[A traveling ship; a moving train headed to (Lexington?); a horse drawn buggy heading to the Woodlands; a traveler at the Woodlands; and a man greeting three women]

Henry [Brevoort Eddy] ALS to Louise [Lyman], [undated]. Mamaroneck, New York, page 1. From a collection of 14 illustrated letters that Henry Brevoort Eddy of Mamaroneck, New York, wrote to Louise Lyman, a friend living in Tarrytown, New York, and London, England. Eddy discussed his social life in Tuxedo Park, Mamaroneck, and New York City, and illustrated each letter with multiple (often humorous) ink drawings.; "HOW DE DOO!"
Data Provider:
University of Michigan. Libraries
William L. Clements Library Image Bank
Subject Topic:
Arrivals & departures--1890-1900.; Gates--1890-1900.; Horse-drawn vehicles--England--History.; Horses--1890-1900.; Locomotives.; Men--1890-1900.; Railroad trains--1890-1900.; Salutations--1890-1900.; Ships--1890-1900.; Sketches--1890-1900.; Voyages and travels--History--19th century.; Women.; Manuscripts shelf.
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