Joan Rodman Schrandt

Joan (pronounced "Jo Ann") Rodman Schrandt was born in 1900 and died in 1987. She and her husband Carl F. Schrandt came to Saline in 1968, purchased land on Saline-Waterworks Road, and built a house overlooking the Saline River. Joan owned "Christine's," a custom shop where she designed and created petit-point handbags for women in the Detroit area. Joan sold her business some time after 1967 and became involved in Saline activities. She joined the Friends of the Saline Public Library and was an active member until her death. Joan was an early feminist, owning her own business and car and retaining her given surname. Joan and Carl were very passionate about nature and public philanthropy. In 1991 when the concept of the district library became a reality, Carl donated a gift of Johnson Control stock to assist the library in purchasing an eleven-acre plot of wooded land adjacent to the Saline High School for the new facility. Upon Carl's death in 1993, one-half of his estate was bequeathed to the library. In 1994 the library board established the Carl F. Schrandt Endowment Fund to create a lasting legacy of Carl and Joan's gift to the community.
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University of Michigan. Libraries
Saline Area Historical Photos
Subject Topic:
People, Library
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