This 1-page letter was handwritten in black ink on slightly yellowed paper and was probably written by Robert Fulton

This 1-page letter was handwritten in black ink on slightly yellowed paper and was probably written by Robert Fulton who was the Secretary for the St. Andrew's Society. The paper shows the Society letterhead across the top and also has a watermark that shows a thistle emblem with the words, "Aberdeen Linen." The text of the letter has been transcribed as follows: "Midnight, 1900-1901 Doubtless, those who look upon this paper will have within their knowledge some living Scotchmen; if so, allow them; for 'love of the land that bore them.' For 'The days of O'Auld lang syne' to read the enclosed paper which marks a simple episode in the lives of we, who, far from the land we loved so well - rest in the bosom of this new land of ours; Where we found Welcome, Homes, and friends. And where we found that the fame of our Country and the merits of those who had gone before us, was a rich heritage for us. How we requited our reception here, the history of our time, will tell you. Be ye also, loyal to the traditions of our race; and ever kindly to your fellow men. So shall you increase the heritage of honour your countrymen have striven for in the days gone bye. Now pray we for our country. That America may be, the Holy, And the Happy, And the gloriously free!"
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
St. Andrew's Society and 1901 Time Capsule
Subject Name:
Fulton, Robert
No Copyright - United States