- Lot 5, Con XII, Yarmouth Township1
- Lower Brook District1
- Lower slopes of Mt. Rundle, near Banff Springs Golf Course, 3-5 mi by road SE of Banff1
- Mackenzie1
- Mackenzie Mountains, Ram Plateau, ENE of peak1
- Maligne Canyon, ca. 6 mi NE of Jasper1
- Manitoulin1
- Marble Canyon, Tokumm Creek, Kootenay National Park1
- Mer Bleue, east side of Ottawa, SE of Blackburn Station1
- Middlesex1
- Montcalm1
- Moraine L., Banff National Park1
- Mountain directly above Tasu townsite, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands1
- Mouth of Harry's River, near Stephenville Crossing, St. George's Port au Port1
- Mt. McKay1
- N side of Joeboy Lake just off H. 587, Sibley Provincial Park1
- NE facing, 4.3 mi SE of Bromley Rock Provincial Park, between Hedley and Princeton1
- NW London, Byron Bog1
- Near Cheekeye1
- Near Crane River on Highway 6 (north of Miller Lake P.O.)1