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- Near Waieli1
- Olinda, Maui, T. Hawaii1
- Puerto Rico1
- Puu Kukui, rain-forest near Nakalalua1
- S ridge of Haupu, Mahaulepu1
- San Jose1
- Santa Cruz area, slopes of Volcan Turrialba.1
- Slopes of Barba. Cerro Vueltas.1
- Southern slopes of Cerro Horqueta north of Boquete.1
- U.S. Botanic Garden at Smithsonian Institution1
- Valley of the Yelagago River, ca. 20 mi. n.e. of Villa Alta. Between Hallberg ranch and river to the south.1
- Veracruz1
- Vicinity of Zacatepec. Along trail north of city for ca. 1 mile.1
- Villa Alta1
- Virgen, Off the road to Puerto Viejo.1
- Washington, D.C.1
- West Maui. Hana'ula1
- Windward side of Morce's Gap, Blue Mt. range.1