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- California66
- Cloverdale, at mile 45.79 on Hwy 128, ca 2.4 mi SE of where creek crosses the road & just past locked gate leading to creek.1
- Contact UM Herbarium12
- Covelo2
- East of Mendocino City.2
- East of Noyo, on "White Plains".1
- Forest on Gibney Lane, NW of Casper1
- Glen Blair.1
- Hopland, Hopland Research Center, secondary or tertiary road leading from James IN toward Mud Lake.1
- In Wihite Plains area five miles from Fort Bragg to Willets1
- Mendocino[remove]66
- Mendocino City2
- Mendocino County.1
- Near Eel Rock7
- Near Navarro.2
- Near Point Arena.2
- Near Ukiah.1
- North America66
- North Fork of the Little River1
- One mile south of Albion.1