General Chart of the Northern and Northwestern Lakes, Including New York State Canals and Lake Champlain

One navigational chart entitled, "General Chart of the Northern and Northwestern Lakes, Including New York State Canals and Lake Champlain," that was compiled and published by the U.S. Lake Survey, War Department, Corps of Engineers. The chart (No. 0) is a polyconic projection and is drawn at a scale of 1:1,200,000. It shows all of the Great Lakes region from Duluth, Minnesota, to Lake Champlain and the Hudson River in New York. General topographic details and notes are printed in black. Land areas are shaded pale yellow. Lake areas are shaded white or light blue depending upon water depth and also include contour lines for water depths in fathoms. Lines of latitude and longitude are shown in black. Lines of magnetic variation are shown in red. Principal lighthouses are shown in red and yellow. Information tables are shown on the right and left sides of the chart for U. S. and Canadian canals, dry dock locations, and annual lake level fluctuations. Printed text near the center lower edge shows "Aids to Navigation Corrected from Information Received to June 20, 1916."
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Nautical Charts, Great Lakes, U. S. Lake Survey, and Army Corps of Engineers
No Copyright - United States