Cistercian Antiphonary, vol. 2, fol. 3

Bound in sixteenth-century blind tooled leather over boards, five brass bosses and corners and a single plate for a clasp remains on lower board., fol. 2r: A three quarter border, sides and bottom of page, ornamental foliage, birds, urns, cameo portraits, including a portrait of the Abbess Mechtilde, and the coat of arms of the Abbess or the abbey; on fol. 36v, 51r, and 110r: full frame floral borders, inhabited by various birds and insects, fol. 110r features a cameo portrait of a man in the upper border and one of a woman in the lower. Initials: fol. 2r: five-line historiated initial "A" in gold containing a depiction of the appearance of the Virgin to St Bernard; fol. 110r: four-line historiated initial "V" depicting Joseph in the well; one- to four-line decorated initials passim, often vegetative forms, some inhabited by human figures or birds; one-line black pen initials with painted infillings passim, one-line single color initials in blue and red passim., Gothic textualis, Produced for Abbess Mechtilde de Lechy of Herkenrode (Cottineau I, 1403), diocese of Liè€ge, in 1544: "Anno a partu virgineo millesimo quingentesimo quadragesimo quarto hunc librum conscribi fecit veneabilis domina, domina Mechtildis de Lechy, suo tempore abatissa huius monasterii de Herkenrode." Ownership inscription on f. 165v: "Libero Beate Marie de Herkenrode." Mechtilde was also responsible for the Abbey's stained glass window of the Virgin and St Bernard, resembling the depiction on f. 2r; Archologia, 108 (1986), 198. The MS, with its companion volume, likely remained at Herkenrode until the Abbey's suppression in 1796., The MSS were transferred to the Abbey of Sept-Fons (Cottineau II, 3011), Allier, France. Volumes I and II shelf marked 20 (Vol. II) and 21 (Vol. I), bookplates for the abbey on front pastedowns, library stamps on f. 1r in Vol. I and f. 2r in Vol. II., and Acquired for the Abbey of Gethsemani before 1935, Abbot Edmond Obrecht's descriptions tipped in on the front pastedowns.
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Western Michigan University. Libraries
Subject Topic:
Catholic Church--Liturgy--Texts, Antiphonaries--Early works to 1800, Historiated initials, Illuminated manuscripts--Belgium--16th century, and Service books (Music)--Catholic Church--Early works to 1800
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