Freemens' quick step : as performed on the "glorious 10th of September" / by George Hews.

Tinted lithograph with greenish foreground and background shows unfinished Bunker Hill monument surrounded by marchers and horsemen.; Description directly below the left corner of the image "Sketched on the spot by W. Sharp, Printed by Sharp, Michelin & Co."; Extensive printed caption below lithograph: "Remark's. As this print will remain long after all who beheld the brilliant spectacle shall have passed away, it may not be amiss to stamp upon it the interesting fact, that on this same '10th of September' a fair was held by ladies in the city of Boston for the purpose of obtaining funds for the completion of the Monument ..."; "Composed and dedicated to the delegates of the Bunker-Hill Whig convention of 1840"
Data Provider:
University of Michigan. Libraries
William L. Clements Library Image Bank
Subject Topic:
Whig Party (U.S.).--National Convention.; Marches (Piano); Patriotic music.; Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775--Songs and music.; Bunker Hill Monument (Boston, Mass.)--Pictorial works.; Sharp, William,--1803-1875,--ill.; Parker & Ditson,--publisher.; Sharp & Michelin & Co,--lithographer.
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