- south of Burt Lake,2
- (west of Paradise).1
- A.A., [Ann Arbor]1
- Adrian1
- Adrian. Oakwood Cemetery.1
- Agricultural College,1
- Alcona1
- Allegan1
- Alma,1
- Along Wilco Rd. 1/4 mile from M-22.1
- Alpena Twp. T31N, R8E, Sec. 22 NE1/4 on E. side of Alpena Power Co. storage-garage building at the Ninth St. Dam on the Thunder Bay River.1
- Alpena Twp. T31N, R9E, Sec.10 SW1/4 about 5 mi. N.E. of Alpena on the north side of Indian Road.1
- Alpena Twp. T32N, R9E, Sec.6, NE1/4 near public boat-launching site at old port of Rockport.1
- Ann Arbor [near]1
- Ann Arbor,1
- Antrim1
- Arcada Twp. T11N, R3W, Sec. 3 NE1/4 on the E. side of the 1899 Alma Sugar Company buildings 2 blocks south of B.R.-27 in the city of Alma.1
- Arenac1
- At Pokagon Rd. and Hwy 31; 7 km SE Berrien Springs. Berrien Township.1
- Bearinger Twp. T36, R2E, Sec.1 NE1/4 200 ft. N. mouth of Black Mallard River of shore of Lake Huron ca.4 mi. south of Hammon Bay Research Station1