Packard Motor Car Co. advertisement

Packard Motor Car Co. advertisement. Printed in black ink on white paper. The advertisement shows a photograph entering a Packard automobile outside an opera house. A caption underneath reads "3274 passengers in cars of 31 different makes drove up before this Opera House entrance one evening last month. Many of them are traveling in second class comfort, not realizing that they pay first-class prices for it." Text below reads "Does it Really Cost any more to Travel First Class." The text of the advertisement argues that owning a Packard automobile is not more expensive than owning other cars. The advertisement was printed in National Geographic; text at bottom reads "Mention The Geographic - It identifies you." The opposite side of the page features an advertisement for Bankers Trust Company of New York City. Hand written text in ink reads "April 1920."
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Packard Motor Car Co.
Subject Topic:
National Geographic
No Copyright - United States