Monochromatic glass-plate negative from the studio of Louis James Pesha depicting the bow and starboard side of the St. Lawrence and Chicago Steam Navigation Company freighter J. H. G. HAGARTY, under steam

Monochromatic glass-plate negative from the studio of Louis James Pesha depicting the bow and starboard side of the St. Lawrence and Chicago Steam Navigation Company freighter J. H. G. HAGARTY, under steam. A figure stands on the flying bridge, another walks along the deck, and a small group are gathered on and around the aft cabin. The deck of a freighter passing on the opposite side, and a tree-lined shoreline are visible in the background. The image is captioned with the date, "1915."
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Freighters, Boats, J. H. G. HAGARTY, St. Lawrence and Chicago Steam Navigation Company, Limited, and Canada Steamship Lines, Limited
No Copyright - United States