- Franklin2
- George2
- Holly Springs National Forest Service Recreational Area, Tillatoba Lake.2
- Lamar2
- Lincoln2
- Marion2
- N of Dorsey, SW jct Hwy 78 & Fawn Grove/Dorsey Exit.2
- NE of Stoneville, Delta Experimental Forest.2
- Neshoba2
- Presbyterian Camp Hopewell, ca 5 mi NE Oxford.2
- SW corner junction Artesia Rd & US 45, SW of Columbus.2
- Scott2
- Simpson2
- Tombigbee State Park, SW of Tupelo.2
- 0.25 mi SW of Tupelo city limits, off West Road.1
- 0.5 mi. e of Stewart, n of Hwy 82, w of Yates Creek.1
- 0.8 mi. ne Kirksville along Donivan Slough. Under oak-beech-cypress-tupelo gum low woods. Rich, sandy, gravel soil.1
- Abandoned RR embankment above slough, US 49W, 1 mi SW of jcn with US 49 at Tutwiler.1
- Across & s of Hwy 26 from Toc-o-Leen Lake.1
- Adams1