- District de Franquelin1
- Dreamers Rock1
- Durham1
- East Redouda Island, NE Coast1
- Eastern edge of Morrisburg between railway spur line and Hoasic Creek, Williamsburg Tp.1
- Edgewood1
- Finmark/Shabaqua Rd., 3 km NW of Finmark Rd., Dawson Rd. Lots1
- Fitzroy Provincial Park, 25 mi NW of Ottawa1
- Fundy National Park, Wolfe Lake1
- G. Everetts farm, Aroostook Falls Great Falls1
- Gambier Island, West Bay, Howe Sound1
- Gaspé1
- Gatineau1
- Gatineau Hills near Kingsmere1
- Grand Manan, Dark Harbor1
- Green Oak1
- Halifax1
- Hampden, White Bay1
- Hastings1
- Head of Big Bay, Rencontre West, Burgeo - La Poile1