- Sierra de los Cuchumatanes. 1 mile north of Santa Eulalia along road to San Mateo Ixtatan.1
- Slopes of Volcán de Zunil, at and above Aguas Amargas.1
- St. Thomas1
- Tikal National Park, Bajo del Hormiguero, in tintal, about 12.2 km. on old Remate Road1
- Tikal National Park, in ramonal covering the ruins.1
- Tikal, bordering airfield1
- Uaxaxtun1
- Valley along National route 7W, ca. 1l miles west of San Cristóbal Verapaz1
- Vaxactun to San Clemente1
- Vic. Exmibal Camp 1 (Sepos), NW of Lake Izabal. Vicinity of Lake Izabal.1
- Vicinity of Tunima, Sierra de Los Cuchumatanes1
- Volcan Agua1
- Yaxh-Remate Road1
- along Rio San Martin, between Cerro Ceibal and Ceibal1
- along road to San Pedro Soloma, 3 miles southwest of San Mateo Ixtatan1
- along the Gualan River1
- along upper reaches of Río Sitio Nuevo, between Santa Rosalía and first waterfall1
- between Chimaltenango and San Martin Jilotepeque; along Road1
- in mountains near El Reposo, about 8 km. from Mexican fronteir, Dept. Huehuetenango1
- jct of CA-1 and rd to Tecpán, 2.5 mi. from1