- Calumet2
- Chesaning Twp.2
- Clare2
- Eaton2
- Evergreen Tp., near Shabonna (ca. 6 mi. SW of Argyle).2
- Excelsior Tp., ca. 7 mi. NE of Kalkaska2
- Flint2
- Gd. Rap.2
- Holland2
- Indian Bowl area2
- Iosco2
- Lapeer, Village West woods2
- Mackinac Island2
- Mackinaw City2
- Michigan Agricultural College2
- N end of Otter Lake2
- Near the junction of the Big Manistee and Big Bear Creek, at bridge over Big Bear Creek2
- Portage Lake2
- Prentis Bay2
- Pte. Mouillee State Game Area2