Print, printed on paper mounted on board, published in 1907 by the Detroit Publishing Co

Print, printed on paper mounted on board, published in 1907 by the Detroit Publishing Co. The headline at top reads "Michigan's Ideal Metropolis, Beautiful Detroit," underneath which are portraits of six of "Some of the Prominent Business Citizens of Detroit" with captions indicating their businesses, from left to right as follows: George Harrison Barbour ("First vice-president and general manager of the Michigan Stove Co.), Homer Warren (Postmaster of Detroit), William B. Woodbury (General manager Home Telephone Co. of Detroit), Henry Ford (President Ford Motor Co., pioneer automobile designer and manufacturer), William V. Moore (One of Detroit's leading attorneys), and Benjamin Siegel (President of the Siegel Co., of Detroit). The accompanying article about Detroit and its businesses features insets with depictions of the following buildings: The Ford Building, New Hotel Pontchartrain, The Majestic Building, The Union Trust Building, Building of the Whitney Realty Company, the Penobscot Building, and the People's State Bank.
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Detroit Views
Subject Topic:
Ford Bldg., Hotel Pontchartrain, Majestic Bldg., Union Trust, Penobscot, People's State Bank, Whitney Realty Co., Michigan Stove Co., Home Telephone Co., and Siegel Co.
Subject Name:
Barbour, George H., Warren, Homer, Woodbury, William B., Ford, Henry, Moore, William Van, and Siegel, Benjamin
No Copyright - United States