Weekly Artisan; 1909-08-28

Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and _ _ _ _ _ •• _ _ _ ___ ._._. _. _.__•__ • ._._. _. • __ •• "1 •••• _ •••• L ••••• _a -- •••••• .., :PANT R1'\ .:Jlnc.. \ 1. f..J. .~~.\' ... J)nnr T" , ".'" ~Tr GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., AUGUST 28, 1909 " . ;• iI• I•I••••I GRAND RAPIDS CRESCENT TYPE iiD" VARIETY SAW BENCH !I I• ••• II I•• IIl• I• !• fIt f Here's a Dandy Saw Bench. The yoke travels in an arc so that the belt is always tight-this is an exclusive feature. Rips 24 inches wide. Shipped complete with two saw blades, four gauges, countershaft, etc., together with our wonderful, new, double acting, gear operated, tilting ripping guage. Send for splendid new catalog. CRESCENT MACHINE WORKS of Grand Rapids, Mieh. • • • _ ••••••• -4 -?AD[ MARK AMERICAN BWWER COMPANY "SIROCCO" ANY EFFICIENT GENERATOR 'ABC" SELF OILING ENGINES (Exhaust Steam is Available for Heating and Drying) WE DIRECT CONNECT TO ANY GENERATOR direct connected to an " ABC" SELF OILING ENGINE are generating thousands of kilo-watts all over the world, and each engine is paying for itself every year in savings of fuel and oil. will electric light your plant, run fans, etc., and if you are now buying current, will pay you in savIng 25% PER ANNUM ( Wrtte for praq( q( above.) This plant running In IQUITOS, PERU WE WILL GLADLY QUOTE YOU, WITHOUT OBLIGATING YOU TO BUY GENERAL OFFICES, DETROIT, MICH. NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURC ATLANTA CHICACO ST. LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE '" . -_._._. ---------------------------- SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES -... III IIIIII II II •I• I III IIII IIIII IIII I I... I _", SLIDING SHOE FOR USE ON DESK LEGS This shoe does the work of a casttr yet allows the desk legs to set close to floor. Fastened With flat head wood screw and furnished in three Slzes. No. 1493 PULL A very fine handle for desks in the square effect. Something different from the regular bar pulls. GRAND RAPIDS BRASS CO. ho • •••• -"" GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. $ , ----------------------------------------------------_._.--------- •• ••• •••• •I II I•I•••• •I •I • •I I••III •• ••• •II •IIII• , 1IIII I~---_..._-_.- - -~ THIS IS THE MACHINE That BrinJ!s letters Like the FoliowinJ!: BUSS NEW No 4 CABINET PLANER Buss Mi ch~n8 Wo"'ks. G9'1tla1l1sn We wish t.o compliment you on the worKing of Jour new +4 Planei' J .IS .t 1stalled for us Th1s ma.chlne does he best. wo't>kor !ill; plane" va 1l,ave eve" sean, ana. we are frunk to sal so much bettor han we expectad, t.h",t. our foreman. s",ld he simp2J cou1.d not. get. along lthout It,and was sure 1t. wouJ.O pay the price of itself with ..". a ye..t..' 1'1. ark sa ad on macnlnes follow1ns Wishing JOu des,n''Vsd success witn this new patt.ern. va 1:'emaln. You"'svarJ trt.lJ. Robb us Table Co The Buss Mach1l1e "Vorks are havmg marked success WIth this new design of cabinet planer. The new method of belt1l1g-feed gears machme cut-together with the steel spnng sectional front feed roll and the late new sectional chIpbreaker, make a cab1l1et planer second to none on the market today. The Buss Machine vVorks are old manufacturers of cabmet planers and other woodworking tools, and keep abreast WIth the times WIth mach1l1es of great effiCIency Woodworkers of all kinds will not make a mistake by writing direct or to theIr nearest sellmg representative regarding any point on up-to-date cabinet planers. These are the days when the lIve woodworker wants to cut the expense of sanding. HOLLAND, MICH. BUSS MACHINE WORKS GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. --------------_. -_._-----------------------' ,..---- II I• I I II I I I I t I I•, I II III I•1• II II I II • 1 ~ ~~1 ii I...-- _.-- HAND \IRCULAR RIP SAW No 4 SAW (read) for cross cuttIng) No ~ SCROLL SAW .._ .... .--------_._----------------~ MORTlSER COMBINED MACHINE Complete Outfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CABINET MAKER He can save a manufacturer s profit as well as a dealer s profit He can make more money WIth less capltallIlvested He can hold a better and more satlslactory trade wIth hIS customer'> He can manufacture 1ll as good ityle and finIsh and at as 10,"\ cost as the factones The local cabInet maker has been forced mto onh the dealer 5 trade and profit because of machme manufactured goods of factones An outfit of Barnes Patent Foot and Hand Power MachInery, remstates the cabmet maker With advantages equal to hIS competItors If deSIred these machInes Will be sold on fnal The purchaser can have ample time to test them In hll:\ own shop and on the work he WIshes them to do Descr,ptw. catalogue and pnce l,st free W. f. So JOHN BARNES CO, 654 Ruby St., Rockford, III. HAND TENONER No 3 WOOD LATHE No 4 SAW (ready for nppmg) FORMER OR MOULDER No.7 S.C.RO.L.L..SAW. ... __.... ~tIt)fUH '~rj~_lTLi~-:t~~_~.,~. ¥ ! ! I,,,II ,,I ,I , II I•,, •IIIIt t III •,,i• II IIi f ! fII I ~ a. • _ •• ••• _ , Qran~Da~i~sDlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~an~ THE LATEST devzce for lzalldlmf; shavmgs alld dust flam all wood- 'ltorkmg maclmles Our nllleteen years expenence Zll thzs class of WOlk has bl0Ught zt nearer perfectwn than allY otlzcJ sy"tcm on thc marlzct today It ts no expermzellt) but a demonstrated scicntdic fact) as 'lc'e have several hUIl-dred of these systems in use) and not a poor one amollg them. Our AutomatiC Furnace Feed System) as shown t1l thts cut, zs the mo~t perfect working demce of allYthing t1l this lille Write for our pllces for equipments. WE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS EXHAUST FANS AND PRES-SURE BLOWERS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Office and Factory: 208-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CItizen. Phone 1282 Bell. Malh 1804 ••• ----- a •• __ a_a aM ••••• __ • OUR AUTOMATIC FURNACE FEED SYSTEM I .._ ... GRAND RAPm PUBLICLJBR}~r~ PATENTED FURNITURE MACHINERY These Up-to-date Machines contain improvements over the lABOR SAVING TOOLS mentioned in leller on front cover and will save you from 100 PER CENT TO 200 PER CENT PER ANNUM. WE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE Our Sand Belt Machines to be superior to any known process, both in quality and quantity of work produced. NO 171 SANDER Our Square Chisel Multiple Mortiser makes the Strongest, most Economical and most Ac-curate Case Construction possible. N~. 173-174 SANDER Order Now: Increase the Qual-ity of your goods; Reduce the Cost of Production; Increase your Profits. NO 181 MULTIPLE MORTISER Write for CATALOG "E" NO 173 SANDER WYSONG & MILES CO., CEDAR ST. AND SOU. R. R., GREENSBORO, N. C• ....--- t•• fff II If •f III I ff •II IIff I ...... .. .. --....-- . . .. ....,. ...---------------- .. Here are the Exact Shades adopted by the aran~ Ka~i~sfurniture Manufacturers'Association Send for Samples and Information. I II:I• I•f•••f t ti:III ..- " Their "Golden Oak Oil Stain" is our No. 3424. Their "Early English Stain" is our No 3425 Oil Stain. Their "Weathered Oak Stain" is our No.3426 Oil Stain. Their "fumed Oak" is our No. 3427 New Process fuming Liquid. Their "Light Mahogany Stain" is our No. 3428 Dry Mahogany Stain soluble in water. Their "Dark Mahogany Stain" is our No. 3429 Dry Mahogany Stain soluble in water. WE SUPPLY EVERYTHINGNEEDEDIN THE fiNISHING ROOM. CHICAGO NEW YORK THE AO-EL-ITE PEOPLE ·_. ... .-.. ...-------------------------------------_._--------_._--- ...... '" .. II THIS IS THE MACHINEThat Brim,:s letters like the Followimr: I: ---_... II II!III ( ...-----------_ .._-~-----~.~-.~--.-_-.--- _._._.~-----~-----~.-----_._--..-, _ I I II: BUSS NEW No.4 CABINET PLANER. Buss Ko.ch1.ne Works, "H.olland, Klah Ge'1.tlemen. Just. Installed for us ThIs machine does t.he best. worle or any planer we have ever 'een, ana we are frank to saJ so much bel-log!" than we expeoted, thut. oU%"tOl"eaan sald he s1mpIJ could not. get along without it,and was sure 1t. wou!O pay the price ot itself wIthIn a year 1n work saled on machIne. tollo.1Jl3- Wishing JOu deser\'sd success with this new pattern. 118rep1D. Yours vel"J truly. Robbins Tab.Le Co The Buss Machine Works are having marked success with this new design of cabinet planer. The new method of belting-feed gears machme cut-together with the steel spring sectional front feed roll and the late new sectional chipbreaker, make a cabmet planer second to none on the market today. The Buss Machine Works are old manufacturers of cabinet planers and other woodworking tools, and keep abreast with the times with machines of great efficiency. Woodworkers of all kinds will not make a mistake by writing direct or to their nearest selling representative regarding any point on up-to-date cabinet planers. These are the days when the live woodworker wants to cut the expense of sanding. I 1~----N---;:'_SC.R_OL.L_SA.W_.-._-~-----_._-----~---------_._._._--------------------~ II ...... ... HOLLAND, MICH. BUSS MACHINE WORKS ~- HAND <'IRCULAR RlP SAW MORTlSER Complete Outfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CABINET MAKER He can save a manufacturer s profit as well as a dealer s profit He can make more money WIth less capttaltnvested He can hold a better and more satlslactory trade WIth hIS customers He can manufacture In as good style and fill1.sh and at as low cost as the factones The local cahmet maker has been forced mto on1) the dealer s trade and profit because of machme manufactured goods of factones An outfit of Rarnes Patent Foot and Hand Power Machmery, rem states the cabInet maker WIth advantag-es equal to hIS competitors If deSired these machllles WIll be sold on trwl 1he purcha,er can have ample hme to test them In hi';';own shop and on the work he WIshes them 10 do JJescr,pt,v. catalogu. and pnce itst jre. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. COMBINED MACHINE No 4 SAW (ready for cross·cuttmg) W. f. s.. JOHN BI\RNES CO, 654 Ruby St •• Rockford, III. No 4 SAW (read) for nppmg) FORMER OR MOULDER HAND TENONER No.7 SCROLL SAW --_ .. i' . ... ---_--.. .. _.. .. _ .._---- - .._.- . - .., I THE BIG WHITE SHOP I..- ... . . ... .. "'. - .. -. ....---_. .. . ..- - _. ... ... . . . .. I We Furnish Every Article of Printing Needed by Business Men WHITE PRINTING COMPANY 108, 110, and 112 North Division Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. t~.-._.. _._-_. _._------- --_._. _..---._. _.---.. ---- . _ --- _.- THE BIG WHITE SHOP I.. . -_. .- .. _.. . .. GRAND RAPH PUBLIC LIBRJ ~y ~--.-... ------------------- --------------- ----------- - ..- - - . .. - . .. ..., Qran~Da~i~sDlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~anl THE LATEST dev~ce for halldlmg shavulgs and dust from all wood-work~ 1'lg 1nachmes Our nmeteen years expertence in tlus class of work has brought ~t nearer perfection than all)1 other system on the market today. It ~s no experiment, but a demonstrated scientdic fact, as we have several hun-dred of these sYJtems ~n use, and not a poor one among them. OItr AutomatIc Furnace Feed System, as shown m tlus cut, is the most perfect working devIce of anything in this line. Write for our prices for equipments. WE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS EXHAUST FANS AND PRES-SURE BLOWERS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Office and Fa.ctory: 206-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Citizen. Phone 1282 Bell. Main 1804 • --_. --_._-_._--- .I. OUR AUTOMATIC FURNACE FEED SYSTEM WEEKLY ARTISAN .." ...-.-.-..--------------~-_._._----.__.__..-.._------_ . These Specialties are used all Over the World Hand Feed Glueing Machine (Palenl Veneer Presses, different kinds and sizes (Patented) pendmg) Many styles and size •• Wood-Working Machinery and Supplies Veneer Presses Glup Spreaders Glue Heaters Trucks, Etc., Etc. Power Feed Glue Spreading Machine, Smgle. Double and Combination. (Palenled) (Sizea 12 in. to 84 in wide.) LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS ~ CHAS. E. FRANCIS COMPANY, Main Office and Works, Rushville, Ind. No.6 Give Heater. No 20 Glue Heater. la.__ •••••• • • ...--~- j 1 I -------------- --_... ...- ..- - .. . ----- - .. - -------~ MARIETTA FUMED OAK ACID STAIN To the finisher who has been using the fuming chamber to produce his fumed oak our Fumed Oak Acid Stain is a revelation. This stain is in no wayan experiment but practical working stain, producing a more uniform color, and giving to different grades of oak the same shade. It is a strong, penetrat-ing stain, going into the wood and yet it can be used without injury to the hands. This is not a substitute for fuming. The stain actually fumes and is permanent, but it fumes in obtained on red as well as a different manner ---saving white oak. The most con-the cost of a fuming cham- vincing evidence of the per-ber and the time required fect working qualities of this in fuming by the old pro- stain will be manifest in a cess. Unlike the Fuming single trial. W rite us for a process good results can be sample. THE MARIETTA PAINT & COLOR CO., Marietta, O. THE MARIETTA PAINT & COLOR CO., Marietta, O. I ... -_. .....~I ""--_ - - _ _ .._ .. - .------_._._.-. --_.._.-..-.----_-.-.-.-.-.---_ ... ,,- - . ,• I makers 01 lor 1 2 .. .... -,. ...... ... _- . - .......... .. .... -------------- ----_._--- WEEKLY ARTISAN WE HAVE OVER 400 PIECES IN OUR LINE "THE BETTER MAKE" BEDROOM and DINING ROOM FURNITURE SUITES TO MATCH FACTORY AND SALE"ROOM :H CANAL STREET CATALOGUE .. ON HEA"\ 1. PI,'\T .... PAPER TO DEALER" GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN ........ ------ .. ..~ WEEKLY ARTISAN Grand Rapids Benches Are Best BETIER MATERIAL •.•BETTER CONSTRUCTION---BETTER WORKMANSHIP There are several reasons why you should use the "Grand Rapids Benches." They are built to stand hard usuage. They won't warp or split, are built of well seasoned Mich-igan hard maple. Write for catalog showing full line. GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW CO. 918 Jefferson Avenue Grand Rapids, Mich. 3 Bntlsh Re?fe,entatlves Oliver Machme Co., Ltd., 201 Deansbate. Manchester. England -------_._._-----------------~ ", 35% OFF LIST $16 ORDER A SAMPLE STACK YOU'LL NEVER REGRET IT The Humphrey-Wid man Sectional Construc tton has dust proof partitions. Iron shell support" and a two mch deeper ca<;ethan others DEALERS' PROFIT 55% No. to-F. Ouartered Oak. Lme on sale In Furmture Ex-change, Grand Rapids; Manufact-urers' Exh.bltloo BUlldmg, Chi-cago and Furmture Exchanl!e, New York. "-.---------------- III I II I IIl, I t,t I,t t It It II I II II I II IIt I t, I II It IIII t... Here is a Rocker That's a seHer. Write for the price. GEO. SPRATT 8 CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Nc. 592. -----~ I II I I I 4 '" - - - -- ------------------_----. WEEKLY ARTISAN ,. iI •III II •IIII II THE .. ... LUCE LINE Many New Patterns ..- ...-_. m Dmmg Room and Bedroom Furniture for the Fall Season Show Rooms at Factory, Grand Rapids luce turniture CO. I . .. ".'-..------------------_.--------_._-- ----._-----_._----_._----., .. LUCE-REDMOND CHAIR CO., Ltd. IIIII 1 III ••• I IIIIII I ,-_.._--_._------------------, BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE OFFICE CHAIRS, DINING CHAIRS Reception Chairs and Rockers, Slippers Rockers, Colonial Parlor Suites, Desk and Dressing Chairs In Dark and Tuna Mahogany, BIrch, Blrd',-eye Maple, Qyartered Oak and Clreasslan Walnut You WIllfind our ExhIbIt on the Fourth Floor, East Section, Manufacturers' BUIldmg,North Ionia St., Grand RapIds. . --_. .--- - --- -- _. -. _ ----------- --_._----------- . 30th Year-No.9 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.. AUGUST 28. 1909 Issued WeeklY HAS NO POWER TO FIX FREIGHT RATES Court Decision That Takes Away the Most Important Authority Heretofore Assumed by the Interstate Commerce Commission. The permanent mJunctton sought b) we<,tern rallways aga1l1st the Interstate C0111merce COnll111S,1On 111the fa1110us ,I!S"0l111 River rate Cdse, was grdnted 111Chicago last Tuesday by Judges Gros:ocup, Bakel ancl Kohlsaat of the L111teclStates C1rclllt court Judge Grosscup dellvered theop1111Onof the court, Judge Kohl- "adt concurnng, II h1le Judge Baker dellve1 ed d chssentm~ op1111on The C01111111SSlOthnus defeated m Its fi1st attempt to bnng about "hat IS alleged to be a new sy<,tem, or pllnuple or 1dte-mahll1g, will carry the case to the Lotll t of c\ppeals and 1£ de-feated there, to the .'-JUpleme Lourt of the L111ted Statev 1he 111Junct1Ol1was granted on the ground that the Interstate Commerce Commission had a:osumecl autl1ont) \Ii l11ch congre"s chd not mtencl to confe1-the pOvver to e<,tabhsh 1ates The de- C1S10nsays Congress chd not mtend to confer upon the com1111SSlOn pOll er to do by mchrec:t1On what It could not chrectl) do-did not 111tenclto mdude w1thm the word 'reasonable eve\ v pm, el over the trade and manufactlllmg of the country that the C0111- nll~SlOn should deten111ne It vvas rea"onable that It (the comm1S- :own) should posse:os, for such power, vaster than anyone body of men has heretofore e*erClsed, thou~h wI"ely e'Celted m speCIfic m:otances, would be puttmg mto the hands of the commiSSIOn the general power of hfe and death over every tt dde and manufac-tunng concern m the Umted States It mtht be understood, however, that these orclers of the commiSSion, are en)omecl soleI) because, m our Judgement, they lay upon the commerce and manu-fdCt1ll1l1g of the locahttes affected an artifiCial hanel that congres~ never 1l1tencled should be put forth, and therefore dre outSide the power conferred upon the com1111S<,1Obny congress; for With the que:otlOn of a reductlOn 111rate, or a readlustment of lates, from which such drtlficlal result'> 11dvebeen ehmmated, we are not now deallng " 'If embers of the Intel state Commerce CommissIOn and their legal advisel:O conSIder the deCision almost a nullificatIOn of the Ilepburn law They regal d the Ce1seas the most llnportant smce the amended mtel state commerce act took effect and one of the mO'it 1m))Oltant smce the orga111zat1On of the comm1S'>lOnin 1887 \ s vlewed by the experts of the commlSSlOn, the deCISion goes to the very heart of the power of the commIssIon-that IS ItS power to prescribe rates. The quest10n presented m the case deCided was not one of reasonableness of rates alone, but of the - relatiVity of rates It the higher courts sustam the deCISion, the commiSSIOn Will be shorn of all power, except to settle cases 111- volvmg chscn111mdtlOn m rates 1he complamt m thIS case was filed by about 50 mercantile home" m Kansa CIty, St Joseph and Umaha against about GO carnel s It 1:0 charged that the class rates from the Atlantte ~eaboa1 d ten 1tor) to l\Ils,>oun RIver cIties were unreasonable dnd unduly cllscl1111matoly as compa1 ed With the rates from the "ame terlltory to St Paul ancl ::\I111neapolls The complamts set forth tl1dt 111the sale and dlstllbutlOn of their goods they came 111to competlt1On With Jobber" dt ::\Imneapohs and St Paul, and It was edleged that the ratlroacb chscnm111atedln favor of the TW111CIties ,IS aga111st CitIes on the l\Itssoun It was alleged that the chscnm-matlon was clue to ancl 111ea:ouredby the difference 111the class rate:o from the Atlantic seaboard to the Twm CIties as compared WIth the hke rates from the same pomts to MISSOUrI RlVer cIties At the hednng St Loms and other c1tte~ on the M1S~bS1PPl mtel vened as defendants takmg 1:osue WIth the l\Ilssoun River utle<, fhe C01111111SvlOfanlleel to sustam the allegat1Ol1 that the rates to.'-Jt Paul and 1\I111nedpolts as aga111st those to :\11ssoun RIver c1t1e, VI el e d1'>Cf1111111ator) or unrea~onable, hold111g that they were conti olleel by competlt1011 of water l111esand Canacltan I all 1111e~and that theretore the, 111lght rea'>onably be lower than to the 1I,11ssoun River CIties 1he coml111:oSlOn,however after a long heanng ancl argu-ment held that through rates to the l\It'>Soun RlVer cIties were un-reasonably high, that they "e1e co because those portIOn" of the through rates vvh1ch we1 e applted between the l\ItSS1ss1ppl River CIossmg " and the 'lItsoun River lltle'> to the through transpOl ta-t10n we1 e too hu~h. and that therefO! e, the separ dtely establt:ohed rates applted west of the l\It ~l~SlppI River to the through tlan,,- portat1Ol1 ,hould be 1educeel \n orcle1 was mdele by the com- 1111SSlOnreqt1l1111g cal nel s to make reduLtlOlb of fr0111 bO to 51 cents per 100 pounds, -d- i to 3" ce,1h, 3i to .30 cents, :2; to 21 cents ,and '2'2 to 1 () cents per 100 J uclge Baker, 111 hI" ch,,'>entmg opm1On, took the glound that the nght to ordel a recluct10n or an advance 111 latev-to regulate <,ales-llnphecl autho11t) to establtsh rate" and that even If the commiSSIon has only power to reduce raets It had not exceeded that pO'l\er m thiS case, because 1t had done nothmg more than to reduce rates that were clearly discriminating. three months and more In the steel trade, the prospect of a Cell ~hortelge I" beg11111lngto be feareel. wIth the coming of the heav) l rop shIpments In fall \lreael) smtable eqmpment IS not so free to ~hlppel s as It was 111the spnng months, and Pltbburg (lIstnct I allroad offiCIals freely admIt that rollIng rtock now on 11clnd wIll not be equal to such demand a~ that whIch taxed the railroads dunng the rush months of 190'i, whIle the prospects are that tl1clt rush \\ III be exceedeel the coming fall. Contracts for the first qUelrkr of next year 111 basIc and foundr) Irom al e still ImpossIble to pldce at pI eJent pnces though the capaClt) of the PIttsburg clI~tnct and of the valleys wIll be I11creased consIderably before the end of ::'eptember The Carne-gIe Company IS nO\\ operating practIcally all of theIr open hearth capaClt) elt Duquesne Praltlcalh all the large bookings for steel cars by the trunk lIne raIllOad~ 11clvebeen pldced Car makers, however, are filled up to theIr capaClt\ untIl the first of the year, WIthout taking the continued labor troubleJ of the Pressed Steel Car Company at Its IIcKee s Ro-..:k plant 111tOconsIderatIOn The CarnegIe Steel Compan) IS saId to be nearly 10 weeks beh111d on some delIvenes of plate~ jlot\\ Ith~tandl11g the curtaIlment of car bUIlding opera-tlOm b) the ,trIke dt l\IcKee's Rock. The car orders placed by the 13altl11lOre& OhIO two weeks ago wdl require more than 50,- ooa tom of steel plates from the CarnegIe Company and but for the ~tnke there would have been a clamorous demand for delIvery ere thIS PROSPERITY FOR THE STEEL INDUSTRY Mills Are Months Behind in Filling Orders---Urgent Demand Met by Advanced Prices Cur Famine Expected Soon. Prosperty appears to have struck tne ~tLel 111l111'>tn ure enough The Umted Stdtes Steel CorporatIOn, genel alii knm\ n a~ the Trust, advanced the pnce of bar~ $1 per ton lelst :'londa) and a further advance IS expected about the first of Septembel PIttsburg reports state that tlm ,\ eek has brought a stdtemng of the demand and pnces III all branches of the Iron and steel trade, even the 111dependent lllterests maklllg efforts to advance quotatIons on sheets and t1l1 plate~ The 111dependent 111tere"ts have been ask1l1g $1 35 per cwt for steel bars for some weeks, but the CarnegIe Steel Company only \\ Ithdrew ItS 1111!1111Uo1f11 $1 30 and e tabhshed the $1 ,i3 rate last week S1111\lltaneou~h severed of the 111depenclents advanced theIr quotatIOns to 8110 Plttsbl11g The productIOn on bIllets and bars probabl) \\ III exceed the largest prevlOu:o, record dunng ~ugu~t IIdl~ ale beh111d an average of two month~ on delIvene~ QuotatlO'h rema111 at S2J pel ton for Bessemer, $2::> for open hearth and $28 tor forg111~ bIllets, but lIberal premlllms are be111gpale! for prompt delIvene~ an OhIO 111tereA hav111g been I eported as clOS111gtor a small lot of axle bdlets at $30 Wlth111the week Bessemer bdlets are stIll $1 below the pnce quoted a ) eal ago, while plates and shape~ a year ago brought $1 GO,as agdllbt the pI esent pnces ot S1 10 el11d $1 45 per cwt The rush to place new structl,ral contrach betore the fabncat111g concerns and the ro1l111gmIlls are filled up for the tall season, has resulted 111the plac111g of much ne\\ \\ ork that It hdd not been 111tended to let untIl Septembel RaIlroad~ ha, e had much to do WIth the present sItuatIOn 111the structural market Whde the American Bndge Companv h saId to have resen ed capacIty even yet that WIll enable It to conslClerabl} 111crea"e It-, work under contract, several of the 111dependent concerns 111the PIttsburg dlstnct have taken on contracts that pro1111se to teq theIr capacIty for months One concern IS saId to ha\ e filled up to January The uncerta111ty 111the sItuatIOn IS 111creased b) the tact that there are senous delays even nm, 111delIvenes of the pla111 steel, so that the halt 111gett111g plates and shapes on the ground has 111 some cases extended the tllne of fulfillment ot contracb tor p. ••• _. I III PITTSBURGH PLATE LARGEST .JOBBERS AND MANUFAOTURERS OF GLASS Death of Martin Elzinga. ,fal t111 ElZInga, \ Ice preSIdent of the l\lIclllgan Star Furmture Company, Zeeland, Mlch, dIed at hIS home last Sunc1a} afternoon, aged 64 years For 37 years he was a Sunday school teacher and for seventeen year" an elder 111 the FIrst Reformed church vVhde he was one of the stock-holders 111 the MIchIgan Star FurnIture Company, he took no part 111the actIve management of that company's affairs, whose bus111ess WIll cont1l1ue un111terrupted CLEVELA:ND-143Q-1434 West Third St. OMAKA-1101-1107 Koward St. ST. PAllL-459-461 Jackson St. ATLANTA, GA.-30-32-34 S. Pryor St. SAVAlII'NAK, GA.-745-749 Wheaton St. XANSAS e:t'.rY-Fifth and Wyandotte sts. BIBllI[[]!IfGKAM, ALA.-2nd Ave. and 29th St. BlJJ'FALO, N. Y.-372-74-76-78 Pearl St. BBOOXLYN-635-637 Fulton St. PJULADELPKIA-Pitcairn Bldg., Arch and 11th DAVENPOBT-410-416 Scott St. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA., 210-212 W. First St GLASS IN THE WORLD Mirrors, Bent Glass, Leaded Art 6lass, Ornamental Figured Glass, Polished and Rough Plate Glass, Window Glass WIRE GLASS Plate Glass for Shelves, Desks and Table Tops, Carrara Glass more beautiful than white marble. CENERAL DISTRIBUTORS OF PATTON'S SUN PROOF PAINTS AND OF PITCAIRN ACED VARNISHES. q For ;tnything In BUilders' Glass, or anythmg in PaInts, Varnishes, Brushes or PaInters' Sundries, address any of our branch warehouse~, a !1stof whIch is gIven below' :NEW YOBX-Kudson and Vandam sts. BOSTO:N-41-49 Sudbury st., 1-9 Bowker St. CKICAG0-442-452 Wabash Ave. CINCINNATI-Broadway and Court sts. ST. LOllIS-Cor. Tenth and Spruce sts. ll/II]!IfNEAPOLIS-500-516 S. ThIrd st. DETBOIT-53-59 Larned st., E. GBAl'lD BAPIDS, MICK-39-41 N. DiviSIon St. PITTSBllBGK-101-103 Wood St. MILWAVXEE, WIS.-492-494 Market St. BOCKESTEB,1II'.Y.-Wilder Bldg., Main It Exchanll'e sts. BALTXll/IOBE-310-111-14 W. Pratt st. ~ • •••• ••• •• •• •• •• •••••• •• •• ~._---_._._._-----------------------~. --....t.I. WEEKLY ARTISAN t----------.-.-.~-.-.-..--------------------------.-.~--. -.-----.-.-.-.----.-~---.~---~ ... I 7 VISIT OUR SHOW ROOMS AND SEE THE .."I BEST LINE DAVENPORT BEDS IN THE MARKET OF I \ III \ I I\ III I We will have the nght styles at the nght pnces and made to give satisfaction. Don't miss coming to see the lme. It will pay you. \ III III I THOS. MAODEN4 :so~t&CO~',I:d~na.p.o..l.i.s-.,In--d-I~I. Parlor Furniture ..-... .. .. ... .... .... .. Great DeIUandfor Rugs and Carpets. New York advIce., report that the well .,old up condl-tlOn of the rug market IS be111g further demonstrated each week Buyer::- are stlll m search of 'ipot lab, ami ale find- 111gconsIderable dIfficulty m gettmg what they need 101 some tnne past sellmg agents have been m a po"Itlon where they found it next to Impobslble to meet the orders commg m for ImmedIate delIvery Jobbers are also gettmg mto a well sold up positlOn, and are callIng on the m1lls for goods whIch are stlll due, on orders placed some tlme ago Seldom have manufacturers and sellIng agents v.ltnessed such a well sold up rug market, especIally at thIS penod of the year RetaIlers are m the market 111large numbers, and many are looking for addltlonal supplIes of rugs, wIth whIch to fill out incomplete lme" Brussels rugs are m steady demand, and meet wIth a qmck sale, wherever sellers are m a positlOn to meet the SIzes and delIveneb called for \V llton rugs are commg to the front steadIly, whIle there IS also a steady call for axmmster fabncs Some buyers are lookmg through the market for odd lots at attractIve pnces, but are findmg It dIfficult to meet theIr regular reqUIrements In some quarters advances are bemg asked, It IS stated, on goods that are wanted m a hurry, and are anyv.ay popular Considerable speculatlOn IS beIng mdulged In regard-ing pnces for the new season whIch wlll open early in No-vember next The belIef IS growIng that pnces w1ll show some "harp advances, and WIde awake buyers are covenng as much as pOSSIble on staple goods In conventlOnal pat-terns. Practically all m1lls manufactunng brussels rugs are heavily sold ahead, and qmte a few of the better known plants are refusing to accept any further orders for delivery during the current season. In some quarters it is claimed Couches Leather Rockers t that manufacturers are lookIng for hIgher pnces later on, and are not anxlOUS to fill theIr plant::- up at today's values Carpets are al'io 'ihOwing an Improvement, WIth "ale::- of three-quartel good" well ahead of those for the corres-pondIng penod la::-t yeal So far as fabncs are concerned, the demand for carpets has followed the trend of the rug market very closely Brussels, dXlTIlnsters and wlltons have all come In for a good demand passIng, whIle even Ingram carpets have begun to 'ihow some slIght nnprCJvement Ort-ental rugs are 111 better demand, and sellers ilre lookIng for-ward to better results than had been hoped for. A New Idea in Beds. Eno.., A Keasey, of Llgomer, Ind, IS an inventor at an age when most men have retIred from actIve purSUIts. :Mr Kea"ey, who IS 81 years of age, has Just mvented an mvalicl hee!. whIch may be used as a bed, a reclInmg c011ch or a chaIr Beds whIch may be raIsed at the head to glve the mvalId a reclIning po"ture are already m many hospltab, hut the chalr bed, v.hlch allows the patlerlt to assume a slttmg posture, lS a new Idea Mr Keasey is makmg ar-rangements to have hiS mventlOn manufactured and placed m the markets. ~. .. IM·P·R~~~~:.:E::LI~[VI~A:T~O RS.."\ Belt, Electnc and Hand Power. The Best Hand Power' for' FUr'mture Stores Send for Cat..logue and Pnces. KIMBALL BROS. CO., 1067 Ninth St.. Council Bluffs, la. Kimball Elevator Co.. 313 Prospect St., Cleveland, 0., I l081lth St., Omaha, Neb.• l~eCedar St., New York City. . I ~ 8 bu) el rdll',e to take hold, apparently expecting further reduc-t10.1 \\e'-teln Id\\ I~ no\\ quoted at ,jG@3. cents; Clt) la\\ a llnt hIgher anothel lent LHlded 101 ~1I1glebOIled and stIll another j OJ doubled bOIled Dedlel ~ and llnport~r~ 111 gOLlt ~k1l1s 5tl11 cOl1lpla1l1 of hght III elpb but the alllval'i 'ieem to be full) equal to the demand for pI ~~ent delIver) I'nce~ ale film at la'it weeku figures Cordage b hIm undel a httle bettel demand wluch IS 'ihO\\ n mOle b\ 1I1ql11l) than b) actual transactIOns :-'heet Zlll ha, advance. 1 ,,5 cenh per l()O pound~, but there h onh d fau demand at the hlghel pllce-$I ')() fob WIth h pel lent dl~lol1l1t 1hl bUlldP~ market has been ql11et through the week The del11dnd I~ nO\\ ql11te ~tead), ~everal uale5 hav1l1g been made for 'pot dnd iutm e dehvel \ dt l ()Ofor the hght \\ eIght and .t 60 for j() y; ounle gooe!~ WEEKLY ARTISAN New Furniture Dt"alers. lY S Bnght IS to open a ne\\ 1111111tle11~tOl e at ])lll)<ke III II ::\I Pansh ha~ opened a ne\\ 1urmtl11 e ~t')re Lit Uuple\ I-Ia U '\ edl & Co, \\ 111cpe,1 a ne\\ tl11l11ture ~tOle In I\wokl) J1 \ Y I .\1 -\l1ott ha~ opened a ne\\ fl11l11tl11e ~tOle dt 1 almmg dale, '\. \ Duell 8c Un1l1el 11clve opened Ll ne\\ ~tOlk ot t m lItUIl LIt I,-hnbetntown, l\.y 1\ Zerchle1l1 wIll engdge 111 the 1111111tureLme! l11](leltdkm£; bm111ess at Mokema, 111 Cutter & Palmer I~ tne nam~ ot d ne\\ lOI pOI,ltlon 01g'lJ1l/ee! to ~ell fl11l11tl11e, etl, at retaIl 111~pokane \ \ a~h Ihe ~tandard FUl111tl11eCompany 15to open LItl11l11tllll ~t)ll 111 the ne\\ Lonergan block at Cambndge JunctIon, 'I [a~,; Ed\\ ard ~mUL1ey, of -\uelubon, Id who I~ knO\\ n a~ a hlhtltl \\ III engage 111the retaIl tl11l11ture bm111e'i~ at Uanon 10\\ a \\ -\ SmIth of Pnnceton I,,) , I~ 100k111gtOl d 100atlOn tOl LI.1e\\ furl1lture ~tOle 111'Ib~~oun and IS expected to ~elect '-.,P1111g field J S Campbell anel 1 \\ Jame'lon of QU111l), \10 ha\C opened a lalge retaIl ~tOle at <)~<)Dongla'l a\ enue \\ lc1l1tLI [",lJ1' It WIll be known a~ the [ltg <)f Url1ltlll e :"tore 1" E Alvorel C 1" renelel anel I I \\ alker hay e 111COpl(1l-atee! the Texas Hardware- Furl1ltl11 e Compan) to deal 111 tl11l11tl'le anel hardware at BaIrd, Tex CapltLt! stock, $10000 The SpeCIalty Proc!uc111g Company, capltahzed at $~(J,OO()has been 1I1corporated by \VIlham E 'IlcPher'ion Luther I Iughes and (J"eorge \;\; \VIlham'i to eleal 111fl11111ture anel other hou5ehold ~ooel~ 111 \lban), '\ Y Dayton 5 Dayhght ~tOle ::\Iu111eapoh- ::\1111n IM~ LHlded a fl11J11ture department, OCCUpy111g12 OCo square teet of ~pLlce on the tl1l1d floor J J Doroe\ \\ ho hd'i had fOUlteen \ ld I' e"\.- penence WIth one of the be'it fl11l11tl11e hou~e, 111the lIt\ h mdn,l (?,el of the new department \\ Hampton de f onta111e J E Holt and Da\ Hl::\l \and':h all of ~ e\\ York have 111lOlpo rated the Iold111g \\ anh obe Com-pany to deal 111furl1lture wardrobe'i trunks 'iatlhels etc 111 VoYer, Del CapItal ~tock, $100000 The Ca~tner- Knott DI) Good~ Compal1\ '\ asln Ille Tenn WIll m~tal1 a furl11ture depal tment \\ ll1ch \\ dl OCCUP\ the cntl! c thIrd floor of the bmldmg ::\Ianager (J" B Davld~on ann0l111Cl' that the ~tock \';111be of the be~t ~raele~ New York Markets. ?\ew YOlk, -\ug :2.-The feature m the malket'i fm 1UII11- tm e makers snpphe5 thl~ week 15 a n.,e of -I- cent~ pel gallon m the pnle of turpent1l1e, and a eleclll1e of -I- cents In Imseed 011 quotatIOn, S111ce 1\lonela) tm pentll1e ha~ been quoted at -d@ 380 cents here anel at ,'),')@S')Y;, ~avanndh \0 f;ood lea,on ha'i been gIven for the advance, except arbltal\ aLtlOn b) the combmatlon kno\\ n a5 the tru~t 1hel e has been no notIceable mcrease 111the demand -\'i a re~ult of the 1I1cred'ied co~t of tl11pentll1e lon"umer~ of valmsh gUIl1'i have cea'ied opercltlOn'i ,md the denMnd tor gUIl1~h mel ely n0l11111al 1here has been no change m pllle~ hm\ e\ el the figureu 'ital1elmg a~ quoted last week Shellac show~ more actIvIty oW1I1g to a ~hghth 1I1clea'ied demand, but not enough to affect pnce~ l' '\ ca ,es ,1I estill (lllOted at 11@1?Y; , blight orange grade'i 2()@21 Dlall10nd I ,,(, @21, Bleached lI}f@IR kIln dned n@~~l Comervatlsm stIll rule'i the hmeed 011 tI ade Though thel e has been a marked declme m pnces dunng the past week, large Furniture Fires. I he \d1artel furl11ture tore, El Paso, Tex , Wd~ damageel to l,tent of about $~')0 h) fire on August HJ Insured. The HO\\ ard 1"l11mture Company of X abhua, ~ H, suffered cl 10 , of S, l jOO h\ hre 111the lumber yard la,t l\londay. C F Ha kell ~ "a \\ mIll and furmture factory at East Elmore, \ t \\ el e de'itro\ ed b) fire on \ugust 20 Loss, $12,000, no m~urance fhe ~Iglel lurmture Company's store at Braddock, Pa, \\ a'l damaged b\ fire to the amount of $1, ,,00 or $1,500 on August 1() Imured The Hep\\OIth (Ont) ::\Ianufactunng Company's furmture t dl tol \ \\ a 5 damag ed b) fil e to the extent of $,3000 or $-1-000on -\U~lht ~o Imured The :-1 C Sulhvan Furmture Ll11dCarpet Company of St l'aul :-111111\\ hO'ie store and ,tock \\a5 totally de~troyed by fire 0.1 \ugU'lt 1<) cdlned only $3,,)00 1I1'iUrdl1Ce ]he 105s I~ e5t1mat-l( 1 at $"1 JOIl I he\ eApect to be dble to re~ume busme<;<;~0011 The furl11ture ,;tock and bl111d1l1gowned by J B Reynolels at '-.,an Pedro, Cal \\ as totally destlOyeel by fire on c\ugust 19 Los5 on ~tolk, $12000, on b1111elmg,$",,')00 Imurance, $5,000 The hre ~tdrted m a vacant blllldmg two doors from the Reynolds ~tore New Factories. II L Da) ~on & Co, BangOl, ~Ie , are erect1l1g a lalge brick ,tone and loncrete blllldmg to be used as a ~pnng beel factory 1he C B -\tk1l1 Company of Oakwood, Tenn, manufacturers ot ll1antel~ luve enlarged theIr plant and WIll add a l1l1e of furni-ture to theIr products \\ F SmIth WIll manage the furmture faLtory fo manufacture barbers furmture anel fixtul es 111New York lit) the \mencan ~uppl) Company ha~ been 1I1COplroated by Patnck J Hatton, Henr) X Centobeu and Peter G Gallager Lapltal 'itOlk, $20,()OO Hall) ::,tlOber, Tules \\' Gnes and Charles D Johnson have 111COplOIdted the ::\lanlMttan Feather Down Company to manu-tactllle feather dO\\n pIllow" etc, m New York CIty. TheIr capl-t, t! ,tolk IS $,') 000 all ~ub~l1lbed The State ~1anufactul1l1g Company has been Incorporated to e~tdbh~h a fllll11tme factO!) at Korfolk, Va Capital ~tock, not Ie'" thLw $.3 O()Oor more than $:20,000 J W Fawcett IS presI-dent. -\lexander Peppm vlCe-pre,ldent anel J VV !\imworth 'ieCIetdl) and trea'iurer J Crawford \ an .\Iatel, fl1lmture dealer of Easton, Pa, ha,; been adJll(l~ed bankrupt WEEKLY ARTISAN 9 ..._------------.----.---.--------.--.-- ---1 " , I,,,III ,II I I I I, III I I I~---.-.-----------------------._._------------------_. __.-.----------------------- 1, III III, ,II II, ,: ,II ,• ---_._---_. -----_.I,~ OCTAGON ~EDESTALS TABLE LEGS AND That IS the question and a big one, too How do you nlake them? How much do they cost you ~ HOw good are they, and are they unIform? Just take a lIttle tune and let these questions soak in Bec3Ul!le you n\uy be wasting on the manufacture of the Pedestals and Legs what you save by ecO-nomIcal Manufacture on the Tops Your profits are then cut do\\ n Make the cost of the different parts balance One man wIth our LEG AND PEDESTAL MACHINE \\ 111make Octagon and polygonal shaped turnings at one tenth to one t\\ entleth of what It costs by hand round ones atone sIxth to one-tenth The sa"lng In time and labor IS what makes that bal-ance we were Just tal1nng about Now. don't say that sounds pretty good' and let It shp your mind Just wnte us to-day C. MATTISON MACHINE WORKS 863 Fifth St, BELOIT, WISCONSIN. r--------~----------------------- ----------. -. ----- CHEAPEST" ._---~..,II I, III I• •I II III· "THE BEST IS THE BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are gettmg. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furmture and Chair Factories. Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Companies, Car Builders and others will consult their own mterests by using It. Also Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished In rolls or reams. MANUFACTURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. ...----_._-----. -----.., Palmer's Patent G1uinlrClamps I i I IIII III III• II II I II I I• I III II III •I III III II ,,I I'-------_._---- II I• •I I t,• I,I I,tt II• I I II iI II II , I• I,I --- ~------__._.-----------_ , ... , " The abo'e cut is taken direct from a photograph, and shows the range of one size only, our No.1, 24-inch Clamp. "e make six other sizes taking in stock up to 60 inches wide and 2 inches thick Ours is the most practical method of clamping glued stock in use at the present time. Hundreds of factories have adopted our" ay the past year and hundreds more will in the future. Let us show you Let us send you the names of nearly 100 f.JCtories (only a fraction of our list) uho have ordered and reordered many times Proof posithe our \'ray is the best. A post card ",in brIng it, ca.talog Included Don't delay, but "Tlte toda~. A~ E. PALMER &. SONS, Owosso, MICH. Foreign Representative.: The Projectile Co, London, Eng-land. l'('hllC'hardt & Schutte, BerlIn, Gennany; Alfred H Schutte, Cologne, Paris, BruHsels, Lif"gE-,l\filan, Turin, BarcelonA, and Bilboa. ---~---~----------------------~---_.---.., The Capacity of Your Jointer is Limited III to the Cutting Capacity of the Cutters. II II I• III I III I II II ,,,I I• •I I I•I II I IIIIII I,II I It ,, III ,I III I III• ••I III ,••t •• I Unless you are usmg the Genuine Morris Wood C!J Sons 20th Century Solid Steel Glue Joint Cutters you are not gettmg the full value out of your machine. They are harder and reqlllre le~s gnndmg than any other make. and when they do need grlndmg the cuttmg surface l~ ~o small that It only takes a few mInutes to put them In order again Wnte for catalog No 35A. It tells all about the cutters and \\ III help you to Jncrea~e ) our profit~. II\ II~-- MORRIS WOOD & SONS 2714-2716 W. LAKEST, CHICACO, ILL. --------_.----------~._._---------_. .. ... _. -~I llUlll thc enu odchment, of nelghbor~ and glVll1g perfect IUiht dlHI \ entllatlon Three hundred and mnety mne wll1dows supply del\ !tl::(ht fhe uppel sash of .326 are of sheet pI I'Omglass, so con- ,>tllKted thai ltght I ehstnbuted to the most remote ~orners, mak- 1I1£;e\ u\ pal t ot the bmldmg as ltght as day 1 he bmldml::( 1'0 one of the largest consumers of electllc cml ent ~uppltecl b) the local ltghtmg company The total load leplec,entc, ~~O,'llljWelS at 220 \olt" There are 66 arc lamp and 11H mcanc!e~cent lamps thl uout the bmlchng It requIres lOh lllc,lIlcle"ccnt Idmp'> to lll::;ht o?W-; feet of chow wmdows Two lIel till motlll ~ dl e u"ecl one III the uphol~tenng department and Olle III the ~dl pl! e!epal tmlnt 1he fil,t tloO! h e!ecordted m gleen '1 he cetlmg IS of whIte MODEL HOUSE FURNISHING STORE Some Facts and Figures About the Largest Institution of the Kind Between New York and Chicago. The cuts accompanYlllg thIs al tIde I epl e ,ent the e"tCrH 11 \ lew ane! val IOU" departments 111 what I~ dalmed and f;enel all) cDnceded to be the largest mo"t commOehoth ane! com elllent hou<.,e f llll11<"h111ls:t:o(re bet\\ een "e\\ YOJ k and CIllcaf;o \\ hlll1 IS owned anc! managed b\ }< Clppel Da\ ton OhIO I he ,1" "tal v bUlleLng I" locatee! at 21 =)-221 South )'la111 ,treet 1t 1-- i 8 feet WIde and IlJ() feet cleep and ha" an anne'C 1 i feet \\ Ide anr] 120 feet deep 1he foundatlGn IS of stone ane! conc] ete ane! the bdsement extends under the ent1l e bmlc!1l1g \\ Ith a cement floC' ddd111g practlcally an adc!ttlOnal floor to the bmlcl111g The bmle: mg IS of slow burmng mtll on~trul!lOn t\ pe \11 I ecO!el'>al.2 kept 111 a fire-ploof vault of bllck ane! cement 1\\0 htteen hor'>e powel electllc elevators IM\ e been Installed one \\ Ith ,I t\\ ent\- two passenger capaClt), the othel de'>l£;necl fO! tl el£;llt ha, ] ")1) ~quale feet of floor space add el !tftmg PO\\ Clot Willi pOlllHI, dne! IS dmple to accomlllodate an entire \\ agon load ot ft\lllltm c 1\\ l hotlel' supply steam for heatmg pm p l,e, The pIpe" al e plaled ovel head and suppl) mg heat b) ehrect I aehatlon, cauSlllg but !tttle CIrculatIOn of aIr, consequent!> no dust allses tram thl ~ ource The floors are of whlte maple, well otled ,md po!tshed The bmld111g 111case of fire I, protected b) Ib"O automatlc spnnklers, placed at proper ehstances thlOl1f;h the entIre qruc-ture Should a fire start at any pomt clectnc hell" \\ aln all patrons and employes 1l11mechately, so thelt they can clear the bmldmg by ItS elevators and stalr\\ a\" 1he \\ ate I suppl) l~ prOVIded from two sources, the CIty \\ ater nUm ane! a 2") 000 £;al- Ion tank, twenty feet above the roof In case ot hl c elt ,H11()In-mf; property automatIC \\ ater cm tams plotel! the lJt1Jle!m£;at edl pomls of c!dllf;eI ;"elf ,Iclm£; teel fill Ull tam,> '>lpal eltC tl'c botler loom dnd the ,11111C"fl0m thc maln "tl11l1tlll I hc 1,)( ,1ll\'1 I' de!mlrelhll lId\ Illg ,I ;() f(Jol "p,lll (Ill l' nOIth, elnd a '20 loot ,tile) on the Soutll, hU111~hmg PlOtcdWl1 cnameled steel ot taney 01namental patte In The floor IS stocked \\Ith a fulll111e of bookca~e.., hbldly ca"es, hall scat", m11ror<." hall 1ack hbral \ tables, pallOi cab111et", laches de"ks, lal ge 1eclthel IOckel~, Roman chalf'), baby cal nelge, and go-cal t" 1he oth<.e IS filll,hed III quartered oak ~olc1e11fil1l~h elml I~ large ,me! ample 1he queU1"\\ elle dep,u tmc11t I" a "e\ enteeu foot ellea leael-lug to the ~to\ e elepal tmcnt \ large ,tack of clllluel anel toilet \\ ,il C bold 111lOJ11plete ~et, or open "lock, cl11dlt c011tams a !t11C (If !,lIlJp' th,lt I'>Luge and \,Ineel I hc "ClI11(1 110()\ I" u~td f()\ nool covel1l1gs \\ Ilt011S a" 1l1l1l<,(U, boch l)\u~<;d,> \ehet ca1]lCt~, all \,,"001and cotton cham 111£;lal11 U11lon~ a11el f;ral1lte carpet", al"o art "quare" Stan c,u jJeh ot <.vel \ kmc1 Rugs 111enelle~" vallety of S17e" and com ]JlIMtI011of lO]OI,> 1111.udf;lc1l1ltCelllc1p1l11tec11l11oleuuI', ]dpclIlC"C ,me! C!l1llec,e lllattlllg<", Hoen emc1table 011 cloth 1hc ch dper) delMI tl11ents contdll1S Imported and domestic WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 curtam", bonne-femme flounce, cable net, nottmgham, madra, and ~W1S, curtam~ Portlers m tapestry che.1e11 anel rope Color scheme of VI' h1te and blue has been carned out on th1~ floor, glVmg the room a c1amty effect Un the thlfd floor the colon are reel and whlte Here 1~ found chmng room furmtm e consl"tm~ of ~1(le boards, buffets and ex-tenslOn tab1es,peelesta1 tables wlth ..,quare and 10und tops,chma dmets, dmll1g chall s, plate rack" k1t~hen cabll1ets am1 kltchen furmture tah')c1rette~ mechcme cabll1et~ umbrella stanch cm-tumer" hIgh U1dUS, ) outh ,chaIr anel c1111dren's rocker", b1ackmg ca,e" commodes card and sev\ 11~ tables The office furmture department lS also on thIS floor The fOUlth floOl lS devoted to bed 100m ,U1te" m ,elected and quartered oak, curly bIrch, mahogdn) or tuna mahogan) , dre,~ers am1 pnnce~, dre,ser~, \\ a,n stand", chd'fomer~ and cheval m1rrors,allm enclles.., \anet) \1'30 b1ac,~ dnd Iron be,l" m profUSion of all '3t) lec"color, combmatlOn~ and de"lgll~ r (J'e mg 110n beds. upnght and mantel fold111g bed~, amtar) co lche~, coh and \\drchobes, cnbs and Lfadle~ \11 kmd, of 1llatt1e~se~ com fOlt" pIllows and blanket" The colO1 scheme 111th1~ depart-ment 1~ ~ky blue and \\h1te .-----------------------~-------------------~I I I III I I II I• I• I .I..------------------ --.._-------------------- ...•.. 10uis 1I)(10n DESIGNS AND DETAILS OF FURNITURE 154 Llvmgston St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN C\t17enc; Telephone 1702. The color ccheme on the fifth floor lS leaf green, and hanno-mze~ WIth the preval1mg color m upholstered furmture Thls department hd~ been dedlcated to ease and comfort It contams davenports, sofa beds and drop end couches, cuvered m velour, verona, tapestry and leather , easy chaIrs, parlor smte'3, cilvans and fancy odd pIeces of every de"cnptlOn A complete 1111e of rockers finlshed 111Antwerp, flenllsh, golden or weathered oak, upho1"tered m leather or wlth cane or oak seats, parlor tables ln oak and mahogany, heautlfu1 m fim"h, nch 111deSIgn and perfect1) made Pedestal~ of all kmds, shapes and Slzes The SIxth floor 1'3d1vldell 111 half, the south SIde bC1I1g used fOJ stordge of uncrated furmture, the nortn room for fimsh1l1g and uphol stenng "hops l\f any year, ago the house adopted the pohey of d01ng 1h O\Vn upho1,tcnng, to gUdrd aga1l1ot "hod d) and poor1) cdn"truLted factory made goods, and now has the bc-,t faullt1c" for fml"h111g and upholstenng any k1l1d of fm-mture rqu11cd bv customer, J; > ~tGvc cLp lrtl lent h 111the annex to the maw bU11d1l1g and has .111 entranc:e on FIfth street Une hundred and forty stove ,ample" are kept on tne floor, mak1l1g It the mo"t complete stove "tore 1Il sonthern OhlO ------_-.._---------- -----------~ ,I I II I1- . -...0 II_ I.... =====SEE,===== West Michigan Machine & Tool Co., Ltd. CRAND RAPIDS, MICH. for HIGH GRADE PUNCHES and DIES -----------_._--~----_._.._.., I II :I ...-------------------- -- -------~----------------.. .""" .,...----------_.~-- :, I I III \\. A 13ASH B. WALTER & CO. INDIANA ~ctlJ~~ TABLE SLIDES Exclusively WRITE FOR PRICES AND DISCOUNT mto the (Jlemmcl block one of the be~t busmess bmld111gs 111the to\\ n MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS. Holley & Kay, furmture dealel, of ~Ioto~co Ind al e llC ceeded by Kay & Kay C L Russell, furmtl11e c1ealel of T\.e\\,lima Inc1 ha~ bCCll ~ucceeded by Russell Bras Brash & ~lyerly, furmture dealel~ of llpton Illd ,1lC 'uc-ceeded by Myerly & Aberchardt Dannelley & K11lg, furl11ture dealer, ot "a111'Oll \ll ale ~ucceeded by the Kmg l\Iercanttle Compam The Menden (Conn) hU111tl11e Compdn\ l1d~ addul a lI1K of plano~, plano player~, ~tool" CO\ero etL The Folwer :bl11111ture l\Ianufact1111llg lompdm ot \a 0l;- doche~ WIll move the plant to CorslLana, 1ex The Herbert l\IcRea Company, fur111tm e deale 1, ot TX\.1ll(?, ton, MISS, has been succeeded bv J L ~IcRae, Sr The WhIte lurmture Company of IIebane '\ l has 1ll creased ItS capItal ctock from $100,000 to $ lOO000 The ExcelsIOr Seat Compam ot Columbu, ()hlO h,n e 111 creased theIr capItal stock from $30 0000 to SUO O(I) The Galloway Furmture Compam ha\ e clo'ed emt then busmess at l\Ienomo111e, \VI, and llJ()\ eel \\ est-to 1\.enn(\\ lck Wash ILc Ho~teter I'ur111tl11c ,11ld Calpet l01l1pdll\ ot \\ ,ILlll()() Iowa, has publIshed nottcc ot ch~,olutlOn 1he bU'llll" \\111 be closed out The AntIque Furmture Company ~olved, A Leabo 1etlnng from the firm the busmess, The Temple Furmture Compam of "2\ Ola ~p1111g, Icm aha, gone m voluntary bankI uptC) Llablhtles S7 2qq f 7 a',et" estImated at $4,000 The Jacobs 13ro~ l\Ianufactunng lO1l1pam ot lha1l1pau:~n Ill, mattress and bedchng, has been mcorporated Caplt,tl ~tock, $20,000 Jacob C Leboskey has mcor1'Ol ateel tlK l~Ul.l01l1lCal 1 11111C, Company to manufacture and sell filIllc, del Ice 1ll Ullcago Cdpltal, $1,000 Henry Huebnel for nealh tOlt\ \e,ll, a fUl111tl11ede,tlel 111 Sheboygan, \\ I~, chopped dead of hedlt c1t'ea~c on \l1gu~t 1'1 He WdS CJO years old The Knoxvllk ( I elln) I dblc ,llIel l h III a dr) kIln to the p],l11t dt 1'1Ol tm J he and concrete, hOx1 10 feet (Tavel nment 1epOl h c~tI111ate that tht tll11bel dt tt iF\ ed h\ fire m Canada ld,t \edl \\a~ \\01th 'B2) ()I)I)OI)l) LlL\en hHC, were lost 111 the forc st fire' ~lmmOnc, Sc \\ lllIdm,on l'can finchng lal gel qll,lrttl" of l'ugell Ull hd~ elb and l Eberth contlllmllg (01l1lM 1\ ,ue ,lelc11JlL, ]Jllllehn...: 1, ot hlllk fl1rmtl1re ele,tlel' of T\.en"1n...t:o!1 all db ollltc neels'lh ha\ l mO\ cc1 I . _. _. ------------------------------------~ BOYNTON &, CO. Manufacturers of Embolled and Turned Mould, Ings, Embo .. ~ ed and Spindle Carvings, and Automatic Turnings. We also manu facture a large lme of EmboSBed Ornaments for Couch Work. "-----_. -- ------------_._.~~-- 4'9-42' W. Fifteenth St., CHICAGO, ILL. '"- . Ulaf ~Ioe of ~[lllbank,::'" Dak., IS bmldmg an addItIOn to hIS tl11111tme StOle havmg founel It necessary to plovlde more room to! h1' 111Cl easml:; bu~mess T R I{OJ ton of ~anta \na ha~ bought the fur11lture ~tock md ,tOt( I eeenth concluctecl by ]\[ (~ Barnes at \ entura, Cal, ,md \1111 eontmue the bu~mes~ \\ (Tldtfelte1, furlllture clealel of Dalla~town, Pel, ha~ con"tructed a hallCb0111e c01111l10d1OU~bmldmg that \\ 111 be leach t01 occupancy 111~eptember J'll11Jp \ agel \\ ho had been m the furnIture and undertakmg hU'111e,"" at \\ apakoneta OhIO, for more than half a centl11Y, dIed of ltver tlouble on -\ugust 18 1he Colorado Office Fur11ltm e and Sy~tem Company of Denver has been mcorpOl ated by C W CoIltns, G H, SmIth anrl l \\ Lathrop CapItal stock $30,000 1 lag &. \\ ll1l~ fur11lture dealers of Brockton, Mass, have put 111a ne\\ ,tee] ancl ~lass front (,0 feet hIgh, makmg theIr store onc ot the pl01l1111entfeatm es of the CIty l'hc Tnte1 natlOnal I'm pent111e Company of Lo, \n~e1e~, l,t! has been lncorp01atecl \\Ith $3) 000 capItal ~tock L D lO! bltt ot ChIcago I~ preSIdent of the company, Ih1l1~e Thorpe & Hurns 203 Secunty Bmld111g, ChIcago, h,l \ e 111corpOlatee! the Lmted State~ " arnlsh Company, to manu-fdctl11e ane! sell varl11sh, pamts, etc. Capital stock, $2,500 S E 11ontague, for several years manager for the Ans011la ( Conn) Furl11ture Company, has reSIgned and taken the pOSItIon ot ass1'tant bu)el fOl LudWIg Bauman & Co, of New York T\\ a ~entlemen named Cone have bought the Vandventer Cll pet IIllls at RaleIgh, \J C Thev WIll remodel the bU1lding, put 111new machmery and change the character of the product The Oxnard Fm11lture and Plumbmg Company, Prescott, \llZ \\ 111soon move mto a handsome pre~sed brick bmldmg I ecenth el ectee! h\ vI, R S11lverly on FIfth street near the "a\Iel~ road 1 he Ih adtOl d (l'a ) Era sa) s that the" \mencan l\Ietal Door (ol11pam \\ Ith oEhce" and fa tory at J amestovv n, ~ Y, IS to 1110\ e to 1~laclfOld ancl occupy the plc1l1t of the \mencan \Vood !{1111l0111pam \hl h,tel Blc\lk !llell Illlrd a\ eIHll hJ1Jll on \u~u,t J" ,t defectl\ c fixture T d111t, () \ e1ll, furmture dealel and undertakel of Oconto \\ l' hd' pm c11dc,ed Elhott, opera housc ,1l1d ~tore bUlldmg \\ 111h he \\ 1111emodel and occupy as dn up-to-date fur11lture \\ ho owned a fur11lture ~t01e on Broadway L011~ Tllanch, ~ J. wa'l found dead 111 hh lIe lId" a,ph) "Icatecl b) g,l" c~capmg flom IIII I I II• •II• I• •• III I I •I II ••I --' ~-----------------_._._---_._---'._------- _. -_... f I• IIi• I I• I• II I•• I•• j I I• II .. These saws are made from No. 1 Steel and we war-rant every blade. We also carry a full stock of Bev-eled Back Scroll Saws, any length and gauge. $~~~) & ~ \ FRANK EPGE & CQ· . l~' MA"U"CTOOf" OF ~AWS. I ", (?)UPERIOR BAND ..". BEVELED BACK BAND fJAWS i "o~,SMOOTH WORK AND 4. . •1~' ,SHORT CURVES 'l-~ ~ , [ UNEQUALED, .J ~ . .. .- ...-.... ----------~---... I._- -- .t. Write U8 for Price L1tlt Hnd dl8count 31-33 S. Front St., ORAND RAPIDS, MICH. WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 and undertaking establishment He will employ a manager for the theatre Moore & SClver, the Ml11neapohs furmture dealers, have taken out a permIt for tLe erectIOn of a four story bnck anel rel11- forced concrete bwld1l1g, b )xlOH feet. at S10-81 '2 J'\ Icollet a\ em~e at .l cost of $33,000 11 \ I rank has "olel 111';mterest m the FrontIer l\u11lture Company at Reno, ~ev, to I \VIle Joseph~. Kohn \\ho founded the ImtItutIOn contl11ue" \\ Ith 111 \\ lIe dnel the pl0pose to enlarge the stock Burglal s entel ed the office of fthe l\f u~kogee (Okb ) E urm-ture ~tore at 2 o'clock 111 the mornIng of Augl1~t 17, fOl1ncl tne \\atchman a~leep and the safe unlocked [hey got a\\a) \\lth $20 WIthout leavl11g a clue Grdnt & Humman, furnIture dealer' of RlVer:Olele, Cal. have boug-ht a bIg balloon whIch they plopose to me for advertIs1l1~ purpose:o They have hlfed an expert aeroneaut who w1ll 1l1dke ascensIOns 111 nelghbollng town" [he Kennedy Manufactunng Company of Roche~teI, \; y . ha" been 1l1LOrporated by De\\ e) H I,,"enncc1), Lotm H Hamman .lnd Henlamlll H Kennedv to manufdctnlc wal<ltobe", \'vallltobe rdlb, etc Cap1tal "tock, $2:J,OO() The movement of 1110ne) from J\ tw YOJ k to the l11tenOl expected la~t week on account of crop sh1pments 111 the west eh I not take plale I nsteac1, the ~ e\\ York bdnks g<uned $1 4(J5 000 l11cash, of whIch $910,000 came from the west CredItors of the Carnes Furl1lture Company, 1\1:anetta, Ga, allegll1g that the managers have been gIvmg Illegal preferences, have asked that the concern be ad]uged bankrupt The lJablhtIes are supposed to be about three-fourths of that amount. The Illll10IS Cabmet Company, Rockford, III , are bUlldll1g an .lddltIOn to theIr plant whIch WIll practIcally double the1r capac1ty The new bUlldmg I~ SOx192, three stones ThIS IS the fourth of the Rockford factone:o that have enlarged theIr plants tlm }eal The stock and fixtures of the Estes FurnIture Company of Chfton, Mass, whIch faIled recently, wele sold at auction by the receIver on August 19. After spIrlted blddl11g 1t \\ a" knocked down to Edward F Hall, furl1lture u.ealer. of ClIfton, at $1,53'5 The receIver for the Chlppe\\ a I, alls Furl1lture Compan), r SH~~BYVILLE""'"---. DESK CO. SHELBYVILLE, IND. MANUFACTURERS OF OFFIGE, FURNITURE Write tor latest catalogue. ... (hlppew<l Falls, \VIS, has been ordered by the federal court to beg1l1 SUIt agalmt stockholders to recover, for the benefit of ueehtors, cllvldend~ that were paId Just befOIe the company faIled The Badger State Tanmng Company of Sheboygan, WIS, whIch recently added a chrome leather department has ddded another department for makll1g fIne furmture and carnage leathers The latter department \~Ill be managed by \'1£;uust T,,"lamer, who lomes from J\ewd1k, ). J Jacob LaprowskI, who faIled m the furnIture bmmes:o at Douglds, \nz, hac filed a voluntdry petItIOn m bankruptcy m the ll1lted State" court at DetrOIt, \lIch ills ~tatement shows ha-blhtles amountmg to $'5,'266, of \\111ch $,J,OOO 1S due the State 1\dtlOndl hank of I'..l Pa"o. Tex \sseb, $1,800 An agreement ha~ been reached whereby the affa1r~ of the \ enty-Caswell Table Company of Portland, MICh, now 111 the hand s of a rele1veI, a1e expected to be settled The assets h sted at about $13,000 are to be ~old <U1dthe proceeds chvlded pro rate among the ueelItOl s whose daIms amount to $20 000 The Read bOl0 (\ t ) LlMll Company al e makmg rapId IIIog 1es~ on then ne\\ plant [he faLtory blllldmg \\111 be four stone~ hIgh and 2()() feet l11length \ pal t of It I~ 76 feet and the 1 emamcle1 48 feet m \\Iclth fhe company ~ bl1S111e~sI" growlllg 1aplClh \ftel the 11ewplant I~ LOlllpleted they Will employ about -too men Joseph Delbmger, pi eS1dent ot the Denslllger } urmture and Stove Company, St. LOUIS, Mo, has started a ,mt agamst Jo:oeph Gerach and hIS WIfe, Mrs Emma GeradI, for $10,000 damages, allegmg he wa~ abused by J\Irs Gerach, July 15 Bens1l1ger dllege~ he was roughly 01 dered out of the Grand Avenue Hotel by :\1rs Gel ae!l, Vvlfe of the propnetor, and that she used dlsparagmg language John Kell} I" awaltl11g tnal for entenng the furmture store of Frank L Hake~, Cana:otota, 1\ Y, and stedlmg $25. Kelley was formerly employed m the stOl e and knC\'v the combmatlOn of the sdfe He mIght have taken several hundred dollars but 1JlObabl) thought the ~maller amount l111ght not be l111s~ed He \\as betrayed by an alcomphce who acted as sentmel and "squeal-ed' \\hen Kelley !:;ave h1111onh fiftv cent~ mstead of $3 that had been pr01111sed ._-_.- ..... ------'1 I I . .... _-J .F ••••.• ae •••••• _ ••••• .......- •••••• __ • __ .a '\11IUI1\' lu 1 :1, dol)' 1't'l >t<\l, \\\J11\lng ,d full jJcI\\el', fht:y h,\\'c lltu d Jlt:' 1l11pu,ul U,l tnt:' 111t:'ll1ber,uf the C0ll111IUetl ~toppclge of \\ ()]k t01 d pOllocl vt 1'-0 cla\ out of the 3G6 workmg day~ of the) ear In this arrdngment there IS a tenelenLY to oppose the 1l1teresh at the \\ 01klllg hr e, the members at wmch Cdn with chfficulty accept snch a long penoel of enforced Idlene:"s. In ordel to obI late th1' 1l1con\ emence the shut down wa" In prac-tlce reg ulated a" follow, 1he fal t011es I 1 the comb me \1ere forced to remal11 m l pelatlOn clunng tl1e ent1re year, but wIth d ploductlve capaClt} of machlller} that \\ ould llm1t the output to what It would have been had the) \\ orked but 126 days dunng the ) ear. Thus, a factor) po,se~smg ten machl11es, dccorchng to the agreement, \Iould hay e a productive capa21ty of 1,2GO day s, workmg full to! ce Instead of VI orkl11g 126 days at full force, however, the tactory would work dunng the entire ) ear but four of its machmes, leavmg the 1emaml11g SIX Idle ThIS arrangement enabled the manager of the dIfferent factones m the combl11e to elU111nate the least valuable element among their workmg force~ and to retam o.1h the most skillful workmen BesIdes, there re<,ulted a say 1l1g 1n the cost of operat1l1g a lalge number of 1J1ach1ne, The questlOn reeentl) ca1l1e up of an eventual mcredse m the ploductlOlJ to be authonzecl by the syndIcate It IS belleved, hO\\ e\ er, that such an el entuallt) wIll not be consIdered 111 the \ el \ neal future CertalJi concerns, especIally well-eqUIpped hay e It 1 true, 1ecelVed dn excess of orders whICh they can With chfficult\ h11, but "everal estdbhshments less favored In the mat-tel ot 01 del, \\ III unde1 take to fill those whlCh the more active umlCln, lannot t'lke up In thiS manner an eq1l111bllUm Will be c,tabh "hed and the productIOn alII ays mamtamed suffiCIent to "up pI) actual needs The board of management of the mter-natIOnal S\ nchcate follov\ s very ca1 efully the movemenL of the lhftu t nt mdrkets the board meeb ever) three months m order to 1eg ulate the m,ltte1 of plOcluetlOn BeSides, a speCIal com mlttee e"amme" c,tch 1110nth all statle.,tlcs commu111catd by the J1llJ1lhel' ot the ,\nch ate, whde an Olga1l1ZatlOn compo,ed of d~enh ut the j)1l1lupal factone, meets at lea t once a month 111 O!del to reg ulelte the que"tlOn of order~ received, and COmmt1111- latl to tnl bO'll d ot mal1ager~ "uch mformdtlOn as mcl) be deemed OpplJItUlle The efleets ot th1, combmatlOn 111 the plate-glass llldustry III Belg1l1m a1e palpably eVident when the SltUdtlOll 111190+, the \ car 111\\ hlch the agreement was concluded, IS compared WIth the ) ea1s followl11g that date, and from recent reports prospects for the future look encouragl11g" 14 \IV 1',E K L Y 1\ l{ 1 I bAN PLATE GLASS TRUST IN ~:liR(JP~: United States Consul Reports Tbat Nearly All Factories Are in tbe Combine. Abert Johnson, ~mencan con"ul at Liege. repO! t" that nearly all the plate gla"" factones In Europe a1 e conti nlled by a trust and de'>cnbes the conchtlOn~ that led to the mel ~- 111g of mterests, management ot the comb1l1atlOn, etl. In a way that Will be mterestmg to those \\ ho compla1l1 of be 1l1g oppressed by the Glass Trust of Amenca He "dV" "At the begmn111g of 190-h tne plate-gla~, 111dustl\ \\ as iiuffenng from an acute cn olS Uw Ing to act! \ e com petl tlOn, pnces showed conSiderable fluctuatlOn, wh11e nn the other hand the ad, ance m the price" of raw matcnclb employ eel tended to favor an mcrease m the cost pnce of the mdnu-factured article L:nder these conc11tlOn" the plate-glasOl 1l1- dustry was severely confu'>ed, \"hen the mternatlOnal a~ree ment of Augu)t 17, 190-t, amonlS the plate-gla"s manl1fac turer" Lame to rehe\ e the "ltuatlOn Thl" com b1l1e lllclude" nearly all the factolle, of E111ope 1\ hen It \\ a" tormed the total productlOn of the plate-gla s factone-, of the \\ orld \\ as e"tl111ated at about 10,000,000 square metel, (1 ,qua1e mete1 elluab 111 :(J square feet) The S) nd1cate "ulceeded In '3ecunng about ;- '=;00,000 square meter" of thIS amount, the 1emallic!er hemg p10- duced by Independent factones "fhe syndIcate controls seven Llctone" 111 Bel~1l1m and fi\ e m Fran-2e In German), out of e1ght S)l1chcated tactOlle fi\ c only are Gel man natlOnaltt) , one tne '(Jell11alll,l I, the 1)1clnlh house of a Belgian concern clnd the other" belong to <l 1Iench company Bohemia IS represented b) a factO! \ of Uelg1an ong1l1 I taly and Holland have each one facto! \ created lIncler 1renclt control In reahty 1rench mtCle"h al e d0\11lnant 111 l1111eplate gLI" \VOl ks, BelgIan mterests 111 lllne ,lad (Jell11an mtlll,ts III h\ l A factory at COl1rnelle", m llelglUll1. h "aHl to he undel ~l1H 11 can control, while a I rench VJ11leln 10lated <1t \lcluheugl I' controlled by Lnghsh capltah"t" Che-,e t\\ 0 l"tahh"ltl11ent, as well as the factones m the llllted State, Lll£;and al1cl Rl1" Sla, are not mcluded m the ,,)nchcate It h a"e1tecl thdt In the U 11lted State" there are twenty factolle", ot \vhlch el~h t or nme compnse the i\mencan plate gla,," tnl"t 'In England there al e, It 1S saId, two factones, one of \\ hlch IS 111active operatIOn RlIs~la controb fOUl factolles of 1elatn ell small capacIty, two of which are closed, tlte otnel t\\ a pi oduce from 100,000 to 120,000 "quare meters-suffiCIent to ,upph thl home market only. "Although, as stated, the i\mencan dnd Fn~h"h concern, do not form part of the ") nchcate, then 1elatlOn-, \\ Ith the ldtte1 are on a mo~t amIcable bas1s. In the matte1 of lompetitlOn \\ Ith the ~ynd1cate, It IS stated that the i\mellc:an glOtlP of manuLtc-turers have never attempted to galll a foothold In the European markets, and that the Enghsh manufacturer, onl) ~eek to hold theIr own mdrkets and those of then numerou~ colo111e" On the other hand, the European concerns eXJl0lt then pi mluch to Fng land and to the Untted ~tate" Dun 19 the pa ,t \ eal the Lnghsh order~ gIven to lontmental faetO!le, have "hO\\ n ,I n1<lrked de-crease, OWlllg, It 1;:;claImed. to the commeillal lrhl,> ~ene1dlh preva111l1g The scope of the plate-gla'3" "}nchcate IS maml) to place the manufacturer of plate glass 111 dIrect conneetlOn \\ Ith the con-sumers of thIS artIcle, 111order, 111a mea'3t11e to ~1\ C '3tdblhty to the selhng pnce and to prevent overproductIOn whIch always results 111 excessIve damage 111 dny form of 111dustnal activIty In order to attam thIS object, the syndICate agreed theoretIcally, it is stated, to reduce the productIve capacIty of the syndIcated fhe Eugene (Ore) ExcelslOr factOl y has been closed down for a fe\\ \\ eeks owmg to a lack of demand for ItS product III A OLCOM6 CO@ MANUFACTURERS ,.~DDEALERS IN HIGH GRADE BAND AND SCROLL SA~S REfAll\1 NG-5ATI5FACTION GUARANTEED ~ ClT1ZENS PHONE 1239 27 N MARKET ST. ~, GRAN D RAFI DS9 MICH. r·································· ..·~~·4.. ~ 1 THE BIG WHITE SHOP I I~--------------------------------------------------------------------- I II•Ii III I III I I ._ 1,I II II i II •• I• III II,II III ,I II I II IIII III I, II I II I I• I I•I I I J I r....THE ---HIG---wHITE-'--sHoi~---1 I ••• at ._.aa ••••••••••••••• at •••••• aa •••••••••• _. __ -- .e ••••••••••• •• •••••••••• 4 WKEKLY ARTISAN We Furnish Every Article of Printing Needed by Business Men WHITE PRINTING COMPANY 108, 110, and 112 North Division Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. 15 , ell1d emplm ee~, the tOrInel pledgl11g the!1l,elve~ to make up any dehue>1L) If the j0111t payment fdll "h01 t of $'200. the 11111'1111'1,1 ~um The ad provlCles that the ,) stem shall be under the IlllN~( 111cntof a board of trt1,tee~ composed equally of employ el" 11(\ e111p\O\ee, 1he plan h \\orth) of adoptlo11 by emp\o\ e1" of bum 111 the manuiae tUrIng dnd mercantIle 1I1du~tnes 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN PUBL..ISHEO ~VERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PEA YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHER COUNTRIES $200 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. PUBLICATION OFFICE. 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH A S WHITE MANAGING EDITOR Entered as second class matter July 5. 1909, at the post office at Grand RapIds. MIchIgan nndel the act of March 3 1879 The astute John \Vanamake1 . put one 0\ er the \ s,ouatul PI ess recently mo~t eff ect1\ el) 'Ill \ \ anamakel emplO\, ,(\ el al tl ade p10moter", bl1t the pctlm of e"eellenee 111ustbe a \\ aHled to the young man who prepal ed tl1dt lon~ tele~1 am \\ hllh told ot the magmtude and Importance of the ~ug u,t ~ale~ ot turmture 111 ), ew YOlk and the extent to \d1l'::h the house of \\ anamakel particIpated 111 the same The cbal acter cl11dquahty of the ,tack car ned, the faclhtles employed 111 the transactIOn of blh1l1es" easl1y and pleasantly, and the accommodatIons aftorded to shop pers, were full) descnbed, and a \ el) 1l1terest1l1g and InteIlH?;ent ch~cusslOn of the styles prefen ed 111 the furmture markeb to-gether wIth 1I1formatlOn 111 regard to construction £1msh and utlhty closed the telegram It \\as \\ 01th man) thousanch ot dol lan, to the great merchant In fact had he been called upon to compensate the ~~souated PI e"" fOi the actnal \ alue ot the sel vIce It IS doubtful If he \\ oukl have deemed 11lI11,elt ju"tlfiec1 1lI the employment of that agency 111explOlt111g hIS sale In (hscu~sll1g the :,t) le~ pI evaJll1lg 111 the h\lmtul e tl ade a ne\\ spaper, pubh:,heclll1 "e\\ YOlk, c1edal ed that the c!c'lgnel' do not tIy to ong1l1ate an)thmg- tl1clt they are mereh 1I1telpi etel ~ ot the c1d~SIC styles of the past The motr\ e" ot :-,hel aton, the \dams Brothers, Hepple\\ hlte .md tne successful des1gnel s at past centnnes m France, Ital), German) and Holland \\ ho lank With 2\Iendlesohn, 'i\Iozart, Gonnod and \ erd1 m mnslc dl e stnd1ed carefnlly, and fame and fortnne IS d\\ arded to sncces~tnl II1terpreters of thell work The ongmal sty les ot Cohalkee Dnbson and ~ogood dre no longer tolerated, not even 111 the nMr-kets where cheapness rather than qnaht) IS the £1r~t cOibldel dtlOn of the bnyer. ~" stated on anothel page of tllIS echtlOn the -:\[anufacturer~' -\~SOCIatlon of Evansville Jnd , ha\ c ~ecured a gl eat I uluLtlOn ln fI eight rates from that cIty to \rkan~as and \11 s Ollli j)omt"-a cut of over 3,)Yl pel cent on Ie", than c'lrload loh -l hel e ~ a good llln~treltlOn of what can he done b\ 01 ~a11lZdtlon and action There I~ little doubt thelt the mannfacttll el ~ of (11and Raplcb can secnre a matenal rednctlOn m rdtes to \\ e~tern POll1t~ b) aLtlOn 1I11l\ar to that of the Evamv1lle assoCIatIOn fhe) certamh onght to be able to do away WIth the handIcap the) are now Cclfry1l1g 111 the matter of rates on 111lxed car~ to P01l1ts \\ e~t of Chicago, and they might secure reductlOn" 111 other chrectlOns ~n act of the legtslature of \Iassachnsetts \\ hlch "hould 111- tere~t emp\oye1s of labor generall), provIdes for the care of work-lI1en engaged 111 hazardons occupatIOn, Pensions may be pro vided for nnder the act by equal contn1JntlOllS from employers \n expel t fig UIe" the cost of ~ellmg goods at 1etatl at '! l pel cent divided a, follo\\ ~ . Bnymg and "elll11g wages, seven per Lent ad\ el tI"l11g. three per cent, I ent, five per cent; department e"pen"e (\\ hlch I11dndes freight and expre"s, travehng and ,npphc~) f011l per cent, general expen"e (which mc1nde" expenses that Cdnnot be c!1drged duect) four pel cent Each department ,honld be charRed chrect WIth e\ ery Item of expense It mClll s. ()nh In that way can a manager determme whethe1 d departmcnt h mak111g or losmg mane) fhe deCISIOn of the federal jndges IJ1 the ,ocalled \\ (',le' n 1 clilroadca"e IS not Lonclnslve It 1~only a t\\ o-to-one ctffalr and llld\ be overruled b) the higher court::, To mo,t laymen Jnd[; > !lakel " \ le\\ of the case \\ 111seem more rea"onable that that of 111d~e, h.ohl"aat and (110"SCllP If the deCISIOn shall be ,nstallled lhe la \\ [;0\ cI11Ing the Inter-state Commerce COml111%lOn \\ 111 hd\ e to be IeVI"ed dnd amended 111Ih most lInpOl tdnt provl"lOn~, else the COl11ml~~lOnmight as well be aboh"hed \\ Ith the most al11lable relatIOne" eXI~tll1g between the plate ~las, manutacturers of Amenca and England and those of eontll1entdl Europe the Plate Glass Trust must be pretty nearly \\ or1d-\\ Ide 111 control and operatIOn Amencan Consul Johnson at Liege has \\ntten an I11terestmg descnptlOn of the orgamzatlon ot the J'.nropean combl11e, methods of manufactnre, etc, wlllch \\ III be tonnd In thIS eclitlOn of the \Veekly Artisan, If the I11ventlOn of that Texas doctor by whIch he propo~es to preserv e the dead 111 I11destruct1ble glass bottles, proves pract1- cdl, Jt ma) become populal WIth those who dread the idea of letllllJlno to dust It WIll do awav \\Ith the necessIty of grave- b • "I elld, and gl a\ e dlgger~ fhe (lead. bel11g eternally embalmed, ma \ he laid a\\ a \ on "helves 111 bmldl11gs and catalogued hke book~ 111a hbra I) ~ department store 111 ChICago gIves employment to npward~ at 3,000 salesmen and chspose" of goods dmonntl11g to $300,000,- 000 annuall) ~s many as 230,000 people enter the store 111 a cla) Its operations e\.tend to all parts of the c1v1hzed world 1 hiS e,leat bU~lI1es~ has been created by proVlI1g that the store i~ of real value and perform~ gel1lnne ~crvlce to the people of the \\ OIld ~ gelltlel11dll largely enRdged 111 the manufacture of chamber ~llltes declares that the only pi ofit 1edhzed on the bnsll1e"~ trallSacteel, amountmg 111 Rooel tImes to $,lOO,OOO annnally, i, the ,lmot111t caved thlough the dl"CGtlllt111g of bIlls for matenals J-le tdll, to see 111 the futnre anv Improvement so far as regards profits 'Style sells male good" than the pnce," remarks l\Iodern \Iethods "Gomb that are not np-to-date are dIfficult to dIspose of at iO cent~ on the dollar" Not 111 every ll1stance. An in-stallment dealer of Colnmbus, OhIO, sold a chamber suite in the Geranahatchle style sIxteen tImes and ree e1ved the valne of the ,,11Itedown on each sale. -\n "overstock" exchange, estabh~hed at ~a:>hvI!le, Tenn, is saId to produce very :,atIsfactory result,. -Upon a large black- WEEKLY ARTISAN 17 board such dealers as have more of anyone lIne of standard goods than they wish to carry place them on .,ale to other merchants at cost or less The plan ought to aHI many mate1lally 111c1eamng ont eAces 1ve stocks 1he Bon :\larche, a department store of Pans. "ells goods annually amountmg to $+3,000,000 The salesmen a1e dull and stupid. and It IS saId that the blhmess at the lOnceln 1111ghtbe doubled WIth better sale~mansh1p To effect a more p10mpt settlement of aconnts the mel-chants of StIllwater (l\Imn ) have agreed that al customers who fall to pay their bills plO111ptly on the thirty clay plan shall there-after be sold only upon stnctly ca"h basb ~ot a bad plan GOOD FOR EVANSVILLE Mallufacturers~ Association Secures a Ma-terial Reduction in Freight Rates to Western Territory. Evanwille. Ind. \ug '2()-Busmess With the fl11mtnre man-u factm ers of Evanw1lle and v1c1mty IS much Improved over last month ant! md1catollb pomt to a good steady fall trade Inqm11es a,re mcreasmg nght along and most of the factones are now bemg operated on full tune Desk and chaIr manufacturers re-port an l11crease m trade and bay they are 100kl11g for busl11ess to get better nght along \i eneer manufacturers also report trade active, dec1anng that It IS better nght now than at any tIme thIS season. Edward Ploeger of the Bosse Furlllture Compauy, accom-pal11ed by hI>: WIfe, has returned from the spnngs near Attica, Ind, whe1 e they spent several weeks. Among the recent VISitors to the new Furmture Exchange was H C. Howar~l, a merchant at San Juan, Porto RICO, who bought a bIg lot of furlllture to be shIpped there. He say s Evanw1lle furmture IS m gl eat demand 111the Island and th111ks the open111g of the new Exchange here WIll greatly st1l11Ulatetrade 11l that sectton On August Hi freIght rates on stoves and furmture from EvanSVIlle to CaIro, Ill, Galva, III , and Thebes, Ill, 111less than carload lots were reduced to sixteen cents per hunderd and 111 carload lots to twelve cenb per hundred, the m1111mumbe111g 20,- noo pounds These rates \'1'111not apply on busl11ess dest111ed to the pomts na111edbut \V 111be known a~ ploportlOnal rates and will be use(l m figunng 1ates to pomb m 1\hsSOU11and Arkansas to r-~~~~-;-~'aPidS Cast~'r.~~-~.CO. 2 Parkwood Ave••Grand Rapids, Mich. We are now putting out the best Caster Cups wItb cork bases ever offeree to the trade. These are fimshed In Golden Oak and Wbite Maple In a hght limsh These goods are admirable for pohshed lIoors and furn- Iture rests. Theywill not sweat or mar. PRICES: ~ze 2}.(mches ...... $4.00 per hundred SIze 2ji mrhes' . 5.00 per hundred Trva sample Order F.O B. Grand Rap,dI • WhICh states 110 through rates have been given from Evansville. The present rate~ are twenty-four cents on le;,s than carload lots and fourteen cents on carload lots The reductIon 111rates was "ecured by John C Keller, manager of the Traffic Department of the EvanSVIlle NIanufacturers' A:o,soclatlOn The Marstall Furmture Company have a fine Ime of ward-lObes on dIsplay 111the lurmtm e Exchange bmld111g A I Karges of the Karge~ I'urmture Company, 'V1lltam A Koch of the EvanSVIlle Metal Bed Conlpany and John H Rohsen-berger of the Buehne1 Chair Company attended the bIg faIr at Rockport, Incl, last week. The :::'chelosky Table Company are movmg theIr machlllery mto theIr new factory, on Outer 1'1rst avenue, WhICh has Just been completed and they expect to have the plant 111operatlOn on or about Sept 1 1he E. Q :::'m1th ChaIr Company have also completed thelr new factory and expect to have the same m opera-tton about Sept 1 Elt D ::\ltller, the well known and popular folclmg bed manu-facturer of thls Clty, attended the furnIture exhIbltton at St. Loui" \ugust 2 to 7, and looked after the famous Elt foldmg bed Henry J Kalges of the IndIana Stove Vv ork~ IS on a busmess tnp through Texas and Oklahoma, bOOStlllg the "Darllllg" range, which IS one of the best stove;, turned out by the Iud1ana Com-pany Congressman John 'V. Boehne of thIS CIty IS one of the hea vy stock holders m the IndIana Stove Works. VV V DIxon of the Evansvllle Bookca~e and Table Company and secretary of the EvanSVIlle Busllless AssoclatlOn has returned from a tnp to Cerultan Sprtngs, Ky HIS WIfe and two sons WIll spend the remamder of the summer there On all first class tickets on the Evansville & Terre Haute and EvanSVIlle & Ind1anapolts railroads a stopover of ten days IS pert111tted m thIS ctty. ThIS g1Ves VISItors plenty of ttme to go through the Furmture Exchange bl11ldmg and make theIr pur-chase" .. W H Krause of Storm Lake, Iowa, buyer of W. H. Krause & Co, of that CIty and also Des Momes, Iowa, was a viSItor at the Furmture Exchange a few days ago. He made several large purchases. A. P. Fenn, well known chalf manufacturer of Tell Clty, Ind., reports busmess much Improved and says he is looklllg for a fine fall and wmter trade. The salesmen to represent the manufacturers 111the ne\\ Fm111ture Exchange bUlldmg have been selected as follows: F A RIehl IS on the thIrd floor of the bmldmg and will represent the Spec1altty Fnrmture Company, the Schelosky Table Company, the Elt D 1\I1ller & Co., the IndIana Fnrmture Company, the Mar-stall Fmmture Company, and the Evansvllle Desk Company, A E Small 1S to be found on the second floor representmg the Crescent Furmtm e Company, the lmted State" Furmture Com-pany, the :::,tar Furniture Company, the EvanSVIlle Metal Bed Company and the Evans\ llle Bookcase and Table Company, Fred y\ Bockstege, J r , IS on the fifth and Sixth floors and represents the h.an;e~ Ftlll11tUle Company. the Bockstege Furmture Com-pany, the ;\1etal I urmtm e Company, the Bos~e Furmture Com-pany, the Globe Furmture Company and the Henderson Desk Company On the fourth floor are the lllles of the Evansv1ll" :\Iattt ess and Lounge Company, the Hohsenstelll- Hartmetz Furlll-tm e Company, the Buehner ChaIr Company, the Stoltz-Schmitt Furmture, the Crown ChaIr Company, the Crescent Upholstenng Company and M A Hunt & Co, and they are represented by the three above named salesmen William SpIegel of the ReItz-Spiegel Furniture Company of Fulton avenue and Fred Gumberts of the R. & G. Furniture Com-pany report the local retaIl business pickmg up nicely. W. B. CARLETON . • • WEEKt,Y ARTISAN These lines are for sale in the Evansville Furniture Ex- I change. Call and inspect them; it is worth your while.III I THE KARGES FURNITURE co. II Manufacturers of Chamber SUites, Wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Odd Dressers, Chlfforobes. I THE BOSSE FURNITURE CO. Made by The Karges Furmture Co The Big Six Manufacturers of Evansville possess unequalled facil-ities for shipping goods promptly. All have sidings in or adjoining their factories and cars can be dispatched direct over the great rail-road systems of the East, South and West. Manufacturers of Kitchen Cabinets, K. D. Wardrobes. Cupboards and Safes. in Imitation golden oak. plain oak and quartered oak. THE WORLD FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Mantel and Upright Folding Beds. Buffets. Hall Trees, Chma Closets, Combination Book and Library Cases. THE GLOBE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of Sideboards in plain oak. imitation quartered oak. and solid quartered oak. Chamber Suites. Odd Dressers. Beds and Chiffoniers in imitation quartered oak, imitation mahogany. and imitation golden oak. THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of the "Superior" Line of Parlor. Library. Dining and Dressing Tables. THE METAL FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of "Hygiene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds. Cribs, Wire Springs and Cots. . ...•....•. ....•.... . . . . . . . WEEKLY ARTISAN 19 II,II• III III I,I• II IIII I I• I I I M Ide b) Bock"tege FUfllltme Co Made by World Furmture Co Made by Bockstege FurnIture Co Made by Bos,e Fm nlture Co. • •• a •• _ •••• sa • --- ••••• 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN PART OF SUITE 1545 MADE BY NELSON-MATTER FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH WEEKLY ARTISAN CHOICE TOOLS FOR FURNITURE MAKERS If you do not know the "Oliver" wood working tools, you had better give us your address and have us tell you all about them. We make nothing but Quality tools, the first cost of which is considerable, but which will make more profit for each dollar lOvested than any of the cheap machines flood- 109 the country. Oliver Tools Save Labor "Oliver" New Variety Saw Table No. 11 Will take a saw up to 20' d,ameter Arbor belt IS 6' wIde Send for Catalog "B" for data on Hand Jointers, Saw Tables, Wood Lathes, Sanders, Tenoners, Mortisers, Trimmers, Grinders, Work Benches, Vises, Clamps, Glue Heaters, etc., etc. OLIVER MACHINERY CO. Works and General Offices at 1 to 51 Clancy St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., U. S. A. BRANCH OFFlCES-OhYer Mschmery Co, Hudson Termmal, 50 Church St, New York, Ohyer Machmery Co , FirSt Nahonal Bank Buddmg, Chicago, III , Ohye, Machmery Co , PaCific Buddmg, Seattle, Wash. Ohve, Machmery Co , 201.203 Dean,gate, Manchester, Eng HOLIVER" No. 16. Band Saw 36 Inches. Made with 0' without motor dnye Melal table 36" j[ 3D" Wdl take 18" under the gUlde- hIt. 45 degrees one way and 7 degrees lhe other way Car-flea a saw up to 1%11 wide. Oub.de beanng to lower wheel .halt when not motor dnven WeIgh> 1800 lb. when ready to sh.p H Tempers 21 " Cost Funeral Directors' National Convention. The twenty-eighth annual conventlOn of the NatlOnal ASSoclatlOn of Funeral D1recto1 s wIll be helel 111 Portland. Ore. on September 2U and :0 <md October 1 and 2 SpeCial ral1road rate" Will be 111 force and many of the easteln dele-gate" will he acc0111pa11led by fnemls ",ho VvIlI ImprO\ e the opportu111t} to take a tllP to the coa~t and Vl'\lt the Seattle eXpo"ltlOn A "'peclal tram fm the delegate ...dnd then" fnend~ w111 lea\ e Ullcago on September 17, stoppmg at pomt'\ of 111- tereo,t and arnvll1R at POl tland ~eptember 24 ReturnlnR the tram w111led\ e Portland on October 4 or S. ~top at man} pOll1h dml Ieach Cillcago Odober 10 or 11. taklnR about three \\eek" f01 the round tllP \11 ah \\ 131Cl\\n, P H O'Bnen and Jame~ B McInl11s WIll be the Grand RdplCh deleRate ... anc1 It 1'\ probable that other meml,er ... of the "tate a~SoclatlOn m thiS clt} w111 take the tnp. Building Big Addition. 1he Grane! Rapids Show Case Company have started work on the new factory bmld1l1g that IS to be added to their plant [he new structure Will be of ree! bnck WIth stone tnmm1l1gs, ~lX ct011es hIgh and WIll have a frontage of l±7 feet 011 Canal ,treet and 176 on Colelbrook street It IS to be fimshed about the fir';t of December and WIll be u"ul f01 office", show room" awl factory department'\ that have nceded mOlC 100m for some tIme Later the old frame bmld111gs \\ 111he 1ecomt1 ucted With bllck to match the ne\\ h11lldmg and thc compdny w111ha\C 011Cof the best furl11ture plants 111the c01111tr} The 1l1a1n entrdnce to the new hmldmg \\'111be on the Colclbrook ctieet front, fasmg the nlUl11- Clpal watel \\ orks and pubhc hghtl11g hmldmg Good Demand for Machinery. The Ohver Mach1l1ery Company. Grand RapIds, IS hav111g the busle"t season 111theIr 11l',t01y They are haVing a g-reat run of orders f01 manual tram1l1g eqmpment<; for hIgh schools, planes, lathes, saws ane! othel \\ ooc!\\Ork111e,'tool,;; and mach111cry. They al e also eqmpp1l1g a new pattern sbop for the ,fallOn (lnd) ~tedll1 Sbovel L011lpany, which h<I" the contI act f01 f11rm'3h111g the "tcam shovels u"ec1 on the F\lnd111d canal, and a patteln shop for the ::\Iesta l\lach111er} Lompany of \Ve"t Homestead, Pa 1he Ohver l\Llcbmel y Lompally, (,rane! RapId", drc bavmg of land to be u"ed a <111adchtlOn to a park tl1dt h bemg unproved on the sIte of the olel \\ atcr \\ 01k" "eUh 19 ba"1l1 located on the north Side of the Crrand 1'11111kIa111Oac1tI <lck" oppo'31te the com-pam s hmlel111g-" The 1mpl 0\ e111cnt of the park Will make a plea"1l1g betterment 111the outlook from the plant -~I ... ----------- ---~----_._-~- I,,,I, ,I ,I III ,II ,I II ,, ,I I.. THE NEW GRAND RAPIDS MACHINERY STORE Wood Working Machinery Factory Equipment Machine Knives, Bits, Etc_ Everything in Equipment for the Woodworker. Office &.ndStore, 58 South Ion.&.St , Opposite Union Depot McMUllEN MACHINERY CO. GRAND RAPID, MICH _ ... ARTHUR S WHITE. PreSIdent ALVAH BROWN. VIce PreSident HARRY C WHITE. See y Treas WEEKLY ARTISAN 23 Many New Features Added for the Fall Season Everything for the Bedroom [ MedIUm and FlOe Quality 1 Office and Salesroom corner Prescott and Buchanan Streets, Grand RapIds, MIch. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE SLIGH FURNITURE CO. Grand Rapids, Mich. " -- . IIIIII III II II II II III I I II I III II IIIIII I II I II II ~------------_._--------------- ._----_.-_.--------._-----_._-----------------_._- -_._---------._---~ !t II ! I I I III IIII II IIIII IIIIII IIII __________.__ __ -JI SLIGH'S SELECT STYLES SELL AND SATISFY N p.. 'till ~ .. ::;;::: ~ It.. /so- ..A...~r,~ FILLER The FILLER that FILLS. The L. Mac. E. FiJ/ers are noted for their Uniformity. They work properly, packing well under the pad, They dry hard over night They will not Shrink as we use a water floated Silex, WE CAN MATCH ANYTHING. The lawrence-McFadden Company PHILADELPHIA, PA. 24 WEEKLY .,. I II I THE "ELI" No Stock complete wtthout the ElI Beds III Mantel and Upnght / 10 SPI~DLE MACHINE ALSO MADE WITH 12 15 20 AND 25 SP1NDLhS. DODDS' NEW DOVETAILING GEAR MACHINE This little machme has done more to perfect the drawer work of furnl ture manufacturers than anythIng else 10 the furniture trade For fifteen years It has made perfect fittmg vermm proof dovetailed stock a POS~l blltty ThIS has been accomphshed at reduced cost, as the mach1l1e cut., nove-taIls In gangs of from 9 to 2! at one operatIOn It s '\ hat others see about your busme<;s rather than what )on <.,ayabout It that counts In the ca.,h dra'\'er It 5 the thnll of t:nthu';lasm and the true nng- of truth lOll feel and hear back of the ( old t, pe that makes you buy the thmg ad, ertlsed ALEXANDER DODDS, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHICAN R"p,,,sent,,d hy Schuchart & Schutt. at Berhn, VIenna. Stockholm and St Pele .. bura Represented by Alfred H Schutte at Cologne, Bru""I., Leae, Pans, Muan and Buboa Represented m Great Bnllan and lroland by the Ohver Machmery Co. F S Thompson, Mgr , 201·203 Dean'aate, Manchdler, England c ARTISAN The New Star Catalogue. The :\Ilchlgan Star FurnIture Company of Zeeland, 1\1Ich , hay e brought out a new catalogue contammg 84 Illustrations of cham bel ~llltes, odd dresser'i and chIftol11er,., These good" are made 111 quarter sawed oak, mahogany and blrd''i eye maple The deslgn'i are attractIve, the COll'itructlOn and fil11'ih rIght, and the plIce" are based on a rea'ionable plofit on \\ ell !l1dde good" Thl" company h e"peclaly 'itlong on 1m d" e\ l maple Recently they ha \ e had .,e\ eral ordel" tOl bIrd" eye'i flam Texa" and Oklahoma They al e JlI e- Ildled t01 prompt "hlpmenh and ale havIng a good hU"1I1e,,, Think They Have a Bonanza. 1he Eureka Desk and Cabmet Company of Fmdlay. OhIO, hay e II1creased theIr capItal stock from $10,000 to $25,- I) )roer to ( '~a,:;c 'n the d1L "'u' t,le of ,1 ,amf I \ '1ttach l11ent tOl school de,.,kc-a Iecepta01e fOl I11k,penCIls, pens, erasers, M Lt1e 1,\ L<IOJo FU-Illtllt t' Co EVa118v1l e, Inti "ponges, etc -111\ ented b\ a jal1Itor of the Hubel school of that lIty. The apparatU'i l'i bemg manufactured 111 Cleveland at pre'ient and agent<, are 'iald to have taken ordel'i for over half a mIllIon. 'l he managers of the company expect to place one of the de\ Ice" on every school desk m the country. What to Buy and Where. \ \ alter ClaI! ... 335 J\IIch Trwt bUlldl11g, GI and RapIds has halt a mIllIon feet of ] -20 quarter-~a wed oak \ eneer on hand I cady for Immec!Iate delI vel y The Henry ~ Holden \ eneel CDmpany. Leonald bUllc!Ing. \Larket street (,r,lI1d RaJlld" offprs ]00.000 feet 1-20 pIam R C oak. '200000 feet 1 2~ to 1-:W bIrch h,lCklng, ~OO,O(\O fect ChOICC ] 20 quartel-,a \\ cd \\l1Ite oak and 200.000 feet chOIce 1md 'i-Cye maple veneers I eady for prompt shIpment II -WEEKLY ARTISAN 25 . ... - ..... ., .......... _------_._-------_.~--_._---~.-------------------~--_._---~--. ...... II •• II~ ..... .... _ ..._- ...._-- ............••.... ~ This Group for '51 Solid Oak; French Plates; Any Finish Desired VVardrobe Dresser Combination Dresser Commoc1e Dresser Chiffonier Bed - - $18.00 6.50 4.00 8.75 775 6.00 FINISHES-Golden Oak GIo"', Dull Golden, Early Engh'h, Weathered or Fumed F O. B. Man'lItee. Manistee Mfg. CO. MANISTEE, MICH. _. . - --_..... . ------------- ----------_. ----------_... .. CHICAGO NOTES AND PERSONALS. ChIcago, Aug 2b-Secretary George \V J acbon of the :\Ianufacturer'i' ExhIbItIOn Bm1dmg Company, spent a two weeks vacatIOn 111August by makmg a tour of the northwest, VI'iltIng among other places the Yellowstone ::\atIOna1 Park and the \Ja"ka- Yukon- PacIfic EXp0'iltIOn. l\1r J acbon spent a large part of hIS tnp 111the Yellowstone Park. the vvonder" of which he "peaks of as 1l1descnbab1e The ExpOSItIon he states IS aver) comprehensive affaIr, affordmg a sp1enclld 111sIght 111tOthe won-derful resource" of the .t\orthwest, thl" bemg especIally true of \la'ika An excellent feature con"I"t'i of the lectures gIVen dal1) on the vall0US exhIbIts by speakers who are experts on the sub- Ject 17 T PlImpton of 17 T Plll11pton & Co returned J\londay fro111 Benton Hal bor where he went last Fnday to rema111 ~evera1 dai'i WIth hIS famIly \\ ho al e spendIng the "ummer months at theIr Denton Harbor home PresIdent Jo~eph J SchneIder of the l'mted States Furmture Company, who sustamed a severe loss by fire on Wabash avenue several months ago, states that the company WIll resume bu"me'is m the near future The company ha., been paId the full amount of theIr msurance money All of the mdebtedness has been paId off and they have a substantIal ~urp1u'i on hand ::\Ir Schneider .,tate:o the petItIOn filed for 1l1vo1untary bankruptcy wa~ prompted by the spIte of one of the Company's employees, but was prompt1) "et aSIde by the court The NatIOnal Parlor 17urmture Company IS 'iendmg out '(,000 of theIr 30 page supplementary catalogue" to the trade \otlce'i of sale of the plant of the Crowell Furmture Com-pany. Lex111gton. ~ C, are bem~ "ent out by ReceIver T E :\Ic- Clary The sale I'i to take place on September 7 The plant IS 'iald to be a fine one, well located and well equIpped m every ,va) \Vllltam ~ Koch, manager of the EvansvIlle Metal Bed Company and the '\dvance Stove \Vorks, all of EvanSVIlle, Ind, was m ChIcago J\Ionday and Tue'iday :'oJ r Koch \Va~ accom-pamec1 by hIS Wife and daughter and was here makmg arrange-ments for the decorat111g of a ne\V home which he ha'i been b1111cl-ing and WIll occupy 111October The Koch Outfitt111g Company, dealers m furmture, carpets, Iug'i, stoves, etc , EvanSVille, Iud, is one of the new retaIl house" of EvanSVIlle Manager \VIlham A Koch of the EvanSVIlle 1Ietal Ded Compani \Vas 'io1e propnetor, but 1ecently sold a half mterest to Messr" J GoldsmIth, F D DrOit and Edward Koch. The Oberbeck Bros ::V[anufactunng Company of Grand RapIds, \\ IS , produces a large 1111eof Orcasslan walnut furmture. fhelr method of constructmg Cll ca~SIan walnut has reached a "tate a'i near perfectIOn as mecoomcal1l1genUlty can make It All of theIr veneer I'i carefully and correctly matched thm gIvmg to each pIece IS a Sl11tea umfof1mty 111make up. The most careful attentIOn IS gIven to detaIl ~o that dealers can feel perfectly secure fro111 the fact that they are gettmg the correct thmg from the Oberbeck company The pnces are extremely reasonable and V\ Ithm the reach of neal1y all consumers Secretary FI ed G SIkes of the SIke'i Consoltdated ChaIr Company 1:0 spendmg ~IX weeks WIth hIS famIly 111Colorado Sale" Manager, J R :\ewton, of the Ford & Johnson Com-pany, left '\ugmt 11 for a tnp through the west and Will return to Chicago about the mIddle of September W J HIlls left Saturday for a SIX weeks' business and vaca-tIon tnp to northern MIchIgan and Canada W H Thornton of Thornton & Co, Holland MICh , W3" Tn ChIcago thb week :\fonday :\fanager "VI R Senour and F. H Auman of the She1h} VIlle \Vardrobe Company ""ere 111ChIcago Monday. J\Ianager Frank Seng of the Seng Company is tourinlS the northern resorts WIth hl~ famtly . IpioNEER i MAnUr A(TURlnO I (OMPAny I III D~1'ROIT, MICH. Reed Furniture Baby Carriages Go-Carts ~ II III II ,I I... .... .. - .. ... .. .I. Full tme shown only at the factory. 26 - q WEEKLY ARTISAN SINGLE CONE All STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ Each Net $2~ E.ach Net No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis Casket Made of Glass. Dr H G. Becker, of BeeVllle, Tex, has mvented the newest th1l1g 111 the coffin hne. It IS a bunal casket made of glass TIlL lllventor IS now III BaltImore, .:'lId, dlrect1l1g the castmg of hh lllventlOn. AccordIng to the BeevIlle PIcayune, the doctor pel fected his coffin mneteen years ago, but he \\ as ne\ er able to obtain a satIsfactory preserv1l1g flUId untIl recenth For tl111teen years he had a man m Egypt trY1l1g to fathom the secret process used 111 preserV1l1g the old mumtTIle~. Th1::>agent learned the lan-guage, secured a bottle of the flUId that \vas anal} zed and tl1tS formula IS now used, Dr Becker clatm1l1g to be the only one out- SIde of the Egypta1l1s who knows the formula The glass of whtch the coffim IS made IS mIxed wIth lead the lead first be1l1g gIven a chetTIlcal treatment whIch makes It "tancl the necessary heat t{) whIch the glass 1::>subjected dunng the mould1l1g process ThIS dI::.covery, accordmg to DI Becker, IS most valuable, gWlng glass four tImes Its strength The glass thus tt eated IS made a grayIsh hue and IS not tramparent The coffin IS the shape of a bottle wIth one slele flat "\Then the C01pse IS slIpped III feet first the head 1" left chrectly under a transparent portlOn of the glass The end IS sealed b} screw1l1g d glass stopper m se-curely ThIS done the aIr pump IS used, all aIr be1l1g pumped out. " ... __ a •• _._ •••••••• __ •• If your DESIGNS are right, people want the Goods. That makes PRICES right. (tlarence 1R.bills DOES IT !.. . 163M"dlaon Avenue-Cltlzens Phone 1983. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The vacuum thlh formed creates a power of suffiCIent ,trength to pull the stopper from the bottle contammg the hqUld \\ l11ch, \\ hen lIbel dted, forms a perserv1l1g gas Dr Becker claIms that a bod) thus pre"ervtel WIll Iema1l1 m It::,ong111al state thlOl1gh etU1l1t\ and he ha" made tests that eonV111ce hUll that 111,daIll1 b ll10te th<lt1 theoretclal ." Secret of Successful Advertising. \Iarks Arnhelm the mo-.t extensIve advertIser of men's clothll1g 111 '\ e\\ York expre'3ses some Ideas that may be used to ach antdg e by furl11ture dealers He says "I can tell "\ou the secret of :>uceess In advertIsing m a nutshell 'Tell" the tJ uth, and then gIVe the people a lIttle nWI e than the} expected to reeen e ' ., A sUltmg supplement to trnth-tell1l1g achertlsmg 1-' the co-operatIOn of the sale::. department, so that the man V\ho answers a good adverttsement WIll receIve the ktnd of courteous treatment that} ou would WIsh were you to enter hIS establIshment to buy :>ome goods "The mam pomt about ac1vel tI:'>mg IS to present to a 1ea~()ndble publIc a rea"onable reason for bUy111g They are always lookmg for good goods But they need to be told about them, and they need to have some good reason given why they should come to one man rather than to another. "Such advantage IS what the advertiser needs to study out ;"uLh a reason may he 111the trend of the times toward "peClaltLdtlOn, and the advertIsmg of ItS advantages '" III eer-tamly bnng people to your doors who WIll examme into your proposition" I Some fellows are always behind time till it is time to stop. ... WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 SUITE No. 1038 (Except Cheval) MADE BY SLiCH FURNITURE CO. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH 2R 4 WEEKLY ARTISAN r-.-.-·--------------.....------·-.-----·--· -._.--. -.-----.-.-.---.--.-.-.---.-.---.-.-.-..---.-.-.----.-.------.-.-.---------------- ..-.---....-.....11 ,II ,,,I ,, II,I I I I f I III II I Oran~Ra~i~sfurniture Manufacturers'AssociationI "ere are the Exact Shades adopted by the Their "Golden Oak Oil Stain" is our No. 3424. Their "Early English Stain" is our No. 3425 Oil Stain. Their "Weathered Oak Stain" is our No. 3426 Oil Stain. Their "fumed Oak" is our No. 3427 New Process fuming Liquid. Their "Light Mahogany Stain" is our No. 3428 Dry Mahogany Stain soluble in water. Their "Dark Mahogany Stain" is our No. 3429 Dry Mahogany Stain soluble in water. Send for Samples and Information. .... a_ ••• _ _. THE AO-EL.-ITE F'EOF'L.E NEW YORK WE SUPPLY EVERYT"'NG NEEDED IN T"E flNISmNG ROOM. -----~._----~------~-_._._.___.._. ----_....... Tariff Has No Effect on Glass at Present. "So far as I kno,v the changes 111 the tanff schedules have had no effect on prIces of pL.lte glass, nor on varmshes," said \Vl1ltams P. vVIlllams, manutactUl ers agent, Orand Rapids "I have not received notIce of any change 111 quotatIOn" and have not notcled any 111 the market reports So I am sttll taking orders at the old pnces I th1l1k the Importer" anttclpated a raIse 111 the tariff rates on glass and vdrmsh matenab befole the law was passed and Will not advance pnces until they have reduced theIr stocks conSiderably. I understand the tax on the smaller sizes of plate glass has been raised 23 per cent ,,0 It seems there must be an ad, ance 111prIces on the Imported arttcle It Will probably come later when we hdve found out Just how the new law worke You can't Import large plates and cut them up 111tosmaller Sizes, because the duty on them, though cut more than 30 per cent, b ~ ~ . ....... ... -........ .. ..., THE WEATHERLY INDIVIDUAL Glue Heater Send your address and and receive descriptIVe CIrcular of Glue Heaters, Glue Coo"ers and Hot Boxes with prIces. The Weatherly Co. Grand Rapid., Mich. .-..-.--.._._.-_--.---_._~--------_ . ----------._-_.._._._------ . . ........ stlll ~Z;/2 cents per squat e foot, ,\ hlle the ta:x on the smaller "17C'~ I" anI) ]2% cents per square foot I do not tll1nk the duty on varl1lsh gums has been raised enough to make an) materIal dlfterence With the manufclcturel ~ PrIce~ are finn, he\\ ever, and ma) be hIgher soon "Dus111e~s IS good and gW\\ 111gbetter nght along. Some of the furl1lture factOries have not receIved as many new orders thh month as was e:xpected, but they had no reason to expect them and they don't need them. 2\lost of them have enough to keep them busy and they 11get more neAt month or 111October ~ugl1st IS a dull month anyway-the dullest 111the year Many people are away on vacatIOns and that affectc, retail trade When the) begm to come home retail trade WIll pick up and the Increased demand Will soon be felt by the factones .. IIIIIII II III: I I.. They Will Mail Orders. The COllle-Packt }url1ltule Company of -\nn Arbor, Mlch, has been 111corporated to manufacture amI sell furmture cltrect to consumers on the mall order plan. The capital stock IS fixed at $100,000 of \\ll1ch $08,223 m property and $1,775 111cash hac, been paid 111 The 1l1corporators have been operating a factory at \nn Arbor for about a year Charles G Quackenbush. a \\ ell known de"lgner 111Grand Raplcl'-., manages the manufact'unng end of the bus1l1es~, wluch IS said to have been very successful! Mueller & Slack"s New Building. GenU Brothers, contractors, have Ju~t started work on an adclttlOn to the plant of the Mueller & Slack Company, Grand Rapids The build111g will be of brick, four stories, with a front-age of fIla feet on Canal street and 50 feet on Trowbndge street r I I HAFNER FURNITURE COMPANY WEEKLY ARTISAN 29 ESTABLISHED 1873. 2620 Dearborn St., CHICAGO Couches, Box Couches, Adjustable Lounges, Davenports, Bed Davenports, Leather Chairs, and Rockers No. 3130 COUCH-Sue 30 Inches wide and 75 Inche~ long. A beautIful design, of gen-erous dimensIOns. Heavy hardwood frame elaborately decorated wIth carvings and mould-ings. The two Inch half-round moulding that extends along the lower edge is finished cross-banded Large winged clawfoot legs. American golden gramed quarter sawed oak finish. The upholstering is plain with ruffled sides. This couch is double stuffed with stitched spring edges. The filling is of tow and cotton felt top Heavy white canvas duck bottom. Hafner warranted steel spring constructIOn, haVIng 28 springs In the seat and 9 In the head. Shipped K. D., legs off, and weighs about 125 Ibs. CAT ALOe UPON REQUEST. Samples shown at Manufacturers' Furn-iture Exchange, Wabash Ave. and 14th St., Chicago. Price No. 1 Leather $25.00 Development of the Dovetailer. The Dodds dovetal1er IS one of the standard furmture factory machmes all ovel the worlel, and yet It IS a comparatively modern 111ventlon Jt elate~ back onl) a matter of a quartel of a centur). E:xa111111ethe end of cl elrawel ancl) ou Will see how cleverly the ~Ide~ are attached to the fronto without the use of nall~ \iVlth this comtl UctlOll the dl awer may be pulled apal t ~ldewclY~. but It Will nevel come apart by a strcllght pull from the front Thl~ I~ the dovetal1 J0111tand It~ pnnclple I~ almost a~ olel a~ furl11ture ...---~. .-.-.-.~--------- --- .... - .... . ---.- j II We Manufacturetile Lar!!e.t LlDe of rOlDlna (UAIDS .._.., II I IIIII II j...----------- ._-_._---------------~ In the UnIted States, SUitable for Sun day Schools, H ails, Steam-ers and all public resorts We also manufacture Brass Trimmed I r 0 n Beds, Spring Beds, Cots and CrIbs In a large variety Send for Catalogue and Prtces to KAUffMAN MfG. CO. ASHLAND, OHIO mak1l1g. The eclrly artisans (hd their dovetall1l1g slowly by hand The firct 111ach1l1edeVised fOI saV1l1g labor was a s1l1gle ~p1l1dle clffalr mvented by a Bclttle Creek man named Bolt It was a crude mventlOn, but a great Improvement over the old hand method even although difficulty was often met to make the clovetail~ cut one at a tune fit Alexander Dodd~ of GI and Rapld~, a quarter ot a centuI) ago conceived the "!Sang dove taller with enough spmdle" to cut as man) 'tcltl~' a~ might be needed at a smgle operation 1 hiS v\ a~ a great Improvement over the sl11gle sp111dle machme, but It wcl~ not yet perfect The spl11dle bonng mto the end of the dra~er front left a round end which the Side when fitted mto place dlel not CO\er The Phoel11x I'l11l11ture Company had a contract for furl11ture to be ~ll1pped to England, and a man namecl :;\101 nson wa~ ~ent over to supenntend the construct1On He would not accept the work with these round end ~how1l1g a~ holes m the (11awel and he offel ed cl ~ugge~t1On a~ to ho~ to Iemedy the defect The ~ugge~t1On wa~ laid before Mr Dodd" and he brought out the perfected dovetaller He ha~ added Im-pi OV emcnts from time to time, but the mach1l1e IS not far cltfferent from the one he made a quartel of a century ago The machmc I~ 111cldeup to bv ent) -five "p111dles, but the ~maller Slze~ are m gl eater demand ~:\IIChlgclll 1'1ade~l11an. Marvel Company Moves to Grand Rapids. The deal by which the Marvel Manufactunng Company of I Ol11a,~Ilch, 1S to move to GI and Rapid ~ has been closed Thc company ha" bought the plant formerly occupied by the Hal n~on Vvagon Vvorks and Will begm movmg their machmery. etc: , elur- 1112;the C0111111gweek They Will contmue the manufacture of d1111l12; r00111 chall ~ and expect to have at lea~t a hundred 111cn employed by the middle of October or first of November. 30 WEEKLY ~---- --------------------~- II I I..'---------~--------_._---_.-~~-------- Wood Bar Clamp Fixtures Per Set SOc. --~-------- ---------- - ---------- '1I Housel Hot;lPlM)P~;;Jind IIII I III J. BOYD PANTLlND, Prop. II ---------------------------------------~ r Morton GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (European Plan) Rates $1.00 and Up. The Noon Dmner Served at the Panthnd for 50c IS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. r I I Lentz Big Six No. 694, 48 in. top. No. 687, 60 in. top. Others 54 m. top. III IIII II II I I III III IIIIII ..._------------ 8 Foot Duostyles ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES Lentz Table Co. NASHVILLE, MICHIGAN ARTISAN - - '1 II I IIIII RAPID ACTING WOODWORKBR'S VISE No If, III ---_._._---------- . ----- --- ---~ ---~ ----- ------------------------------------------~ I I II II II III III IIII I II II I II III I III IIII III I ------------------------------------------~ OVER 15,000 OF OUR STEEl RACK VISES IN USE Price $2.80 to $4.00 h doz Clamp FIxtures bought by one mIll last year We shIp on appro' al to rated firms and g-uarantee our goods uncondt tlOnalh Wrtte for lt8t of Steel Bar Clamps VISes Bench Stops etc E. H. SHELDON &. CO. 283 Madison 5t. Chicago ~III I SMOOTlfEST I GROOVES I I I IIIIII II We'll lIladly tell I you all about I It. I II ..--- FOX SAW DADO HEADS FASTEST CUT GREATEST RANGE QUICKEST ADJUSTMENT LEAST TROUBLE PERFECT SAFETY LEAST POWER LONGEST LIFE Also Machine Knlve.r, MiteI' Machines, Etc, PERMANfo.,NT ECONOMY FOX MACHINf:. CO. 185 N. Front Street. Grand Rapids. Mlch -------,-----------~ WEEKLY ARTISAN ~-_._._._._ ..._-------~----._.-.~-~-~--------_._._._-~.~-~-_.~ I IIII II III IIII I III II I• I II III "There's !:Athe I'Button" I II II III II II III ~---------.. - .. ---------_. __ ..- ....-------~ ..- . --------------~I I I III III I• III II I I II III IIIII II• I III II II I IIIII t 1 I PAl~o~5~,04~~.~!.~~~~o~l~c~ co.II j, ••• •• - - - -. - - - • • •• - • - •• - •• - ••••••• -~ ., ----------------------- II• II I II II •,I III III II I III III ,II IIII II No 537 28x42 top Quarter Sawed Oak, Cross Band Rim, Polished, $7.50 You can't make money faster than by buymg thlS fine lIbrary Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of thlS and other good thmg. we have to show you 31 ~--------_._._._._----------_._.----_._--- ..._- ---~ II II III II UNION FURNITURE co. ROCKFORD, ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases II III j,-- •• - We lead m Style, Con~rucbon and FIDlsh. See our Catalogue. Our lme on permanent exhIbI-tIOn 7th Floor, New Manufact-urers BUlldmg. Grand RapIds. II ..--------- . _ ..-----.....- ..-._. . ... - _. -.- "" ..-_.---~.-------._----.,- I• I I II II I .,.. !I II II ,II IIII IIII II III II SAMWEL J. SHIMER & SONS, Milton, Penn. , Manufacturer< of the ShImer Cutter Head~ for Flooring, Cetlmg, I Sldlllg, Doors, Sash, etc j, ••••• _-_ •• _ •• _._--------------------._-----~ Don't Burn Your Moulding. Blackened edges so often found m hard \\ood Mouldmgs mdlcate the use of mferior tool~, whIch fnctlOn and burn because of their faJ1ure to have proper clearance. The ShImer ReversIble and Non- Reversible Cutters are made of the finest tool steel by expenenced workmen. In deSIgn and con-struction they are supenor to anythmg on the market. They cut well and retam their shape until worn out. Send us dra\\ IllgS or wood samples for estlmates on special cutters, Many useful de SIgns, wIth prIces, are given in our catalogue. - ...... ~----------------------------------------------~ III II III II It I IIII I II II• I IIIII ~---------,------ --------------------------- ~ HOFFMAN BROTHERS CO. FT. WAYNE, IND. HARDWOOD LUMBER SA~~D l QUARTERED OAK { VENEERS SLICED \ AND MAHOGANY f----------------------------- I II I I, I II . . -----------~ Spiral Grooved and Bevel Pointed DOWEL PINS Note how the glue In the Spiral Groove forms Thread like a Screw Bevel Pointed, easy to drive Straight so will not split the frames. Prices and discounts on application I III II ---- - ---_ ... --_.- - - - .... II ~ .., _.--_ ... STEPHENSON MFG. CO" SOUTH BEND, IND. 32 WEEKLY AR rISAN New Buildings in the Far West. ::\ew bUlldmg& planned on 111 couree of COl1~tructlOl1 are mentIOned by Caltforma papers as follows: Resldences-B M. Grandley, Pasadena, $12,000, ::\1rs H Fhher, San DIego, $5,000; John 'vV LandIs, Redlands, $7,500, Dr. W G Terry, L.os Angeles, $12,500, N. L MItchell, Ontano, Cal, $8,000 Hotels-A new hotel IS to be erected at Santa Barbara, Cal, to take the place of the Arhngton whIch was recently bmned wIth a loss of $80,000 The new &truetUl e WIll co~t about $liJO - 000 :YIrs Qumn WIll beuld a modern hotel on the SIte of the aIel c\crade hotel at Reno, N ev Clubs, Etc -The Kl1lghts at Pythlas have secured a SIte amI WIll beglll at once the construct1On of a $50,000 temple at ::'an Bernardlllo, Cal Schools-Douglas, Anz, hIgh school bmldlllg, cost $37,- 300 Los Vegas, N Mex, eIght room school bUlld1l1R, $7,500, San Jac1l1to, Cal, hIgh &chool bUlldlllg, $+5,000, Santa c\na, Cal, two story hIgh ~chool bmldlllg, $30,000. The board of cont1Ol of the "\nzona Asylum fOJ the 'nsane is aelvertI~lllg for bIds on a contract for furl1lture and bed~ for 168 room~, mclud1l1g the operat1l1g and stenhz1l1g rooms BIds mu~t be filed bdore 10 o'clock on Fnday, September 10 For ~peclficatIOns, etc, address J J RIggS, secretary Board of Con-trol, Phoel1lx WANTED BUSINESS CHANGE. For sale, woodworking plant, suitable for cabinet or special furniture; located in Indianapolis; about 12,000 square feet floor space; equipped with dry kiln, railroad switch and ma-chinery ready to operate; easy terms; great bargain. CHAS, O. BRITTON, Receiver, Fletcher Bank BUIlding, Indianap-ohs, Ind. 8-14, 21, 28; 9-4, 11, 28. WANTED. Commission man for Misssouri and Kansas representing five furniture factories. SplendId fixed carload lines. Address, Ballman-Cummings Furniture Company, Fort SmIth, Arkan-sas. Aug. 7, '09 WANTED COMMISSION MEN. For Indlana and Illinois to sell our Suites, Dressers, ChIffon-iers, Stands, Beds and Wardrobes. McKlm & Cochran Fur-niture Co., Madison, Ind. 7-3-4t WANTED-WOOD SEAT CHAIR FACTORY To locate on our property at Columbus, Mississippi; unlimIt-ed supply of red and white oak; red and sap gum and beech at extremely low cost; plenty cheap labor; fine factory site; un-excelled shipping facilities and low freIght rates to good mar-ket. Might take some stock in well managed company. Ad-dress Interstate Lumber Company, Downing Building, Erie, Pa. WANTED- TRA VELING SALESMEN. To handle a line of Extension Tables, Pedestal Tables, Ward-robes and Kitchen Cupboards, on commission. State what other lines you handle and Territory desired. Address Koenig Furniture Co., 2620 N. 15th St., St. Louis, Mo. IIII IIII IIIII III I III .... WANTED. A good cabmet maker; one who can detail and make clothing cabinets. Address B. S., care Michlgan Artisan. 6-10-2t. BARGAIN! 40 H. P. dIrect current motor, latest make and in first class running conmtlon. Grand RapIds Blow PIpe & Dust Ar-rester Co., Grand Rapids, Mlch. 8-ZItf WANTED. PosltlOn as superintendent, foreman or furmture draftsman; am thoroughly acquainted with all classes of furmture, hav-mg been In that hne of business all my hfe. For certam rea-sons, WIsh to make a change. Best of references given. 1< or mformatlon address "W" care of Weekly Artisan. 8-21 8-28 I..... 4 The Popular Kinds of Finish. "Golden oak and mahogany are stIll 111 the lead, , saId A H ::'llnpson, of the l:rIand RapIds '.tV ood Flmshmg Compan}, when asked If the demand for the vanous kmd& of fil1lshmg matenal mchcated a change 111 popular ta:;te or preference "We have nOtlced an l11crease m the demand for early Enghsh and fumed oak m the past few months, ' he contmued, "but golden oak and mahogany are stIll away ahead of all others Dark cathedrcll IS aha becomll1g ql1lte populal It IS used mamly on dll1\l1g 100m fUrl11tllle and the demand tor It nm\ IS almost equal to that fO! early Enghsh 'Our trade ll1(hcate~ that the busmes0 of furmture manuLlC-turers IS steadIly 1l1crea~mg Thele IS certamly a steady mClea~e m the demand for our goods and the} woulc! not buy them If the} (hd not have use for them" The Ford & Johnson Company have sold the stock m theIr branch store m Atlanta, Ga , to the CapItal CIty ChaIr Company of that CIty, who WIll sell It to ·lealers only The deal 1l1volves between $40,000 and $50,000 It IS understood that the Ford & John<;on Company WIll contmue to mamtam an office and sales rooms m Atldnta The Big Six that the Lentz Table Company are showmg thIS week are certal11ly worth lookmg up It's up to the dealer more than to the Lentz Table Company whether he makes a lot of money on thIS group There are a lot of .. dealers after It I INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Adan1.s &, Elting ~()111pany American Blower (,ompany Barne-s,"\\ r & John Company Barton, H H & bon Company Big 8,y Car J..O.. d:dlng Asso(,lahon Bo<,kstege ~ unuture (Olnpany Boynton & Co Bosse Funuture ('om pan.) Bu," MachIne 'lorks (rt>'&(ent ,tdJc}une 1\ 0' ks J)odds, Alexander Edge, Frank &, {o FranLls (onlpan~, {haf!ol ~ J<»Jhvock Auto &, l'[£llluf.u·turJng (Olllr> In) I {)::\l.\.I.aduue "orks h}ohe ~ llrlllture {'ompdD) 6-rand RapIds Blo\, Pille- and I>u~t Arrl~htt"r <:.rand Rapid", Brds~ ('OD1P£lll) hre:tndRapIds {;aster (up ('oD1llany (:xrand R'<:lIUdshlectrot"Pt> Compan! Grand RapIds Rand for,( rt'"W ~Olnl)aD" Hafnf>r T'urIutnrt" Com]Janv Hahn, JOUI~ Hlll.&, C'larent'e R Hoffman Brotht:'rs (clnlpaD'\ Hoh omb, A J.. & Co Hotel }'antlmd Humphrf;"Y-"ldman Hookcd!il{" (onll)an~ Kdrge4t Ji urnIture (ollll>.:-InJ Kuufl'm'lD 1'Ianufa( tUJ'Jng (0 KImball Bros (omlldnv [a",renct:'-l\I<>Fdddell ('omI)~ln" ] enlL fablt> CompanJ I..uce lurnlture Lomll.ulV Luce-Redlnond } urnlture L()nlIMn~ "\I..dd..n, Thos, Son & Co ~ldnlliitef" "lanufa( tUTlng (cnnpal1) 'Jarwtta PaInt & Color COml)~ln) ~[attl~on JUat'hlue "cn kliil '(c'lullt>ll 'lachint'-rv COnl1)~ln~ '[etal rurnlture (onl))dll) "\JIIl.., , ElI n & {o 'lI<'hig~ln EngravIng (on11M.ll" '[orton House "'\oel"oll- 'lattf'l }<luuIturp (()nll)~ln, Olner 'IachIDflr) (,olnlJd.nv Pahuf"l, A E & oo,OU!il l"almer 'IdDufa('turlng ('()nll)~ln) I'Iont:'er 11allufa< turIn#{ (ompan, I'Itt.,hurgh Plate (-'-l~ll",~ (offill.ln) ]:o)al Chan ('oml)aU' "'chnndt, Heur, & Co "'helb~, die Desk (onllJaln ~heldoll, E H & «() ..,hlmer. ~dllluel J &: ,",on .. ,",lIgh Funutur-e (olllpanJ Snuth & DUllS 1\Ianuf.:l(~turlJ)g (OJu)Jan~ "",Jratt, Georgtl' &, Co 'o,tepheDson :I\'Iauufa<,tunng {om})dn~ LnJon :f"'urnlture Comll~lny llolltpr. B & Co \lard 0 A II eathprlv {ompany "bIte- }>rlutlng Co \\ ood, '-1orrJs & Sou~ llOIId FurnIture Company 28 Co,er Cover 'I 18-19 18 12 18 Covtl'r Cover ~4 H 1 10 10 18 (oll1p ..lny (o,er ('o,er 17 1I l'l 11 '6 ~1 14 30 { 18 l'l 7 II 10 11 7 ~I) 1 9 II 18 !1 "JO !I J1" ~5 6 JI 1 H 10 '1 '1 ~h I Jl Jl II HI !8 n" 18
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Periodicals and Furniture Industry
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