- Grand Falls5
- Wren Lake, 11 miles north of St. Andrews5
- Fundy National park, along road to Marven Lake4
- St. John4
- Trail from Tommy's Cove to Barnaby Head, near New River Beach4
- Bluff along ocean at Jacquet River3
- Grand Manan, Fish Head3
- Queens3
- Albert County, Fundy National Park, along road to Marven Lake2
- Aroostook Falls, Great Falls2
- Cape Breton Island, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Mary Ann Falls2
- Fundy National Park, Dickson Falls2
- Fundy National Park, along Bay of Fundy, near Point Wolfe2
- Fundy National Park, along road to Marven Lake2
- Fundy National Park, rocks along Bay of Fundy, near Point Wolfe2
- Grand Manan, Southern Head2
- Grand Manan, stream S.E. of North Head2
- Just NW of New Mills, SE of Dalhousie on Highway 112
- Just northwest of New Mills, southeast of Dalhousie on Highway 112
- Near St. Jacques' Campground2