Resolution, handwritten on heavy board, adopted by City of Detroit Board of Water Commissioners expressing appreciation to Robert Oakman, on the occasion of his resignation from the Board, for "the conscientious discharge of his duties as a water commissioners

Resolution, handwritten on heavy board, adopted by City of Detroit Board of Water Commissioners expressing appreciation to Robert Oakman, on the occasion of his resignation from the Board, for "the conscientious discharge of his duties as a water commissioners." The resolution was adopted on March 11, 1919. It is signed by four of the water commissioners and the secretary. The text of the resolution is as follows: "Resolutions Unanimously Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners, of the City of Detroit March 11-1919 WHEREAS MR. ROBERT OAKMAN resigned as a member of the Board of Water Commissioners of the city of Detroit to take effect March 1-1919 after a period of service of over four years commencing December 8-1914. WHEREAS during all these years whether serving on committees of the Board or as its President, he gave liberally and unselfishly of his time ability and experience to the city of Detroit, for the advancement and betterment of the waterworks system, especially in the investigation of filtration problems. WHEREAS, his knowledge of the civic affairs of the city made him of great value in the workings of the Board, and WHEREAS his uniform courtesy and consideration toward his fellow commissioners made him an efficient counselor and companionable friend. BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Water Commissioners cause to be inscribed upon the records of the Board, these expressions of esteem for him as a slight token of appreciation for the conscientious discharge of his duties as a water commissioner, and their regard for him as a former associate. Attest: Harry S. Starkey Secretary [Commissioner signatures] Commissioners."
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Board of Water Commissioners
Subject Name:
Oakman, Robert S.
No Copyright - United States