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- Oahu, Pukukea-Kahuku trail1
- Palikea Trail, Waianae Mountains1
- Puu Kaola, Waianae Mts. Waianae ka1
- Ridge north of Puu Hapapa summit1
- Small east central ridge near head of Wailupe Valley1
- South ridge of Kipapa Gulch Waipi Koolau Range1
- Southwestern Oahu, summit ridge between Pu'u Manawahua & Mauna Kapu.1
- Trail from Pauoa Flats to Konahuanui, Koolau Mts. Oahu1
- U.H. Campus, Hawaii Hall.1
- Waianae Mts., below Nauna Kapu, Oahu Island1
- Waimano Valley; above water intake along trail1
- Waimea1
- Waimea, Oahu1
- back of Diamond Head1
- two thirds of a mile from the sea on south slope of Keaau Valley1