-ES. G-P-- FUP-NITUP-E MAMUFAC7UP£fis "AND 6-P-. James O. MCK1NSE/ CHA IP-MAN OF THE &OAP-D - - OF MAPSHAU. FIELD'S, ACT IVE IN OPERATION OF CHICAGO'S MEP-CHANDISE MART, FOP-MEP- con-E^e PPOPE5SOI1- AND ACCOUNTANT • - PLAYS GOLF AND P-IPfS H0P5EBACK-AT HIS HOME - IN LAKE FOP-EST. I I I . . •' S.C.ROSENTHAL. f i t HAS A P-ECOP-p OF AQ I y£APS OF COHTINU0U5 SEPVICE 1 V INTttE P-ET^ILFUPN\TUP-E ^ BUSINESS, DIPECTIN&7HE FA'IP^STOPE.IN BlNCxHAMTON Y. FP-OM THE TIME IT WAS A SMALL-VARIETY SHOP WITH AN 18 FT- FRONT- 0 11 for APRIL, 1937 35 1 — Colonial Mfg. Co., Zeeland, Mich., No. 2690 secretary, in mahogany; 84" high, 34" wide, 17" deep. Displayed in the Keeler Bldg. 2 — Maple living room group by the Statton Furniture Mfg. Co., Hagerstown, Md., shown in the Keeler Bldg. 3 — Rockford Chair & Furniture Co., Rockford, 111., No. G79-3 mahogany book-case and desk; 87" high. 49" wide by 17" deep. $190 retail. Shown in the Waters-Klingman Bldg. 4 — A decorated drum table. No. 1324, 20" top, 26" high, by the Imperial Fur-niture Co., Grand Rapids, displayed in the factory showrooms. 5 — A new note in dining rooms, com-bining modern with upholstered host and hostess chairs. Dining room suite by the Thomasville Chair Co., Thomas-ville, N. C, upholstered chairs by S. J. Campbell, Chicago, shown in the Amer-ican Furniture Mart. 6 — A Chippendale occasional table. No. 510, 20" top, 27" high, by the Alle-gan Furniture Shops, Allegan, Mich., exhibited in the Fine Arts Bldg. 7 — The Romweber Co., Batesville, Ind., makes the two Scandinavian pieces. No. 5-162 coffee table and magazine rack, 18x24" top, and the No. 5-105 bookcase, 57" high, 10x13" top; shown in the Merchandise Mart. 8 — Chippendale bedroom group, three pieces. $169 retail, by the West Mich-igan Furniture Co.. Holland, Mich., shown in the Waters-Klingman Bldg. 9 — Chippendale cocktail table. No. 3684, in mahogany, by the Brandt Cabi-net Works, Hagerstown, Md. Top 33" x 22", height 18", displayed at the Mer-chandise Mart. 10 — Kneehole desk. No. 58, made by the Bay View Furniture Co., Holland, Mich., top 42 x 21", height 29%", exhibit-ed in the Waters-Klingman Bldg. 11 — 18th Century mahogany group by the Rockford Superior Furniture Co., Rockford, 111., displayed in the American Furniture Mart. 12 — Modern living room group by the Herman Miller Furniture Co., Zeeland, Mich. Displayed in the Keeler Bldg. REMARKS ON A MARKET By A. P. JOHNSON Educational Director of G. R. Furniture Exposition Ass'n WOULD you know, to a fairly accurate approximation, what you will find at the Grand Rapids Spring Furniture Exposition—April 28 to May 8—in furniture—its pur-pose, type, breed, classification, number of pieces, name and ances-try, manufacturer, how, why and where you can profit by having this furniture on your retail floors— and, finally, why you should be here at the crack of the market dawn? Then glance this over. There will be upwards of 100,000 pieces of furniture RECKONED IN INDIVIDUAL SAMPLES ONLY. Multiply these in produc-tion, by different sizes, styles and finishes, decoration, etc., using the variant of 12 in case goods (aver-age number of different specifica-tions in which the suite may be had) and by anywhere between 25 and 50 in upholstered products (dif-ference in colors, fabrics, etc., now in vogue) and you have an array which approaches the million mark. In this total will be shown ap-proximately 1,600 suites in bedroom and dining room products, many of which are interchangeable, making for greater variety and larger totals. New suites will exceed the 550 mark and there will be in excess of 2,500 new living room and occa-sional pieces. There will be upwards of 42 new finishes, bleaches and tones, and in the vicinity of 172 new designs and colors in fabrics. More than 100 new gadgets, conveniences and spe-cialties have been recorded by ex-hibitors and between 40 and 50 new pieces of furniture serving new and different purposes heretofore un-heard of. Furniture will be made in 39 out of 45 recognized and accepted his-toric styles since Adam and Eve, not including the variations of mod-ern and new concepts of design. A significant indication Is an in-crease in Modern and in furniture having modern influences. As against the January market there will be more new Modern pieces, more Early English and Jacobean than have appeared in several markets. The largest increase will be in Eighteenth Century English, both in case goods and upholstered products. New Eighteenth Century English suites will include: 98 bedroom, 104 dining room and 576 living room and occasional pieces; approx-imately 519 of these in mahogany and 257 in walnut and choice in 123. In Early English furniture there will be upwards of 45 bedroom suites, 33 dining room, 70 or more for the living room, library and occasional pieces, desks, etc.; woods used being oak, walnut, mahogany, and maple. A leaning toward Eighteenth Cen-tury French living room furniture will be manifest in new creations. Of these there are promised 120 living room, library and occasional pieces in a multiplicity of woods, 16 dining room suites in mahogany and walnut and 14 bedroom suites. Satinwood trim and delicate lateral inlays are a feature in a number of these patterns. Approximately 20 manufacturers will show Modern furniture in all types. Of these there will be ap-proximately 56 new suites; in stand-ard woods used, walnut and mahog-any break even, other woods being blister maple, acacia, maple burl, prinzwood and dark bandings. From eight to 10 new Provincial suites, French and Italian, are on the sample griddle for May, largely in walnut. There will be upwards of 20 new living room patterns in this style; and three new Swedish suites are promised in chestnut, oak, butternut. In the American Empire group, including American Colonial, Dun-can Phyfe, American Empire, Fed-eral, Biedemeier, there will be con-siderable activity. Some 32 new bed-room suites in these types and about 20 for the dining room will be shown; approximately 62 new liv-ing room pieces, including uphol-stered products, are promised. Wood content will run from solid mahog-any and walnut to maple and but-ternut. Bleached woods, blanches and blonds are significantly popular. In so-called "unstyled" furniture there will be in the neighborhood of 16 bedroom suites, 12 dining room, 30-40 new occasional pieces. 36 FINE FURNITURE Dramatized Reduction AN unusual promotion planned . by Breuner's, Oakland, CaL, store, was the dramatization of a 10% price reduction by issuing invi-tations in letter form to customers, enclosing an admission card on which the customer's name was hand-written. This card was to ad-mit the bearer and family to the store between 7 and 10 p.m. on the designated night, entitled the hold-er to "a dividend of $1" on each $10 purchase that was made on "Dividend Night." This dividend could be applied on anything except merchandise on which manufac-turers had established resale prices. A guest card was also enclosed with the letter, the customer being re-quired to sign it as a sponsor, could then give it to some friend whom he thought would be interested. In the invitation, Breuner's ex-plained that the purpose of "Old Customer Dividend Night" was to show appreciation to old customers for their patronage, that the divi-dends ran from $1 to $100, accord-ing to amount purchased, that ad-mission would be by ticket only. Realizing that the mere an-nouncement of a 10% reduction on merchandise would attract only a few at the most, Breuner's applied psychology, made the reduction tangible, explained in the invitation: :;You can save $1 on each $10 worth of homefurnishings you buy. For example: You save $5 on each pur-chase of $50; $10 on a purchase of $100; $100 on a purchase of $1000. Every department is included . . . "You can save $1 to $100 on all kinds of homefurnishings on 'Divi-dend Night'." Regarding the guest card, the in-vitation informed, "We talked about this big event to a few of our old customers and they requested per-mission to bring one friend who wasn't a Breuner customer, but who should be. So, we are issuing one guest card to each old customer." The patron was also informed that anything purchased on the night set aside might be put on his account in the regular manner. No. 1 is a gold bedspread valued at $2000 which was shown at Merchan-dise Mart Gift Show by Feika Im-ports; No. 2 is an ensemble style trend exhibit; window display of small rugs. No. 3, is irom Mandel Bros., Chicago, as is the! window displaying popular draperies. No. 4. f o r A P R I L , 1 9 3 7 37 CHET SHAFER "LAZIEST HUMORIST IN THE WORLD" CHANTS A LAMENT Woodcutter. ROD MACKENZIE SHAFER " . . . there's no friendly tread on the floor above." Three Rivers, Mich., April 1 — (Special dispatch to FINE FURNI-TURE). The afternoon sun is bright — flooding in over letters and papers. But it's unusually quiet up here in the offices of the City News Bu-reau today — for there's no friendly tread on the floor above. Vic Van Horn isn't up there any more. They held his funeral yesterday — and buried him over in the Fifth Ward—the cemetery—and—after ten years — it's going to be just a little bit lonely without the sounds of his presence — one flight up. Victor Hugo Van Horn was a photographer. He was of the Old School — of the Wet Plate. He learned his profession under Skinny Anderson, in the days of the cast-iron headclamp and the diamond-seated posing chair. Up in his studio he had a cast-iron masterpiece of a stove— gray-flecked with match scratches. He had a pair of storm alaska rubbers that he wore for 21 years—it would have been 22 next fall, with some patching he just did. He never swept out his place since 1901 — although occasionally someone would do it for him. He accumu-lated his ashes in nondescript con-tainers — and carried them down the stairs and out in the alley — once a year — in the springtime. Only lately he was starting to think about doing this annual chore. Vic came down the other morning with his wife's wedding ring. He said he had to have it en-larged — for the third time — since their marriage. That afternoon he sat on his stool, humped over, doing some re-block-ing. Lollypop Lane was up there — telling about the time he used to run the Kandy Kitchen over in the Burns Block and he bought his first consignment of sody pop and made a window display out of it — and the next day delegations of women from three churches came down and protested. "'They said that's what started young folks on the way to more serious drinkin'," Lollypop said. Then Lollypop remembered the time when Aaron Z. Hatfield ran the Music Store. "Yeh," said Vic, looking up from his work, "an' his feet were so small he had to wear women's shoes." The next day Lollypop was up there and so was Odd Johnson, and Odd was commenting on the wood-en eagle with its claws full of ar-rows that Vic's father — Old Judge Wes Van Horn — had carved out right after he was discharged from the Northern Army. Vic said he was always going to keep that and he went over to loosen up the light bulb that holds back the water in his wooden washing tank. Then he dropped dead. The afternoon sun is going under a cloud now — now out again to cast a bright diagonal shadow over this sheet of copy paper. It's quiet up here in the offices of the City News Bureau — for there's no friendly tread — no foot-steps of understood companionship — on the floor above. Vic — the Wet-Plate Impressario — isn't up there any more. yrs (sgd) Chet Shafer. "They said that's what started young folks on the way to more serious drinking," Lollypop said. 38 FINE FURNITURE Homefurnishing News and Reviews . . . To Assist Englcmder Named assistant to President Max Eng-lander, Englander Spring Bed Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., is Richard Lemberg, Chicago, who has been identified with the administrative, manufacturing and selling phases of the furniture industry for 15 years. Lemberg's creative ability, marketing experience, will play a major role in the direction of styling, production, distribution, in England-er's 1937 expansion program, and the ap-pointment marks another forward step in the development of the Brooklyn firm to a new position of prominence in the bedding and institutional field. G. R. Museum Progress According to recent announcement by Robert W. Irwin, chairman of the furniture museum commission, Grand Rapids, Mich., the Metropolitan Museum of New York has promised cooperation with the new Grand Rapids Furniture Museum, includ-ing a series of loan exhibits of furniture, drawings, and other material. Metropolitan officials characterized the Grand Rapids Furniture Museum, as now planned, "as the only one of its kind in the world." Chairman of the committee for historical exhibits of Grand Rapids furniture, Edgar Somes, has asked that anyone having in-formation of historical Grand Rapids pieces communicate with him; the committee, in-cluding James B. Howard, A. P. Johnson. reports several valuable gifts already volun-teered. The committee is seeking examples made in Grand Rapids from 1870-1880, in-cluding spool beds, late Victorian wash stands, high glass dressers, high beds, the Centennial groups made for the Philadel-phia exposition, walnut trees characteristic of that period; is particularly interested in any furniture made in Grand Rapids before 1860. Other types of furniture wanted include Victorian furniture of the next decade; oak dining room furniture which appeared after the turn of the century sporting carved grif-fins and caryatids reminiscent of the "Re-naissance of the Renaissance"; examples of the earlier mission furniture; the Empire Colonial style in mahogany with S-scroll, pineapple, carved ornament, and veneered columns. Credit will be given donors in the de-scriptive matter placed upon the suites: it is desired that all contributions be free and clear of conditions other than that after they have been donated they will become a part of the museum's permanent inventory; due to lack of funds for exhibits, the museum can accept contributions only. RICHARD LEMBERG . . . Directs Englander's expansion program. G. R. Lounge Leases Space The Grand Rapids Lounge Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., just closed a term lease for space in the north section of the second floor of the Waters-Klingman Building, where their line will be permanently displayed, according to announcement by Peter D'Archangel, General Manager. D'Archangel reports business exceptionally good and sales increasing in the better end of the line. He will have a large number of new samples on display in the Spring Style Market. F. T. Shiverick Vacancies Filled Named vice-president and buyer-mer-chandiser manager respectively for the Tobey Furniture Co., Chicago, were Walter O. Luscombe, Jr. and Louis H. Luttering, to fill the vacancies caused by the death of Francis T. Shiverick. Previous to his appointment as vice-president, Luscombe was a member of the board of directors, which office he continues to hold. Luttering was assistant to Francis Shiverick up to the time of his death. Added to the duties of A. H. Dahike, head of the decorating department, is the buying of living room furniture. Jonathan Tobey Morley has been named assistant treasurer of the firm; S. J. Speicher con-tinues as sales manager. Everybody Sells at Hummel's Talbert Expands Activities The Talbert Lumber & Veneer Co., main office at Cincinnati, Ohio, Band Saw and A eneer Mills at Sardinia, Ohio, have been extensive operators in Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky for the past 46 years. During this time they have operated 12 mills, pro-ducing all varieties of hardwoods, but have made a specialty of the highest quality of Quartered White Oak lumber and veneers. They have recently added to their previous activities the manufacture of walnut veneers and lumber, specializing in spliced and half-round long wood and walnut butts. They are located in one of the best sections of the country, obtaining the best quality of tim-ber, particularly in walnut and white oak. W. E. Talbert, president of the company, recovered from a recent automobile accident, is again in active management of the affairs of the company. A. F. Vollette, who has been connected with some of the largest walnut manufacturers for the past several years, is now connected with the Talbert Lumber & Veneer Co. B & G "Here's How" ''Here's How", a new merchandising, sales and ad manual for the spring of 1937, re-cently issued by Berkey & Gay Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, is a 32-page booklet, the bulk of which shows sample ads, offers some information for salesmen. The follow-ing ideas are stressed: That people buy good furniture not for utility but for style, beauty, and to satisfy their sense of im-portance; the need for good floor displays and consistent advertising is emphasized. Hummel's Hustlers Every spring L. Hummel's Sons of Potts-ville, Pa., check previous years' sales rec-ords and plan aggressive merchandising drives wherever a low point may have occurred during a former year. In this man-ner, the valleys are disappearing, and the general average of monthly sales volume is climbing steadily. In such sales meetings as this, preliminary plans are worked out, and last minute instructions are given by store executives. Present in this group are, back row, left to right: Oscar Hummel, Harry Hummel, O. Lee Hummel, C. C. Burkhart, John M. Morrison, J. Weston, Tony Walheiser and Charles Hummel; front row, left to right: Benny Roder, George Hockgardel, Herman Napholtz, George Knowles, Tommy Smeltzer, Fred Schrimpf and William Moser. Hummel's employ forty-one persons in their organization. Mahogany Ass'n Bulletin Declaring that it is to be hoped that the Federal Trade Commission will promptly hand down a final decision in respect to the use of the name mahogany so as to prevent further deception of the purchasing public through the device of geographical prefixes, a lengthy bulletin has been issued by the Mahogany Ass'n dealing with the status of African mahogany and "Philip-pine Mahogany". Ass'n bulletin states that recent statement made by the Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' Import Ass'n to the effect that "the Federal Trade Com-mission's rulings established the names 'Philippine Mahogany' and 'African Mahog-any' as proper names for the Philippine and f o r A P H I L . 1 9 3 7 39 NOTICE To Owners of Retail Stores, Manufacturing Plants and Jobbing Houses If you want to retire from business — liquidate your mer-chandise stocks, fixtures and equipment, FOR SPOT CASH — collect accounts — and where desired, lease your building — Write, wire, phone or mail coupon below for full details of our NEW PLAN of liquidation, now being used by some of America's largest retail, manufacturing and wholesale houses. The plan will be sent free of obligation on request — all cor-respondence and results of our plan will be held in strictest confidence. RAPIDS LIQUIDATING CO. Liquidators of Retail Stores, Manufacturing Plants and Jobbing Houses FIRST FLOOR PENINSULAR BUILDING GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. GRAND RAPIDS LIQUIDATING COMPANY, First Floor Peninsular Building, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Gentlemen — Please furnish us, free of obligation, details of your new Liquidation Plan. Please check below. • HAVE REPRESENTATIVE CALL Q MAIL DETAILS OF PLAN Firm Street Gty State Address reply to PLEASE CHECK We want to liquidate • Merchandise Q Fixtures • Collect Accounts • Lease our building We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE 40 FINE FURNITURE Homefurnishing News and Reviews African woods respectively," has given rise to much misunderstanding among manufac-turers of wood products. Declares the Mahogany Ass'n bulletin, "The Federal Trade Commission has never issued any formal decision or formal ruling in respect to African mahogany; until the commission issues a formal decision, affirmed by the courts, no person manufacturing articles from African mahogany need use the prefix 'African' in the advertisement and sale of such products." According to the current bulletin, the Federal Trade Commission is now engaged in an informal investigation as to whether there is any substance in the contention put forward by those interested in Philip-pine hardwoods that African mahogany is not in fact genuine mahogany and is not entitled to the use of the name mahogany. It is further pointed out that "'Philippine Mahogany" is a trade name applied to red Lauan, white Lauan, Tanguile, and various other Philippine hardwoods belonging to a different tree family from that which pro-duces genuine mahogany. A petition is said to be pending before the Federal Trade Commission as a result of extensive surveys by the National Better Business Bureau which asks that the use of the name mahogany or any other name of similar import, in connection with the advertisement and sale of these Philippine hardwoods or products made therefrom, be prohibited. Simmons' Outlook Good President of Simmons Co., Grant Sim-mons, at the annual meeting of the com-pany held in New York recently, stated that orders for the first two months of this year were substantially ahead of those of a year ago; that the outlook is very bright for the rest of the year. Simmons disclosed that during 1936 the company purchased and sold approximately 60,000,000 yards of cloth through its sub-sidiary, the Rosemary Co., of which the Simmons Co. purchased 23%. Net income for 1936 was $4,003,306, of which bedding business netted $3,200,000, textile business approximately $825,000. Vacancy created on the directorate by the resignation of H. R. Drummond was filled by O. G. Pritchard; stockholders ap-proved registering the $10,000,000 deben-tures which the company announced a few weeks ago. Bosse Heads Hardwood Ass'n Selected to head the Hardwood Dimen-sion Manufacturers Ass'n, Louisville, Ky., was Louis J. Bosse, former cost and pro-duction manager of Globe-Bosse-World Fur-niture Co., Evansville, Ind. Field cost en-gineer concerned with consulting and edu-cational cost work in various furniture cen-ters throughout the country as a member of the National Ass'n of Furniture Manu-facturers, in 1935 Bosse became manager of the bureau of accounting for the Na-tional Ass'n. Incorporated in 1930, the Hardwood Dimension Manufacturers' Ass'n issued the first rules of grade covering the products of this industry in 1931. New rules issued in 1936 in conjunction with the Bureau of Standards of the U.S. Department of Com-merce, made it necessary for all Associa-tion members to render certificates of origin with invoices indicating that the product is manufactured in accordance with the high standards which the Association has established for its members. ft Detroit Union to Meet A meeting has been arranged between the Detroit Furniture Salesmen's Union. No. 742, affiliated with the A. F. of L. and a committee from the Furniture Dealers Ass'n which will be held for the discussion M A R K E T S Jamestown April 26 to May 5 Grand Rapids April 28 to May 8 Chicago Furniture Mart and Merchandise Mart May 3 to 8 New York June 21 to July 2 Grand Rapids June 30 to July 15 Chicago Furniture Mart and Merchandise Mart July 5 to 17 High Point July 19 to 31 New York Floor Covering Opening July 6 to 17 Los Angeles July 26 to 31 of reduction of hours and complete closing on Sunday. At a recent meeting of the salesmen's union a number of members working in neighborhood stores stated that they were subject to long hours of work, running from 54 to 75 hours per week, in-cluding seven days and nights. The Detroit furniture union is one of the strongest locals among unions with a membership that includes a considerable number of both large and small stores in downtown and outlying sections. All union men in this area in buying furniture are urged to ask the salesmen to show union card before making purchase. Furniture Mirs. Ass'n Meets New director of the Furniture Manufac-turers' Ass'n elected at the annual meeting held at the Los Angeles Furniture Mart is Herman Kranz, vice-president of Morris Furniture Manufacturing Co., to succeed Joseph Siskin, vice-president of Los Angeles Furniture Manufacturing Co. President of Los Angeles Period Furniture Co., Julius Fligelman. and president and owner of Gil-lespie Co., F. H. Gillespie, were re-elected, the other six members of the Board to remain in office for terms which vary from one to three years. A gain in retail buyer attendance of 60% at the Mart was reported for 1936; 17,256 buyers having been registered for the year 1935 as compared with 29,776 buyers in 1936. Retailers visited the Mart from 40 states, from Canada, Mexico, Hawaiian Is-lands, the South Sea Islands, Australia, South and Central America, and New Zealand. "Chair oi the Month" A '•Chair of the Month" program has been established by the California Chair Co., Los Angeles, in which a special num-ber is offered to the retail trade each month to retail at approximately $20. According to Roy Bodine, one of the owners, special effort is made to stress quality in these chair specials, literature with enclosed up-holstery fabric sample being sent each month to 2500 dealers. The Mahogany Question Local representative of the Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' Import Ass'n, D. R. Forbes, has declared that the question of Philippine mahogany versus so-called gen-uine mahogany was settled by the Federal Trade Commission six years ago. Forbes explained that with respect to Philippine mahogany, the matter was settled by stip-ulation whereby a number of the larger im-porters agreed to use the prefix "Philippine" when referring to their type of mahogany; that the trade is abiding by this ruling. According to Forbes, the Federal Trade Commission has thus far declined to reopen the case against the Philippine association; that no investigation is under way in con-nection with Philippine mahogany. An informal investigation of African ma-hogany to determine whether or not it is genuine and entitled to the use of the name mahogany, is being carried on by the FTC, although no formal complaints have been issued in this connection, it is said, and FTC officials decline to comment. Gutterson and Rau to Speak To give the individual floor covering and furniture dealers a better view of manufac-turers' products, Herbert Gutterson, presi-dent of the Institute of Carpet Manufac-turers of America, at the invitation of Ros-coe R. Rau, executive vice-president of the NRFA, will visit important cities in the Southwest during late April to attend group meetings of retail furniture and department store executives. Both Gutterson and Rau will be featured speakers at the State con-vention of the Retail Furniture Ass'n of Texas to be held in Houston, April 19-20. Gutterson will present to this group the activities sponsored by the institute to stim-ulate consumer interest and sales on Amer-ican- loomed, wool pile carpets and rugs. At this convention, Textiles Education Bureau will present an educational fashion show. Home Furnishers' Meet Elected president of the Home Furnish-ers' Ass'n of New England was Morris Bernstein of the Edward Caldwell Co., Woburn, Mass. Howard Josselyn, C. E. Osgood Co., was chosen treasurer, Alonzo E. Yont, secretary and attorney. i o i APRIL, 1937 41 HOOKING the OLD HORN/ At the Tender Age of One Year THE first time we sailed our skimmer at the publication hatrack and sent out a NEW and DISTINCTIVE magazine we gave the furniture field exactly what it wanted. The entire trade gave us a big hand. That was just a year ago. Read our "Boiling Wake" page and we believe vou'll admit we've registered a bull's-eye for reader interest. Applause isn't all from retailers, either. Volume of advertising is increas-ing and this number carries several new national accounts. So the manufac-turers like us, too! More worthwhile editorial features are being added each number — that's only one reason why. There isn't a furniture retailer, designer, manufac-turer's salesman or manufacturer who can afford to miss reading FINE FURNITURE MAGAZINE. And it's EASY TO READ, too! So hang up your hat and set awhile. You're in swell company. (The "ante" is small, too) TWO DOLLARS A YEAR Three dollars for two years Four dollars for three years FINE FURNITURE MAGAZINE | Circulation Manager | FINE FURNITURE MAGAZINE | 155 Ottawa Ave., N. W. I Grand Rapids, Michigan | Please enter my subscription to FINE j FURNITURE for years. I Check is enclosed • Please bill me • I Name I Store City ! We a-ppreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE 42 FINE FURNITURE Homefurnishing News and Keeler Air-Cooled The Keeler Exhibition Building, Grand Rapids, will be the first building of its kind to be entirely air-conditioned; equipment to be completely installed in time for the opening of the Spring Style Market, April 28, according to James J. Ryskamp, man-ager. The equipment room on the top floor of the building occupies 1200 square feet and 100,000 cubic feet of cooled air is forced through the air system per minute. All exhibition spaces have, therefore, a com-plete change of 75% re-circulating air and Keeping Keeler BIdg. Cool 25% fresh air each minute. To complete the new system, 12 tons of equipment were required, 500 gallons of 51 degree water being pumped per minute to maintain proper temperature throughout the building. S. Ceil. Retail Ass'n News The appointment of two field secretaries, O. R. Roberts and Carroll A. Stilson, has been announced by the Retail Furniture Ass'n of Southern California. Roberts and Stilson will specialize in the development of appliance programs and their policing. According to Phil Battelle. executive-secre-tary, the Ass'n has been vigorously attack-ing the various trade evils which have prevented its membership from making rea-sonable profits; has now developed com-plete programs which are in effect in con-nection with furniture, floor coverings, gas ranges, refrigerators, draperies, Venetian blinds. Winston-Salem Ass'n News Announcement was made that the spring opening of Winston-Salem, N.C., furniture houses was to be April 8, at a recent meeting of the Retail Furniture Dealers Ass'n, at which a committee to handle pub-licity for the opening was named, including A. E. Fowler and H. G. Lewis, H. H. Jones Co. L. F. Herndon, president of the asso-ciation, tendered resignation as he is to be transferred to Haverty Furniture Co.. Dal-las, Tex.; A. E. Fowler, vice-president of the association, was named president; Frank Morris, vice-president. Public accountant, Carbis A. Walker, spoke at the meeting, tracing taxes from their origin to one of the newest forms, social security assess-ments. Magnet-O-Sign Kit A variety of sign kits with movable mag-netic letters for all types of retail stores, manufactured by the Magnet-O-Signs Corp., Chicago, 111., are available for making pro-fessional looking bulletins, announcements, show cards, price cards. Magnet-O-Sign let-ters, numerals and characters have per-manent magnets imbedded in them which adhere to the metal backgrounds furnished with the kits; no adhesives, slots or pins being required to hold letters in position. Backgrounds are of sheet metal, finished in wide variety of forms, are easily washed and letters are furnished in three sizes in any colors. Kimerly-Shaw, Inc., Opens Kimerly-Shaw, Inc., new retail furniture store opened at 1206 W. Michigan Ave., Jackson, Mich., April 10, following an extensive remodeling, redecorating campaign. Officers of the new corporation are: Pres-ident, B. L. Davies: vice-president, H. E. Shaw secretary-treasurer. Ursel Kimerly. Davies is head of the Michigan Seating Co., Grand Rapids; Shaw was formerly connected with the service department of the Michigan Seating Co.: Mrs. Kimerly, a graduate of Chicago Art Institute, has had extensive experience in decorating. The new firm offers lamps, gifts, pottery, furniture, featuring Modern and 18th Cen-tury English ensembles. Facilities offered to patrons include home layouts, arrangement suggestions, color schemes and advice con-cerning period groupings. Eagle-Ottawa Presents C. E. Iknim, in charge of the Eagle- Ottawa Leather Co. space, first floor. South, Vv aters-Klingman Building, announces that all furniture salesmen and furniture de-signers visiting the company's colorful dis-play during the Spring Market, will re-ceive a complimentary gift of an unusual leather article. With increased space the display will feature the new colors available, demonstrate the many uses for leather in furniture. Display at Merchandise Mart Warren Furniture Co., 215 W. Ontario St.. Chicago, has leased space at the Mer-chandise Mart, as has the B. R. Smith Chair Co.. Inc., Owensboro, Ky., the latter having leased 1,148 square feet. Goldstein Moves Offices Xew York representative of the Empire Case Goods Co., Jamestown, X. Y., Coch-ran Chair Co.. Aurora, Ind., Harry W. Gold-stein has moved his offices from the New York Furniture Exchange to his residence at 23 West 73 rd St. , A Furniture Mart Forecast Anticipating a sane, healthy spring mar-ket, with a substantial attendance of some 2,500 buyers, officials of the American Furniture Mart and approximately 850 homefurnishings exhibitors are preparing to give buyers attractive new merchandise, real values and merchandising helps. According to Mart officials, expectations are that the 1937 spring market will differ from mid-season markets of the past few years in that certain economic conditions tend to have a stablizing and healthy effect upon buying. The recent flood in the Mississippi and Ohio river valleys has opened a large replacement market and con-siderable buying is expected to fill these demands. With salaries and wages up and living standards rising to a higher level, a demand for more luxury merchandise is anticipated. Magnets Hold Letters In forecasting styles, it is believed that 18th Century styles and those of the Louis' will have some competition from Queen Anne and French Provincial models. Experience has taught master finishers the possibilities of working with bleaches and buyers attending the spring market will find that walnut has taken on a new mellow golden color (a number of the French and 18th Century suites will appear in this wood) and that many of the suites, due to the expert use of bleaches and fin-ishes, will have new beauty and richness closely resembling the color and beauty of the original creations. Highlighting and shading has in many instances replaced gilding and fancy veneering and the new suites will be simpler in line and richer in color, relying upon finish, beauty of the wood and careful carving* for distinction. In the low end where modern is now the undisputed leader, it is believed hard-ware will be one of the most important features of the suites, which for the most part will follow simple, conservative basic lines. In the tipper bracket, modern is expected to make its appearance in maho-gany to a greater extent than heretofore and in many instances it is expected to be in direct competition to 18th Centurj styles. There is an excellent possibility that s number of cherry suites, both in blond« and natural colors, will make their appear-ance, a few introduced in January having been well received by the dealers. Oyster white oak in dinette suites and paste! tinted oaks seem to be one of the out-standing successes of the current season f o r A P R I L , 1937 43 VALUES That will Surprise You! The Desk Sensation of the Spring Market No. 139, Victorian Kneehole Desk, $35 Five-ply Mahogany or Walnut Tops Other Desks Priced As Low As $21.90 1424 AMERICAN FURNITURE MART BAY VIEW FURNITURE COMPANY HOLLAND MICHIGAN We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE 44 FINE FURNITURE JOURNEY'S END HYMAS—Salt Lake City. Utah Willis LaRoy Hymas, part owner of the Eleventh East Furniture Co., died March 5 following a heart attack. HERMANSON—Dell Rapids, S. D. H. J. Hermanson, 68, furniture dealer for 31 years in Dell Rapids, S. D.. died March 10. RUSSELL—Cleveland, O. Dr. Bert S. Russell, 59, president of Vincent-Barstow Co. for 20 years until about five years ago, died March IS of a heart attack at his place of business, the Premier Furniture Co., Cleveland, 0. \ VAN AUSDAL—Dayton, O. Charles Van Ausdal, 72, for many years head of I. and C. Van Ausdal, homefurnish-ers and decorators, Dayton. O., died March 12 in Philadelphia. OSSIAN—Sioux City, la. Clemens F. Ossian, 43, a member of the Moore-Ossian Furniture Co.. Sioux City, la., died March 15, at his home, following a long illness. C L A S S I F I E D A D S Classified rates: Undisplayed, 5 cents per word. Minimum charge $2. Display rate, $5 per column inch. One inch minimum. Minimum display advertise-ment accepted, 2 inches. Classified charges payable in advance. Ten per cent discount for three or more insertions. PLANT MANAGER, FACTORY SUPER-INTENDENT • Furniture and Allied lines. With Industrial Engineering background and 23 years' practical experience. Highest type executive, broad experience. A producing works manager and production man with ability to assume entire charge. Married. Age 43. Box 140, FINE FURNITURE, Grand Rapids, Michigan. GRAND RAPIDS UPHOLSTERED LINE • Suites and chairs (see adv. in this issue). Prefer man who has covered territory and sold the better stores; and with a knowledge of upholstered furniture. Commission basis only. GRAND RAPIDS LOUNGE COM-PANY, 1610 Marshall Ave., S. E., Grand Rapids. Mich. WANTED • A good retail furniture sales-man with decorative knowledge and ability and a proven sales record. Inquiries confi-dential. The J. F. Bennett Studios, Inc., Toledo, Ohio. WANTED • Reliable sales representatives for an attractive line of portable electric lamps for the furniture and allied trades. Product nationally known. Liberal commiss-ion. State qualifications, references, terri-tory and lines now handling in first letter. Box 132, FINE FURNITURE, Grand Rapids, Mich. COST ACCOUNTANT AND PRODUC-TION MANAGER • Now employed de-sires change to permanent and better posit-ion. Capable of installing and operating cost system and budgetary control book-keeping methods. Eight years furniture experience. College graduate. 32 years old. Married. Excellent references. Box 135, FIXE FURNITURE, Grand Rapids. Mich. DESIGNER wanted by designer. Must be creative and step ahead of trends; original idea and good perspective man; fast worker; excellent in modern and period case goods and novelties. Steady work. State salary and full particulars. Box 137, FINE FURNI-TURE, Grand Rapids. Mich. DESIGNS, DETAILS of AMERICAN FURNITURE ANTIQUES from 1675 to 1875 Copies of interesting old furniture made accurately, also designs of bedroom and din-ing room groups, as suggested by these old pieces.—L. E. Morehouse. North St., Greenwich, Conn. William W. Flusser Furniture Representative 42 East 32nd Street Xew York City Chicago Office —15If E. Erie St. FULL COVERAGE FINE FURNITURE display and class-ified advertisements reach the cream of the retail furniture trade, covering retail furniture and housefumishing stores, department stores with furni-ture and housefumishing departments and interior decorators. Reader interest, large distribution and low cost of advertising, distribu-tion considered, make FINE FURNI-TURE a sure fire medium for maximum results. Full information and rates on request. Address Fine Furniture Magazine Grand Rapids Michigan W L K1MERLY — STl/DI O — WATERS-KLINGMAW BLQ, Gr«i.tVt> MAILING LISTS POLKS Subscribe for FINE FURNITURE $2 per year in United States GET OUR FREE REFERENCE OOK^W MAILING |LIST CATALOG Gives counts and prices on accurate guaranteed mailing lists of all classes of business enter-prises in the U. S. Wholesalers—Retailers— Manufacturers by classification and state. Also hundreds of selections of individuals such as professional men, auto owners, income lists, etc. Write today for your copy R.L.POLK&CO. Polk Bldg.—Detroit, Mich. Branches in Principal Cities World's Largest City Directory Publishers Mailing List Compilers. Business Statis-tics. Producers of Direct Mail Advertising. •*•»'.' 1 STORAGE MOVING Packing Shipping Phone 9-3293 BLODGETT PACKING & STORAGE CO. f o r A P R I L , 1937 45 1837 1937 Illustration by courtesy of Vander Ley Brothers. We Return to VICTORIAN! This welcome revival of one of America's outstanding designs in furniture demands the true Victorian treatment of finish — De-signed exclusively for this individual style. Authentic results are assured with Victor-ian Mahogany No. 1031 and Victorian Wal-nut No. 3342. Indorsed and recommended by foremost furniture designers. Let us supply your finish-ing requirements for your Victorian Mahogany and Walnut creations. Finished color panels will be included with initial shipment of color mate-rials. GRAND RAPIDS WOOD FINISHING CO. Grand Rapids, Michigan We appreciate yout mentioning you saw tins in FINE FURNITURE 46 FINE FURNITURE FIRM NAME AKRON FURN. CO.f ALBERT'S FURN. CO. ALMO FURN. CORP AMARILLO FURN. CO.f AMERICAN FURN. CO.* APEX HOME SUPPLY STORE ARMSTRONG, INC CHAS. I. BARRON CO.* BASE LINE FURN. CO.f BRIDGES FURN. CO COOK FURN. STORE EAGLIN FURN. STORE EAST TO WEST STORES ELECTRIC SALES CORP. GLAZIER FURN. STORE HAHN FURN. STORE HANNAH FURN. STORE HANSON FURN. CO HAROLD FURN. CO HILL FURN. CO.* HOOPER FURN. CO.f (Formerly Ford-Levy) HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE CO. HOUSEHOLD UTILITIES CO. HUDSON'S FURN. STOREf HUMBOLDT FURN. CO IDEAL FURN. STOREf ^Branch store or N EW CITY Akron O. Hempslead, N. Y. Yonkers. N. Y. Amccrillo, Tex Milwaukee, Wis. Phoenix, Ariz. Memphis, Term. Zanesville, O. San Bernardino, Cal. Charlotte, N. C Columbia, Tenn. Madison. Ind. Des Moines, la. Petersburg, Va. Wabash, Ind Pittsburgh, Pa. Blanchester, O Worthington, Minn. Pittston, Pa Moline, 111 Phoenix, Ariz. Saginaw, Mich. Kansas City, Kan. Princeton, 111. Humboldt, la. Toledo, O. unit of chain. S T O R E S STREET AND NUMBER 209 S. Main St. Front St. New Main St. Polk St. W. Lincoln Ave. W. Washington St Main St. E Street S. Tryon St. S. Main St E. Main St. Locust St. Wythe St West Canal St Braddock Ave Tenth St. S. Main St. Fifth Ave . . . . W. Genesee Minnesota Ave Monroe St "^Change PROPRIETORS Max Bear N. Albert, S. Albert Chas. Albert, M. Rosenthal, E. T. Burk J. Grant . Owen Armstrong .A. N. Davidson Ed Woli, J. Bolles J. H. Bridges Frank Cook Ida Eaglin J. L. Smith . S. B. Carter A. Glazier .A. L. Hannah N. L. Hanson H. Howell R. S. Hooper C. J. Lacey . E. D. Jarnette E. Raslow L. L. Goodson of name or address. DATE OPENED March 10 March 6 March 14 March 4 March 15 March 6 . Feb. 29 March 27 April 1 April 1 March 15 March 11 March 10 March 15 March 20 March 19 March 20 March 9 March 11 Feb. 22 March 13 March 27 Feb. 20 Feb. 12 March 12 March 9 MODERNIZATION AT SCHOENFELDS1 WITH A VIEW to making shopping for homefurnishings as leisurely and comfortable a procedure as can be arranged, the third generation furniture men Schoenfelds of Seattle, Wash., have started a $100,000 modernization program by which they plan to make the new Schoenfelds' Standard Furniture Co. one of the most beautiful and inter-esting furniture stores on the west coast. Large show windows for display purposes are a feature of the outside of the building; many specialty shops within constitute the merchandising theme. A lounge and writing room for the convenience of customers is one of the new service provisions. \ l o r APRIL, 1937 47 \ • • ' / i i HIGH in QUALITY— Low in COST i -A • • • ! Presenting a complete line of Studio Couches, Bed Springs, Mattresses and Pillows of all types and Superior Quality, the Grand Rapids Bedding Company products are unsurpassed in Value and Construction. Having spent nearly half a century in facilitating produc-tion of these Quality Products, we are able to offer the Best in a Moderate Price Range acceptable to all. A double duty Davenport with Twin or Full Size Beds, Inner Spring Mattresses and Bedding Compartment. Illustration below shows Davenport extended into Twin Bed form; ideal for the One-Room Apartment and small home. As a Member of the Master Bedding Makers of America, we build AMERICA'S FINEST MATTRESS Spring Base, Spring Edge, Spring Cushion, Spring Back. PERMANENT DISPLAY—WATERS-KLINGMAN BUILDING The GRAND RAPIDS BEDDING CO. Grand Rapids Michigan We appreciate your mentioning you saw this in FINE FURNITURE 48 FINE FURNITURE N FIRM NAME KENMORE FURN. CO KIMBRELL FURN. STORE* LANDAU FURN. CO.f LEATH & CO LOEB FURN. STORE LOOMIS FURNITURE CO. LOORY'S FURN. STORE MARTINSBURG FURN. CO MILLER'S DEPT. STOREf MULWITZ CO.* NEFF FURN. CO.f NICKLAS FURN. CO PRATT FURN. CO RABB-SMITH CO REDD FURN CO.f RHODES-DAY FURN. CO.f RUSTIN FURN. CO.f SHARP FURN. CO.. G. C. STANLY FURN. CO.f (Formerly Morgan Furn. Co.) SURRY FURN. CO SWEET FURN. STORE TRAVALINI FURN TREECE-HARDIN FURNITURE CO.f WOLFE FURN. CO. EW STORE CITY Kenmore. N. Y. Charlotte, N. C. . . Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Saginaw, Mich . Marion, O. . Enid, Okla. . Dover, N. J. Martinsburg, W. Va. Knoxville, Tenn. . . Greenwich, Conn . Cresco, la . Martinsburg, W. Va. . . Boise, Ida . . Greensboro, N. C. . . Toledo, O Taylorsville, N. C. Columbia, S. C. . . Lexington, Ky. . . . Albeimarle, N. C Elkin, N. C . Twin Falls, Ida. Richmond, Cal. Colorado Springs, Colo. . Houston, Tex S Contin STREET AND NUMBER . Delaware Ave. East Trade St. S. Main St. N. Franklin St South Main W. Blackwell St. W. King St Gay Ave Greenwich Ave. S. Queen St. . Main St N. Elm St. 206 Main St. 1715 Main 343 W. Short St N. First East Main St E. Main Ave. MacDonald Ave 28 S. Tejon . Main St ued PROPRIETORS H. Sapowitch .. H. E. Hilles . . . H. Landau . .. R. M. Scallin . . A. L. Loeb . .. C. E. Loomis H. Loory . R. C. Kilmer ..]. D. Varnell ...C. R. Neff . . . Arthur Krauss Frank Pratt . . Wm. Rabb, R. Smith . . Dale Redd .. C. Elledge, A. Hadley . . . W. D. Rustin G. C. Sharp . Carl Wood . W. Darnell . . Bert Sweet . R. Travalini Lee Treece . . . H. Goldstein DATE OPENED Feb. 11 Feb. 12 March 25 March 12 . . . M a y 1 . March 4 Feb. 19 March 12 March 7 April 1 . April 1 March 10 . Feb. 13 March 10 March 16 Feb. 18 Feb. 28 Feb. 11 March 2 March 5 . April 1 . March 6 Feb. 28 March 21 ^Branch store or unit of chain. •fChange of name or a
- Date Created:
- 1937-04-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 2:4
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1937-08-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 3, Number 8
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1937-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 3, Number 2
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1939-09-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 7, Number 9
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and , ' t • ~~-------------------------------------------- GRAND RAPIDS •.MICH., ~OVE~IBER 6. 1909 _________________________ ~_. . ~ _t ,..---'----------' It j IIII !II Ij I IIIj I I Ij I II II• ! III II ,II / IIII !II III II Ii I II , III II , I IIII I I IIII III• II ! NELSON-MATTER FURNITURE COMPANY LI. • ~ __ G~RAND RAPID.~.S. - •. MICHIGAN BET"I~ER M~L\KE ,, WE HAVE OVER 400 PIECES IN OUR LINE BEDROOM and DINING ROO}I FURNITURE SUITES TO MATCH FACTORY A~D "ALESROOM 37 CA;,,/AL STREET CATALOGUE~ 0;,,/ HEAV'lc PLATE PAPER TO DEALER!'o II . .... ........ WEEKLY ARTISAN 350 FEET DEEP; 100 FEET WIDE; MAIN SECTION 8 STORIES. FOURTEEN-ELEVEN (THE FURNITURE EXHIBITION, CHICAGO) Will witness the greatest number of visiting furniture buyers this coming January ever known; not less than 2000 buyers will place orders in FOURTEEN-ELEVEN during the January market, and another 2000 will buy here during the spring months. That is 4000 opportunities for you to do business it you will exhibit your samples in this Great Furniture Exhibition. Chicago, the Great Central Furniture Market, needs your line to help supply this army ofbuyers, and you need the orders. Contract for your space immedi-ately. Make a big exhibit in Janu-ary and the buyers will do the rest. Floor plan showing space available for 1910 sent on application. THE FOURTEEN-ELEVEN COMPANY 1411 Michigan Avenue, CHICAGO. 1 2 WEEKLY ARTISAN ON THE DAWN OF THIS ERA OF PROSPERITY THE KEEN MANUFACTURER WHO SEEKS TO OPEN NEW ACCOUNTS AND IS ON THE LOOK~ OUT FOR NEW MARKETS, WILL COME TO NEW YORK, THE CENTER OF THE Greatest Consuming Market in the World. For years this market has been practically closed to many of the Furniture Manufacturers by reason of lack of space for exposition purposes. The twin structures here shown will be com-pleted Dec. I, 1910; will contain 1,380,000 square feet of floor space and is the new home of the New York Furniture Exchange A part of the new monumental Grand Central Station Group, covering two entire blocks, Lexington Avenue to Depew Place, 46th to 47th, 47th to 48th streets, the heart of the hotel and theatre district and the most accessible location in New York for both resident and visiting buyers. Our Purpose and Intent To make our Expositions in these buildings the largest and the most popular of any Furn-iture Expositions ever held. To provide ample space where the manufacturer can make a permanent display of his full line. To bring to these combined salesrooms all the buyers and particularly those that represent the largest distributers and to bring them there first. Leases for Space Are Now Being Made To Secure a Choice Location Make It Now. Address, Chas. E. Spratt, Secretary, NEW YORK FURNITURE EXCHANGE Lexington Avenue and 43d Street, NEW YORK. 4 ,...---- I. II iI II I I III I IIIII I II II I III I I .-., (fJ)1I III IIIII II I II! IIII ,II I II I ! I,I II ------ -------------------------------------~ , . . . . WEEKLY ARTISAN THE -------------------_._--------~- LUCE LINE Many New Patterns m Dining Room and Bed-room Furmture for the Fall Season. SHOW ROOMS AT FACTORY, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. LUCE fURNITURE COMPANY ....---.... ~_._-----------.. ---------------------------- Catalogue upon rtqUeJf . . -_._-------------- r "When In doubt where to buy the best BIrds eye Maple goods, Hitch Your Wagon to a Michigan Star" and get results. Would a pnce of $12.00 for this No.GOI Dresser Interest you? Do not buy untt! you know the pnce. Ask us for how much less than $12 we sell It, and In. cldentally ask for a catalog Michigan Star Furniture Co. ZEELAND, MICH. ...... . . .I.. 1 ~--------------------------_._._.----- IIII I I II II I II , I,I I II ,I ., I! I , II I, I I ~--------------------------------------------~ ?Louisbabn DESIGNS AND DETAILS OF FURNITURE 154 Llvmgston St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN CItIzens Telephone 1702. ,...----------------------- ------------., I I :IK~A~OU INTERESTING PRICES g~'i~'{.Vk~~5 SEND SAMPLE'>.DRAWINGS OR CUTS FOR PRICES ~~~I';,:~~f E. P. ROWE CARVING WORKS, AL~f&~N. f ~... . .. 30th Year-No. 19 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., NOVEMBER 6, 1909 Issued Weekly '}RANn RP_PIDS p'lll{ ~ ~"'1 ~~~~;;;;;::~~ DIFFICULTIES OF THE DECORATOR'S WORK Long Yea"rsof Study and Experience Necessary to Lay a Foundation for a Successful Career...Good Taste, Alone, Is Not Enough. \\ hen 111tenor decorat111g a'3<,umed the d1g111ty of an art, and that too wa'3 not ,,0 "ery long ago, 1t was haded a" the 1deal calhng for tho"e dllettante daughters of the nch who a<,p1red to a career but were unwdllllg to work for It It called up "I '310n<, of chalm111g StUdlO'3, of unhm1ted shopp111g expeel1t101b, of lel"ule hours 111plea.sant .surround111gs among beautiful tll1ng.s, of contact only With people who knew aud 10\ eel beautiful th111gs and who 111udentally were wllhng to pay for other people's know111g and 1m 111gthem So a studIO ""a.s fitted up and the dilettante daughter set out upon her career A few orders came 111,a COU'3111 wanted Where ArchItect and Decorator Worked In Harmony. hel nur.ser) done over, and <,ome one 1.'1<,1w.'a-o \'Vdhng to let her tl) her hand at the back draw111g room that had nn er been anyth111g but dark and hideous Here the poor httle daughter found herself on the rocks She knew 11.''''3of nUf'3ene'3 than she chd of garages, and the room.s \\l11ch "he had pictured ho"elf a" domg were a1wa)s large and hght and airy An ugly, dark, back, drawmg room had ne\ er entered mto her plans But "he carlled out her order all llght, and of course the ch11dren were growmg too old for the nursery anyway so that really didn't matter, and the back drawmg room had alway" been a fnght, and 1t really wasn't any wor"e than It had 1.'''er been, and the were awfully glad to have helped the dear girl About th1" time the deal girl discovered that there were no other order<' awa1t1ng her attention, and there wasn't an) speCIal use 111her coming to the studlO every day when she had "uch a lot to do at home Then presently there \\ as another empty '3tmho to sublet But for what woman, then 1'3 thl" profeSSIOn 1f not f01 the woman of refined ta'3te With a '3oual tollowlng to gn e her pre"tlge? Th1S 1'3 tl e answer glVen by 't '\ omen \\ \to 1S (ne at the few who ha,,~ .succeeded \\here 111ll, reds 11,t\( tnt.el a 1(1 falled "It IS a profeSSIOn for the \'Voman who IS w1ll111g to gt v ~ not less than 111ne years to the harde"t kmd of preparaton \\ ork and who po<,<,es'3e" two pOInt<, more essential than any natural taste or personal follow111g can po""lbly be, a thorough knowledge of anthmetlc and a hberal all a \'Vance of common " "To such a woman the profe""lon offers unhm1ted oppor-tU11ltle" A woman \\ Ith less preparatory tram111g or who 1'; defic1ent 111e1the1 of the quahtles I have named Will ,;ooner or later find her<,el£ at the end of the road She may hnger there, perhap", but she w1ll ne" e1 get further "The fir"t four years of the n111eI have allotted should be spent 111a regular art tra111111g,\'Vhere the "tudent learns to dravv and to U'3e watercolor'3 and 011s The watercolor work 1S necessary of course, but scarcely le3s so than the 011, for only m ad can you get exactitude of color that 1S always des1rab1e and somet1mes nece"sary 111makmg prehm111ary sketches of work "The '3tudy of de"lgning should be supplemented by study 111clye111g for the decorat01 who must take the commerc1al output as the ba31s of her work lower" her art1sttc standard At th1S pomt too w1ll come a spec1al study of textures and of hght effects "She w1ll learn to feel harmony of textures as acutely as "he cloes the harmony of C0101s I recall a certa111 bungalow In111g room 111the Acltrondacks where the entire effect was obta111ed by a harmony of textures. The bnck fireplace, the rough stuff of the curta1ns, the qualtty of the fi11l"h to the wood, all went together to bnng about the result m Wh1Ch color played a "econdary part "After the student ha" fi11lshed her art trammg she usually feels herself perfectly well eqt.upped to start 1n busllless As 6 l he) are Ideal and rarel) have dIstinct ll1(hvlduahty Her mne .\ ears of trall1ll1g fim"hed, and by thIs tune let me say, the proce"" of the "urvlval of the fitte"t has ehmmated all but tho"e who by that \ ery sIgn are besl adapted to the work, the \\ oman I" I ead) to te"t that quahty of common sen"e whIch \\ III henceforth be her gl eate"t re"ource m busme"". 1\ hen decorator" learn to u~e theIr common sense gUIded by thorough techmcal trammg they wIll lo"e the reputatIOn VI hlLh many of them have unfortunately earned and whIch makes a decO! a tor m the hou "e regarded as somethmg wor"e than a "pell of sIckness" WEEKLY ARTISAN a matter of fact thh art tram111g h \ aluele"s "tandmi:; alone The "tudent ha" only the "tudlO P0111t 0: \ le\\ , "he ha:o a fine scorn for mechamcal exactnes", and her work ha., no good led blood m It " Her next s~ep In prepanni:; her"elf then should be to go nght mto the shop" and go to vyork, and lealn how to do hel-self what o.he WIll one day tell othel people how to do ~ 0 school gIves thIS actual practical work, and there IS no way to get It short of rollmg up your "Ieeves and gOIng after It "How can you deSIgn a chaIr ",ucce"sfully If you hd\ e no knowledge of the problem I11volved In makIng a chaIr' o\ct ually a chaIr IS the most (hfficult pIece of furnIture there I" to deSIgn It must be comfortable, It mu"t be strong and It must satisfy the reqUIrements of the roOm where It IS to be placed "The be"t \\ay to know how to deSIgn a good chalf 1" to go mto a cabInetmakers .,hop and work It out K ot mam cabll1etmaker<.., WIll want) ou alOund, to be "ure, but If ) ou are persIstent and ",ufficlently humble you wJlI finall) get In "It IS the .,ame 111 workmg V\ Ith staIns and varm"hes HO\\ can a woman know the effect of a pal tIcular kll1d of stam or ot a varl1lsh on vanou s woods untJl she tne" It for herself") She must know her Chemlo.try and "he mu"t know ho\v to apply It to the plOblem" that WIll come to hel To kno\\ hel 11l111td tions she must have more than a techmcal kno\\ ledge ot mechanIcal proces",es "After all tll1S IS done, when she has sen ed her apprentIce-shIp at the vanous trades of whIch ",he mu"t hay e a \vorkmg knowledge, then IS she 1 eady to put a httle bras" plate on the door of her StudIO, and announce herself a", a pI ote"slOnal ") ~o, not qUIte, fOJ the la"t, and If she hopes to reach a 11J(~·h place m her calhng the most Important part ot her tra111111g1" stJlI before her ~he must have at lea.,t t \\ 0 ) ears guod hard work In an archItect's office "N"o one decordtor 111 a hundred ha" thIS drcll1tectl1ldl trammg, and It I" that lack that cau"e<.., the deadh teud be-tween the archItects and decOlator., The archItect" hate th" decorators becau"e they follow theIr own 0;\\ eet \V III wlthuut the shghtest regard for the 11l111tatJons that the drchltectl1l al detaIls should nnpo.,e upon them Con<..,equentl.\ the archI-tect's chOlce"t eftect may be utterh mlllecl h) an un<"'kJlled clecorator who does not know how to CIeate a ha11l10l1\ be tween IllS work and hers "NeIther decorators nor al chltects can atta111 theIr hl~he"t results untJl they work together, and that day \\111 onl) come when the decorators are properly trall1ed WIth a re.,pect for archItectural detaIls that only a knov\ ledge of It can gn e them 1 once had a contract for dOIng 0\ el a dlmng loom that had been done only two year" before by a clecorator \\ ho<..,eV\ 01 k wa" an utter faIlure becalbe "he had entIrel) c1l<"e'1~arded the archItectural featl1l eo; of her problem "On two "Ides of the room was almost nothIng but glas<.., a bIg apple tree tapped It" branches al:;all1"t the pane" am] from every WIndow there V\ a" a pIcture The archItect had felt thl" o;ett1l1g and had falfl) brought the out of dool <..,111tO the room, cllld the decorator had "et bn"ll) to \\ork and "hnt It all ant "The V\ 1l1dow" were thIckly cnrtamed and the \\ Lok effect of the room was heavy and dull and ",ombre \l) vvork was very easy, for a glance <"'howed me where I could comple-ment what the archItect had already done 0\11 that wa<..,nec-e" sarj was to make the room a., lIght and "Imple a" possIble m every way The pIcture., h ameci by the w1l1dm\" supplIed all the clecoratlve detaJls "ThIS archItectural tI a111mg alone wtll not make a decOl-ator of COnr",e, although many archItect" th1l1k It doe" Rooms done by archItect., are 1l1vanably lackIng In warmth They are "ymmetncal and balanced, but they lack the human note Will Not Be Too Inquisitive. \ \ a<..,hlllgton (IJ o;patches state that It 13 the expectatIOn of the commls"lonel of 1l1ternal rev, enue that the corporatIOn tax <..,chedule<.."upon wlllch the val IOU" corporatIOn", comu1g under the 1310\10,1011<of.., the recently enacted corporatIOn tax law are to make theIr annnal reports to the Treasury Department, vv111 be completed about Dec 1 when they wlll be made publIc rl hey w1l1 not be chstnbuted, however, untIl Jan 1 :\1uch CIHIOSlty and ",ome concern eXI"ts regardmg the e"alt form of the.,e blanks Many corporatIOns have already lnqul1 ed an"lOu<"'ly of the COmmlS.,lOner as to just how In- C[Uhlt1\ e the gO\ ernmellt WIll be Slllce the forms are "tIll o;ubjelt to change, howevel, ('omrmsslOner Cabell 1<;not In-c11l1ed to ans\\ er theIr mpUlne", at any length But to those \\ ho fedr that the lllternal revenue office WIll ask the corpor-atIon" to an~v\ er a \ olume of que"tlOno. such as are asked In certam "chedule<'" sent out by the Department of Commerce and Labor whIch lllclude every thlllg from famJly matters to the health of the corporatIons jdllltors, l\1r Cabell does not he<"'ltate to ",ay that the qne"tlOno; whIch corporatIOns wJlI be d.,kec] to an"wcr WIll be comparcltlvey few In nnmber, ancl wtll not call tor 11lfOrlllatloll dIfficult tc gIve " _. _.- - - -- - - - - _ ... - .-_._-----_. __._-~---., I I I• I,I II III IIII , •I Here is a Rocker That's a seller. Write for the price. GEO. SPRATT 8 CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. ~.-_._-_._------_._._.----_.-----_. _._._._--._.--~-._--_._~I-~ No. 592. WEEKLY ARTISAN 7 -~--_._-~---_.----------------------- The Beautiful, New Udell Catalog I,II I• I I• II IIII I is ready for all Retail Furmture Dealers. It wIll help sell the lIne that of Its kInd has no supenor. It contains 88 pages IllustratIng 41 Library Bookcases, 88 Ladies' Desks, 48 Sheet Music Cabinets, 23 Piano Player Roll Cabinets, 14 Cylmder Record Cabinets, 11 Disc Record Cabinets, 19 Medicine Cabinets, 10 Commodes, 9 Foldmg Tables. ACT A T ONCE AND WRITE THE UDELL WORKS INDIANAPOLIS, IND &.----- -----_._----_._-~-_._--- ---------------_._--_._----_. __._----_... No. 1239 English Methods for Polishing Old Furniture. From the Evenlllg Standard, London-Old furmture III the care of a modern housemaId h often chsappollltlllg Thel e may be a glo,.,s on the old mahogany chebt, but It IS the gloss of too much furnIture polIsh If the fInger IS rubbed along the top of a Queen Anne table wIth Ib feather llliay and Its nch colonng a smear IS plObably left whlLh IS not .,0 much a SIgn of carele'isnes'3 as It IS of the hUlry and rush to complete work whICh bucceed III detractmg from It" appearance The less polIsh the better where antlque'i are concerned Old odk and other wood alway" reqUIre more elbow glease than applIcatIon" Sweet OIl-"panngly applIed-IS, however excellent for antique mahogany If the flannel h dIpped III the 011 It should be rubbed over the wood, the surface havlllg been first of all well dusted. Stalll'3 and spots on old mahogany can be taken out by dlppmg a cork III oxalIc aCId and water and workmg It over the mark'i Two ounces of yellow beeb-wax dIssolved III the same quantIty of splnts of turpentme Iepresents another good medIUm for mahogany One of the best methods of cleamng old oak IS to dust it well III the first lllstance and then to Iub It WIth a flannel dIpped III a mixture of beeswax, 011 and 'iplnts of turpentllle Many people, however, never allow beeswax to touch a Jaco- _~__~ ~ ------_._----.-.0 "'- - . -_. . a •• __ •••• .- " We Manufacture the Largest Line of fOlDinG (nAID5 \ m the Umled States, sUItable for Sun day I Schools, Halls, Steam-ers and all publIc resorts We also manufacture Brass TrImmed I r 0 n Beds, Sprmg Beds, Cots and CrIbs m a large varIety Send for Catalogue and Prices to KAUffMAN MfG. CO. \ ASHLAND, OHIO ~----_.._---_._._._.--------_._. __ _-_ .....• ... . bean chest or armchaIr whICh IS nchly carved, and belIeve III Wlpl11g It well over WIth beer-made very hot-and leavmg It to s111kmto the furmtUl e 0\ er mght, polIshmg It m the morn-mg WIth a soft duster To remove the stams on old I'rench furnIture whIch IS pamted white a flannel mOIstened With kerosene wIll usually prove buccessful, whIle antique gIlt chaIrs and glrandoles should be sponged WIth a mIxture of garlIc and sulphur III order to restore the ongmal gloss and bnllIancy A lIttle sul-phur should be stIrred llltO a Plllt of water and thIS should be poured mto a saucepan kept for the purpose and bOIled for ten mmutes to a quarter of an hour WIth four bnllsed garlIcs or omons A brush b the best method of applYlllg the lIqUld Another good gIlt polIsher IS that of two ounces of common salt dIssolved III half a pmt of water and mIxed WIth an ounce and a half of alum and two ounces of punfied mtre UnbOlled hnbeed 011 has the effect of darkemng most woods Ordlllanly lInseed 011, however, dIluted WIth half a Plllt of kerosene, IS excellent for old walnut, the mIxture belllg rubbed 1ll and left for half an hour before polIshmg IS begun Bathroom and Kitchen Mirrors • The picture above, represent" an artIcle mam1factured by the BO'iton :\![Irror Company 67-69 Sudbury Street, Boston, Mass, whose products have an excellent reputatIOn 111the ea'itern states and wherever they have been 111troduced They l~sue a complete catalogue of theIr bathroom mIrrors, which wIll be maIled when requested Send card askl11g for cata-logue G, for IllustratIOn and descnptlOns 8 WEEKLY ARTISAN ---------------------------.---.----~-----.~------------ iII • FULL LINE OF MUSIG GflBINETS WITH OUR I Pf\Tf,NT f\UTOMf\TIG SHELVES Also for all kmds of records. COMPLETE SUITES FOR THE DINING ROOM PERIOD AND COLONIAL DESIGNS AT POPULAR PRICES VISIT OUR SHOW ROOMS CHICAGO, 1319 MIChIgan Ave, 3rd Floor. NEW YORK FURNITURE EXCHANGE, Space 10, 6th Floor. Rockford, Illinois. ~------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------~ Mechanics Furniture Co. New Buildings That Will Need FurnituI·e. ResIdence-Dr B r Ch11lch Redldncls, Cal $7500, -\ J Braclle) and J\Ir~ I" 1\1 Bradt, Sdn Delgo, Cal , Da\ Id II el don, $10,000 and C 1\1 Stone $6,000 Santa ),I0111ca Cal , Dr S S Crow, Los -\ngele:o, Cal $1:2,000, 0 "'"Hdl Pomona country home at La \ erne, Cal , $2:;,000 Dr Allen, Salt Lake CIty, Utah, $10,000, George E Potter, Santa 13albara, Cal, a seven rOOm bungalow, Jameo [ ShImer, I~en\\00d and ThIrty-sIxth streets, InchanapolJs, Ind, $8000 J 13 \ 100111 Race street and Se\ enteenth a\ enue, Dem el Colo S1'1 000 Mary L Parke, 134 r street, Salt Lake Clt), S4 ;00 \ \ Callaghan, Federal ILelghb, Salt Lake CIty, ("h1l1g1e bunga low), $7,100, 0 Ii f\ebon, Peona, $4,200, Charle~ Klau"e, 109 Montana street, Peona, Ill, $3,300, H r: Ste\,; art, Jack-sonvIlle, Fla, $11,000, E lr Howard, 837 K1l1g ~tJ eet, Lo~ Angele'i, Cal , $5,000, E J Lockwood, Sahna, Kamas, $3,000 Laura Hlcke), 230 Strathcona avenue, Ottawa, Ont, $6,000 Geo M ;\Iasoll, 184 Clemow avenue, Ottawa, Ont, $6,500, J D Sleuerwald, 826 J\IcK1l11ey boulevard Dem er Col, $7,800, Susan and Mary E Trautman, 6044 II e"tm1l11~ter place, St LoU1~, 1\10 $7,000, E \1 Sll1eld" Chen \ and 51st streets, St L011l~, J\10, $30,080,1\ J SUtOi Guadalupc and 31st "treet, -\U~t111, Tex, $4,000 \\ IL '-,enner", Scott ~treet and 31st ~treet, J\1Jlwaukee, \ \ I~ $3, :;00, Harry Hud-son, 183 FUI man stl eet, Schenectady,:l\ Y $-1-,200, " P Harnson :N orth 12th and K Stl eeb, Tacoma, II a"h, $:;,000, A_r_thuor _o_S~.J\1Jller, Den_ve_r, Col, $15,000, Kanne Enckson, UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILL. We lead m Style, ConstructIon and Fmlsh. See our Catalogue. Our lme on permanent exhlbl-lion 7th Floor, New Manufact-urers' BUlldmg, Grand Rapids. China Closets Buffets Bookcases I~---- .--0----- II --~ Dem er, $4,4-00, :\lrs H Ol~on, Denver, $4,000, Charle:o Storz, 1701 \1 1ft street, Umdha, 1', eb $7,500, H S Green, 3826 Pa~eo street ~ansd~ CIty, 1'110, $6,000, Dena J\I Hendnck, 2714 r:d~t 40th :'ltreet, Kan:oa~ CIty, $4000, James v\ J\lurphy, 1788 Lamer place, II ash1l1gton, DC, $9,000, Henry P II alker, 1208 L mon street Schenectady, NY, $9,500, M L :\Ic~lttnck, 202 Burge"" avenue, Columbu", UhIO, $4,500, C r Han'iberg er, 338 11th avenue, ColumbU'3, OhIO, $4,000, 1 D Buttel field !'a~adena, Cal , $12,000, J\Irs G A Reamer, h.1l1g~le\ DI1\ e Lo" -\ngele~, Cal, $7,800, Dr F Robbms, \\ l11tt1U Cal $6000, L :-, Taylor, San DImas, Cal, $8,500, R ::., 13ncke), 216 hfth avenue Aberdeen, S Dak ,$4,800, L C Stone, 1815 II est 11th street, Oklahoma CIty, $4,000, \Ir~ De J\Los:o, 801 North Durland street, Oklahoma CIty, $3 200 ~Ir'i F "'\ SmIth, 313 Emma street, Syracuse, NY, $'1 -1-08, \Ir" II T' Gooley, 418 Schuyler street, Syracuse, $'1000, \Iaggle Burke, 320 Palmer avenue, Syracuse, NY, $3,000, Claude H Palmer, 322 Palmer avenue, Syracu:oe, $6 :;00 PublIc D11l1dln~,,---'rhe contract for a new bUlldmg to be u"ed a" a manual school WIll be let soon by the Board of [' clucatlon ot "e\\<ll k "J The e~tImated cost h $650,000 Lhe "d1001 board of lJouglas, Anz , IS bmldmg adchtIOns to t v\ 0 schools and V\III ~oon beg1l1 the erectIOn of a new "chool b11l1chn~ for colored chJ!dren exc1u'olvely Chales coun-t), '{e\\ \Ie'Clco V\I11Issue $12'1,000 m bond~ to budd a new court hou:'le and J aJ! at Portale" A concrete block sclIool hou~e to cost $12000 I'i be1l1g erected at McGIll, Nev vVIl-ham Lane! V\III remodel and enlarge the State Hou.,e hotel 111 ::-'acramento, CaJ Bld~ are to be opened on Dec 20 for the el ectIOn of a new court house at EstanCIa, N J\lex 1 h(atre~-l he contract ha" been Jet for construct1l1g a nc\\ theatJe at ('lobe, \n7 It V\I11be called the Emplle and \\ 111ha\ e a 'oeat1l1g capacIty of 900 Charles T MartIn 1:0the proplletor George S )J1XOn 1~ advertJc,1l1g for bIds for the erectIon of a ne\\ theatre at Reno, K ev James Ryan WIll b1l11d a theatre In Sacramento, Cal , at a cost of $25,000 l'Iaterl11ty Ih1l1d1l1gs-The Elb of Santa Ana, Col, have adoptee! pldns fOl a new b1l11chn~ that wIll be erected next "]lllng at a cost of $30000 H otels- The Bank of London and MeXICO, wdl begll1 work thIS month on the erectIOn of a four-story hotel buddmg on the corner of the Calle Cohseo and SIxteenth street, CIty of ,Iexlco The cost of the b1l11dmg IS estImated at $400,000 WEEKLY ARTISAN SEE THE NEW LEONARD WATER COOLERS FOR REFRIGERATORS! SEE THE ENTIRE NEW LINE OF SATIN WALNUT REFRIGERATORS! SEE THE NEW COMBINATION-REFRIGERATOR AND KITCHEN CABINET! SEE THE NEW ROUND CORNERS ON THE "LEONARD GRAND RAPIDS!" SEE THE NEW WOVEN WIRE SHELVES IN OUR ENAMELED LINE! SEE THE NEW CHEAP LINE OF "NORTH POLE" REFRIGERATORS! SEE THE NEW ALL PORCELAIN REFRIGERATORS-INSIDE AND OUTSIDE! 1 lET OTHERS FOllOW-IF THEY CAN. WE LEAD SEE THE NEW HOME OF THE LEONARD CLEANABLE REFRIGERATORS. '1 he large~t and finest refngerator factory 111the world It is only m such a factOlY that the be~t goods can be made for the least money, and orders promptly filled ThIS mammoth plant IS at }our servIce for the askmg Send f01 our 1910 catalogue \Ye make nearly everythlllg that" e use The Porcelalll Enamel for Lmlllg'-,-the Tmned v\; Ire Shelves-the Locks-the Hmges-the \\ ater Coolers-the new deSIgn" and fil11"he~ are all made In thIS wonderful factory. Our a"sortment IS enormou'-" rang111g from the very cheape~t to the finest And best of all we help you "ell the goods I The "Leona1d Cleanable" reputatlOn 1" beh111d them Our magazme advertlsmg and our store sellmg plans \\ 111bnng you man} CLhtomers Satin Walnut, with Water Cooler, Kitchen Cabinet and Refrigerator. While Enameled, "Leonard Grand Rapids,', GRAND RAPIDS REFRIGERATOR CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Factory, Nos. 52 to 202 Clyde Park Ave. Salesroom during January and July, LEONARD FURNITURE EXHIBITION BUILDING, ----_.----------~---$-------_.------------------ ..-- 9 II III I I III i .... ..'" accommodate the expenSIve, medIum or cheaper classes of \\ork whIch ma} develop dunng the detalls of con::,umptlOn '1 he lumber buyer, or your purcha::,mg agent, may not be el1l e"pert 111the gradmg of lumber and ::,ometlme::, not an ent11 e lumbel man and as a rule requl1 ed to buy e\ erythmg needed to produce a fi111::,hed artlcle "uch a" hardware, glue leather \ al111"h be'31(le'3 lumber, and whIle mtere"ted m all he I" not ::'0 able to thoroughly and carefully dIgest the arnval of the raw lumher product as your other commodItIes, and the ,\ orcl of others must often be taken to gmde hIm m hb dehber-atlOns Thai It. where we come m as a factor To faIthfully promote the effectlvenes" of our rule book, mtelhgent 111spectors are placed m the drfferent cOlbummg markets where lumber IS used, and on the appearance of any complaInts these men are sent to the yards of the purchaser to grade the lumher Such vlslb are Important They give (jmck action 1he m::,pectors wIll separate, If necessary, all the grades they find they wIll explam all the grades as they come betO! e them to ) our men when such mformatlOn is de-t. lred -\s soon as the work 1" complete, a report IS made out; a COP} I" gn en to you a~ a costumer, the duphcate to the "hIpper, ,,0 that both are mtelhgently adVIsed as to the exact tOndltlOn of the lumber \i ilme.., \\ hen we find lumber wll1ch IS manufactured pOOlI} 1mproperl} "hIpped or grdclec], we send to the nl1lls the \ ll} 111dn who elhtO\ ereel "uch lumber m the market", and through hI" mfluente and m"tructlOn::, we are ahle to correct "uth e\ 11" It 1" our endeavor to overcome the subject of dhpute" The\ retard the mo\ ement of the lumber m tlan..,lt 110111 the -,a\\ 111111to the cuttmg up proces" They cause a bulk ot to! I e..,pondence and delay, wll1ch "hould be reduced 1he} cau"e a feehn::; of el1l111ty between the purcha",er and the "e11e1 and when such are a\ OIded the channel of commerce thlOugh the mdu"tr} 1" smoothed out for qUlck actlon and 1esults I'urcha"er.., of lumher after rece1vmg the copy of mspec-tlUn 1eport::, ha\ e an a,,::,urance of ohtammg the proper grade If they object to the "ame, It can be re1n"pected by an actmg or chIef mspettor, who gIves the matter a bu"mes",-hke In\eS-tH.; atlon for your benefit Agam, lumber prouuced that IS not deSll able for \ our needs 1'3 reported L ndel the "ubJelt of l:;radmg, we l111ght state that there hone matte1 \\ lJllh lJa" de"troY1n2, 1l1fluence.., m the mdu"try \Jdl1Y people hay e found t1l11e ancl opportunltles to cnt!Clse HOW TO GET A SQUARE DEAL ON LUMBER An Address Recently Delivered to the Extension Table Manufacturers by Lewis Doster, Secretary of the Hardwood Lumbermen's Association. Mr PreSIdent and Gentlemen 1he pleasure of be1l1g mVlted to appeal before your honorable bod) at th1', tIme I::' 1110re than I can expre"" The opportun1t} to thO! olH;hh demon strate to you the method" of hard v\ooe! hanc\lln::; I represent ha" been gIven ~1Ilcere::,t thought, and hope the mat-ter WIll be 1I1tere"t1l1g to } ou l\Iy ca1eer m the lumber bu-,me-,,, ha" led me thlough the dIfferent stage" of the plOdult flam the 10::; to the hl1l-,hed artlc1e, but the pa,t seven }eart. have been entllel} de\otee! to orgal1lZatlOn work, and the PUhltClty wll1ch ha" been gl\ en wa::. ma1l1ly on the ::.tram of how to orga111ze In thIS \\ork Made by Luce Furmture Co , Grand RapIds. MICh. my hfe has been a bus} one. aprealln::; befOl e dltterent 01 £;dl1 1zatlOns who were bU"11} engagell 111 de\ e1opmel1h the "ame a" we had been 111 the pdSt \\ ork1l1!.; \\ Ith them f01 unlto! nllt} on matters In the manufacture of lumber. and of lumber pro-ductt. Now \'I;e find ourse1ve::, 111 a posltlon to sho\\ the results, and \\ hat we are 1I1tendmg to do at the present tIme My subject. I am glad to ",tate, has been "elected on some thl11g whIch IS of mterest to you as well as the entIre comll1u-l1lty of the hard\\ood Industry. and all of our de\ e1opment" have been mterwoven around the same to <,uch an extent that I can deal frankly, 1I1te1ltgently and succe",sfu11) \\ Ith thIS \ Ita1 and 11l1portant subJect- "HOV\ TO Bey H \RD\\ OOD LUMBER AKD GET c\ SQC c\RE DEC\L' The Hardwood :I\1anufacturer..,' A ""oClatlon of the Lmted ~tates, WhlClJ I hay e the pleasme to repre"ent, authonze" me to convey to yOU the greetmgs from an 1l1dthtr} rep1esented by 0\ er three hundred dnd ftfty concerns, who, at tm1es oper-ate nearly ::.e\ en hundred saw-mIlls and when com!llton::. al e favorable prepare for the markets lumber to the amount of do"e to one DllllOn feet annually Our orgal1lZatlOl1 work 1::' cltvlded mio vanOtb depal t ment". bureau" etc , and It IS not my 1ntentlOn to elaborate 011 our entlre orgal1lzatlon work, but to select the Important bureau the one whIch Ie, the most expensIve. that we spend the most t1l11Cand thought on and whIch de\ elop.., a "square deal" poltcy, and that IS the Bureau of Grades Our pollcy IS to grade lUl1lber for everybody and we grade It nght V\Te have a gradmg rule book whIch IS wntten so plal111v as to aVOld any mlS1l1terpretatlOn bet\\ een l1lspectors The rule3 have emanated from a careful study of the dIfferent sources of 3upply to the dIfferent sources of consumptIOn. separated into dIfferent senes of grades the deSIres whIch wtll WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 r-- ~~'---------------~--------~VER 15,OO'~o~O~--R---;riCe $2.80 to$4.00 I STEEL RACK VISES IN USE II~---_.-_.----_.__. our methods, but, gentlemen, let me tell you, from the mve~tl-gation we give all complamts, we find active knockmg l~ usually a good boost, for It so often develops methods wlllch are not what we con~lder wholesome bu.,1l1es", e-;;peCially the "l1llXmg proposltlOn" We all know the Furmture :\1an-ufaeturers do, and alway~ w1ll, purchase certa1l1 grade~ accord-mg to their desires, but the 111lXmg grade I refer to IS the practlce of buymg say a car of firsts and "econd" contam1l1g 20 to 35/r of No 1 common thoroughly m1xed A man w1ll buy a stra1ght car of ~ 0 1 common With 20 to 50/"6 of 1\ 0 2 common thoroughly m1xed He w111 buy a stra1ght cal of 1\0 2 common, and then all 1~ mVOlced a.., a "tra1ght h1gher Made by Boston Mlrror Co ,67-69 Sudbury St , Boston, Mass. glade Naturally, there are a gleat many complamb created when the lumber arnve~, and 1t ha" been a "tune" that has been played long, but not With ,,0 much ~ucces" lately, placmg the cause that 1t was graded on the Hardwood Manufacturers' Assoc1atlOn grad111g rule" It ha" not rece1ved support from u~, and the manufacturers of lumber 111the assoc1atlon I repre-sent deprecate thiS habit by glvmg to the buyer the true grad- 1l1g With a system of reports, we keep before the manufactur-ers the k111d, th1ckness and grade of "tack" wh1ch are short 1tem~ It ha" been our work to watch th1s p01l1t, and have reddy for the buyer qUIckly dll "hort 1tem" to l~"ure a mOle e\ en market A high price on a sh'.Jrt item does not make money for the 111dustry; a med1tlm pnce on a general ~tock I" a much more healthy condltlOn In the manufactunng eud of the busme..,s the larger man-ufacturers who cau afford to produce the proper lumber find 1t advantageous to ass 1St the smaller producers to properly manufacture and grade the1r matenal unIfo1l11lly, and 1t help" to keep the pnce U11lform Cheap lumber for a customer is expensive when 11'.)tmanufactured nor graded for his wants. Everyth1l1g we have m our assoClatlOn tends to bnna-b together the producer and the purchaser However, all 1'011- C1es of co-operatlOn 1l1U.,tbe ba"ed on close afflliatlOns The manufacturer alone cannot do all that 1~ wanted to bnng the Wood Bar Clamp Fixtures Per Set SOc. - •• __ a •• -l----~--------:::e~~-----------l iJthe I I' I Buttoo" I 2,5 MILLION PEOPLE Are Reading OurAds.rhey·nz lJuvinl/ Rogal Chairs (;7/TT~;:sK~ND) hy the Thousands Sales Douhling, Treoling. Our Dealers fietting TheProfit Get Yours this J-earBy Handling The Greatest Seller You Ever Dad II IIIII IIII I I I ~__~ -_-_._-_...- ._.~ __ ~._. ----l trade relatlOn together The consumers of the vanous pro-ducts must work WIth h1111 You. as table manufacturers, are one of the 1mportant part of the cham to mntually prOVIde the lmks of unIform1ty We ask you to work With us When we are together we learn each other's ideas, what can be done for you, and by what methods you will be benefitted Remem-ber The manufacturers of hardwood never want to produce or ~el1 anythmg the consumer doe" not want Consumer., of lumber are elIg1ble to member"h1p m our a~"oClatlOn They Jom v\lth the mtentlOn of obtal11l11g mfonl1- atlon from t1me to t1111eof what we are dOl11g and lettl11g us know \\ hat they de"lre You are eligible and can come m 1f you w",h to take advantage of an orga11lZatlOn wh1ch 1'0gather- 1l1g I11fOrmatlOn which you des1re to have as purchasers of hardwood lumebr, and wh1ch you want a.., producers of the .,ame commochty You want a "quare deal We guarantee 1t by askIng you to buy on the methods of the Hardwood Rf ;tnu facturer,,' A~soclatlOn of the Gn1ted States R V \1cKay ha" purcha"ed the furnIture busmess of Char1e~.\ Curt1S at Hollywood Cal -., 25 doz Clamp Fixtures bought by one mill last year, We ship on approval to rated firms, and guarantee our goods uncondl tlOnally. WrIte for ~Ist of Steel Bar G~amp8, VtSes, Bench Stops, ete E. ". S"ElDON &. CO. 283 Madison St, Chicago II,________ ~__ ~_. -1I •• ---.----.-.----•• c.__ • -- ••••• 12 ~Iinnesota Dealers' Retail Furniture Association WEEKLY ARTISAN OFFICERS-PresIdent LOUIS J Buenger Ne" Ulm VIce PresIdent C Damelson, Cannon Falls Treasurer, o A 0 1\1oen, Peterson Secretan, W L Grapp JanesvIlle EXECLTIVE CO\1\llTTEE-D F RIchardson Northfield Geo. K!lne, Mankato W L Harns Mtnneapo!ls, o SImons Glencoe M L K!lne St Peter. MAIL ORDER METHODS EXPOSED. 1:'dmlhallty \\Ith dn} [me ot \\01k "oon COIIUpt" the hnr L 'oen"e of e:Aactne"" L hO"e of U'o who have been ,tud} m~ the mall order problem carefully have notIced the gradual Jet ,10\\ iendency on the part of all catalogue concern,; to over draw their illustrations. Thl" has been gomg on for :oevel al } eal S ;1'ld they have bccome so accustomed to It that vii, e behe \ C !'O\\, m theIr anxlOu,; endeavor to hold theIr fa"t recedmg hu"me,,, they have made the great ml"take of theIr 11\ e" \\ hlch mr:otake If properly used, ought to shake to It" very toundatlons the confidence whIch they ought to estabhsh and \\ hlch seem" to be the keynote of all theIr aclYertlsements and \\ hlch I';, m It'; co"t u" S10 73 to get thl" dre""er be';lde:o the freIght, $1 to have photograph made, S3 to have the cut made and $1 50 to have the reproduction of the mati order hou,;e dresser made, whIch m all IS $5 50 beSIdes all the tllne nece"sary to get out the:oe Item" Then add to that the 10';'; on the dresser as the a.,,,oclatlon furnlshe" thIS dre"ser for $840 Add to the actual cost of $5 50 the freIght of $1 60, the loss on the cost of dresser $235 and you can see that 111 order to do what we have done, the 1I1dl\ Idual dealer would be to an expense of $9.45 If he attempted to reproduce these two dressel s, as he would have to If he clId It mdlvldually but thanks to orgal11Zatlon, we can Quartered Oak. Shaped Fronl Dresser Delivered Prices Many perseus hay~ an e::;:\ggera.ted Idea of t1 e freIght eha ges. on an artt· ele of thIS kInd 80 In order to con- VInce them and also to allow of III closer compan::.on of values we pnnt below pnces which Include freIght paId to any rew.'ar raIlroad statiOn m the states nalr ed Freight Prepaid We WIll del Ter thIs dresSel, freIght prepa,d In III Ind, ~bcb or OhIOfor $11 55 In Conn Del low.l Ky. \fame Mass l\1d MInn ~10 :-.l H l\ J • l\[ Y Pa. R I Va Vt WI' \V Va for •.• • S123:; In Ala Ark Fla. Ga. La HJ::. '\ehr NCar r, Dak 'l Car S Dak or Tenn for $1.1 35 In Callf 'Iont Ore" or Wac;!J for . .• IU585 \Ve have purcbased an enormo " q 1a 1 bty WhIch enabled us to g",t a v y Jo\', rqEl~ead:ngf~~k r;l~~lle~~l~Uhbi~dn;lc~t Jy ornamented W1tll carvmg has 8. shaped Eerpentme qputer se,v.ed oak front large ca'V"d rla\\- feet t"o large and two small drawers fitted WIth ca t brass handles and locks and double shaped top You wlIl notice from PI" ]lIustrahon that the top l~ ornamen'"ed WIth nch carv ngs and fitted WIth a 20x24 ratteln nlate mIrror of e:xtIa fine quahtv Tlus pIece IS 40 In WIde and 21 III d"'ep The constnlC turn IS hIgh grade the drawers fit per fectly ar>d are smooth nmn l'lg Eve -v post and panel IS carefully framed a.nrl: fitted Stock used is all kiln dned and will not warp shrmk or check E\ ery pie<:-e 18 fll11y Insnect:"d before It I"" packed by expenenced packers and w1l1 Dot become mar-ed In shlpnmg ShlP pmg weIght about 150 lb. ShIpped from 1'1 hana aoa Mall Order IllustratIOn and DescrIption. fine analYSIS, the key to theIr succe..,s In gettmg hlbl11eSS he-cause If you take a\\ a} confidence even overdrawn pictnres WIll not tempt the consumer to part \\ Ith hIS money. \\ e want to call your attentIOn to the t\;<"o Illu"tlatlCJl1" "ho\;<"n here I\ote carefully 11l1htratlon No 1 1"n t that a dandy dresser as It appears on paper, for $10 75) Those of us who are bU}1I1g more or Ie,;" from plcture'o know at a ~Iance that If we (!td not "top to read the de:ocnptlon, we \;<o"uld be-lreve that thIS dresser would be 111 Ime WIth what \\ e are m the habIt of payl11g $12 to $15 for at whole:oale After you have allowed thIS Illustlatlon \To 1 to ,;mk deep mto your mm(1, glance at Illu,;tratlon Xo 2 That IS an Illus-tration of the true artIcle In the nght proportIOn., to ItS hel~ht In gettl11g at thIS compan,;on, we took the same heIght u"ed by the catalogue house and, 111 order to get a true pIcture of It we had one of our member,; order thl'; dresser from the cata-logue hou,;e, had a pIcture taken and cut made Let Ib ,;top a moment and conSIder what It means to get out two such IllustratIOns as are shown WIth thIS article It ThIS Dresser Furmshed to Our Members for $840 turl11"h thl" $945 value to our member:o at the cost of repro-ductIOn" whIch 1:0only $1 SO, cub of whIch WIll be fur11lshed all member" who de:olre them Thl'; I'; another very forCIble JI-lu" tratlOn of what cooperatIOn can do TIllS reduces the co"t of expo:omg the:oe th1l1g:o to ,;uch a figure that our member,; have no excu:oe for not u"1I1g them and certamly when any firm Ihe:o methoc!:o whIch have the ear marks of deceptIOn upon them, to get bU';l11e:os whIch nghtfully belongs to you, It then becomes your buslne"s to get after such methods and protect v our mtere"t,; ::.-ow cast aSIde any preJudlle whIch you may have agal11,;t mall order house:o, rea"on WIth yourself and ask your-self thIS questIOn "\\' ould a pIcture of thIS dresser Illustrated as It should be, 111 ItS nght proportIOns, tempt any ord1l1ary con:oumer to part WIth hl:o money)" Yet the 11lustratlOn of thIS dre"ser :oent out by mall order houses IS so over drawn that of cour"e, It would tempt anyone not m the furl11ture bU';l11ess to order one Thl'; deceptIOn would be of no use to the average dealer because hIS customer sees the goods before he parts WIth WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 hIS money, not so wIth the maIl order house method whIch as we know IS ca:,h wIth order. Now these are stern facts and we have reproduced the dressers and set them sIde by sIde so as to present forcIbly to your mmd the extent of thIs overdrawIng and here IS proof If there ever was proof that the maIl order houses are practlc- 111ga deceptIOn upon theIr customers and a very cunnmg one It IS, because, If you read carefully the decnptlOn which they send out, you wIll see that It complIes to the letter wIth the exact descnptlOn of thIs artIcle Itself and we want to ask any faIr mmded person whether It IS any worse for an indIvidual or corporatIOn to nllsrepresent m type than m IllustratIOns 0 If a bogus descnptlon IS wrong why not a bogus pIcture? ThIS httle mCldent only goes to show that the brains back of thIs maIl order evIl are studymg human nature and are \\ Ise enough to know that a good IllustratIOn attracts attentIOn and produces an ImpressIOn that the most plea'img descnptlOn could not convey ThIS mCldent also goe" to show that the average small dealer IS paymg very httle attentIOn to these thmgs. Then agam, the average mcome of a small dealer IS such that he could not afford to go to the expen'3e necessary to get these IllustratIOns because of theIr first cost, but he can assocIate hImself WIth an orga11lzatIon whIch wIll look after hI;, best interests and thu~ reduce the C0'3t to hIm to $1 50 as we ex-plamed at the begmnmg of thIS artIcle The retaIl dealer can storm about thIS all that he wants to but unless he bnngs these thmgs to the attentIOn of hIS customers, as he has a perfect nght to do, he IS bound to be the loser Now Mr RetaIl Dealer, It IS up to you to keep your eye upon the domg'3 of the maIl order house for Just such lIttle, cunnmg deceptlOms as thIS and when you spot anythmg, expose It as we have thIS dresser mCldent Weare workmg hard along these hnes but we cannot do It all so gIve us your as"lstance m thIS matter and work out for yourself these problems Our assoCIatIOn \'IiIll render such assIstance as It can legItImately gIve and If all the members of our as-sOCIatIOn WIll put a httle tIme and study on thIS subJ ect, we belIeve that the demoralIzmg l11fluence of the mall 01der house wIll soon be a thmg of the past but a "don't care" and 111- dIfferent attItude wIll never correct these thIngs So wake up and show us what you have done to protect your legItImate mterests Thl'-, artIcle IS no ma~terplece but It may be the means of suggestmg some good Ideas to some of our bramy members and If It does, do not keep them t'; yourselves but let us hear them so that the rest of us may be benefited thereby. We do not douht but that some of you have an undreamed capabIlIty along thIS hne At any rate, get to work and do somethmg- If you cannot do much do what you can, however small It IS You may be the mean" of msplflng some one else WIth a good Idea and ~o on untIl It becomes a sort of endless cham vVe have saId our say and now let us hear from the other members of the aSSOCIatIOn on thIS subject $4.95 Minn. Retail Furniture Dealers' Ass'n. A 5-in. Leg Extension Table Delivered $4.95 to Mlnn Transfer and what IS better yet, the finIsh and workmanshIp are standard The filhng leaves on theIr American quartered tops are American quartered ThIS I" not done In even some of the hIgh priced Ilne'3 They hdve bolt constructIOn and the fmbh IS as It should be Weare sorry that we clo not have a large cut to Illustrate thIS bargain so we can only glVe you the IllustratIon cut usel for aclvertIsll1g purposes The pnnClpal rea'3on whIch makes It POSSIBLE for us to DELIVER TO YOU tillS table line IS that we have ellmmated all selling expenses. ThIS factory IS run on a dIfferent policy than IS usually done. These men are a company of German cab- Inet makers who have adopted one of the most practical business truths that enter Into the manufacture or sellmg of any Item of merchan-dIse, namely, the cutt1l1g out of all sel1Jng expenses, carrYing accounts, etc, whIch IS always taken In consIderatIOn when they make a pnce because they have proven to theIr own satIsfactIOn that the saying of Emerson when he saId, "He who bUlld~ d mouse trap better than any other man WIll soon find the buymg pubhc makmg a beaten path to hIS cloor" IS true of any factory or firm who huly gIVes then patrons values below the general market pnce and that they WIll have all the busmes~ that they Cdn take cale of. If It were not for the enlarge-ment of their factory, we would never been able to get them as they take on only as many customers as the output wJ1l Warrdnt Hdvln£; tnecl thIS line of tables, your commIttee has contracted for One car each spring and fall whIch WIll be dehvered to Mmn. Transfer. These car'3 WIll usually come through Just followmg our summer or wmter convention We have Ju~t prOVIded, however, that we may place fill-In orders between seasons for anything that our members may want, provldll1g they pay the local freIght. These fill m orders cannot exceed In quantIty more than two carloads per year so antiCIpate your orders now and get them to the secretary so that your orders can be added to the com111gcar Tel m'3 as u,ual, cash WIth ordel Th ere WIll be 10 cents haudl1l1g charge at Mum Transfer Send all ()I ders to the secretary, JanesvIlle, Mum You can make mall orJer competitIOn a pieasul e If you WIll use thIS matendl freely and ef-fectlVely, so send 111your reqUIrements by return mall Yours truly, TH:C BUMYmINnGe~otaCOR:e:YtaIIMl IFTuTrEmEtu, re Dealers' Ass'u 1£ these tables are shIpped by local freIght, It WIll cost dbont $1 SO to lay them down to the central Mmnesota pomts. DON'T OVERLOOK TInS BIG BARGAIN THOUGH IT IS ILLUS-TRATED IN A SMALL CUT. THIS 5-INCH LEG DINING EXTEN-SION TABLE can be had In plaIn, golden oak or AmerIcan quartered oak These tables are exceptIOnal values and you should not mIss tlus opportum ty of procm mg one The rim IS securely fastened, and do not forget that thIS has a good bolt and nut constructIOn for fasten mg the leg WhIPh admIts of easll) removmg or settmg up table r3~, No 822-Slze 42 x 42 m, Imlta tlOn oak 6-ft 4.95 8 ft 620 10-ft 7,45 F33 No 822 42 x 42 m ImItatIOn oak AmeIlcan quartered top 6 ft 5.45 8 ft 6.70 10-ft 795 r33 No 82-42 x 42 m, solld oak, gol-den 6-ft 600 8-ft 725 10-ft 850 F33, No 82-42 x 42 Ill, solld oak American quartered top 6 ft 6.50 8 ft 775 10 ft 900 F33, No 0514-pollshed, Genume Golden Oak ExtenSIon Table 'l'hls table has a 46 x 46 mch top and IS made of plam oak nIcely polished Note the SIze of barrel, WhICh I~ 12-mch Ihe legs are are 18 mches long and 4 '%, mches across the paw of the claw foot, makmg It a ver) massIve table It loas a firmly fastened rIm IS a non-dlvldmg pedestal, and one of the best plllal tables that the bUy lUg commlttef' has ever seen at anywhere near these prices Note that thIS table IS pollsh fimsh mstead of gloss F33 No 0514 sIze top 46 x 46 PrICe 6 ft 12.50 8 ft 15.50 10 ft 17.50 If American quartered top IS wanted add 75c extra to each SIze table 14 WEEKLY ARTISAN .. -----------------~~- .....·"1 ,II I• •t t I I II II III IIII II II , IIIII III II , II SUIte No 924 by Nelson-Matter Furmture Co • Grand Raplds MlCh ...._-------_.---_._._._--_._-- --------_._---- ...- .I. WEEKLY ARTISAN Our Large New Line of DINING and OFFICE TABLES are the best on the American market when prices and quahty are considered. STOW 8. Df\VIS fUKNITUKf, GO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 15 "The Supenor plant wIll be one of the largest In the city," said he, "but there are more commg In the followmg years there "nll be others, and five years from now Will see a Clty almost the size of the present Rockford on the ea"t Side of the nver and south of a pomt near Ral1road avenue A half dozen compames are planmng on commg to Rockford and there IS a tentative agreement made for the land which will be occupied by the plants to be erected" Shifts in the Chicago Furniture Exchange. The Chicago Furmture Exchange, 14th ~treet and Wabash avenue, Will present several changes m the 10catlOn of some of Its promment tenants next .,eason The Art Bedstead Com-pany, who have had space on the second flD01, have leased the ~outh half of the ground floor, which gives them additional room and Will enable them to arrange a very beautiful display of the "Art Beds" The Herhold Chair Company have also taken lease of a large space on the ground floor and Will show their entire lme, which Will mclude a big lot of new patterns, mcluding Vienna deSign", which they are now manuafctunng in large quantities. The Peck & Hills Furmture Company Will comohdate their sales and general offices on the second floor in the space formerly occupied by the Art Bedstead Company. i\ C l\tlun71nger, for several yeals connected v\;lLh the Indldna Furmture Company. of Fort \Va\ ne, ha'3 pnrcha"ed a furlllture store at Bryan, OhlO, and wl1l give It her personal attentlOn '------ City Salesroom, 4th floor, Blodgett Bldg. ------------------------- .. ------ - --- . - ------~ ... "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" BARTON'S GARNET PAPER MANUFACTURED BY ---------------------------------_._---------------_._.--_.------_.---, , r· -.- .- ------------.---------------.----------- ---. - .-- --------.-----~ II ,I I IIII The season I for banquets I is here. I Get a stock I of our Banquet Table Tops so as to be ready to supply the demand. Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are getting. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Companies, Car Builders and others will consult their own interests by using it. Also Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams. Factories for Rockford. Rockford, Ill, Nov 4-Artlcles of assoClatlOn have Just been filed With the secretary of state for the mcorporatlOn of the Supenor Furmture Company, capitalize at $100,000 1 he mcorporators are A VV J\Iann, P 0 U garph and Edward Larson, who promise to estabhsh a plant equal m size and equipment to any now located m thiS city. "Gus" Holm has the contract for the mam factory bul1dmg, which Will be a five story structure and has already started work excavatmg for the foundatlOns which are to be completed thiS fall. \\T ork on the superstructure Will be started early m the spnng and rushed to completlOn The Site of the new factory Will be on what was formerly known as the Buchan farm and wl1l be a little east of the Na-tlOnal company plant. The bUlldmg Will be of solid bnck and fire proof constructlOn wl1l be followed out m every detail The plant wl1l be one block south of the street car tracks which make the Eighteenth avenue loop and thiS wl1l put It m close connectlOn With the city or those who Will have pOSI-tions tht Will reqUIre their presence m the bUSIness part of RockfOi d Outside df !the ba"ement room there wl1l be 100000 "'quare feet of workmg room, thiS bemg about a~ large a "pace a.., IS occupied by any factory In the sectlOn of the city where the Supenor IS to be located The declaratlOn of those who have filed the article" of mcorporatlOn state the company I'>for the manufacturme, and "ellUlg of furmture In all ItS lmes One of the best posted men m city affair'> and the commg and e"tabh.,hment of manufactones say.., thl'> IS only a small part of what Will be brought to the city dunng the comIng year H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. I •• 16 selhng a considerable quantity of goods by the employment ot ad\ ertI'3111g n ~tter and the mails, but the bus1l1ess failed to \ lell\ much plofit The Colonial Furmture, the Grace FurnI-tll! e lompan: the Clinton Furmture Company and Macey dropped out ot the game but 111recent years the bU~111es" has gi OI,'ln; to enormou" proportlOn" 111Chicago The success of the plan 111that Clt: IS due to 111c1uslOn 111the hnes of good'3 o c1eled about everyth111g needed to build and furnish a home and also to feed and clothe the occupants of the same Had the mail order merchanb of Grand Rapids shown the enter-pnse and courage of theIr nvals m ChIcago, the dlstnbutlOn of good" "old through the malls might have grown to great nTI-pOl tance m the \Ilchlgan furmture center. WEEKLY ARTISAN PUSL.ISHe:O EVERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PER YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHER COUNTRIES $2 00 PER YEAR. SINGI-E COPIES 5 CENTS PUBLICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST, GRAND RAP DS, MICH. A S WHITE. MANAGING EDITOR Entered as second class matter July 'J, 1909 at the post office at Grand Rapids Michigan under the act of March J 1879 Beer merchant'3 1 ecoglllze the \ aluc of 10cahtle'3 neal large manufactunng plants tor se1l1l1l2, hqll1d merchandl"c. and m many cIties the prom111cnce of Important Indu"tnes IS '3carcely greater than that of thc beer shops surrouncling the same So great a h111drance to the tlansactlOn ot bUSI-ness has the beer nll1sance become In Fa: ctte count\ Pa that the U mted States Steel COIporatIOn ha" cleterm111ecl to spend $10,000,000 for the purpo"e of keep111g It.., 25000 em-ployes m their coke plants sober. The steel corporatlOn Will purchase the lllne brewenes located 111Fayette count:. for the purpose of regulat1l1g the dnnk of the coke \\ orkers 1he sale of beer by the keg or barrel will he prolllblted and the company hope~ to preYent the Cllpp11l1g ot the 1,'\ orb. as now follows each pa: day for '3e\ ent: tv\ 0 hour'3 \v hen workmen purchase large quanti tie.., of beer and . la: do\'Vn beSide It" The saloon keepers and bu..,meos men !;enerall: approve the plan. under the SUPP0..,ltlon that men \\ III dnnk no more 111a saloon than the: ought 10 Regulation ot thc dnnk halJlt h an almo-,t lI11pos..,lble undel LakIng but the e\ 11, groW111g out of the same nllght he mochhcd thlOugh le<;I..,- latIon prohibIting the ..,ale of hquOtr wlth1l1 certa111 tern-tory adjacent to the factory ProlllhitlOn of the sale of heel' b: the keg or barrel to others than saloon kecpel'" \\ould un-doubtedly modify the eVIl,., attend111g exce~"'l\ e dnnlong It 1'3 charged, frequently that 111surance unclel \'vntel s do not try to reduce fire wa"te, and thele I'" \Vlth111 the e,- penence of e\ ery huslness man fact~ to "'UppOl t the chal ge although the unclerwnters I esent It I n"'pectlOn of manu-factunng plants by '3peClal agents I" not Ulllommon but COll1 pla111ts aga111st eXhtlng conchtlOns are seldom macle ancl sug gestlons mtended to lI11prO\ e a nsk al e seldom oft-erecl Any person famIlIar \'VIth wood workmg plants often man eb over the fact that m many l11stances m..,urance ~houlcl hay e been wlltten covellng the ..,ame, e\ en \\ hen the I ate IS al 1110.., t prohIbitory I n mercantile 11sks the sam e l11chtfel-enCe IS 111a11lfe..,teclby the 1l1spector~ Local al;enh a" a rule feel no mterest m a plant after the pi en11U111ha" been paid, and m con'3equene of thiS neglect rate" are hl<;h and the money of the man who keeps hi'" shop clean and m orclel IS used to pay the losses of the man whose shop should not have been cOvered WIth Insurance at any rate Govel n111ent regulatlOn of the bUSiness mIght pro\ e useful 111 the long run to poilcy holders A few years ago Grand Rapids was held up to elellslOn h: certa1l1 fur111ture trade papers as the center of the mall ordel bus1l1ess. The late Fred Macey and two or three others were l~etallers ot furmture are engagmg qUite largely In the ~ale at pianos, planolas and mechal11cal pIanos. There 1'3salel to be a large profit 111 the bus1l1ess espeCIally when a dealer IS ..,trong enough finanCIally to hanelle It on the tIme payment plan ;\n enterpnsmg dealer 111 a western state IS sellIng mecha11lcal planas for $700 that cost hIm less than $300. The tanner" are flush With money and dIsposed to purchase the late..,t sonatas. selectIOns from operas and also the popular songs hot oft the dISks The mecha111cal plano and the phono- <;laph sall..,fie" the mUSIcal reqmrements of many of their cla," Owmg largely to their lIberal expenditures for space in the magaz111es. hy many manufacturers of furnIture, the mdlJ'3 bnng to their offices many requests for blue pnnts and cat2- logue" These requests are almost 111vanably forwarded t'l a dealer located 111or near the town at whIch the 111qmry \ a" mailed by the manufacturer recelv111g the same. The reL! ,er" are ..,0 well orga1117Cd that mo..,t manufacturers could not ''ill an order from a consumer chrect, even when the opportunity pre"ented Ibelf for so d0111g WIthout detectIOn Thel e I" a better unelerstancl111g between the merchants and the maker" of turl11ture than tormerly eXisted Judge Sater. ot the L11lted State'3 chstnct court, at Cl11- unnatl uphold.., the comlltutlOnahty of the fecleral employer.., lIablht: act TllIS act was declared unconstitutIOnal by the "upreme court of Connecticut recently and the determ111atlO 1 of the question mv oh ed Will finally rest WIth the supreme court of the Ul11ted States The actIOn at CmCll111atl was brought by heirs ot Jerry Coakley, an eng111eer employed by the CmcmnatJ Hamllton & Dayton Railroacl, kIlled in an aCCIdent 1,'\ hlle emplo: eel m the service of the rallroad. The outcome of that case agamst Delaware lawyels, mentIOned on another page will be of mtercst to others than the manager" ut corporatlOn~ If It I.., a crime to offer to sell kno\\ ledge hoyv to aVOId payment of the corporatlOn 111come tax It IS certa111ly a cnme to tell Just how the tax may be aVOIded and man: new"'papers have done ,,0 Without chargmg a retamer or exactmg other fee~ for theu adVice Hence the pubh'3her~ of "uch papel ~ \\ III watch the proceechngs 111 the Delawal e case \\ Ith con..,lelel able Interest The alln of the commercial de~lgner 1'3 to make a good c1rawmg But that 1'3 not the Vital pOInt 111decorative al t. there the all-Important tlllng IS the effect of the work 111exe-cutIOn and 111 ItS place The hst of new exhlhltors at the spnng furl11tnre expo;l-tlOn In Grand Rapid", 111January cont111nes to grow longer '\ earl: all avaJable space has been taken Look111g for a Job keeps many a fellow busy WEEKLY ARTISAN 17 WE ALWAYS HAVE IT READY TO SHIP Figured Red Gum Veneer CLEAR, FACE STOCK IN GOOD SIZES. 535 Mich. Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. II Walter Clark Veneer Company II Evansville. Evansvdle, Ind, Nov 4--Busme"" with the furlllture manufacturer" here 1;' stdl on the upward grade and the pros-pects for an active wmter trade are excellent. The plants contmue to run on full tune and a great many orders have been received dunng the past week or two. CollectlOns are better and the general tone of the market has Improved won-derfully. After the first of next year P B Fellwock Will retire as secretary and treasurer of the Bockstege Furlllture Company and w111devote all hiS time to the Fellwock Auto and Manu-factunng Company He states that the busmess of the last named concern has grown "0 dunng the past two years that It now reqmres all ll1S tune l\Ir Fellwock has moved 111;' fdmdy mto their elegant new home at 606 Oakley street. BenJamm Bos"e, pre "1dent of the Globe Furlllture Com-pany and mterested m the V\ orld and Bosse facto11es here says that all three factones are now bemg operated on full tnne and that hu"me"s b much better than a year ago. The three plant" employ In the neighborhood of 500 men at good wages Gus Nonweder has purcha'3ed the mtere"t of hi" brother, Dert Nonweder, In the Evalbville Furlllture Company. Bert Nonweller wdl go to LOlu"vdle whele he Will engage m the drug husme'3" The EvanSVille Furlllture Company IS now composed of "Gus" l\onweller, Phlhp Nonweder and Fred Guth. Mr Mar"tall of the Marstall Furniture Company at Hendel-son, Ky, was here a few days ago and was a caller at the Furmture Exchange He ",ays trade IS as good as could be expected now and looks for It to get better nght along There have been "everal hundred vi "ltor" at the Furlllture Exchange bmlchng dunng the pa;,t month Salesmen have been kept busy and manager Gdbert states that the volume of busmess done dunng October was much larger than that of September ] ohn H Rohsennberger of the Buehner Chair Company says the trade prospects could be no better The Buehner plant 15 bemg operated on full time. A F Karges of the Karge" Furmture Company, has re-turned from ]ame..,town, Va, where he attended the meetmg of the lnter"tate Furmture l\Ianufacturer'" A""oclatlOn Eh D Miller, the well known folding bed manufacturer "ays foldlllg bed manufacturel s are bound to have a prosper-ous year m 1910 He ..,ay'3everythmg pomt'3 to boom m busi-ness and he feels that the year Will be the most active III the history of hiS company Retad trade has unproved a great deal dunng the past month The R & G Furmture Company, The Arnold Elmen-dorf Company and the Relt7-Splegel Company have been dOlllg a nice fall bu ..,mess Veneer manufacturer;, here report trade "till active and they are lookmg for a fine wmter All the local plants are runnlllg on full tnne now -W. C B. .-__-_._.--_.------ . .._._.__._.-.--------- _. .. - .. No. 57 Flat Arm Rocker RICHMOND CHAIR CO. RICHMOND INDIANA DOUBLE CANE LINE "SLIP SEATS" - the latest and best method of double seating. Catalogues to the Trade. ._-_.-.-.---_.~__..,._.__._.-----------------------~ No. 100 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN SEND FOR CATALOGUE. The Kindel Kind. On another page of tl11'; \\eel-.." 1",;ue of the \\ eekh \1- tl'>an w111 be found the dch el tl"ement 01 the Kl11del Bed company of Clllcago, Toronto and \ e\\ York '1he compal1\ are manufactLlrer~ of a combl11ed day enport and bed \\ hlch has attracted the marked attentlOn of dealer;, In e\ er} section of the Umted States amI Canada and estabhshed ;,uch a vol-ume of bus111es;, "mce the mceptlOn of the busme,;" a'> to ta" Made by Delaware ChaIr Co , Delaware, O. the capaClty of the Kl11del factonc,; io the utmost \mont; the voluntar) expre"';lOn" made b} the trade J0111 nal" re~a[(l-l11g the Kl11del are the follOWIng "Tf;, the ~reate'>t 111\entJon of the age," "It" an ornament m every home,' "fhl'> 1" the late"t and be"t davenport bed plOclucel,' "It" the be"t ot 1b kmd yet mvented,' "Its the kl11g of all fold1l1g clay enpOl h, "If" the only perfect parlor bed ," "One of the mo"t u,;ef111 articles ever offered to the rade," etc The "peclal feature" of the K1l1del Da \ en port bed ma \ he "ummanzed as follows Utll1ty ~Always ready Can be chant;ed trom Pel1(( i Davenport to Perfect Bed without movln~ trom the \\ all Cony emence ~Can be readily taken dpart f01 mO\ 111~ and IS easIly set up aga1l1. Slll1phclt} ~So simple that a chIld can operate It, and there are no comphcated part,,; to get out of order '-,pnn~" ~ -\ bed can be no better than It,; '3pnng -', hence \\ e u"e on!v the be;,t 011 tempered ;,teel wire "Long Cone lol1~ L pholster) -Is protected by cushlOns automtIcally re- \ er"lI1g bl1l1g111g mattl es;, uppermost as bed I Ilhng ~:.\lattresses and cushIOns are filled w1th K111del's h} glemc felt Comfortable and durable Deddlllg ~Always 111place, concealed flom V1ew clunng the da} but 1'3 ready fOl u"e at 111ght. Economy ~It co..,ts no more than the antIquated Daven-port nor a" much as the orcllnary bed of equal grade, not- \\ ltlhtandm~ It'> l111que~tJoned supenonty Changes in Peck & Hills Managers. \ numbe1 of change" took place m the Perk & Hill;, rurlllture Company OlgamzatlOn on Kovember 1, at wh1:h tlme \ H \ f cCall, mdnager of the1r export department, res1gned to become secretary anel sales manager for the Kenosha Cnb ( oll1pany of Keno..,ha, \Vb H. L Gotham, who has been the con pan) 's clalll1 agent and had charge of the pnntlllg of the la ,t tv. 0 echtlom of the1r bIg catlog, ,",ucceeded Mr McCall as manager of their fore1gn department, wh1ch ha" become a 11011111ent factor 111th1'-, company's bu'>mes-, through Mr Mc- Cdl '> ag~resslVe management and the able 'iale~mansh1p of thell t01 elgn repl esentatlves, Vmcent Rl11z and Manuel de la \ ega T:<. J \Vheedon of the comm1SSlOn house of McCready & \\ heedoll retlred £from that firm \Jovem ber 1 to take charge of the advertls1l1g dnd pubhClty department of the Peck & H111s I'1ll11lture Company 1fr Wheec10n WdS carry1l1g "Pubhc1ty" a'i a slde lme bef01 e entenng the commh..,lOn bU'i1l1ess, and 111 th1'> new connectlon h takmg up hl'i fdvonte vocatIOn ,,--_ .. -----_. -- . ., I• II• I• •••••• ~----------------------- ---- ..•. WEEKLY ARTISAN ---_._.-- ----------_. - - - - ----- _. -_. _.----------~------- I .... .....-... ...- ------- LABOR SAVING TOOLS Our Multiple Square Chisel Mortiser Makes the Strongest, most economical and most accurate case construction possible. It is entirely automatic. It clamps, mortises and releases, completing the post in lesstime than the material can be clamped on other machines. No. 181 MULTIPLE SQUARE CHISEL MORTISER. Our No. 171 Patented Sand Belt Machine will sandiflat surfaces and irregular shapes, including mouldings, better and faster than any other process. Nearly No. 171 SAND BELT MACHINE. 1000 of our Sanders now in use by your competitors. Why give them an advantage over you in your sanding department? We also manufacture special patented Sanding and Mortising Machines that are proving extremely profitable to th chair manufacturers. Ask for CATALOG "E" Wysong & Miles Company Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., Greensboro, N. C. - - .. 19 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN ..- ..... _.. ...._._------~-----_... . ----_._------------------- I II HOOD &WRIGHT I _ ..- _.. ...--.., Since our enlargement we have the largest and best equipped Veneer and Panel plant in N orth-ern Michigan. Weare prepared to fill orders promptly for all kinds of veneers in native woods, and especially in birdseye maple and figured birch. We are also makers of panels, mIrror backs, drawer bottoms, etc., and are prepared to ship in car lots or open freight as desired. j~---------- BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN jIjI ----_._-_.--._._. _.,------------------_._._._--_ -.-.___ ._ ...I.. Crushing the Tin Plate Unions. The Ulllted States Steel Corporation "hlch '->tarted 'n last spnng to Use the "open shop' ~,'-otem 111 then '-oheet dlld t1l1 plate mdls and thereby preCIpItated a '-otllke ,\ hlch has 1) f n on SInce May 6 has ",ucceeded 111 practlcall} dn,lng the un! n out of all theIr mdls except tho'-oe at \Iartln'-o Fell\ an,\ Bndgeport, OhIO, where the Ul11on:oha, e prey ented the Tl111- nll1g of the mdb WIth non-umon men These 111I\b are 0\\ ned by the Amencan Sheet & 1'111 Plate Compan}, \\ hlch h a subsldlalY or auxdlaly of the Llllted States corporatIOn and on the advIce of officIal:::. of the latter the manage I " of the auxllrary company have decIded to abandon the OhIO ml\l:::. and thus wIpe out the last stronghold", of the UlllOns The, are therefore clrsmantlrng the plant'-. at TIlldgeport and \Ial t1l1 '-0 Ferry and movll1g the machlller} to Penn'-o, Iv allla pOlllb where It WIll be used 111 mIlL, that need It and \\ here the umon" are not strong enough to object to the "open shop" rules ThIs \VIll leave about 5,::;00 Idle men 111 the two OhIO towns \\ ho \\ III ha, e to :oeek employmentel:::.ewhere and wdl have to submIt to the "open shop" edIct or change theIr vocatIOn 111 order to secure It It WIll also be a dIsastrous blow to the merchants ot the towns affected, but the managers of the Steel CorporatIOn declare that the merchanb deserve to suffer tor ha, ll1g encouraged the stnkers to hold out agall1st the . open shop" orders L F Montellle and F E Kramer of Peona, III ha, e purchased the undertakll1g bus1l1ess of A. D Woodruff & Co. at \Vaterloo, Iowa The Ul11ted FUI nrture Company, of South Bethelhem, Pa, has been ll1corporated CapItal stock $50.000 ---_._._------_.-._._._-_._. _. _._-_._...._. ----_.__._--------_. _. ..-. -----------.-..., SLIDING SHOE FOR USE ON DESK LEGS I This shoe does the work of a caster yet allows the desk legs to set close to floor. Fastened with flat head wood screw and furnished in three sizes. SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES No. 1493 PULL A very fine handle for desks in the square effect. Something different from the regular bar pulls. GRAND RAPIDS BRASS co. GRAND RAPIDS, MIOI-I. ---------._-_._--------_._---_ .._.-._--------. -..-.-..-.----.. ....... WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 ~.. ..- .--- - - -- - - --------~----~'--__.. -------~---~-_._.-_._-___..----------------_._-----_ .., \ I I II .... . _. - DELAWARE CHAIR CO. DELAWARE OHIO. LARGEST r "QUALITY" I LINE ~I of l DOUBLE CANE LEATHER MISSION II I I I I I ~-----------~----------_._.---_. ---_.-------------_. --- ----~_._.~. __ • _. ------~-~. __ • _a'__ ----' CHAIRS, ROCKERS and SETTEES CATALOCUE TO THE TRADE ONLY. Latest Big Store Convenience- Just 111s1deeach of the ma111 street entrances of one of 1'\e\iI,. York's department stores the shopper d1scovers 111a con"p1cuoUS pOS1hon a flat \vlr~ basket filled w1th cards Havl11g comphed w1th the pnnted 1I1vltatlOn to take one he finds hlmsef prov Ided w1th a ml111ature ellrectory of the estab-h" hment Perhaps no more stnkl11g eVIdence of the expansIOn of modern "hopkeepl11g methods ha" been so conc1sely con- \ eyed 'I he card 1" "carcely larger than a woman'" v 1"ltl11g caret It I" thm, but strong, and the corner" al e rounded "0 that It wdl not poke hole" 111 pocket hnl11g" or become unhdy Ibelf by gettl11g crumpled There are 117 Items 111 the cl!rectory, and yet the store 1n que"hon IS more stnctly a dry goods estabhshment than many of ItS cla"s It ha'3 no provISIOns department, no dentIst chalr'3, photograplllc '3tuello, malllcunng room or "Imdal malllfesta-tlO11Sof up to date mercantIle methods Every letter 111 the alphabet except two IS represented on the card Only the letters Q and X do not appear Ql11lts and Aylophone" ImmedIately sugge~t themselves as candIdates for the breach, but wh1le you may buy either or both 111the "tore they are perhaps "ufficlently catalogued under "Blankets and QUIlts" and "Mu"lcal Instruments" roo IIII II I ~--. A Traveling Salesman's Observations. RetaIlers 111 the '3mall town" of the we"t do not handle a:o good "tock as they dId twenty-five years ago, remarked a veter-an travell11g salesman 'Between the year'3 1880 and 1890 I handled a lme of cheap chamber '3tl1tes," contmued the traveler, "My hne was not good enough for them but now that I am selhng a much better lme, they tell me my stuff IS too good for theIr trade Formerly ql11te a vanety of good" hom the 'vVlCldlcomb J'urmture Company, Helkey & Cay Nel"on-\latter and other manufacturer;, wa" Larned 111;,tock by deale I" 111 1, and du Lac, 1\ eenah. J\lenoml11ee, 1" anbault, SIOUXI, all" and other towns of the class of tho"e mentIOned but one :oeldom finds anyth111g on theIr floors more pretentious than the pro-duct:> of Upham the Northern or Joe Peters Knnbal of J ane"vIlle cal nes a conSIderable quanhty of good "tuff. but a majority of the retaIlers sell good'3 of the class used by the mad ordel houses It would seem that the Whe path for such dealers to follow IS not that of the mad order merchants TheIr aIm should he to 111duce customers to buy good" of medlUm and hIgh grade through good salesmanshIp The fellow who bets hIS bottom dolldr doesn't alwdys come out on top PITTSBURGH PLATE L.ARGEST ,JOBBERS ANO MANUFACTURERS OF GLASS COMPANY GLASS IN THE WORLD Mirrors, Bent Glass, Leaded Art Glass, Ornamental Figured Glass, Polished and Rough Plate Glass, Window Glass WIRE GLASS Plate Glass for Shelves, Desks and Table Tops, Carrara Glass more beautiful than white marble. CENERAI. DISTRIBUTORS OF PATTON'S SUN PROOF PAINTS AND OF PITCAIRN ACED VARNISHES. q For anything in BUilders' Glass, or anything in Pamts, Varmshes, Brushes or Painters' Sundnes, address any of our branch warehouses, a list of which i" given below' NEW YO:BX-Kudson a.ndVandam Sts. CLEVELA:ND-1430-1434west Third st. BOSTON-41-49Sudbury st., 1-9 Bowker St. OMAHA-llOl-l107 Howard St. CHICAG0-442-452Wabash Ave. ST. PAUL-459-461 Jackson st. CINCINNA'rI-Broadway and Court sts. ATLANTA,GA.-3O-32-34S. pryor St. ST. LOUIS-Cor. Tenth and Spruce sts. SAVANNAH,GA.-745-749 Wheaton st. llrUNNEAPOLXB-500-51S6. Third St. XANSASCITY-Fifth and Wyandotte Sts. DET:BOIT-53-59Larned St., E. BXB.llrUNGHAA1ILIIA, .-2nd Ave. and 29th st. G:BA:ND:BAPIDS,MICH-39-41 N. Division St. BUFFALO,N. Y.-372-74-76-78Pearl St. PITTSBl1:BGH-IOI-I03Wood St. B:BOOJl:LYN-635-637 Fulton st. MILWAUXEE,WIS.-492-494 Market St. PHILADELPHIA-Pitcairn Bldg., Arch and 11th sts. BOCHESTEB,N.Y.-WilderBldg.,Main &; Bzchange sts. DAVENPOBT-410-416Scott st. BALTIl\I!OBB-310-12-14W. Pratt st. OJl:LAHOMACITY,OJl:LA, 210-212W.Fl1'st St. ••••••• aa _. __ ••• _. aa a ••• -- •• I._---_._--------------_.--~I 22 WEEKLY ARTISAN Good Equipment Means Better Work Equip your shop or factory with G. R. Handscrew products; you'll note a vast difference in the quality and quantity of work turned out. All of our factory trucks, benches, clamps, VIses, etc. are the best that money and skilled labor can produce. We use nothing but the very best Michigan hard Maple in the construction of all our products. It is not possible to turn out better goods than we now manufacture; years of manufacturing has taught us that it pays to use nothing but the very best material possible in the manufactur-ing of our product. WRITE FOR CATALOG SHOWING THE COMPLETE LIST OF FACTORY EQUIPMENT. GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW CO. 918 Jefferson Avenue Furniture Must Fit Personality. "It IS not enough that woman" clothes mu"t '>Ult hCI, her housc must SUIt her, too and must reflect the ta"te and character of the ownel, and at the same time prove a beautiful background to the pIcture, of whIch "he mu;,t al \\ a} s be the central figure," says a wnter for the Bo"ton Traelel "The dark-eyed woman whose calm ~}mpath} and rest-fulness compel confidence and peace would look her bc"t ;,urrounded by oak panelhng and LltLabethan furl1ItUle ] hc heavy curta1l1s and hang1l1g;" all In nch, "ubdued tone", that are only to be found 111 old brocade", would "hleld the ;,dnct- Ity of her hou",e from the nOIse and hurly burly of modern hfe" "The WIde expansIve hearth speak-, of comfort and home hne"", Wll1le the nchly cal ved and elaboratc d11mneYPlecc cmbelhshed WIth the famdv coat of arm" and helalcltc devIce" would show the dlgmty and pnde of bIrth of tll1" ,,\\ cet-tdcul woman who;,e broad "ympathy and e"sentlal k1l1dltness help to adorn the title of a true AmenCdn lady "Her furnIture would be comfortable, "el vlLeable, but never luxunolh, a qUIet seeml1l1es5 would pel \ adc the \\ h01' housc" "1'hl;, sweet, calm woman would look her best a~a1l1"t an Ehzabethan background of comb1l1ed dlgl11ty and homeI1l1e,,~ but would be completely out of place 111 a room of flIppant French deSIgn decorated WIth seductive rose p1l1b and deh-clOusly Impudent gIlt cupIds WIth garland;, of fio\\ er" "But the pIquant httle woman, who"e hnght sal1les of \\ It dehght her hearer"" and whose chdd-hke faSC1l1atlO11'idll \ e away dull care, would be In her element 111 "uch a room as thIs" There 1Ssome logIC 111 the Boston Idea but If entirely co,- rect It proves that the Ehzabethan style of fur111ture was not Grand Rapids, Michigan '-,0 named becau;,e of ItS ac1aptablhty to the queen';, per;,onaht} L nle"" hlstOl} IS at fault Queen Bess was anythmg but dark-eved calm and restful, but, perhaps she lacked taste and had not (h;,co\ ered the Importance of harmony between furmture and personahty j he );3 cmploye" of the Alex SI111th & Sons Carpet '-- J1l1pany Yonker", \ Y, WIll each tecu\c $1,000 flOm the c"tdtc of :\11" E\ d S Cochran who dIed Iecently Mr5 Cochl an owned a large 1I1tere"t 111 the company and the total \ aluc of her c"tdte h e;,tnnated dt $12,000,000 1he pot of gold dt the end of the rainbow I;' Just about a5 acce"::'lble a" the "lIver hn111gof our douds III ALH leo 6 CO@ MANUFACTURERS ...~D DEALERS IN HIGH GRADE BAND AND SCROLL SA~S REF'AIRI NG-5ATI5FACTION GUARANTEED ClTlZENS PHONE 1239 27 N MARKET ST ~, GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. WEEKLY ARTISAN Distribution of Pay Envelopes in Factories. rhe Iron Age-In certam locahties the practice is gammg ground of ch:stnbutmg pay envelopes through the \\-orks, each employee bemg handed h1S week's earnmgs by clerks who make the rounds of the shops on pay day. The change to th1S :oystem 1S largely on the theory that to stand m hne to recelVe wages detracts from a man's self-respect It hurts the pnde of many workmen still further to have the1r names on pay envelopes replaced by number". wh1ch 1Sthe u"ual method at a pay wmdow. The elllnmatlOn of the pay wmdow further effect" somc :savmg of time, e1ther of the workmen after they have fim"hed the1r lahor:o or of the employer 1f the hne i:o per- 1111tted to form 1n shop hours. In very large plants such a "y"tem may not be practicable, nor would 1t be m certain "maller works because of the nature of the employment. But m most small estabhshments, and m many of cons1derable Slze, there appears to be no senous obstacle to the use of such a pay system The :serV1ces of one or more clerks are needed for only a ",hort time The payment 1S a personal, pnvate transactlOn, wh1ch appeals strongly to the Amencan idea Surely, no harm can result from glvmg a man's wages an ad- (htlOnal d1gnity, and, though 1t may seem a small matter, where the change has been made from the lme at the wmdow to the unostentatlOus 'handmg of the envelope to the man dunng h1S work, the comment of the shop 1S of the sort that would "urpnse the employer who has never glVen heed to the questlOn One of the une!erlymg cond1tions breed1l1g labor troubles 1~ the fee1111gof workmg force" that they comtitute a class ent1rely apart from the management ~Iodern bUS1l1es" meth-od" ha\ e compelled the abandonment of the ole! relatlOm, be-tVveen employer and employed Defore the day" of great under-takll1g" the ownC1 knew every man m hb plant and a feehng of equahty eX1sted Iu reality no change ha:o been wrought m this respect, so far as the feel111gs of ow ners toward their loyal workmen are concerned, even in lanse estabhshments, but the opportunity of glVll1g expre:O:OlOnto the1r fnendI1l1e:o:s by per:oonal contact no longer eX1st", The1r relatlOns w1th the1r men must be through others Even 111 the "mall factory the rush of modern product10n preclude" other than bnef busmess contact, and, of course, personal a""oc1ation rarely extend" beyond the shop door. Every "tep 111 the develop-ment of successul management must be accompamed by "ys-tem, and the atmo:ophere of the mdustnal :oy"tem mu"t alway" appear a cold one If m any way, :ouch a:o by the method of distnbutmg wage", the workmen are made to feel a narrow-mg of the gap between them and the office the re:oults cannot be otherw1se than beneficial Was a Levine Venture. Fredenck WAllen, pres1dent of the Allen & Pa1s1ey FUl-mture Company. 133 Portland street, Boston, VV11ham C Forsaith, treasurer of the C. C. Ba11ey Furmture Company of 90 Canal street, Boston, and Coleman Levme of Coleman Le-vme & Co, furmture dealers, 138 Cortland street, Boston, who were md1cted for concealmg assets of the Blockton (2Vlass) Furniture C0111{pany wh1ch was f01ced mto bankruptcy m 1908, pleaded gll1ltY when arra1gned m court Mr Allen pa1d a fine of $1,000 and the other" $500 each Allen was trustee m bankruptcy m the Brockton Furn1- ture Co ca"e and 1t was charged by the government that by tanglmg up the account" of the Brockton concern the men chv1dee! about $1200 among them"elve<- The ca"e aga1n"t ] o.,eph M Leven"on, attorney m the bdllkruptcy ca:oe, wa" no11 pro"",ed SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ E.ach Net $2~ E.ach Net No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS, 23 SMITH &, DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis 24 WEEKLY rI .... ..... ..._------~ BARGAINS IN NEW MAC"INERY I have on hand for ImmedIate shipment the followmg brand new machines WhIChI will sell at reduced pnces 4- Two-spindle Radial Boring Machines to bore from IX to 18inch centers. 3- Two-spindle Radial Boring Machines to bore from I to 12inch centers. 2-Eighteen inch Cabinet Makers' lathes. I-Sixteen Inch Cabinet' Makers' lathe. ---ADDRESS-- -- J. C. DeBRUYN, 130PageSt., Grand Rapids,Mich. .....----_._---_. -----------_._._--- I i ...-_ ..---_._---_._._._.~.~._._._._._--_._._.~.~._._._.,---.~ !III I II III I I II !IIII .......... ... .~! No 15 FOX SAWING MACHINE WRITE 44 FOR NEW CATALOG FOX MACH INE CO' 185 N fRONT STREET, GRANO RAPIDS, MICH ~-------_._---.---- I Morton ......_-~ lfouse ---'._._._._._. -------_._---~ II I II• • ...I ( American Plan) Rates $2.50 and Up. lfoteJ Pantlind (European Plan) Rates $1.00 and Up. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Noon Dmner Served at the Pantlmd for SOc IS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. J. BOYD PANTLlND, Prop. "'----- BROTH ERS CO. FT. WAYNE, IND. HARDWOOD LUMBER III , l QUARTERED OAK {VENEERS I' fAN D MAHOGANY ! ....----•........------------ ~ III.. SAWED AND SLICED ARTISAN New Water Cooler for Refrigerators. The old style water coolers in Refrigerators are a nuis-ance The water tastes of the food. the Ice met" away rrom the tank, and the water 1:-0 not cooled; the tank IS 111 the way. occUPY1I1g part of the door space, It don't hold enough water All these ObjectIOns are aVOIded in the new Leonard \Vater Cooler It conSIsts of a seam-less tube 40 Inche:o III dIameter, porcela1l1 enameled I11:oIde and oUbide. It b placed 111 the back corner of the Ice chamber, out of the way of the door openlllg, and where the Ice 1', held constantly aga111st It by the lllcl1l1e ( t the Ice rack /\." 1t opens only to the outSIde of the RefrIg-el ator, through the top the water can never absorb smells ot food It IS ecl~Ily cleaned, hecau~e the tube I~ large It holds from one to two gallons of water, and more can be "upphed, Jf ,yanted by 111vertlllg a large bottle of water on top at cooler 1hese cooler, can he obtaIned 111the Leonard cleanable porcelalll 11l1ed refrigerators l\Iade by the Grand RapIds Retllgerator Co , CI} de Park avenue, Grand RapId", l\I1ch. For Telling How to Dodge the Tax. Ernest L SqUIre and George y\ Dor"ey. Jr. d01l1g busi- I1h:o as the La\\}er,,' T1tle & Tlu~t Company, 1n \VIlmlllgton, Del, ha' e been arre"ted b) cl L 11lted States marshall on the Made by Sheboygan Novelty Co" Sheboygan, WIS . charge of consptrlng to COm111ltan offense agalllst the UnIted State~ They were taken before a ju~t1ce and held for an I11vestlgatlOn before the grand jury They are alleged to hay, e advert1sed and sent out postal cards offering to advhe corporatIOns how to evade the new ta', pro\ Ided In the tariff act The offer set forth that the plan could be to!lowe(] WIthout VIOlclt1l1gthe law The accu:oed say that theIr offel was sImply to expla1l1 the law and how to conform to It and pronllse to put up a "ucce:osful defense Recent Inventions. \ fil e e:Olape recently patented by aNew York man con- 'lSts of a fireproof tower contallll11g a separate spIral tube lead1l10 from each floor to the street to lessen the confUSIon should "a ~lllgle tube be used for all floor" -\ patent has been ::;ranted a LOUl"Iana man on a plclne III \\ Inch the blade IS replaced by a pIece of ~amlpaper, wlllch ma \ be adj usted or 1emoved and replaced by a fre~h pIece by t\\ 0 knobs that SCIew mto the ba"e \ foldmg portable wardrobe for the benefit of travelers \'vho may hm! llladeCjuclte accommodatIons at <,topplllg places has been patented by an 1111110ISman WEEKLY ARTISAN 25 Vacuum Cleaners and Carpet Sweepers. 'v\ eekly ArtIsan, CIty G~ntlemen Replymg to your favor of 2nd m~t, we beg to advI"e }ou that the mtroductlOn of vacuum cleaner~ has had a stlmu-latmg effect upon our busme,,~, and the I ea"ons for thl~ are ql11te obv 10USto us In the fil'it place, a vacuum cleaner wIth suffiCIent pOV\er to be effectIve l'i necessanl y expen~lve, and tl1l'-, place'i a llmltatlOn upon lt~ "ale and removes It entirely from the categor} of the cal pet 'iweeper In the second place. vacuum de,ll1ers poe,ses"lng any ment mue,t have motor.., that not only coe,t money but add mat en all} to the weIght of the de vIce Vacuum cleaner'i that weIgh from 40 to 60 pound~ are not ea"y to tran~port from room to room and up and down e,talr~, and therefore It IS that they are not practIcal every del} cleamng deVIces You wl1l percelVe that the carpet 'iweeper or hand pro-pelled clea11lng deVIce I" the every day necessIty m the home It ""elgh~ but j~ pound.." can be tran~ported from room to room or up and clown 'italr'i by a chlld, and co"te, but $275 to $6 SO for the very best Compare the'ie pnce~ WIth the pflce of the vacuum cleaner that pos"e~ses any ment There are a lot of alleged vacuum cleaners on the llurket that al e perfectly worthless affaIr", and even these co"t from $1500 to $2500 You are qmte nght m your a"sumptlOn that the carpet ..,weeper mdustry hel~ not suffered from the mtroduetlOn of vacuum cleaner~ On the contrary. there has never been a more "uccessful pellod m our bu"mess hl~tor} than ~l11ce the"e cleanel s were mtroducecl To bnng the matter down to date, our busme'i" smce the fir..,t of July, when all the vacuum cleaner manufacturers have been advertlsmg more extensIvely than ever before, shows an mcrea..,e of 15 per cent a month vVe have lust closed the largest October m our hI "tory, not exceptmg the great year of 1906 Vacuum c1eaner~ have theIr cll'itInct field of usefulness but the same IS smgularly true of the carpet sweeper There are many hmltatlOns surroundmg the use of vacuum cleaner.., that are not known to the pubhc generally Vacuum cleaners for example cannot gather up the large mIscella-neous htter that the sweeper swallows up WIthout effort Fme dust IS all that a vacuum cleaner can get. You wIll appre- CIate that the hou"ewlfe reqUIres a c1eanmg deVIce for dally use that 1S equal to the emergency In gathenng up the nl1S cellaneous htter such as large crumbs, matches, pms, needles. scraps of cloth, etc Of cour~e, In addItIOn to gathenng all thIs the Iapldly revolv111g brush of the 'iweeper hfts the fine uu"t out of the carpet or rug and depOSIts It 111the pan re-ceptacles As a matter of fact, the carpet or rug that Is dally ~-~-------'-_--.-~__.._. -------------------- Ii II IIIII II III II II~------~-- - - -----~DETROIT, MICH. I HOTEL NORMANDIE CONGRESS STREET Near Woodward Avenue American Plan, $2 50 per Day and upwards European Plan, $1 00 per Day and upwards Hot and Cold Runnmg Water m all Rooms. Rooms With Bath extra. A High Grade Cafe. Restaurant and Buffet m connection GEORGE FULWELL, Proprietor. -----_. _. ------ -------------~ ~------~--_._---------~------------- .-- - - ----------- II III II II It I II - -~ THE Hindel KINO THE GREATEST 1l0USEHOLD INVENTION OF THE AGE Need not be moved from the wall Is fllted WIth felted colton mattress. Has LuxuriOus Turkish Sprmgs. Is always ready WIth bed-dmg m proper place. Is absolutely safe-cannot close aCCidentally. Saves rent bysavmg space· Protects covermg by turn- Ing cushIons Is so Simple and easy a child can operate It Has roomy wardrobe box under seat I III II , II ~----------------------------------------------~ ComprIses three articles for the price of one WRiTE WIRE OR PHONE FOR PARTICULARS KINDEL BED COMPANY CHICAGO NEW YORK TORONTO swept \\ Ith a 1Jbsell -,wcepel ha" lIttle need for suchan cleaner" It Jt, only where sweepmg IS neglected that the vacuum cleaner apparently e,how~ the be~t result" ;\Jotwlth"tanchng that thCle are probably ISO to 200 va-cuum cleaner" manufactured 111thl" and foreIgn countnes, our bUS111e..,,,I~ cone,tantly glOW1l1g Our foreIgn trade a~ well a" our home tl ade V\III ~how a large 111crease for the year 1909 \ \ e rema111, Yours truy, BISSELL Ci\RPET S\\ EEPER COMPANY New Furniture Dealers. C R Pansh & Co al e new furmtLll e dealer., 111Columbue, OhIO John Barger IS the newest furl11ture dealer 111DanvJ1le, III He IS located at 433-7 Mam street Fred Rellbmlth I~ erect111g a bmlchng m whIch he wJ11 open a furl11ture store at JVlacungle, Fa H ] Immel of Fond du Lac, I" mak111g arrangemenb to open a new funl1ture store at J\I ayv Ille, WI~ F C Pal~t, Ada Palst and A J Costell, have mcorpor-ated the Independent Fur11lture Company, capltahzecl at $10,000, to deal m fur11lture at Paot1la, Col \\ B Carel of 1\ew York CIty, E E Carter and others of Bluefield, \V. Va, have 111LOrporated the Globe Furl11shmg Company to e"tabhsh a ~tore and deal 111furmture and hOlhe furl11"h111ggood" 111Bluefield CapItal stock, $20,000 New Factory for Grand Rapids. F J 1\1cElmee, cash leI of the "tate bank at GrandVIlle a suburb of Grand Rapld~, Harm Spaanstra, Herman MIller and J Ohl1 K1l11.p,""ho have had experience a~ furmture workers In Grand Rapld" factone", are orgamz111g the Sheraton lurn- Iture Company for the purpose of e'itabhsh111g a factory at GrandvJ1le They have deCIded to 'itart 111a modest ""ay, Ue,111gel 1)l1l1d111~now owned by the Grandvllle State bank wluch was formerly occupIed by the Hammond Novelty works The capItal "tack ha~ been fixed at $12,000 and Grand Rapld'i capltah"ts have sub"cnbed for a con~lderable part of It "That's a good name for a fur11lture company, saId a well known Grand RapId.., hlll11ture man, when told of the Grand- \ Jlle enterpnse, "but If they expect to hve up to the same by makmg Sheraton fur11lture, they'll have to 111crease theIr capItal a bIt, befOle they are able to pay dIVIdends" The man who boasts that he has everyth111g that he wants I doesn't want much •• -4 posed He was accepted and a few months later the marnage took place Speak1l1g of their courtship ~ome years later Mrs "etcher said "Y\ e talked bus1l1ess as other engaged couples talk 10\ e-It was love and Me to both of us lour years after the marnage, 111ApnL 1904, Mr 1\etcher "ecured the largest amount of 1I1~urance ever Issued upon the hte at a reSident of a western city up to that tune The pohcy called for the pay ment of $500,000 and was made payable to \1Is Xetcher It INas taken out as a bus1l1es" safeguard to assure ample cash to carr) out 1\lr Netcher's extensive plans should he die before their completIOn Two months after the pohc) wa" taken out, Mr. Netcher died follOWing an oper-ation for appendlclth The estate, of which his wife became the "ole executor, amounted to more than a nlllhon dollars, $600000 of whICh was 111surance lollow111g the example of her late husband, l\1rs Netcher then promptly apphed for an equal amount of 1I1surance The company which had bsued the pohcy of $500,000 for her hus-hand would Issue only $200,000 on her Me She therefore took S~OO000 more In another company 1 he first $700,000 was IN ntten on the non-participating plan, but recently she took out S300,000 more, on the partlclpat1l1g plan, making a total of SI 000,000 \\hlch IS beheved to he more than IS carned on the hfe of any other woman 111the world .:\Irs ::-,etcher reaches her offices about 9 30 and works at het desk a full bus111ess day Instead of tak1l1g lunch down to\\ n she dr1\ es back to her beautiful home, 4427 Drexel bouIe- 'llanI, and ha" luncheon With her chJ1dren Her work at the office IS that of con"ultatlOn With those trusted employes of her husband INham she picked a., heads of the varIOus depart-ment., of the store It COnslC,tsof pass111g upon large money deals transacted 111the store One of the remarkable th111gs about ~lrs Netcher's corps of assistant:, IS their extreme youth Her general manager, Henr} G Hart, "ald to be under 30, IS a man of academiC tra1l1111g a graduate phySICian, an expert on chemistry, and a student of hterature The assbtant general manager, George Branches, IS a man under 35, whtle Henry Fnedberg, the ad- 'llertls111g manager, I" said to be under 30 'The only succe"sful hfe," ~ays Mrs Netcher, "IS the hte of \\ork and susta111ed effort The busy hfe IS the only Me \\ orth whJ1e I do not care for society and I cannot say that I hunger for the diverSIOns pursued by most women. Mrs Netcher once declared that she did not see the neces- Stty for a vacatIOn Conge11lal work IS happ111ess for her and "he can't see why one ~hould give up happ1l1ess, even em-poranly Dunng the hot ~ummcr months, when most women of consldelably le"s mean" than l\1r~ Netcher were at resorts, the propnetre"., of the Boston "tore v. as regularly at her desk tran saet111g bus1l1ess DlCln't she feel the need of a change or dlvenon? 'I ha\ e m) chtldren and my home," was her charm1l1g lem1l1der 26 WEEKLY ARTISAN STORY OF MERCHANT PRINCESS Remarkable Career of Mrs. Charles Netcher. Owner of the Boston Store. Chicago. Mrs Chares Netcher, owner of the Boston store Chi-cago, known as the "1\lerchant Pr111ce"s "tands as a umque example of fem1l1111edchlevement };rom an obscure sales-woman, 111 a monster, restlcss army of department store workers, to propnetre~s of the 111c,tltutlOn 111Vii hlch she began as an humble employc, IS her record She IS today eng1l1eenm;-and successfull)-a larger bUSI-ness enterpnc,e than pcrhap" an) 11\111gwoman, and she b the Mrs. Charles Netcher manag111g exccut1\ e of her bus1l1es", 111e\ el) "cn.,e at the word Yet Mrs Netchel IS no mere wor"hlper at the altar of commerce In her day IS crowded mOle bus1l1es" than IS done by any but a few hus1l1ess men 111Chicago, and more hours spent at home With her chlldrcn than are given them by many society women The ~tOly of her llse to power ha~ becn ottcn told but ne\ er better than 111her own 'II'll orel" "Thel e IS noth1l1g wandel ful 111v. hat I am dOlnfS,, "hc says, "I am dOIng what any lo}al \\Ife would do T am "Imph carrY111g on the work of my late hushand It t" the one aim I now have to de'llate my"elf to the 1I1terest., to \\ hlch he ga\ e his hfe." l\]rs Netcher hac, been the active head of the huc,mcs., "hc conducts smce the death of hcr husband 1111904 Somc tlurt\- five years before hiS death Charles" etchel .,tal ted a" a bundle boy m the store of C \;\ & Ed Partndge E\ entually he bought out the partners and rapidly extended the bustness Like many self-made men, buslI1ess to .:\11 Xetchel was h1" first and best love Courtship of women had httle part 111hi" career One day, when hc was about -1-8years old, he ob-served a pleas111g and succe.,,,ful sale"wo1llan m h1" cloak and SUIt department He asked her to come to hi" office \\ hen she appeared he was so busy that he had forgotten about the summons Scratch111g hiS head for a few moments, he recalled it, and then and there in the most busmesshke manner pro- -.... _--_ ...., COLORS Adopted by the Grand Rapids Furniture ASSOCIationare produced With our: Golden Oak Oil Stain No. 1909, Filler No. 736. Early English Oil Stain No. 55, Filler No. 36. Weathered Oak Oil Stahl No. 1910. Mahogany Stain Powder, No.9, Filler No. 14. I Fumed Oak (W) Stain No. 46. III .. I _. _._._._._------_._-----------. --_._- ------------------ ~ GRAND RAPIDS WOOD FINISHING 5559 Ellsworth Ave GRAND RAf'IDS. MICH co. WEEKLY Something About the Newest WoodFinishes. There never was a time m the hIstory of the furmture makmg mdustry when so much real mterest was mamfested by the manu facturer m the fimsh of hIs product as the present And thIS mter-est IS not solely confmed to the manufacturer, but has commumcateJ Itself to the dealer m furmture, and to the dealers' customers-the pubhc, After dll It IS the man or woman who buys for the home who IS the one to denve the greatest pleasure from a beautifully fimshed pIece of furmture The commg year promises a number of new thmgs of d very hIgh character m wood fil11she, dnd a, usual The Manetta Pamt & Color Company of Manetta, OhIO, are prepared to furmsh prac tical stams to produce any or all of the newest Ideas, as well as all matenals and mstructlOns for producmg these new fimshes For year" furmture manufdcturers have been trymg to produce a correct shade of fumed oak and have tned several methods, of which, for a tIme, the fummg chamber proved the most satisfactory, as It produced on some pieces of the \\ ood results as to shade that were correct, but, owmg to the dIfferent methods of treatmg wood m the drymg proces" It has been ImpossIble to secure a umform color on a pIece of furmture The Manetta Pamt & Color Company. recogmzmg that some other treatment was necessary, has proJuced a stam that enables the fimsher to secure a correct shade of fumed oak wIthout fummg Made by Luee Furmture Company Grand RapIds, MJCh ThiS stam IS made from powerful aCids and b pel manent m Its er-fects and IS bemg largely used by fllll1lture manufacturers \\ nIl pel fect success Even where the wooJ has been fumed m a fummg chamber It has been found that by u"mg thIS aCId stdm that the work can be ton ed up and the color made more umform Owmg to the fact thdt the trade IS toddY demandmg a deeper shade of fumed thdn IS pc sSlble to secure by the fummg chamber method It IS even more necessclry to stam than fOimerly The company makes thiS stam m any deSIred depth to Slllt the Idea, of manufac turers, and any de<,tred shade can be obtamed Another offenng by nus well known house, suggested by the new Flanders deSIgn of furmture, which IS fdst commg mto popular favor, IS a stam to produce the correct color whIch th~s new desl2;n calls for It produces a beautiful, deep, nut-brown shade of colol dnd fimshes m a soft, velvety, dull effect ThIS stam IS only used upon hIgh grade furmture and we predIct It Will become very popu-lar Full directIOns are furmshed for usmg the stam and secunng the correct fimsh Another new stam made by The Manetta Pamt & Color Com-pany IS called Stratford Odk ThIS also promIses to become a velY populal fimsh for the better gl ade of furmture, It Imparts to the oak a vel y deep blown color WIth a nch purple undertone and the completed fimsh IS very handsome ThIS also IS put out With com plete InstructIOns for obtalDmg the correct results The fame of the Manetta Company's Farly Engltsh Stams makes It unnecessary to say much here regardmg that beautiful hmsh as It IS already known to a maJonty of the leadmg furmture manufac ARTISAN turers of the Umted States and Canada It has been conceded that Manetta Early Engltsh Stams are correct m color and practical of appltcatlOn, and they are today bemg largely used by manufac-turers \\;hose products have gamed for them a reputatIOn for the hnest Early Engltsh finbh The Manetta Pamt & Color Company claims to lead m the makmg of practical stams and fillers and all wood fimshmg maten als, and the wonderful growth of the company's busmess wlthm a _v"lvdratlvely few year" IS pomted to as the best eVIdence at tht truth of ItS claIm-that It leads the world m practlcdl wood hn Ishes It not only makes the stams and other matendls but It shows ItS customers how to get the results destred If nece"sary No goods are e,er offered to the trade thdt have not been tned and given every practical test m the factOi y There can be no ques tlOn that thIS method has had much to do With the very remarkable success which the compdny ha" enjoyed smce It entered the wood hmshmg field e1even years ago The Adam Brothers and Adam Furniture ROBERf AND JAMES ADAM were not the makers of the fur111ture known by theIr name They were archI-tects, to Kmg George III among others, and Adam furmture was only deSIgned by them and carned out under theIr su-perVISIon SometImes Hepplewhlte made It and 'iOmetlmes It was pamted by An-gehca Kaufmann, SIr JO'ihua Reynolds' protege, or by Pergolesl, whom the Adam Brother'i brought from Italy for the pur-pose. But It all bears such unmIstakable eVI-dence of the Adam gemus for refined, re- "tramed deSIgn, that the few genume pIeces of It ~ttll 111 eXIstence are hterally worth well 111ghtheIr weIght m gold Some of these have been reproduced by us and arc to be seen 1n our galleries The1r neo-c1ass1c elegance of form and proportlOn, the conv111cmg dehcacy of thcl1r carved or pa111ted ornamentatlOn, comb111e to gn e them one "lgnal advan-tage. They w1ll be found to harmomze most admIrably WIth the arch1tectural or other 'iturounchng'i of almost any style or pen-ad GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE COMPANY (Incorporated) 34 and 36 \Vest 32d Street Between Broadway and T'lfth A\ enue New York Good Sample for "Ad" Writers 27 28 WEEKLY ARTISAN The Sligh Furniture Company's New Building. v\ e Illustrate herewith the progress made toward the com-pletIOn of the new additIOn to the Shgh Fur111tUle Compan) ~ factory after one week s work The SILe of the aclc1ltlOn I" 96 x 132 and I~ to be four "tones high The S1lgh lur111tUl e Company have for a long time felt that they "houle! proVide someth111g 111the way of club convel11ences for the u"e of their men, consequently provblOn IS made for thl" 111the ne,'V ad-dltJon now bemg bUIlt Most of the ba"ement will be de,oted to e!mmg, reae!mg and recreatJon room" The fir"t floor ,'VIII con tam the entrance to the new "alesroom which will occupy all of the second floor and connect with the saleo room In the old buildmg which IS a1:o0 on the "econd floC'1 The thlrcl and fourth floon will be u"ed for stock room" The mcrea"e 111 the manufactUring department,; of the b111ldl112, which will be pOSSible with the con"tJ uctlOn of thb aelcl!tt, n and the rearrangements planned It IS said Will permit of an l'1crease In the Company',; output amounting to $150,000 a ,ectr The Company'" h1 "Ine"s for 1909 'v III undoubtedly Mahogany Circassian Walnut Quartered Oilk Walnut Curly Maple Bird's Eye Mapl~ Basswood Ash Elm Birch Maple Poplar Gum Oak 1)10' e 1l l \.( p ,e, of thJ.l , ; d ') of their prey JO,h yeal'3 )111P- ,1Ient" to r[ lLe 111dlcate thl" New Factories. EriC Ander:oon and C C Palmer of Mmneapolls and vv S Jen~en of St Paul, have 111corporated the Standard '1\ all Bed Com pan) , capltahzed at $1 'i0,000 and Will e"tabhsh a new fac tor) In St Pdul, ::\lmn '1\ CRiger. C A Albright, G G Stark, H C, Bauer and Henry Tapkmg ha, e 111corpOlated the Cab111et J\lakers Umon, capltahzed at $7'i,000 to manufacture furl11tUl e and office flx-ture~ In Im1lanapoll", Incl C C Hiatt. lr B Campbell, R ] Spencer, ~ C, Hm,; elale and ::\I H '1\ dey C011'3tltute the board of directors of the H1l1:odale Pneumatic CushIOn and l\lattre~" Lompany, recently orga111zed With $25,000 capital stock, to e~tabh'3h and operate a factory In Indlanapoll" Ind -------------------~ ------------------- ------ IIt •It •!I -' . .- .. . --_.... Foreign and Domestic Woods. Rotary, Sliced, Sawed. WEEKLY ARTISAN 29 Miscellaneous Notes and News. The Gmlford Furmture Company of Greensboro, N C, ha" been adjudged bankrupt and placed In the hands of F. C Boy les dS I ecelver ex B Summer of the firm of Shelby & Summer, furn- Iture dealel s of PIcken", S C, ha" "old hIS mterest to J J 1 ewford and J D vVheeler L nder order" from the federal court W H Cooker, re-ceIver 111 bankruptcy WIll "ell the plant and a"sets of the 1\1al- Hln (Ark) ChaIr Company D 1\1 Clark & Co, fur11lture and hardwood dealer" of Bramel d, 1\1mn, were burned out completely October 28 TheIl 10"" IS only partially msured The Standard I, ur111ture Company of Spokane, Wa..,h, ha, e deCIded tel add an adchtlOnal story to theIr new bUllchng 110\'\ 111 C011r"eof con..,tl uctlon on Rn erslde a, enue ThIs wl1l make It "c, en "tones 'lhe l\IaJe..,Uc T ur111ture Company of :Uexlco, '\ Y, ha" bcen 1l1COl porated by 'IV H Osborn and others who wJ1l re-model alld enlal ge the new plant recently estabh"hed CapI-tal :"tock, alI paId m, $40,000 Lee S 1\I111sfor "everal year" buyer for the Sharpe & \\ herr} FurnIture Company of Na"hvl1le, Tenn, has accepted ,he PO~lt'on of "ale" and collectIOn manager for A. C Scud-day house fur111sher, of the same cIty Charles B He11lka the pIoneer undertaker and fur11lture dealer of Petoskey, 1\1Jch, ched lecently after an Illness of about a year He stal ted 111 bu..,me"s at \\ ayland, Mlch and mm ed to Petoskey nearly thIrty yeals ago ] he \Iohne Fur111ture \Vorks and other factones at .:\10- lme, Ill, are repOl ted "0 rushed WIth order" that It IS neces- "al y to 1I1crease the working- fOlce and lengthen the hours '1 he Fur11lture 'vVork" are now workmg 125 men 12 hours a day )J J Ocksreldel, collector for I'ea"e Brothers fur111ture dealer" of Los Angeles, Cal, I" charged WIth a shortage of $2.400 111 hI', account" He skIpped out but ""as caught 111 Salt Lake CIty and ha" been I eturned to Los Angeles fOI tJ ILl! fcn embezzlement J E IV mans of 1\1uskog ee, Okla, a" agent for the Haney School FurnIture Company, of Grand RapIds, 1\1lch , ha" filed With the secretary of "tate on behalf of that company an affida'lt that It IS not affihated With any tnnt or monopoly, as I" req Ull eel by the text book law of the state Stockholders 111 the Howard Du"tless Duster Company of Bo~ton ""ee mllhons" 111 the project The dUtotless dusters are made of cloth chemIcally treated that dusts, cleans and pol- Ishes hl1mture, etc ,and It 1<; claimed that the matenal retams ltS plOpertles and Ibefulness after be1l1g washed repeatedly 1\Iayor Howse of NashVIlle. Tenn, b a funllture dealer, That he IS a good mayor wa" Imhcated last week when about twenty of hI:" competitor" In the fur11lture trade Vv ent to hiS office and presented hIm a valuable gold mounted fountam pen a:" e\ Idence of theIr apprecIatIOn of hiS admlmstratlon of the cIty's affaIrs E S Hal mon'" contract WIth the Chehalhs (\Vash) Furni-ture and ),Ianufactunng Company whereby he sold the output of the faciory, ha" expIred and the company al e makmg ar-rangement" to seII their product Without the as:"lstance of an agent They Will e"tabh"h warchou"es In Portland and Sedttle and, perhap", In Spokane J II Roe and RIchard Lamont composmg the firm of Roe & Lamont who have scored great ~uccess m the fur111ture trade at T'lellmgham, \Vash , have mcorporated under the name of the Great 'Jortheln FUl11lture Company With $36,000 capital stock and ",,111enlarge their bu"mes:" whICh has grown be- } ond the capacity of their present quarters Hardwood Lumber Conditions. Although not defi11ltely adVIsed of a change m quotation'S dealer" 111 mahogany logs and lumber, and furlllture manu-facturers, are expectmg an advance m pnces Immediately For over a year Afncan mahogany ha~ been "old at pnces about 20 per cent lower than the quotatIOns of two years ago The declme was due to the hard times penod that began m October, 1907 At that time lumbermen operatmg m Afnca had a large amount of mahogany cut mto logs The palllC cut off the demand but those log" had to be brought out of the hot chmate to save them from bemg worm eaten They were brought out and dumped mto the London, LIVerpool and t\ ew York markets Some of the owners were obhged to sell and many of them dId so at figures that did not cover the co"t and they qmt cuttmg the tImber The demand was hght for a year 01 more but has mcrea"ed conSIderably In the past "IX months and the supply I" now runmng "hart The K ew York market h saId to be practically bare of the Afncan tnnber and the receipts Will "urely be hght for several months at least "Cnder "uch concbtlOn" an advance m pnces on Afncan ma-hogany IS conSidered a certamty and the scarcIty wl11 mcrea"e the demand and cause hIgher pnces for the Cuban, ,\Iexlcan, Central and South Amencan vanetle., of the tImber on whIch there has been httle dec1me m the pa"t two years Two years ago Afncan mahogany was sold at 16 to 18 cenb per foot, Dunng the past year and up to the pre'3ent It has been sold at 13 cents, or le"s, but dealer" declare that It WIll soon go up to the old pnce or higher The domestIc hardwood markeb are reported ql11et at nearly all pomt'3 The 111crea"e in the demand for the lower grades of oak that wa" noted two week" ago seem" to have sub"lded The upper grades, however, are stlII firm WIth a tendency to hIgher figures The pnce of quarter-sawed l11ch oak has been advanc1l1g "lowly smce about the first of July In Grand RapIds the total advance m the past four months amounts to $5 or $6 per thousand ft In June the figures were $80 @ 82 Kow the quotatIOns are $86 @ $88, but these pnces are frequently shaded conSIderably Plam oak fir"ts and second" have also gradually advanced m pllce smce June, but the figures take a range so WIde that quotatIOns have bttle defi-l11te "iglllficance Ash, blrch, elm and maple are generally repol ted firm With good demand, but WIth the exception of maple there has been no matenal advance 111pnces S111ceJune though higher prices have been and are now constantly predIcted by consumers Death of John M. Smyth of Chicago. John 1\1 Smyth, owner of a furl11ture ..,tOle that he e:otdL h"hed 111ChIcago In 1867 and whIch I" now onL of the largest estabhshments of ItS kmd m the world, dIed last Thursday aged 66 years The Immediate cau"e of hIS death was bron-chIal pneumol11a, but the pnmary cause I" saId to have been overwork 111stralghtel11ng out the finanCIal affaIrs of John R \;\1alsh The merchant was a heavy stockholder 111the vVal"h banks, and when they were wrecked he was the chIef guaran-tor of the $7,121.887 note given by 1\1r \'Valsh to the cleanng hou"e 1\lr, Smyth IS credIted With hav111g done much to straIghten out the affairs of the former banker :.\Ir Smyth wa" born at sea, July 6, 1843, when hIS parents were emlgratl11g from Ireland to the Ul11ted State'3 The famIly settled in ChIcago m 1845, where Mr Smyth has S111cemade hIs home For many years he took an active mtel e"t m polttlcs He served two tel ms m the cIty counCIl and was a personal fnend of the late Mayor Carter II Harnson 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN .... .. ---------_._._._._ .... ._._.~.~._.-. -_.------- -----~~------_._--~-~ NEW VORI< NEW PROCESS FUllING LIQUID produces on any oak results equal in every respect to those obtained by the old tedious and expensive actual fuming method. This especially prepared material when applied to any oak acts with the acids in the wood and produces that peculiarly beautiful, brown-ish effect known as "Fumed Oak." Nothing affects the finish, which may be thoroughly sandpapered without fear of cutting through. Send for FREE sample. We supply everything in Paint Specialties and Wood Finishing materials. i CHICAGO ~-. .. ....~ nent nOle \\ Ithont co~t to It, land'i and preml'ie" whIch shall be acceptable and "atl"factory to It'i trn"tees a" a locatIOn and "He tor the bl1llcllng or bndd1l1g ~ , \Iv hlch were to be Its perma-nent home If that conclltlOn shall not be complied wIth \\ Ithm SIX) ears from the date of hI" death- Jan 16, 1906-the $8008000 \\ lllch It \Va'i mtenc!ed Chlca~o "hon!d have v" 111 be 10'it to It Thc palk Vlmml""loner" now threaton to bnng "nIt aga\11"t \ \ dlC! for the pnrpo'ie of condemll1ng hlb holdmg" for a "Ite fOl the mlbenm and litIgatIon In that "tdte 1" nsnally pamfnlly slow If It "hall not "eem ac!vI"able to pnrsne thI" conr"e tthe trn"tee~ wtI! ha\ e to look out for another SIte A pretty woman doe'in't always wear well. In fact, beanty vel y often rubs off. . ~ Oak, Veneers. ~-..... . . IIII Circassian, Mahogany, II and I! , Established IB3B. I~....... .- --- . Trouble for Montgomery Ward. Ch' l11ng a "mall frontage on Grant park m lhlcago I[ont gomely \\ ard the great mati order merchant. ha" carneel on nncea~lllg!) a campaIgn aga1l1"t man) mteresb that hay e .,ought to cover the gIonnd wIth rallroad track'i and bllllclln~'i desIgned to be n"ed for van an" purposes HI" latht tIll1mph \11 lItIgatIOn \\ a" won from the tI u"tee" of the 1 lelel IIthenm who "ought to erect on the park a "plenchd blll!clmg. to UJ"t $8000,000, plOvlded far by the WIll of the late IIaI "hall llelel to contaIn the FIeld II useum '1he people of ChIcago \Iv hlle acknowledgmg theIr oblIgatIOn to J\Ir \\ arc! for what he ha" done on other occaSIOns for the consel' atIOn of the lake front, are not thankfnl for thI'i latest assertIOn of hIS legal nghh Thc sItuatIOn IS all the more nnplea'iant because of the term" of '\11 FIeld's wtIl He gay e the museum $8,000,000 on concll-tlOn that there "hould be "glvcn to It 01 devoted to Ih pellna LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES ON OUR OWN MANUFACTURE OF Gum Poplar The Albro Veneer Co. CINCINNATI. O. I .._ .._ _--_..... . .. WEEKLY ARTISAN A New Mileage Book. The western raIlroads have adopted a new mterchangeable mIleage tIcket book whIch wIll be put mto use Jan 1 as a sub-o, tItute for all forms of mIleage tIckets now m use It wIll be Io,,",ued by the mclIvIdual road, but wIll be of umform type and adapted for use m states where varyIng rates of legal maXI-mum fares are m force After careful consIderatIOn of the mIleage book que"tIOn the road'3 adopted the report of the Jomt mIleage commIttee of the \\ eo,tern Paso,enger a'3S0cIatIOn and the Southweo,tern Pa~- o,enger lVIIleal-Se bureau, whIch recommended a nontransfer-able per~ondl descnptIVe book contam111g 2,000 coupons to be Made by the Boston Mlrror Company, 67-69 Sudbury St , Boston, Mass sold for $40 Instead of repre'oent111g mIles, however, each coupon v,I11 V11tually repre"ent 1 cent, and \\ 111be honO! ed accOld1l1g to the rate of fare 111each state In the 2 cent fare o,tates~llhnO!s, 1m,a, Kansas, northel n .!\IIc1llgan, J\I111l1e"ota, )J ebraska, I'\orth Dakota, Oklahoma, and \VIscon'o111~one coupon WIll he attached for each nllle In states where the legal rate h 2/~ cents-Arkansas, Colo-rado, LOUlo,Iana, ~II%OUn, Montana, Texa'3, and \Vyom111g~ five coupons wIll be detached for each four mIleo, traveled, and m New J\1exIco three coupons for each two mIles Smce the passage of the '3tate fare laws the present form" of western 1l1terchangeable mIleage book" and the mdIVIdual book" have almost fallen mto dIsuse because they represent no consIderable reductIOn under the usual fare The Man Who Knows. In the pi esent age when the tendency IS to speCialize m dll lmes of human endeavor, 1t 1S the man who knows' who IS today filling the h1ghe'it positiOns It matter:o not wl1dt your partIculdr specialty may be-clerk book~eeper, la1lroader, blacksm1th, machm1st, carpenter, wood fin 1sher-lf you are thOl oughly famlhar wIth your busmLss you dre bound to mcrea,e your edrnlllg CdPdClty The wood filllsher of today, for 111stance, must know-and usu ally does-far mOle than the filllsher of even twenty-five years ago ThiS 1S not only becau:oe of the many new styles of finIshes which have been llltroduced In that many yedrs, but because of the many new methods and processes wh1ch are today reqlured to produce many of the modern hIgh grade wood filllshes A good filllsher must not only "know" h1s busmes:o, but "he should know why he knows", he must keep mformed on all matters pertammg to his art The Manettd Pamt & Color Company, one of the hlghe'it author 1he'i on modern, h1gh grade wood filllSh111g,has Is:oued a httle book under the title of "Hmt'i for the FIlllshmg Room,' whJch every wood filllsher should have It IS of a convelllent SIze to cdrry 1n the vest pocket and can be had for the ask1l1g by address1l1g a request to the company at Manetta, OhlO. / 10 SPINDLE MACHINE ALSO MADE WITH 12, 15 20 AN:D 25 SPINDLlcS DODDS' NEW GEAR DOVETAI LING MACH I N E ThIS little machme has done more to perfect the drdwer work of furnl ture mauufacturers thau anyth10g else 10 the furmture trade For fifteen years It has made perfect fitttng vermlll proof dovetaIled stock a pOSSI blhty ThIS has been accompllshed at reduced cost a<; the machme cuts dove-tails In gangs of from 9 to 24 at one operatlOn It s what others see about your busmess rather than what }OU say about It that counts 111 the cash drawer It <;the thrill of t'nthusIasm and the true ring of truth 'ou feel and hear back of the cold type that makes yon buv the thing advertIsed ALEXANDER DODDS, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHICAN Represented by Schuchart & Schulte at Berlm, VIenna, Stockholm and St Peteflbura Repr .. ented by Alfred H Schulte at Cologne, Brus.el., !...lege, Pans. Muan and Buboa Represented m Great Bnllan and by the Ohver Machmery Co. F S Thompson, Mar, 201-203 Dean.aate. Manchester. England ~ .G'~'--'-'-'~'-' _ ,,••• I I,I , I I -----------------------~ I I IIII ,I •• I I •I•• I •I I III III I I, II IIII I• •; Give your men tools that are ac-curate to the one-thousandth part of an inch. Tools that are straight and true and hold their cutting edge. No matter how expensive and per-fect your machinery may be, if the cutting tools are not of the best, you can not turn out good work. We pride ourselves on the fact that we have manufactured only the very best for thirty-fIve years. Write for our complete catalog. It shows many new ideas in fine labor saving tools. MORRIS WOOD & SONS 1508-1510 W. LAKE ST., CHICACO, ILL. 31 \ New York Markets. 32 WEEKLY ARTISAN to ••••• Miscellaneous Advertisements. WANTED. An experIenced upholstery furmture salesman to work the larger towns m IllmOls, Iowa, MISSOUrI,Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado. Must be a man who thoroughly understands the bUSiness. Goed salary. Address "E T C," care Weekly Artisan, Grand Rapids. Mleh 11 6_13-20-27 II II I I I II IIII II fII II WANTED. First class superIntendent to take charge of the marufac tunng part of our bUSiness Apply stating experIence re-ferences ard salary expected, to the Carrollton Furnture ManufactUrIng Company, Carrollton. Ky. 11-6 FOR RENT In I!'0rt Wayne, Ind, Cltv of 65,000 populatlO'1, three story bnck bUilding, 30 x 150 ft., steam heat electnc, electnc elevator, entire interIor rece'1tly painted and fres-coed, located one half block from Court House. ce'1ter of huslnes'l dlstnct. Address E. Shu'l1an, 222 E Wavpe St Fort Wayne, Ind 10_30-11-6-13 WANTED Line of Refrigerators and Case Goods for Phlladelph''3. ard near-by towns by salesman who has worked th .. terr'- tory for more than twenty years. Address, "M De J," care Artisan. WANTED PositIOn for 1910. A Furmture Salesman With twenty_eight years exrer-ience as a Road Salesman, covenng Ill, Ind, OhIO, V\Tester'1 Pa Northern Ky and Northern Tenn., IS ooen for a Poslt1"n With a good case goods house or chalr house Can f!lve A-I recommendatIOns from present employers that Will (Ji~_ pel all doubt. Will gladly answer all questions Ad<1rec'l "w. J. H." Care Artisan. 10-20 SALESMAN With well established trade east of Buffalo, N Y to Portland Me. and north of Norfolk, Va., IS open fer lme of UP-TO-DATE medIUm prIced dmmg room furniture on commission-over 20 years' experIence. Address "Oopor-tunity," care of 511 West 21st street, New York City, N Y 10-30 WANTED A representative lme of medIUm prIced case work on commiSSIOn for Atlantic Coast states from Mame to Vlrgmla by well known exoerIenced sales'11an. Andress, "Vldel cet'" care of 342 Sumner avenue, Brooklyn, N Y. 10-20 WANTED-SALESMAN A prominent refrIgerator manufacturer wants salesman for New England states Prefer some one who has handled refrigerators. Address Refrigeraters care of Weekly Arusa" 10-30 WANTED-SALESMAN. Expecting to mcrease our force of salarIed salesmen we want to hear from furmture salesman, ope'1 for engagement January 1st. Must have experience IU road "'lor\{ III medIUm and better case work. and general line of furniture. State reference. None but well recom'11eT'ded. exnerIenced furni-ture roadman Will be conSidered. Address, High Grade. Care Michigan Artis'ln. 10-23-tf WANTED-SUPERINTENDENT For Indiana factory making sewmg machlre woodwork, address "Echo" or Weekly Artisan. 10-23 WANTED LINES FOR 1910 ExnerIenced salesman With established trade betwee" Buffalo and Bangor. Me. would like to carry several hnes of medIUm priced case goods on com-rllSSlOn. Address "Esp." care Weekly Artisan. 10-9 t f WANTED-WOOD SEAT CHAIR FACTORY To locate on our property at Columbus, Mississippi: unlimit-ed supply of red and white oak; red and sap gum and beech at extremely low cost; plenty cheap labor; fine factory site; un-excelled shipping facilities and low freight rates to good mar-ket. Might take some stock in well managed company. Ad-dress Interstate Lumber Company, Downing Building, Erie, Pa. BARGAIN! 40 H. P. direct current motor. latest make and running condition. Grand Rapids Blow Pipe rester Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. in first class & Dust Ar- 8-2Itf ~ . .--, IIII IIII I IIII I II III I I III II !I I II II II "e\\ Y01 k, '\0\ 5-Lmseed 011 contmues to advance and the malket I" Cj1l1te Itvely QuotatIOns ale now based on 62 (rj; h3 cent" fOl we"tern raw and run up to 65 @ 66 for doublp hotled, the hIgher figure" 111 each ca"e beIng for les'S than fi\ e-barrel lots "1l1rpent1l1e h off a cent 01 more m thb market, and stIll more at Sa\ annah, from the pnce'S quoted a week ago Dea1'3 \\ el e made hel e today at 59/'i @ 60 cent" The Savannah Cjl1ot,ttlon~ today are ~~y;; @ 5hY:; Shellac 10; "ttll elull, WIthout change 111 pllceo; thou~h there h a faIr demand from con"umero; \ mal keel ImpfCn ement In the demand for \! ar111"h Gum" h I ep ,rted and all grades are held firm at these figures Kaun, \0 1 -12 (Ii t8 cent", '\0 2, 21 @ 25 Damar-Datavla-13 (jj; 14 cent', ,[amla, pale. 14 @ 18 cents, dark, hard 12 @ 15, ambel, 14 @ 15 Goat 'Sk111Sare 111better demand than for "e\ eral weeks c'nd pilLe" al e firm ::YIexlcan frontter'S are quoted at 33 @' 3);; cenb \ortheln ,Iexlcans 43 (jj; 43}'2 Duenos AYleo;, 4-1-@ -I-'J Pd) ta". 42 Haltteno;, 44 @ 45 1 he hIde and leather markeb, generally o;peakln~, are firm \\ Ith a tendenc) to ach ance 111 pnce" The burlap huo;1I1eo;,h dull WIth compla1l1t'S of a lack of -'peculatl\ e 111tereo;t and demand for future dell\ ef) EIght ounce g"oocl'->al e o;ttll quoted at 3 SO @ 3 55, ten-and-a-half ounce 4- ~; INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Adams & E1tIPg Company Albro Veneer Company Barnes, W. F & John Co Barton, H. H & Son Company Buss Machme Works DeBruyn, J C Delaware Chair Company Dodds, Alexander Fourteen_Eleven Company Fox Machme Company Grand Rapids Blow Pipe and Dust Arrester Company Grand Rapids Brass Company Grand Rapids Electrotype Company Grand Rapids Hand Screw Company Grand Rapids Refrigerator Company Grand Rapids Wood Fmlshmg Company Hahn, LoUIS Hoffman Bros. Company Holden, Henry S Veneer Co Holcomb, A. L. & Co Hood & WrIght Hote Normandle Hotel Pantlind Kauffman ManufactUrIng Company Kmdel Bed Company Luce Furmture Company Mechamcs Furmture Company Michigan Engravlllg Company Michigan Star Furmture Comapny Mlscellan eous Morton House Nelson-Matter Furmture Company New York Furmture Exchange Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company Richmond Chair Company Roe E P. Carvmg Works Royal Chair Company Sheboygan Chair Company Sheldon, E H. & Co Smith & DaVIS ManufactUrIng Company Spratt, Geo. & Co Stow & DaVIS Furmture Company Udell Works Union Furniture Company (Rockford) Walter Clark Veneer Company Ward, 0 A White PrIntmg Company VlTood. Morns & Sons Wysong & Miles Company 30 30 Cover 15 COver 24 21 31 1 24 Cover 20 18 22 9 26 4 24 28 22 20 25 24 7 25 4 834 32 24 Cover 2 21 17 4 11 18 11 23 6 15 78 17 10 Cover 31 19 , I,I II II II II I, II .. f" • tI BUSS NEW No.4 CABINET PLANER. V'lahlng JOu deserved suecess wit.h t.hiS new pa t.ern. we rem/u.n. Robbins TaDLe Co Buss /JJ clune lI1orJ.ts~ Hol!.A.nd. Mieh Ge'1.tlemen, We wish t.o compliment. you on the lIror'xlng ot Jour new +l- Planer Just llstalled for us This IIW.chlne does the best. work of' any plll.11er we l' ever seen. anI) we a"".. frank to sal so much bet.ter than we expected. tohl. to our foraun said he si/llpl; could not. gElt along wlthcu:t It..!md wus sure It. wou.lo Yours va!'J truly. pay the price of itself wltlun a year in work 'Is. ad on lIlIlci'une8 followUl&. The Buss Machllle \Vorks are havlllg marked success with this new design of cabinet planer. The new method of beltmg-feed gears machme cut-together With the steel sprlllg sectional front feed roll and the late new sectional chipbreaker, make a cablllet planer second to none on the market today. The Buss Machine Warks are old manufacturers of cabmet planers and other woodworking tools, and keep abreast with the times with machmes of great effi.clency Woodworkers of all kinds will not make a mistake by wnting direct or to their nearest selling representative regarding any point on up-to-date cabinet planers. These are the days when the hve woodworker wants to cut the expense of sanding. HOLLAND, MICH. BUSS MACHINE WORKS GRAND RAPIDS, MICH• ... .-- -- . --- _____ ---------------------------------.---------.4...... -~---~-_.-----_._-------------,.~ IIt I 1 -~------------- ----------- --_.~-- MORTISER Complete Outfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CABINET MAKER He can save a manufacturer's profit as well as a dealer's profit. He can make more money WIth less capltal1uvested He can hold a better and more satlslactory trade With hIS customers He can manufacture m as good style and fimsh, and at as low cost as the factorIes The local cabmet maker has been forced mto only the dealer's trade and profit because of machme manufactured goods of factones An outfit of Barnes Patent Foot and Hand Power Machmery, reInstates the cabmet maker WIth advantag-es equal to hIS competItors If deSired these machmes w111be sold on trwl The purchaser can have ample tlme to test them m hI< own shop and on the work he Wishes them 10 do IJescr,pt,vl cataloglt~ and pr,ce hst free HAND CIRCULAR RIP SAW COMBINED MACHINE No 4 SAW (ready for cross cnttmg) W. f. &. JOt1NBIlRNES CO. 654 Ruby St.. Rockford, III. No 2 SCROLL SAW FORMER OR MOULDER ~----- ._--- _.- . HAND TENONER No 3 WOOD LATHE No.4 SAW (ready for npping) __________ . ---4 ••t II1 IiI II ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
- Date Created:
- 1909-11-06T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:19