- Bustamante1
- By streams, Nevado de Toluca1
- Ca. 1 km NW of Hwy 101 on road to Bustamante1
- Canada1
- Chippewa1
- Corunna,1
- Cuauhtemoc1
- Denver, Cherry Creek, Valverde Bridge1
- Detroit,1
- Detroit.1
- Dexter Twp., Sec. 4-5 Pinckney Recreation Area near Crooked Lake.1
- E.S. George Reserve. Grid D-8, Southwest Swamp1
- G. R. [Grand Rapids]1
- G[rand] R[apids]1
- Garden [Island]1
- Gladwin1
- Glen Park1
- Godhavn [Qeqertarsuaq]1
- Grand Island, shore in sect. 15, T47N R19W.1
- Grand Rapids (Phillips Farm)1