- In Dodge's yard at Port Huron.1
- Just SE of Sucker Lake.1
- Kent1
- Leelanau1
- Livingston1
- Near Houghton.1
- Near turn circle near restored U.S. Coast Guard Station.1
- Newaygo1
- On NW side of Oakwood Cemetery, NE of Island Park, Adrian.1
- Ottawa1
- Saginaw1
- Saginaw Road Hemlock.1
- St. Clair1
- Unadilla1
- Union (Mt. P) [Mt. Pleasant] Township, T.14N R.5W Sec. 221
- W1/2 Sec.33 T48N-R27W ca. 2 mi. NW of Ishpeming.1
- Wayne1
- Wexford1
- Whitmore Lake.1
- Ypsilanti.1