- Buttermilk Falls, Raquette River, near Long lake1
- East of The Gables Cottages, 2 miles SW of Long Lake Village1
- Field below Deerland, 3 miles SW Long Lake Village1
- Hazelwood, Cincinnati1
- In Raquette River at Buttermilk Falls, 5 miles SW Long Lake Village1
- Indian Lake, along Johnny Mack BK circa 4 miles east of Blue Mountain Lake1
- Kempshall Mtn, 6 miles NE of Long Lake Village1
- Long Lake Twp., Adirondack Region, 4 miles south of Long Lake on Rte. 30, Distributional District 101
- Long Lake Twp., Adirondack Region, 6 miles northwest of Long Lake on Route 30, Distributional District 31
- Long Lake, 6 miles northwest of Long Lake on Route 301
- Nebraska1
- Raquette River, Buttermilk Falls1
- SW of Phillips1
- W side of Indian Lake1
- Washington1
- Wells1
- Wells, Jimmie Creek1
- Wells- Jimmie Creek1
- West shore of Long Lake opposite The Gables Cottages, 2 miles SW Long Lake Village1
- Woods Lake, east of Benson Center1