Reunion of Holmes athletes, period 1924-1930. In Detroit restaurant. One of several 'period' reunion dinners held in 1958.

Clifton Griffith, Leroy Dues, Floyd Wylie, Harold Groehn, Bob Thibideau, David L. Holmes, Norman Williams, Henry Williams, Eugene Coyro, Albert Silber, Adolph Lowe, Leon Cutler, Erwin Kersten, Webb Evans, Homer Strong, Vic Spathelf, Fred Rasch, Al Rasch, Stan Puddiford, Ed Cloutier, Malcolm Stuart, Bill Kronberg, Jimmy Russell, Ralph Green, Paul Thielman, Edgar Sherrin, Ira Benjamin, Edward Piggins, Bill Van Flect, Leigh Pascoe, Russ BeBeauclair, Cliff Reuter, Dave Beauvais, Walt Northcott, Susie Schecter, Ephran Kaufman, Lowell Blanchard, Ev Pauschert, Don Leonard, Frank Wachter, Henry Rehn, Fred Bokelman, Geo. Sherman, Don Lange, Louis Thurmon, Adolp Rehn, Charles Bishop, ?, Owen Stemmelen, Ken Bortle, Bill Bates, Norm Stockmeyer, Chas. Macdonald, Norm Edelman, Bob Gunn, Gordon Minton, Laurence Russell, Jake Wenzel, Carl Blomfield, Les Hanawalt, Ralph Osborne, Bill Tamblyn, Ed Pence, Gordon Hill, Joe Steinberger, Harry Josselson, Al Vizkelety, Bill Jasnowski, ?, El [sic?] Pollock, Frank Balcer, Harry Turner, Stan Seitz.
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Wayne State University. Libraries and Walter P. Reuther Library
Wayne State University Student Life
Detroit, MI
Subject Topic:
Sports, Dinner and dining, and College students
photographic prints
Copyright Wayne State University