- Inverness Township, #7, 2 miles beyond Mud Lake1
- Inverness Township, S. 51
- Inverness Township, S71
- Iron Bridge, Carp Creek, North of Burt Lake1
- Lake Sixteen1
- Livingston Bay, UMBS1
- Maple River Dam, UMBS1
- Mentor Twp., sect. 21
- Mentor Twp., sect. 24-35 line1
- Midway from "Cheboygan Pellston" road to Douglas Lake Hotel1
- Munro Twp., by highway off of Riggsvilie Rd.1
- Munro Twp., circa 5 miles east of Bryant Rd. along Riggsville Rd. on north side of road1
- Munro Twp., near entrance to University of Michigan Biological Station1
- Near Afton, Ellis Township1
- Near Reese's Bog, north shore of Burt Lake1
- Off Truck Trail1
- Old road southwest of Biological Station, Douglas Lake1
- Pasture, Levi Bur place1
- Reese's Bog, Burt Twp1
- Reese's Bog, University Biological Station1