Hampton, Lionel. jazz musician

Portrait of legendary jazz musician and band leader, Lionel Hampton. "African-American vibraphonist and bandleader, b. Louisville, Ky., when his family moved to Chicago c.1916, the young Hampton began playing drums in a newsboys' band, he moved to Los Angeles as a teenager and became a drummer in saxophonist Les Hite's band ... known for his harmonic and rhythmic sophistication and his dynamic showmanship, Hampton often moved from vibes to drums to two-fingered piano, leading his group not only in the performance of swing, but in bop and rhythm and blues as well, he toured internationally into the 1990s, frequently leading small jazz groups," from The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia.
Collection located at the Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. To schedule an appointment to view the original image, order high resolution copies, or seek permission to use an image, contact the Walter P. Reuther Library Audiovisual Department at reutherreference@wayne.edu., Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University, and This metadata was created by Wayne State University Library system based on original description by the Walter P. Reuther Library
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Subject Topic:
African American jazz musicians
Subject Name:
Hampton, Lionel
Copyright Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University