Futteh Ali Shah: King of Persia

P. 23 "...he is from the Cadjars tribe." P. 27 "His face seemed exceedingly pale, of a polished marble hue, with the finest contour of features, and eyes dark, brilliant and piercing, a beard black as jet, and of a length which fell below his chest over a large portion of the effulgent belt which held his diamond-hilted dagger.  This extraordinary amplitude of beard appears to have been a badge of Persian royalty from the earliest times; for we find it attached to the heads of the sovereigns, in all the ancient sculptured remains throughout the empire." The king wears a full, long coat, a kolija (Vogelsang-Eastwood, p. 10).
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Western Michigan University. Libraries
Costume History Collection
Subject Topic:
Qajar, belts (costume accessories), hairstyles, daggers (weapons), crown jewels, robes (main garments), royalty, kings, Persia, Shoberl, Frederic, 1775-1853, Clothing and dress--Iran, Royalty, Rulers, and Iran (nation)
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